Near the base...

Jiang Shuang was amazed to find such an amazing place inside the Misty Maze Forest

The natural topography of the base was itself protecting the region by separating it from the forest and it had its own unique atmosphere inside it

"If you are surprised by this then you have a lot to see," Rex said as he flew to the base with him

When they both flew over the giant mountain like wall which was previously just irregular hills, a new world opened up in their sight

Rex took Jiang Shuang near the center of the region

Jiang Shuang was looking around with wide eyes, right now he was seeing something which made it hard for him to believe

He saw that several metallic puppets were building the infrastructure of the whole place

Some were carrying big iron block while some were removing trees to level the ground

In the time when Rex was not here, those working bots WB v1.0 and WB v2.0 have changed everything, a big part of the jungle inside the region got cleared and it was replaced by many different kinds of buildings

The whole place looked like it was a city with a brand new civilization, the thing that caught Jiang Shuang's attention most were the puppets

Even when he and Rex came to the region all the puppets ignored them and focused on their own work

"It's a shame that you have to see the base in just its initial developing state, earlier I didn't have any plan to merge organizations that's why I didn't make any preparation for you in advance, that aside what do you want to ask first," Rex said when he noticed that Jiang Shuang was looking around curiously

Jiang Shuang was startled by Rex's words when he looked around many questions arose in his mind like... what are these puppets? what's that building? what is that giant castle?... etc but he took a deep breath and calmed himself down first

"I want to see Shadow Lord," Jiang Shuang said after suppressing his curiosity

"Haha... straight to the business? okay then" Rex smiled then turned into his bloodline form

Jiang Shuang subconsciously retreated when he saw the sudden changes in Rex's body, his hairs turned white as his height increased then his pupils turned red

"Presenting myself, Shadow Lord," Rex said as he looked at him with a smile

Jiang Shuang kept looking at Rex for a while without speaking

"Don't think that much, I just didn't want to expose my real identity and think about it if I had told you that I am a Spirit Alchemist, Spirit Array Master and also a Spirit Artifact Refiner then would you believe it?" Rex asked with a smile

Jiang Shuang was shocked, he did think that the arrays on the buildings and these puppets may be made by the mysterious Shadow Lord just like how he made that business card but what he didn't expect was that Ye Tian and Shadow Lord was the same person

"May I ask how many people are active here in this base?" Jiang Shuang asked, his main purpose for coming here was to check the potential of the Frozen Flame organization and decide if he should merge or not

When Rex thought about this question then the image of the baby beast and mother beast came to his head

"If you count by head then there are 10 but if you count by body then there are 3" Rex answered after counting the six head of mother beast and three heads of the baby beast with him

"???" (Jiang Shuang)

Jiang Shuang wanted to ask again but then he saw Rex turning around to pick up a little white creature that came running towards him

"Oh.. how's my pretty boy" Rex picked him gently but he was surprised when he carefully looked at the baby beast

The baby beast now had two small white wings coming out of his back and his eyes were also a little different, his pupils now had golden outline around them which looked like a golden ring was used as a decoration to his eyes but there was something more eye catching on him than that, Rex noticed that some golden marks and patterns appeared on his back but they just looked like an unfinished tattoo

'Looks like the mutations still going on... it's somewhat strange' (Rex)

"This... Master Ye, what is this beast?" Jiang Shuang backed off when he saw the baby beast

Earlier he only found the baby beast adorable when he saw him running into Rex's arms but just now he felt the aura of a very stronger spirit beast coming from him... it was even stronger than himself

The baby beast still did not learn to hide his aura or strong presence that's why Jiang Shuang backed off

"What do you mean by beast, it's my cute little kid" Rex snorted then he again focused on rubbing the belly of baby beast who was lying on the ground on his back

When the baby beast saw Jiang Shuang looking at him he quickly turned around and extended his left head towards him like he was expecting to be patted but Jiang Shuang freaked out and backed off again, although it was just a baby he was still afraid of being suddenly attacked

The baby beast then didn't bother with him anymore and continued to play with Rex

Jiang Shuang wanted to ask more questions about baby beast but then he suddenly felt some tremors coming from the ground before he could figure out the situation he saw a giant six headed beast coming in this direction

If it was not bad enough, the beast suddenly locked all its six pair of eyes on him

He wanted to escape quickly but even for just crossing the big giant mountain like wall he needed Rex's help so he looked at Rex but to his surprise, Rex was very calm

The mother beast then completely ignored Jiang Shuang, not because she fully trusted Rex but she just realized that Jiang Shuang is too weak to hurt her baby, he was weaker even when compared to the strength of the baby beast when he was just born

'She is becoming better at arranging her words' (Rex)

Blood essence and blood are not the same things, whether it's human or the monster beast the amount of blood they have inside their body may be in liters but the amount of blood essence they have is very little, it's not even 10% of the total blood they have

Blood essence is a concentrated form of a lot of vitality and Qi, it's like the condensed form of 1000 drops worth of blood into a single drop, every creature have a different amount of blood essence depending on their race, bloodline, lifespan and cultivation stage

Losing blood essence will also reduce lifespan and it's not easy to recover the lost blood essence

In the start, Wang Cang looked old because she also burned her blood essence to get big strength boost for a brief moment, fortunately, her cultivation base was low and she didn't have any strong bloodline that's how Rex was able to easily recover her blood essence or life essence just by using HP potions

Rex didn't tell mother beast that he just used blood, not blood essence because no one would believe him and if they do then it's his loss

{You still think I had ulterior motives for him, listen if I really wanted to take him you won't even know when I took him and what do you think I was doing when you first saw me

Mother beast kept looking at him but didn't say anything then she turned around and started to walk away

Rex was just about to deactivate his Telepathy but then...

'Huh? did I hear it wrong?' The corners of Rex's lips curled upward in an arch

The mother beast increased her walking pace then one of her head turned around and spit out a small wisp of green flame at Rex's legs

Rex quickly backed off to avoid it then he stopped following her

"Master Ye do you know that beast too, is he the King of Forest?" Jiang Shuang asked

"What King of Forest, she is this little kid's mother," Rex said while patting baby beast's head

Jiang Shuang was about to say something but then he suddenly stopped, he looked at baby beast then in the direction mother beast left then he looked at Rex

'The little beast is Master Ye's kid and that big beast is little beast's mother but then isn't it mean that Master Ye and that big beast is....' Several horses were running in Jiang Shuang's head

He thought many possibilities but in the end, he wasn't able to make any sense of it

'Master Ye have some extreme taste' Jiang Shuang concluded

"Patriarch Jiang I won't force you to merge the organization even if you disagree I will just sign a contract with you so that you won't reveal my secrets then I can accompany you back to Corentis

But it's better if you make a decision after properly thinking, I wanted to give you a good tour and discuss my plans but right now I am a little tired so I am going to the caste for resting

For now, you can take a look around yourself, no one will stop you and take one of those Working bots with you they can serve as a guide too and if you want to rest then there are many rooms in the castle you can use whichever room you like" Rex said then he picked up the baby beast and flew towards the castle

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