Psychic Inventor In Cultivation World

216 Chapter 216 : : Millennium Spirit Pond

Jiang Shuang chose to have a look around before going to rest, When he went closer to a Working Bot and asked it to show around, it nodded and led him around the place

Although Working Bots cannot speak but they all work on an advanced AI, so they can still do the new task they are not familiar with, as long as they have the capability to do that

Of all the things Jiang Shuang saw on his tour, the one thing he liked the most was Solar Reactors because the only thing they needed to work was solar energy, he tried to figure out their working process but failed

Actually, he saw many things and machines around him but he wasn't able to figure out the working process of even one of them, in the end, he decided to rest and ask Rex about them later on

When Jiang Shuang entered the castle he found out that spiritual Qi in the castle was denser even compared to this region

Right now he was walking in a corridor inside the castle

'This smell, it's the smell of water… is there a bath here? good my body has become stiff because of all this travel so it's better to take a bath before resting' Jiang Shuang thought as he headed in the direction where the smell of the water was coming from

Water in its pure form, i.e. H2O does not have a smell, or at least no smell that we can distinguish because the receptors in our nose (and mouth) are continuously exposed to it, but after it's exposed to the atmosphere, it gets mixed with various gases and combined with its source/location it catches on a smell

After searching for a while Jiang Shuang finally found what he was looking for

Right now he was standing in front of a big swimming pool with an artificial scenery built around it

The ceiling was made of black colored stone but several shining white crystals were embedded on it which made them look like twinkling stars in the night sky

Jiang Shuang was distracted by the artificial mountains and small beautiful waterfall that he forgot to notice the crystal clear water in the pool

When he was just observing his surrounding he suddenly felt that the Qi inside his body became restless, only then he noticed that the density of Spiritual Qi was very high… it reached at a level that he could even see faint spiritual fog on the water above the pool

'It can't be…' Jiang Shuang hurriedly took some water from the pond in his hand and carefully observer-ed it

'I knew it, it's a spirit pond… wait I have previously bought the water from many spirit pond but compared to this one they don't worth mentioning … It's not a normal spirit bond, it's definitely a millennium year spirit pond... only someone like Shadow Lord could secure something like that if he works together with that big beast that it

But just as he turned around to leave this place, he saw that a little white creature came running and jumped inside the pool

Jiang Shuang's breathing stopped for a second


When the baby beast jumped into the pool some water got splashed outside the pool and a little of it fell on Jiang Shuang's shoes

The baby beast dived inside the pool before he came up then he kicked the water like he was paddling and started to swim inside the pool

What Jiang Shuang felt right now cannot be described in words

Jiang Shuang forced himself to calm down then he slowly walked to the edge of the pool and called the baby beast

"Li.Little guy.. shouldn't do th..that" Jiang Shuang calmly explained and just so that the baby beast also understands his meaning, he moved his hands in back and forth motion and pointed at the water then he made a cross sign with both of his hands like he was trying to say 'no water splashing'

He knew that with his strength he could not drag him out of the pool but by telling him not to splash the water will at least minimize the loss and the pain in his heart… but he didn't know there was one person who already tried explaining like that and became the victim to the baby beast's unique thinking style

The baby beast raised his heads and carefully observed all his actions then he excitedly nodded like he understood what he meant

Jiang Shuang sighed in relief when he saw that

But just after that the baby beast quickly turned around and swung his dragon like tail to splash a lot of water at Jiang Shuang

The water landed on Shuang Jiang and all his clothed were now soaked wet

"Oh you are also here' Just then Rex walked in

He was wearing a white robe that covered his whole body

When Jiang Shuang saw Rex… he saw hope, he quickly pointed at the baby beast swimming in the pool with an almost crying face and started speaking

"Master Ye that creature is …." Jiang Shuang was just saying but his words came to an abrupt end when he saw that Rex too removed his rob and entered the pool

"Huh? why did you stop speaking did something happened?" Rex asked when he noticed that Jiang Shuang stopped speaking

"N.No.. nothing," Jiang Shuang said while trying to suppress the pain in his heart

"What are you hesitating for? your clothes are also… did this little bastard do that… oh well you should just take a bath too I will lend you my extra set of clothes" Rex said

"Er…No I am… just fine with cultivating here," Jiang Shuang said after thinking for a while, directly entering the pool was too much for his weak heart so he decided to just cultivate for now

"..Okay..." Rex said then he swam towards baby beast who was thoroughly enjoying his time

A few hours later….

Rex and Jiang Shuang were both sitting beside a small table on the third floor of the castle, the third floor was still under construction but the view from there was not something to jest about

Jiang Shuang was explaining about the benefits of Millennium Spirit Pond to Rex, he thought that Rex still see it as a normal spirit pond

"So you mean it was a millennium spirit pond… which is very precious…. but so what… it's still useful in the form of a bath" Rex said with a haughty expression

Although he said it like that but right now his heart was bleeding nonstop

'Dafukkkk… it was a millennium spirit pond and I did nothing to preserve it, it can be used in many ways… for me it's best effect is that it can relieve mental fatigue but if I increase its effect then I can work nonstop for days without sleeping like other cultivators at that time I can also sell a part of it for free money' (Rex)

Jiang Shuang looked at Rex in surprise he thought that Rex will bleed more than him after he told him about the Millennium Spirit Pond but Rex looked very… calm

"Although I don't know how Master Ye see it but it's better to put a lot of high grade herbs, spirit stone, and the pills in it… it will help in preserving and enhancing the effects of spirit pond

I heard that the sects which posses spirit pond put hundreds of high grade pills, herbs and spirit stones in it even when they just use it for once and your spirit pond is more precious so it needs more care

It's good that Master Ye did not let other people cultivate there… its real effect can only be utilized by cultivators" Jiang Shuang explained

'Note it down' (Rex)

[On it]

Jiang Shuang explained everything because he was grateful to Rex that he let him use the spirit pond

Because of using it, his unstable cultivation base built upon pills have now stabilized a lot, he even felt his next bottleneck getting loose

"Okay then, now let's get to the main point, you have already seen a lot of things so I will first explain my initial plan to you" Rex's expression turned serious

According to the plan, Rex wanted to make brand new types of products whose effects surpass all the products of the same kind and sell them all over the continent using Myriad Auction House

The main thing was Rex has designed a whole new system of currency and status for his own products and it was way more easy, secure and profitable for both consumers and producers

He was not only selling his own products but other's too, like how a food delivery company takes food from a restaurant and gives it to the consumer

Rex's plan was not limited to one type of product but everything, furthermore it was only the first phase of the plan, he did not tell other things to Jiang Shuang yet

"So what do you think?" Rex asked after he finished explaining

"Actually, the spirit pond and this location of the base inside the Mist Maze Forest are more than enough for me to seriously consider the offer and coupled with all this… I agree to merge my organization" Jiang Shuang said without much thinking

"Hahaha… that's a good choice I promise you won't regret it, now if you please" Rex said as he took out a red colored scroll and placed it on the table

"A contract?" Jiang Shuang was startled when he saw the contract because trusted partner won't resort to a contract, if they do then it only means they are doubting each other

"A soul contract to be exact, once the contract is formed then until we both willingly want to break it, it can't be broken," Rex said with a serious expression

Soul Contract is way more fearsome and dangerous than Blood contract, Master-Servant contract… etc

Because breaking the contract means damaging the soul… and it can even destroy one's soul if the one signing the contract have weak soul strength

The contract looks like equally dangerous for both of them but it isn't, Rex is also a soul cultivator… which means even if his soul is injured he won't die and as long as his soul cultivation base reached three realms above Jiang Shuang's then the contract's effects will be minimized to that of a small backlash for Rex

As for Jiang Shuang if he breaks the contract… it's over for him, Rex had no plan to betray him or was heartless but he just didn't want to repeat the same mistake again… Jiang Shuang might be honest for now but what if… he changes in the future

"Master Ye this contract… is it necessary can't we try to be normally partners we are not even at a stage where we can betray each other" Jiang Shuang said as he looked at the contract

"I already tried that with someone and that's why I am here," Rex said with a smile

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