Psychic Inventor In Cultivation World

217 Chapter 217 : : Soul Contrac

"I already tried that with someone and that's why I am here," Rex said with a smile

'Huh? what did he mean by that… wait Master Ye said that he got injured because he was fighting someone so does that mean that his opponent was his previous partner who betrayed him but he dyed instead… no wonder he doesn't want to take the risk' Jiang Shuang thought

Jiang Shuang didn't know that Rex said it because of John his previous partner and... brother

"Why are you thinking that much, this contract is not just for you but me too, you had already seen how strong I am so what if I go back on my words later on," Rex said

After thinking over Rex's words Jiang Shuang agreed

Rex opened the scroll

A soul contract scroll was something that can only be made by a Spirit Inscription Master, earlier Rex had ordered one from Tang Xuan's shop to study it

The scroll had several Inscriptions in various patterns on it, the biggest one was the hexagonal trapped inside a circle with three diameters

Both Rex and Jiang Shuang wrote few rules on both side of the contract

The rules were very simple, their direct meaning was Jiang Shuang can't leak any of Rex's secret or plot against him while Rex cannot abandon him, betray him and Rex need to protect his family too as long as it is within Rex's capability but not against his principles

Rex made a small cut on his thump then placed his hand on the contract, Jiang Shuang did the same

Then both of them started to put their Qi in it, the inscriptions on the scroll started to shine one by one but then the ones which shined before started to disappear from the scroll

At the same time, Rex felt that several invisible chains have wrapped themselves around his soul and trapped it, the feeling was very uncomfortable thankfully it only lasted for a second before it disappeared

Rex looked at the contract which was now blank… all the inscriptions and patterns have already been disappeared from it

"Then let me introduce myself again, I am Rex Andrews it's a pleasure to meet you… partner" Rex said with a smile

'Even that name was fake…sigh I can't blame him for that' (Jiang Shuang)

"It's nice to meet you, Master Rex, by the way, I also have something to tell you I am actually from the Jiang Family from Peaceful Heaven Continent," Jiang Shuang said in a slightly prideful tone

"Okay," Rex said casually

'Okay?…. what was that response, does he not know about the three great families or maybe… he does not put them in the eyes at all, I wonder what kind of status Master Rex had when he was at his peak' Jiang Shuang really admired Rex's attitude

'I do remember there was that one Jiang family which was a little famous but what is so great about it, maybe they have become more influential these days' Rex thought

"Actually I was a member of Jiang Family, but right now I am not a part of that family anymore so I can't use their connection or power anymore, it doesn't matter anyway I just wanted Master Rex to know about it," Jiang Shuang said

"It's all right I appreciate it, your cultivation base seems more stable than before if you like you can cultivate near spirit pond, for now, I have some work to finish after that I will accompany you to Corentis," Rex said

"Then I will be impolite but Master Rex wouldn't it cause a problem if we have to come all the way here and go back to Corentis every time… it's not only dangerous it also wastes a lot of time" Jiang Shuang said

"It won't… That's the problem I am working on right now" Rex said then he left

At first, Rex wanted to focus on completing the Grand Spirit Array then connect it to Core Smart Brain and start it but now he put this plan on halt and decided to focus on making transmission array

Rex did not want to blindly make the same transmission array as in Snow Jade City so he decided to thoroughly comprehend it first before making one

He chose a room on the second floor and went into seclusion

Rex used Calm Mind and Fast Clock again and again while trying to comprehend the transmission array

One cannot get enlightened until they could see the path they chose clearer than the one that made them go on it

It means until he himself could understand the logic behind the array he cannot get enlightenment

Although it's just one of the requirement to get enlightened it's still a necessity

After he thoroughly understood the logic and kept trying for one whole day he finally got enlightened

Like before, a transparent white halo appeared behind his head

Rex was sitting cross legged with all his focus on discovering the secrets of transmission array and use them to his benefits

At this time Rose was also working on this task because in this state Rose too was incapable to perceive even Rex's surrounding

In simple words, It was Rex's most vulnerable state

Rex didn't know but right now a pair of small round eyes were looking in his direction

Few miles away from the castle, a small black bat was hanging on a tree branch as it looked in the direction of Rex

The bat seemed to ignore all the obstacles and restriction that were present between it and Rex

Misty Maze Forest's core zone…..

Inside a hidden mountain cave...

Although it was a cave it was no less luxurious than any high end hotel

There was a big king size bed at one side of the cave, the bed was made of a black glass like material while its mattress was of red color

Zakiya was leisurely lying on the bed with his eyes closed

The strange black glass of the bed was absorbing the black fog emitted from his body

Suddenly he opened his eyes and sat up on the bed

'What The Heck… He Got Enlightened Again' There was a visible shock in his big blood red eyes

'Just What Did His Mother Ate When She Was Pregnant To Give Birth To Such A Monster' Zakiya thought

After pondering for a while Zakiya deeply sighed then he stretched his body a few times before he led on the bed again

'Well Although He Is Talented He Is Still Weak, Naive and Too Inexperienced In Combat, The Geniuses That Dies Early Are Not Genius But If He Could Really Make The Cure Then I Don't Mind Taking Him With Me' Zakiya thought as he closed his eyes and went back to his slumber again

At the castle…

After Few hours Rex opened his eyes


[You successfully comprehended Space Law]

[Space Law (Lvl Entry : : Progress 11%)]

[You have successfully unlocked 'Space Arts']

Normally one needs to have at least entry level mastery of Space Law before they could make space law related things like a Teleportation scroll or a Transmission array

But Rex did the opposite because of his talent Reverse Engineering combined with the Enlightenment he was able to comprehend the space law while figuring out a better way to make the transmission array using Array Circuit Tech

As for Space Arts, it was same as Mind Arts, Mind Arts is a bridge Rose created to helps him utilize his mental strength in various ways and just like that Space Arts is a bridge lets him use Space Law efficiently in many ways

Here mental strength has a more literal meaning like mind's strength rather than just mental toughness or mentality

After that Rex did not waste any time and went to the ground floor and started making a Transmission array

Two days passed just like that…

When Rex walked out of the castle, he used his hands to shield his eyes from the sunlight

"So Master Rex finally came out" Jiang Shuang came to Rex when he saw him coming out of the castle

"Congratulation on breaking through to Heaven Venerable peak stage" Rex said with a smile

"It's all thanks to the miraculous effects of the spirit pond that I could finally break the bottleneck and achieve the breakthrough, so did Master Rex finished what he was doing?" Jiang Shuang asked

"Yeah I did, if everything went smoothly then we will soon have a Transmission Array to travel from Corentis to base and vice-versa… it's not fun calling it a base let's give it a name" Rex said

"Master Rex, did you just said that you can make Transmission array?" Jiang Shuang carefully asked

"Yeah so?" Rex looked at him

"I mean one needs to have the mastery of Space Law and you had already comprehended Flame Law and Earth Law so…" Jiang Shuang did not know how to put it

Fire Law is also known as Flame Law

"So what?… do you think it's hard to comprehend Laws," Rex said with a smirk then he snapped his finger and a sphere of water got condensed out of thin air

"Wa…Water Law" Jiang Shuang opened his mouth wide in shock

After all who comprehends waster and fire law together

Just when Jiang Shuang was about to speak more he saw that the sphere of water froze and became a sphere of ice

"I..Ice Law too?" Jiang Shuang's mouth opened wide enough that an egg could be fitted in it

Just when he was trying to digest this information he saw that two blades of wind came out of nowhere and sliced that ice sphere in four pieces

And just to give it a finishing touch, Rex vaporized those four ice pieces using Pyrokinesis before they fell to the ground

"Come follow me," Rex said as he flew in the sky

Jiang Shuang now looked like he had already lost his motivation to comprehend a law, he kept standing at his place like his legs were rooted into the ground

"How long are you going to keep standing like that… let's go" Rex took Jiang Shuang and flew towards the direction of Corentis

Rex thought that Jiang Shuang was the only one who was shocked after seeing his abilities just now but... he was wrong

There was a small yellow colored bird who was looking at the fading back of Rex with its two small eyes wide open

Misty Maze Forest's core zone….

Inside a hidden mountain cave...

Zakiya almost jumped out of his bed

'Is He An Illegitimate Child Of Heavens, I Have Seen People With Five Elemental Sacred Body… Like Strong Physiques, People Born With Ancient Bloodlines And Even Those Inheriting Disciples Of Ancient Sect's Sect Masters…

But No One …No One Of Them Was Pervert Enough To Comprehend SO Many Law With That Much Accurate Control At Such Low Cultivation Base, Are Heavens Trying To Show Me My Place Because I Comprehended a Unique Law?

But Which Idiotic Clan Is Raising Him, There Is Not A Single Bodyguard Around Him….. Wait No Bodyguard Then… An Ancient Clan? Oh Whatever These Things Can Wait I Should Focus On Saving My Life First' Zakiya again closed his eyes and went to sleep

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