Psychic Inventor In Cultivation World

223 Chapter 222 : : Energy Converter

When Jiang Shuang looked at the spirit roots he was shocked, he was somewhat knowledgeable about it although he wasn't a physician but he had seen pictures resembling them

Rex knew what he was thinking so he just patted his shoulder then walked to the chair

Rex then took out the silver helmet… SB v1.0 and put it on his head, Rex first sat onto the chair comfortably then took out a cable from below the chair and attached it to a slot behind the silver headgear

Many holographic windows then appeared in the vision of Rex, The mechanical chair also made a movement and one armrest made of black glass like thing appeared on both side

Rex put his hands on the armrest and took a long breath before he exhaled

'Start Exp transfer' (Rex)

[Starting Exp transfer...]

The pure energy from his core traveled all over his body before it entered those black glass like armrest and traveled down the cables to the machines connected to spirit roots

[External energy entry detected…..]

[Energy transfer rate check…]

[Energy conversion instantiated....]

Rex received several notifications but they were not released by Rose but SB v1.0

'How much Exp do we posses in the storage area' (Rex)

[It's 24% filled so there's is no need to worry about lack of Exp]

'How much percent the battery is charged?' Rex asked this question from SB v0.1


'Daheck… I knew it will be slow but well it should catch up the speed slowly, how much percent it needs to get charged before we can start the system and how much time will it take to charge it like that' (Rex)


[Considering all factors…..]

[For the first startup, the system needs to be at least 17% charged and it will only take you around 64 hours to do that]

Rex almost fell from his chair

He was only using Energy Converter for the first startup, he had different plans to charge the Qi storage batteries, later on, it's just those plans cannot be implemented until the Core Smart Brain starts working

Rex knew it would take a lot of time so he first paused the Energy transfer process then took Jiang Shuang to above the ground then came back here to resume the process

Jiang Shuang didn't understand about these kinds of things so he flew to the place where one of the Transmission arrays was located

The Transmission array was located near the mountain wall

Right now many Working Bots were digging a huge tunnel through the big wall

Actually not only at this place at every place near the transmission array the Working Bots were digging a tunnel

They were making four entrance gate for the Frozen Flame city with one in each direction

Jiang Shuang arrived at the East gate which was still under construction

As for the beast that tried to enter the region he could just build strong gates and arrays to defend against them

After the Core Smart Brain project was completed he wants to make Combat Bots that's why the entrance and exit gates are important for them to enter and exit the region

When Jiang Shuang was checking the construction he saw that the Transmission array shined and one of his men appeared

The man greeted him and went to supervise the Working Bots doing their work diligently

Now every servant or maid working in the Frozen Flame also had an ID card with 2 Star grade, they were the first ones to join that's why Rex gave them 2 Star card

After making sure everything was going well Jiang Shuang flew to another very important place

This project was the most important project Rex has handed to Jiang Shuang

The Working Bots were making a large building similar to a fortress, most of its infrastructure was almost complete, Rex had only asked him to finish the building as for installing the equipment he would do it himself

Jiang Shuang looked at the words written on the board hanging above the entrance door

Frozen Flame Bank

This was the idea Rex came up with to manage his new digital currency

Jiang Shuang was responsible for managing the construction of bank, not just in Frozen Flame but Corentis too

2 days passed just like that….

Rex was still focusing on charging the batteries, It was already 13% charged Rex only needed to do it for about one more day before it meets the minimum requirement to start the Core Smart Brain

But he suddenly stopped because he noticed that the dot representing baby beast on the Mini-Map suddenly grew bigger even compared to its previous size when the baby beast was in a healthy state

Rex quickly used Instant Transmission and disappeared from his place

Rex appeared in the place where the cocoon and mother beast was located, he saw the baby beast rubbing his five heads on his mother's neck to show his affection

When the baby beast noticed Rex he gave a cheerful cry and ran towards him


Rex was looking at the baby beast's new appearance with his shocked eyes

The baby beast now had five heads and was as big as a lion in size

Most of his body parts like his arms and chest were covered in shining white scales, Rex saw that all his necks had a golden ring on them like a collar and there was a small golden line pattern starting from his backbone line to the end of his tail

Baby Beast's wings were now covered in shining white scales and were bigger like a griffin's wings

Rex also sensed that his cultivation base now reached Monster Emperor early stage

When the baby beast came running to Rex, he didn't stop but leaped at him

Rex who was in a daze lost his balance and fell to the ground on his buttocks

The baby beast doesn't seem to mind it as he started licking Rex all over his body and painted his clothes and face with his saliva

"You little guy has become stronger again," Rex said as he rubbed his head gently and tried to decrease his enthusiasm

The baby beast was at Monster Emperor stage, compared to a cultivators cultivation stage his strength is around Golden Core 1st-3rd stage

Rex then looked at the mother beast who doesn't seem to appear much jealous or angry like usual

"Well you just completed your advancement you must be hungry right? your mother was also with you all this time so you to should at least eat something" Rex snapped his fingers and a lot of spirit beast bodies inside his Inventory were thrown outside

The second those beasts bodies fell to the ground, the baby beast pounced on one of them and started eating with all five of his mouths, an advancement takes a lot of energy from the bodies of a monster beast that's why they become a lot hungry after completing their advancement

Rex had already taken out their spirit core but their meat was also highly nutritious for the current baby beast and the mother beast

Rex was surprised when he received this message at a time like this, at forest he thought about lying and delaying for a while but then he remembered about his weird lying detecting ability although he wasn't sure if it can still work with Friend List but he decided not to take any risks

'My soul cultivation base has already reached Heavenly Soul peak stage tonight I can successfully breakthrough to Soul Core Forming 1st stage and it's more than enough to refine the cure at this time… thankfully I am not refining a pill or it will take several times more effort to make it…Bloodline abilities sure are awesome' Rex thought

[Well yours are just unique]

Heavenly Soul stage and Sour Core Forming stage in soul cultivation stage are the same as Heaven Venerable stage and Core Forming stage in Qi cultivation respectively

There was silence on the other side for a while

'To ask it so suddenly… his condition is probably worsening day by bay, he is now desperate' Rex thought

Rex looked at the baby beast whose all mouths were filled like a squirrel eating nuts and the mother beast who was eating slowly like a turtle while staring at her baby with satisfaction

Rex had a sudden sense of jealousy

[How does it feel to be jealous of your own kid]

'Well if I can also have an overpowered father who could take care of all things and I could just sit back and enjoy my life doing experiments than how good would it be? alas…' Rex thought then he shook his head and headed to the Energy Converter to complete his unfinished business


Higher Realm….

In a certain place


A short haired man sitting on a chair suddenly sneezed

'Is someone missing me? looks like the world loves me' The man thought

Then he looked at the wheel spinning on the table, a waiter on the side carefully threw a silver ball in the spinning wheel

The scenario was like that of a gambling hall

"Crazy Emperor? why are you even looking when you are already going to lose" A big robust old man said mockingly

"Hehe… this time I won't necessarily lose and why your old lizard is calling me Crazy Emperor… it's Sword Emperor" The man retorted

"Old Lizard… how dare you call me that I am a proud ancestor of Ancient Dragon Cl…" The old man was furious

"Yeah yeah ..Proud Dra… whatever, say that after returning the money you borrowed from me" The man said nonchalantly

"Brother Ye why so serious" The old man became calm and collected again

The two middle aged men and a woman on the side looked at each other and sighed

"The number is 42, Sir you lost," The waiter said without any surprise in his tone

"What the… how" The man stood up from his chair, he reacted like it happened for the first time

"It's a miracle that he never gets tired of doing that… don't you think little fire bird?" The middle aged man with long black hair said to the woman on the side

"Well looks like the heavens took his luck exchange of his talent…. wait who is fire bird it's Phoenix and why are you calling me with the name of my clan.. fix this loose screw in your head… you old man of.. Fitan clan… no it was.. Frighten" The woman scolded as she slapped the table

"It's Titan" His face was dark

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