Psychic Inventor In Cultivation World

224 Chapter 223 : : System Startup

"Well well there is no need for you people to fight at such patty things, waiter bring the Fire and Ice Urn for everyone… the bill is on me" The man quietly sitting at the corner of the table said

The waiter quietly nodded but cursed inwardly

'Bill is on me? when was the last time anyone of you people paid the bill.. 100 years ago? or thousand years ago?' Although he wanted to shout like that but he still loved his life so he quietly took his leave to bring the urn

Most of the people in the hall were all big shots from different clans which were unusual to be seen even by their patriarch if they don't want to

The waiter already knew they were all here to pass their time because they got nothing else to do

"By the way, did you hear the entrance trial for entry disciples in all Ancient Sects will began in around 3-5 years, I heard that all of them decided to organize first trial together...which also includes Star Guardian Sect" The old man said

When the words came out it caught the attention of everyone on the table

"Hmmm… is it already that time, I wonder how many genius will come out this time, I heard of many geniuses in last few years but most of them were just pure rumors… this reminds me your Ancient Dragon Clan gave birth to an ancient bloodline holder few decades ago, I didn't heard any news about him since then" The man sitting at the corner said

"Yeah I also heard about that.. so old dragon your people didn't use the same old method of nurturing genius… I mean by throwing them in wilderness alone, do they?

If they did then what about now, they should have probably sent someone to bring him back right? so is he alive or not… If he is then will he also…" The woman said while noting the every single change in the old man's facial expression

But she was disappointed because their was no change in his expression

"Don't try to play these mind games with me, leave them to this Crazy Emperor's woman, as for the genius you people from Phoenix Clan, Fairy Clan, Titan Clan…. you are also Ancient Sects I am sure you all have a good batch of brats too

Well the only pervert Clan here is Sur… cough you know what I mean" The old man said with a grin while looking at the Sword Emperor

"Don't give me that I don't manage the Clan affairs as for my kids both Ye Jun and Ye Jia have already joined the Sect and my youngest little girl is just born a while ago… so I don't have any genius under me that I can bet on" Sword Emperor said while taping the table in a rhythm like he was seriously bored

All other people also caste-ed their eyes on him

"I heard that you dragons have long lifespan… are you that bored that you don't want to live anymore" The Sword Emperor said without even looking at him but this time when he tapped the table, spider web like cracks started to appear on it starting from the point where it was tapped

The old man was not surprised by it rather he seem more exited like he hit the jackpot

"Why act so serious, you know all of us are retired folks… we have already became the ancestors of our clan, do you think we will still interfere in the matter of those youngsters, we are like pacifists until our clan is not on the brink of annihilation we won't make a move…

And you misunderstood my words let me correct them… I asked what if he was alive? will he be strong enough to participate and pass the trial if he could do that then it will guarantee his safety wouldn't it? can he secure a ranking or is he as strong as your son Ye Jun…. well I only said if he was alive" The old main said in a meaning full tone

Sword Emperor sighed then spoke

"Well even if he was alive he won't be strong enough to even pass it much less securing a rank" He said in a flat tone

When others heard it their excitement died down


Middle realm…

Rex was working with the Energy Converter machine

His whole focus was on the the notification window in front of him

[Charging Battery...]

[16.5%…16.6%….16.7%…. 16.8%….16.9%….17.0%]

[Minimum requirements to start the system has met]

[Would you like to start the system: Yes/No]

"Success…now its time to start the CSB permanently…lets do it" Rex excitedly chose the Yes option

[Starting System ..1%..11%..23%..45%..68%….79%..95%..100%]

[System started successfully]

[Accessing default data...]

[Setting data....]

[Creating main server…..]

[Establishing connection with WB v1.0 Batch-1...…..]

[Connection established successfully]

[Establishing connection with WB v2.0 Batch-1...…..]

[Connection established successfully]

[Establishing connection with WB v1.0 Batch-2...…..]

[Connection established successfully]

[Establishing connection with WB v2.0 Batch-2...…..]

[Connection establis...]

Suddenly at this time, all the almond shaped crystal and the cubic crystal on the towers shined for a second before the light dimmed and they became normal again

It caught the attention of Jiang Shuang and workers staying in Frozen Flame

They were still trying to figure out the meaning behind it but something more strange happened, all the Working Bots that were continuously doing their work all this time suddenly stopped in their tracks

Rex was excitedly looking at all the follow up notifications in front of him

[Accessing ID card data]

[Creating database….]

[Database created successfully]

[Establishing client-server link...]

[Client-Server link established....]

[Accessing clients connections….]

[Unlocking ID card functions….]

[Balance function is now available]

[News Feed function is now available]

[Map function is now available]

[Friends function is now available]

[Shop function is in locked state]

[Customer care function is in locked state]

[Command center function is in locked state]

Rex finally sighed in relief


All the Working Bots again continued their ongoing work after a brief pause

Jiang Shuang was still confused, his men also asked him what happened but he himself didn't knew what was happening right now

Suddenly he felt something from his storage ring, he then took out the ID card Rex gave him

Jiang Shuang curiously activated it to check what happened

[Title: Founder of Myriad Auction House

Grade: 5 Star

Balance: 10,000,000 $$

Profile: \u003c\u003e

News Feed: \u003c\u003e @

Shop: \u003c\u003e

Map: \u003c\u003e

Friends: \u003c\u003e

Command Center: \u003c\u003e]

When Jiang Shuang looked at the interface he was surprised, now many options have turned normal from grey and there was a green dot beside the News Feed option

Jiang Shuang subconsciously tried to touch it, suddenly a new window popped up

It was like a mail box, at this moment there was a mail on it with the subject 'Newbie Guide for ID card' and there was a small file attached to it

Jiang Shuang clicked on it then just like a pdf… the file opened, it was a manual for the ID card, he looked through it and understood the basic functions of the ID card

Jiang Shuang then clicked on the map function, a window popped up but there wasn't a map on it rather it looked like a radar system view of a submarine

Their was a blue dot in the center which represented his own location, the dot was continuously emitting a circular wave around it like a radar, then Shuang Jiang saw that there were also some white dots on it a little away from him so he flew in their direction

The measurement scale of distance was written at the corner bottom right corner of the holographic window, one could change it according to their choice

When Jiang Shuang arrived at the location of the nearest white dot, he saw one of him men standing there with his ID card in his hand

Jiang Shuang was very exited he started to discus the many functions of the ID card with his man like how to add a friend in Friends function, how to un-hide our location or how to set up a profile

Actually he was not the only one like that, the current range of the QS towers was very big… big enough that Corentis was in its range so it also caught the attention of other people


Tang Xuan was sitting in his rocking chair, then suddenly a small blue bird came flying into his store,

He looked surprised, he then raised his hand and the bird sat on his wrist

Tang Xuan then took the small storage ring from the bird's leg after he took out the storage ring he gave a small blue pill to the bird, the bird happily took swallowed the pill then flew out of his room

Tang Xuan took out a letter from the ring and read it, after reading it his expression looked a little disappointed about something

"So they don't believe my words, these idiots think that I will just throw a guest invitation and Master Ye will accept just because of the prestige of Tang Family…. these old farts have obtained nothing in their life they are just living on other's money and now that wealth completely blinded them… sigh I will try once again if this letter still landed in those idiots hands this time too then its not my fault I am already enjoying my life here anyway" Tang Xuan thought

Suddenly he felt some Qi fluctuations coming from the ID card in his storage ring so he took is out and activated it

[Title: The Mysterious Shopkeeper

Grade: 4 Star

Balance: 0 $$

Profile: \u003c\u003e

News Feed: \u003c\u003e @

Shop: \u003c\u003e

Map: \u003c\u003e

Friends: \u003c\u003e ]

Tang Xuan's reaction was same as Jiang Shuang's, he opened the News Feed but unlike Jiang Shuang he had two mails

The later one was same as Jiang Shuang's but the former one said.. Congratulation you are now in the effective range of Frozen Flame

Tang Xuan too checked the Map function and flew out of his shop to find the white dot

But when he found one he stopped, the white dot was actually a worker in Frozen Flame and his cultivation base was not that high

With Tang Xuan's temperament he won't talk to just anyone especially when their cultivation base is too low compared to him so he searched for others dots

Almost all the white dots were of workers but Tang Xuan was still very reluctant to discus things with them, after a while he finally found what he was looking for

"So Brother Adal also has a card" Tang Xuan landed near Adal who was also looking at the interface on card with some confusion on his face

"This… Senior Tang you too have it" Adal said with some visible surprise on his face

"What do you mean by that, off course I have it let's go inside and talk" Tang Xuan snorted then walked inside the City Lord's mansion

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