Psychic Inventor In Cultivation World

225 Chapter 224 : : Refining The Cure

Rex walked out of the castle with a blooming smile

Jiang Shuang who was already waiting for Rex to come out rushed towards him

"I know what you gonna ask and yes I did that" Rex said when Jiang Shuang was just about to speak

After a brief talk, he finally understood what does Core Smart Brain does, In Jiang Shuang's understanding the Core Smart Brain was similar to the legendary Artifact Spirit

It is said that once an expert Artifact Refiner refines a supreme treasure and adds a part of his/her consciousness while refine it to give it a will then there is a very small chance for the treasure to give birth to an Artifact Spirit

"Master Rex I more or less understood what you mean but it took you so much time to charge the batteries to just start it then won't it run out of power soon," Jiang Shuang asked after he digested all the information Rex gave him

"You really think I would do such kind of mistake to not even think about that?… what do you think the grand spirit array is for, even as you speak the ground below your feet is absorbing Spiritual Qi and its just one of the benefits of the grand spirit array, there are several Qi gathering arrays in this region they all collect Qi here for a reason you know

They could not be started without starting the Core Spirit Brain but now we don't have to worry about it and its too just one of the many sources for power supply, tell me something what do you think about the Transmission array platforms I built" Rex asked

"Hmm… the Transmission array platforms Master Rex made are more durable and easy to use but the most important thing is that they only need 30 low grade spirit stone to use even when we use them to go to Corentis from here, if it was a normal Transmission array it will probably take at least 45 low grade spirit stone to go travel that far," Jiang Shuang said after some thinking

"How do you know it takes 30 Low grade spirit stone for it to work," Rex asked in a meaningful tone

"Huh?… Its because it doesn't activate until we use 30 low grade spirit stone" Jiang Shuang was confused

"Hehe... just because it takes 30 low grade spirit stone to activate doesn't mean that it actually needs 30 low grade spirit stone to work, to tell the truth, that array can do the same thing with just 18 low grade spirit stone," Rex said with a smirk

"What… then why does it takes 30 low grade spirit stone," Jiang Shuang asked in surprise

"Because I set that limit, it uses 18 low grade spirit stone to work but it converts the remaining 12 low grade spirit stone in Spiritual Qi and transfers it to the batteries via grand spirit array, you can regard it as a small tax from the people that enter or exit Frozen Flame on a daily basis" Rex explained

"Why are you getting so frustrated over such a small thing, didn't I add free money in your Balance go enjoy it" Rex patted his shoulder then flew away

Jiang Shuang's lips twitched

Almost all the funding for the current equipment is actually coming from his pocket, Rex has already used up most of his money when completing the grand spirit array

'But why am I paying too…' He thought

Rex flew to a little far away place form the Frozen Flame

'I have now reached Soul Core Forming 1st stage in soul cultivation so it's the right time to try to make the cure for Zakiya' (Rex)

He stopped after finding a big open ground without many beasts

'He should be here by tomorrow morning, now that I already found a good place so I should go back to the castle and take a rest' Rex thought

But suddenly the shadow of a tree behind him distorted and a big figure came out of it

Rex suddenly felt chills running down his spine, he slowly turned around only to see a giant wolf like creature covered in black mist standing behind him

"Well, I Am Here," Zakiya said in his usual tone

"Damn… you almost gave me a heart attack how the hell you came here that fast" Rex exclaimed

"Your Space Law Is Not The Only Thing Capable Of Shuttling Through Space There Are Many Things That Can Have Same Effect, Now Less Talk And More Work," Zakiya said as he waved his paw and many herbs fell out of thin air

Rex didn't talk more and just quietly collected all the herbs

"With all the herbs we have, you can only have two tries so be careful if the refining failed both times then I am not sure if you can collect them all in less than 100 years or I will even survive that far," Zakiya said in a serious tone

"Don't worry, who do you think is refining this cure, you think I will fail at something like that" Rex said in a confident tone but it only made Zakiya more worried

"I See… Just To Be Sure You Have A Good Furnace Right? Or I Will Help You Get One Fro…." Zakiya just asked it to make sure that no mistakes happen

"Furnace? why would I need that" Rex said in a prideful tone

"..." (Zakiya)

"You Kidding Me?" Zakiya spoke in a low tone

"You are a male, how can I have kids with you," Rex said with an innocent face

The next second Zakiya's shadow came out of the ground and pounced on him, Rex was on the ground under his paw

"Looks Like You Are Not Going To Get Serious So How About It, If You Failed The Refining Both Times Then I Will Destroy The City You Are Building," Zakiya said in a threatening tone then his shadow removed his paw from Rex and became normal again

Rex completely ignored his threat, he just stood up from the ground and removed the dust from his clothes

"I Am Not Lying," Zakiya said in a loud tone when he saw his behavior

"I didn't say you are lying, it's just if you are in your right mind then you will do nothing knowing that I am the only one who could make the cure

And as for the furnace, it can't help me in making the cure if I really try to make the cure in that kind of way then it will be a complete failure because my cultivation base and soul strength are not enough to support it" Rex said as he walked a little away from him to start refining the cure

'From Where Does His Confidence Comes?' (Zakiya)

Rex placed all the herbs together and took a deep breath, with all the needed 245 herbs, he could only try to refine the cure two times so if the refining failed then it will be trouble for both him and Zakiya

Rex's focus was on the herbs so he didn't notice that when Zakiya looked at him his eyes slightly gave a red luster like he used some kind of pupil art just now

'Telekinesis + Transmutate + Atomize' (Rex)

All the herbs flew in the air and started to melt rapidly

When Zakiya on the side saw this, he almost cursed at Rex aloud

'What The... It Can't Be That.... Law Of Destruction? Yes It Must Be Some Other Trick Which Just Looks Similar To It' Zakiya comforted himself so that his view of the world still remains the same as before

But then he saw that many things that Rex didn't add started to appear within those melted herbs

In truth those things didn't appear out of anywhere, Rex just used Atomize to convert some things... mainly certain substances in those herbs into completely new ones with different properties but Zakiya couldn't see the whole thing that's why he reached a conclusion that these things were appearing out of nowhere

'He... He Is Creating Things Out Of Thin Air... Is It Law Of Creation? Or Is It The Effect Of Poison That I Am Hallucinating? Isn't Both Law Of Creation And Law Of Destruction Just Myths How Can A Brat Who Is Still Wet Behind The Ears Wield Them After All This Is Over I Will Check His Whole Background' Zakiya inwardly made this decision

Normally with his personality a youth like Rex would never enter his eyes, but unknowingly Rex kept showing him something beyond common sense again and again that it caught his interest, it was the reason that Zakiya let Rex talk with him so freely like that or else being someone who could enter Rex's sea of consciousness by just using his Friend List, how hard would it be for him to take Rex under his control

According to Rex, the only reason for which Zakiya let him talk like that is for cure but it's not completely true rather it's only a small part of the true reason

Refining this cure was harder than anything Rex made until now, it wasn't something Rex could make in a few hours

Rex kept refining all 245 herbs separately and merged them in a different combination, the process looked simple but it was the hardest part, even a small mistake could change the flow of reaction and result in a completely different substance

Minutes passed like seconds and hours passed like minutes, three days passed just like that and Rex was still refining the cure

Zakiya was also there all this time to take care of Rex in case something happens

Rex clothes were now covered in sweat but he didn't seem to care about it, his only focus on the three huge spheres consisted of different chemical floating above his head, he was at the final pace of making the cure

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