Psychic Inventor In Cultivation World

226 Chapter 225 : : A Hidden Card

Two of the three liquid spheres were of green and golden color and the last one was colorless like water

Under Rex's control, the three spheres started to merge into one, when they all came in contact with each other a sudden burst of a very sweet and alluring fragrance took place

The fragrance spread to tens of kilometers in just a few seconds, it had an alluring charm to it that attracted the beasts that were miles away from Rex

A horde of beasts rushed towards Rex but the second they felt the presence of Zakiya all of them stopped in their tracks, most of them reluctantly left after just watched Zakiya from afar but the remaining few looked at the merging liquid spheres above Rex with desire filled eyes

Although they didn't know what it was but their instincts told them that it's highly beneficial for them and that smell was just too intoxicating for them to step back, they all wanted it but because of Zakiya they didn't dare to step forward and attack Rex for it, they just looked at each other hoping to see who will go first

Finally, one brown furred fox with two tails lost his patience and rushed toward Rex with his full speed hoping to drink as much as potion he could in one bite and ran away before Zakiya could move

When the brown fox was close enough to Rex he instantly used a strange special ability and dived into the ground like it was a swimming pool but instead of striking his head on the ground his body actually sank in it then it came up and swam like it was water

While swimming in the ground he was a few times faster compared to when he was ruining on the grown, which increased his confidence for completing his task and he completely ignored Zakiya's existence

Greed often takes over one's reasoning, the brown furred fox was no exception

Zakiya just looked at him like he was looking at a dead person, he just slightly raised his front right paw and stomped the ground

When he did that, a trail of black ice appeared on the ground below his feet and expanded towards the brown furred fox at an astonishing speed, the brown fox suddenly felt cold on his back but it was too late for his too react his whole body froze in a layer of black ice when most of his body was still under the ground

When the other beasts who were a little far away from the brown fox saw that they stepped back a little and looked at the frozen fox with fear filled eyes but suddenly they realized that something was wrong, even after the brown fox was frozen the black ice trail didn't stop it was moving towards them

All of them turned around and was about to run but suddenly many spikes made of black ice came from underground and pierced them all at some places, although the wound from the spikes was in itself not deep but once the black ice came in contact with their body it madly sucked their Qi from their body and used it to grow and freeze them on the spot

On the other side, Rex had almost completely merged the three liquid spheres, when all the spheres combined then instead of increasing, their volume decreased, at that time Rex had already noticed Zakiya killing the beast so when he was still distracted Rex made a small cut on his wrist and added his blood in the potions

He didn't know if Zakiya will be able to notice it or not but he did that because it was necessary to increase the success rate and effects of the potion he only had two ties but if possible he wanted to make it in one go because then he will have a lot of precious herbs left to make more of it or something different but at the same level as this one

The newly formed liquid sphere was completely colorless even when the dark red blood was added to the colorless liquid sphere it still remained colorless, it was colorless to an extent that it looked like distilled water that has been freed of all the impurities but the fragrance coming from it was too intoxicating even for Rex

When the merging was finished, Rex sighed in relief and wiped the beads of sweat from his forehead then he took out ten conical flasks out of his inventory

Rex divided the colorless liquid into ten equal parts and put it in those conical flasks then he placed them all in his inventory

Rex then took a deep breath and looked at the sky

'So what type of heavenly trial it will be' Rex thought as he looked at the unsettling weather in the sky

When an Alchemist makes a high grade pill like a spirit grade pill… something out of their league for the first time then they have to face a heavenly trial, the power and type of the trial depends on the thing they made

Suddenly black clouds appeared in the sky and crackling sound of thunder echoed in the surrounding

'So it's a thunder tribulation… my luck's grade is probably fake' Rex looked at the black clouds with a solemn expression

Thunder tribulation is the hardest trial to pass when it comes to heavenly trial

Normally a heavenly trail appears when the alchemist is about to condense the pill but Rex ways were different he never condensed the pill but made it into a potion form so he finished it before the trial even began

[It's all right, it's just a heavenly trial so how bad it can be?]

Rose tried to comfort him but in the next second Rex felt that the Qi in his body is becoming a little restless and the wind around him was somewhat unusual

Suddenly Rex saw that the spiritual Qi in the wind became chaotic it got mixed with strong gusts of wind and turned into something like a small Qi-wind blade than flew at him, Rex easily dodged it but his face was a little dark

'Well done Rose' (Rex)

[It's not my fault]

'But seriously?… why is there Qi storm here too, isn't heavenly trial only gives one trial then why I am facing two different trails at the same time' Rex rubbed his forehead

If thunder tribulation is the hardest heavenly trial then Qi storm is definitely ranked second, under Qi storms it becomes hard for a cultivator to use their Qi efficiently resulting in the increase in chances of pill failure

Furthermore, others cannot interfere in someone else's trial or the level of hardness of the trial will increase depending on the strength of the one who interfered

Rex looked at Zakiya, expecting some help from him

"Good Luck" Zakiya waved his paw at him

"…" (Rex)

"You big wolf, if something happens to me then you can forget about the cure" Rex shouted from afar

Black lines appeared on Rex's forehead

'It's no use expecting any help from him, I need to switch to Plan B, I wanted to keep it as a hidden card for the future but …sigh..' Rex flew towards Frozen Flame at his fastest speed

'This Brat, Does He Think He Can Fool Me? He Has So Many Tricks That He Keeps Showing To Others So It Would Be Strange If He Doesn't Have Few Hidden Cards Under His Sleeve… Now Let Me See What He Got' Zakiya thought when he saw Rex flying towards Frozen Fame


A bolt of thunder struck towards Rex

Rex didn't take the risk and directly used Instant Transmission to dodge it

He successfully evaded it but then the thunder struck him again and this time there were more than ten bolts of thunder that came towards him

Rex wanted to use Instant Transmission but he didn't use it, in last three days his mental strength was put to the test and now if he used Instant Transmission again and again then it will result in high mental fatigue

'Battle-Wings + Holy Shield' (Rex)

Four blood red wings came out of his back and folded themselves around his body, at the same time a spherical golden Qi shield appeared around him and covering his whole body


The shield was only able to hold on for the first three strikes before cracks appeared on it and got shattered on the fourth thunderstrike

His wings were able to take all the remaining hits but he still received some damage because the penetrating power of the thunder was high

[-20 P]

[-9 P]

[-13 P]

'A little more… I am almost there' Rex thought as he looked at the big wall of Frozen Flame in his sight

Rex took out the SB v1.0 and equipped it on his head

'Activate The Grand Spirit Array's Second Form' Rex ordered

[Administrator access is required for acknowledging the command]

'My Administrator ID: Rex Andrews and Password: Rex is smarter than Rose' Rex said

[You gonna get it someday]

'I will see it by then' Rex said as he flew inside the region of Frozen Flame

[Administrator access granted]

[Activating Grand Spirit Array's Second Form...]

Suddenly the crystal above all the tower began to shine, then a purple ray of light came from the crystal of one tower and attached itself to the crystal of another tower on it's right forming a link, the crystals of other towers did the same

After all the tower's crystal had formed the link with the neighboring tower crystal they started to form a link with other towers too, in just a few seconds several links got formed connecting every single tower to other nine towers

Then the cubic crystal above the silver tower which was quiet until now emitted dazzling bright light all of a sudden, under that light all the links which were straight until now changed shaped then they started to combine with each other and formed different patterns, it looked like they were all wool thread which were now being sewed into a sweater

Soon a gigantic light curtain which looked similar to a net made of hexagonal blocks got formed above the whole region

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