Psychic Inventor In Cultivation World

227 Chapter 226 : : Grand Spirit Array's Second Form

It wasn't over there, the gigantic net like shield which was like a flat board until now changed shape, it now looked like a hemispherical bowl that was placed above the region with its bottom facing the sky

All the links that were sewn into the net like structure had now even covered the towers themselves, the links from the crystal on the tower were now connected to other nods in the middle of the net, the purple light coming from the links filled all the hexagonal blocks to make a semi-transparent purple curtain in the hollow space of those blocks

The gigantic purple hemispherical shield made of countless small hexagonal shields appeared above the whole Frozen Flame

The whole shield was made of countless hexagonal purple shields just like Rex's Diamond Shell ability, he actually used the structure of shield made by Diamond Shell as a reference while making this grand spirit array, it was actually Rex's original work

Jiang Shuang, mother beast, baby beast, and all the workers in the Frozen Flame could see this abnormal change, it was like they were inside a bottle and a cap appeared on it out of nowhere

Everyone's expression was solemn, although they didn't know why this thunder tribulation and Qi Storm was coming towards them but they knew if the person accompanying it came close to them then it's power will increase


When they were still in shock, they heard the crackling sound of thunder, then suddenly several bolts of thunder struck on the shield

All the thunderbolts struck the semi-transparent gigantic shield together but there was no sign of damage on the shield, furthermore one could see the trail of thunder sparks that were moving towards the poles then got sucked by the crystal after reaching it

'Well although I didn't make any machine that uses thunder or electricity but I did make batteries that are able to store it' Rex looked at the shield in satisfaction

The main reason for which Rex made the batteries like that was for facing his future thunder tribulation after breaking through to Core Breaking stage, it was at the time when Rex only thought about making his base here but later when he decided to make a city too he canceled the plan but those batteries were already made by then

It wasn't over when all the thunder strikes landed, Rex saw that countless blades of Qi mixed with the strong gust of winds attacked the shield just after that, one Qi blade like that might not do much damage to someone but when the number is multiplied by hundreds and even thousands then the situation is different

But when Rex saw them striking the shield he wasn't anxious or scared instead he was filled with joy, like heavens were sending gifts to him

'Now heavens will witness the main ability of my Grand Spirit Array: Second Form' Rex thought as he looked towards the sky

'Good now that the shield has absorbed the Qi it will be put in Grade-C batteries' Rex thought

There are many batteries for storing Qi in Frozen Flame but they are graded depending on the quality of Qi they store because with the different quality they provide a different output when used as input

For example, when Rex used Energy Converter and changed his Exp into Qi then it was transferred to Grade-A batteries

The Qi obtained from the Transmission array as tax is stored in Grade-B batteries

And the last one that is directly absorbed from the atmosphere… like by using Qi gathering array and Grand Spirit Array is stored in Grade-C batteries

The total power the Core Smart Brain shows is after calculating the input-output rate of the Qi in all the batteries, Rex usually use Energy Converter to refine Qi from Grade-C to Grade-B to increase the output

'To start and maintain the Grand Spirit Array's Second Form the system should have used around 6% or the total energy… but it is absorbing the Qi from Qi storm too so let's see if I am making profit or loss' Rex quickly used the SB v1.0 to check the data

According to the information Rex got, the array indeed used 6% of the total power reserve but it was only able to recover 2% from the Qi storm

Rex sighed, if it was about quantity then the Qi he got from the Qi storm was almost half the total Qi Rex refined using Energy Covered all this time but the quality was a problem

Thunder strikes and Qi blades kept assaulting the shield but with time their assault grew weaker it looked like the heaven's trial was about to end, Rex panicked when he saw that

Rex was silent for a while then he suddenly took out a blank board and wrote something on it

Rex then raised the board facing the sky

The words written on it were… 'Heaven Bro you can do it, don't give up'

"Go Heaven Go, Go Heaven Go… don't give up, just a little more" Rex started cheering

But there was no response

'Tch… looks like it won't work' (Rex)

[You Serious?]

'It did work in NBA, well let's move to plan B' Rex then looked around

Suddenly his eyes landed on Jiang Shuang standing a little away from him, Rex's eyes shined then he rushed towards him

When Jiang Shuang saw Rex rushing towards him, he felt good inside… he thought Rex is coming to check if he was injured by the thunder tribulation or anything but then he felt something was wrong, he noticed that the sky that was just clearing from the black cloud got dark again

"Master Rex Stoppp… the thunder tribulation is not over yet" Jiang Shuang shouted at top of his lungs to warn Rex, he believed that Rex thought that the thunder tribulation was over and came to meet him

"I Know" Rex didn't stop instead he increased his speed and hugged Jiang Shuang tightly

Jiang Shuang panicked, when he saw the crackling thunder in the black cloud his face became slightly pale, now that he was involved in the trial he would also face the tribulation with the Rex and if the shield was not able to hold on then it will be over for him, after all, a mere Heaven venerable cultivator how would he even face thunder tribulation on his own

Rex didn't seem to be satisfied by Jiang Shuang alone, he noticed few maids and servants standing a little far away

When their eyes met Rex's they panicked but they had nowhere to run, Rex rushed towards them in the next second

"Woah! Brother you have nice muscles…"

"Hi, Little Sister have me met before"

"Hey girl wanna get a drink before we go"

"Sawade call, happy now"

Whenever Rex came in contact with a person the thunder tribulation and Qi storm's power increased a little, their cultivation base was lower than Rex so it didn't have an extreme effect but after coming in contact with multiple peoples the effect got stacked one after another

'Oye system how much?' (Rex)

[The total power reserve is 16%]

'Good let's go find a big fish this time… oh ho ho I know a right person for this job, where's my little baby let's go meet your mother' Rex checked the Mini-Map and found out that the baby beast and the mother beast were in the same place

When Rex arrived at the location and saw them, his lips can't help but twitch

Both baby beast and mother beast were sitting on the ground like an obedient puppy and were looking at the thunderbolts assaulting the shield like it was a firework show in the night sky

Rex walked to them and sat in the little space between them

When Rex came near them, the power of the thunder tribulation and Qi storm increased by several folds but the shield still held on

Rex took out a big bowl filled with purple barres and placed it in front of the baby beast, the baby beast was not reserved he dug in and emptied the bowl in one go

'It's a shame I don't have popcorn right now' Rex thought

Rex words comforted him and he finally took a breath of relief

The heavenly trial lasted for the next 3 hours and the total power reserve reached 27%

Rex even had the idea of going close to Zakiya to increase the power of thunder tribulation but the problem was he didn't have any idea about Zakiya's true strength so he didn't know how much power of thunder tribulation it can increase that's why he decided not to take such risk

What he didn't know was that Zakiya was already cursing him when he saw that someone can use heavenly trail like that, after spying on Rex all this while he had already seen how Rex stores the Qi somewhere and uses it to control those ID card things…

Zakiya was also very curious but he didn't ask Rex about it because if he did then Rex will know that he was being spied on and will be more cautious from then on

After the tribulation was over Rex came back to meet Zakiya

"How did you made that strange array?" Zakiya asked directly

Rex was not surprised by his question he knew that Zakiya had reached the legendary 'a thought becomes an array' state so how could his special array made using Array Circuit Tech not catch his attention when he can't see through it

"I just make it using different technology, in simple words I made it using my knowledge and my own special abilities that's why others cannot understand or make it," Rex said causally

Zakiya nodded

Rex only spoke the half truth so it wasn't taken as a lie and his roundabout way of saying it also meant that this is his specialty so he is not too comfortable to leak any information about it

Zakiya didn't ask more, right now his focus was more on the potion

Rex took out one conical flask filled with the colorless potion and placed it in front of Zakiya then he nodded towards him with a serious face then turned around and started to walk away

Zakiya looked at the potion then at Rex who was walking away, if there was no black mist covering his body then others would be able to see how dark his face was right now

'Does This Brat Take Me For A Fool?' (Zakiya)

He tapped the ground with a fingernail, suddenly a wall of black ice appeared before Rex and blocked his path

"Aren't You Forgetting Something?" Zakiya said with a sneer

"Huh? Isn't our deal completed just now" Rex said with an honest face

"Cut The Crap… You Bastard Made 10 potions And Just Gave Me One, Do You Think I Can"t Even Do That Much Calculation" Zakiya shouted at him, no one in his entire life had ever tried to trick him in broad daylight like that

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