Psychic Inventor In Cultivation World

242 Chapter 241 : : Black Scorpion City

Aiden and Fred looked at each other then followed behind. The Transmission Array Platform was made to accommodate around a hundred people at the same time do it wasn't a problem for all of them to use it at once. Rex made it so big because it was the only way to enter Frozen Flame City for normal people so if it was small and a lot of people wanted to enter at the same time then they would have to wait in lines and he didn't want that that's why it was bigger.

After the array activated they all disappeared from their place and appeared at the array platform in Frozen Flame City.


One old man was staring at the Working Bots standing beside the array platform like statues.

When he saw the array activating and a lot of people coming out, he fell to the ground in surprise. when he looked at that many people he just stood up politely nodded then left.

All the demi-humans with Alfred were fully capable of hiding most of the demi-human features on their body in the normal form so until they met an expert of someone with the same cultivation base as them then they can hide their identity but it didn't help them get over their nervousness, they subconsciously lowered their heard and averted their eyes away from the old man.

"Did you got so used to hiding your faces, that you became such cowards?" Rex said in a harsh and cold tone, he showed a completely different personality from his usual self.

Aiden subconsciously lowered his head in shame, the others were the same, they haven't come to a city and walked like a free man for a long time. After the war, they had to hide as best as they could while passing through a city that's why their body still remembered that feeling and they bowed their heads to hide their faces.

"Brother Jiang shows the way to Monster Hunting Sect," Rex said without caring about their response.

When the words came out everyone stared at Rex. The first thought in Aiden's head was the same as other demi-humans which was 'Will he sell us out' but the thought disappeared as soon it appeared because with Rex's strength he didn't need to play such petty tricks, then they all thought of the other possibility… he told us to gather people that can fight and now we are going to Monster Hunting Sect for what?

The answer was obvious but it was hard for them to believe it.

Why would Rex, someone they only knew a while ago, will help them for apparently no reason? this just doesn't make any sense for them.

{Brother Rex, you sure about that? their Sect Master is a Golden Core stage cultivator? and there is a bigger problem than that their sect in a place near the Black Scorpion City which is indirectly in the control of the Black Scorpion Sect.

Jiang Shuang called him Brother Rex instead of Rex because he felt a little awkward calling him by just his first name all of a sudden.

'Wife? my wife and son, what the heck is he talking about,' Rex thought.

It wasn't hard for Rex to guess what he was thinking but he didn't want to waste time explaining.

Rex had used one of the dead bodies to extract the information related to their sect so he knew about their sect master's real strength.

Jiang Shuang was reluctant but he still did what Rex said and guided the way. Monster Hunting Sect was a little far from Corentis so it takes around 24 hours of flight for them to reach there if Rex was also he could cover the distance in less than 10 hours but right now he needed to be considerate of people with him

On the way, Rex remained hos temperament was cold as ice, of course, it was what the beastman saw, in truth, he was focusing on making the blueprints for new machines. He occasionally talked with Jiang Shuang on the way but only using Telepathy.

After talking with Jiang Shuang got the basic idea about Black Scorpion Sect, this sect was famous for two things one was its information network and the other was... assassination, Black Scorpion Sect was actually an assassin organization that takes assassination requests from the underworld of Golden Bird Continent. One more thing Rex came to knew is although Black Scorpion Sect is known as a principled assassin organization because of their work style.

When they make a deal, the information of the client is kept secret and once the money is taken they will make at most three attempts to kill their target if the target survives all three times then they won't make any more attempt and pay back ten times the price the client used to hire them back to the client.

But there was one problem with Black Scorpion City, although it was ruled by Black Scorpion Sect it didn't have any main law or system, the only law it had was pay tax on time and don't make trouble for Black Scorpion Sect.

Because of these two rules that place has become a paradise for killers, veteran assassins, lawless mercenaries, and all kinds of criminals. Jiang Shuang also had set up a Myriad Auction House branch in Black Scorpion City but because of it's lawless nature the auction house there only sold low-grade pills and poison antidotes, it was basically near its end, Jiang Shuang was thinking about removing it from there soon.

'I was thinking about forcing their Sect Master but if he is a reasonable person that follows certain principles then I can just strike a deal with him rather then resorting to violence,' (Rex)

After flying for one whole day, Rex and the others finally reached their destination. They could see the big black gate of Monster Hunting Sect zooming in their vision.

When the beast-man saw the four guards standing outside the gate from far away they weren't able to help back and used Qi message to urge Aiden and Fred to do something. Fred didn't know what to do so he slowly approached Rex and spoke.

"Er, Sir may I know why did we cam here?" He knew it was a silly question but he still wasn't able to hold back and asked.

Rex turned and stared at him, Fred subconsciously averted his eyes away from him.

"Do you still need to ask? I am here to wipe out the Monster Hunting Sect," Rex said in the same cold tone.

This time Aiden wasn't able to hold back either and joined in the conversation.

"Wha.Cough... Sir, Senior Rex sent you so I don't doubt your strength but we all combined are 49 at most, we can't take defeat a whole sect just by our-self and top of that we are attacking head on," Aiden said in a slightly nervous tone.

He wasn't afraid of fighting life and death battle but he didn't want to fight meaningless life and death battle. Fred already told him about the giant six headed monster who was about to reach Calamity Lord stage whose strength is equal to the almost legendary Sky Body Formation stage cultivators so if Rex had such backup then why did he send them to fight a deadly battle like that.

"If you want to leave, then leave no one stopped you," Rex said then turned his head to look at the guards again.

Aiden sighed and quietly followed. Leave? this thought never came to his head and other beastman were also like that, after they decided to live in Frozen Flame they had taken Rex as their last straw, now there was no going back for them. They knew if Rex becomes stronger then they will be able to live a secure life and if Rex loses to an enemy then they will be buried in the city with him.

When Rex and others were just 100 meters away from the guard they reacted and shouted at them.

"You people why are you flying here? this is the territory of Monster Hunting Sect you can't..huh?" The guard was shouting when he noticed the different hair colors and eye colors of the beastman.

Many people have different color hair, eye color because of race, cultivation technique, or natural mutation, but there is a slight difference between them. A normal person might now be able to notice them but the disciples of the Monster Hunter Sect, who are taught about these things since they joined the sect, how could they forget something like that when the main business of their sect is to kill and sell non-human races as beastmans.

One guard secretly moved his hand behind his back and activated the signal talisman hidden in the sleeve.

Aiden noticed something suspicions so he took out his broad sword and was about to rush but Rex signaled him not to make any move.

The four guards just cautiously looked at them but didn't say anything, soon more than eighty more disciples came running and joined them. Seeing that their backup arrived they sighed in relief then looked at the beastman with greedy eyes, in their eyes they were walking money bags.

At that time the other one of the four main guards took out a silver talisman and was about to activate but the first one stopped him.

"Are you out of your mind? if the elders or inner disciples came here then they will eat everything by themselves and won't even barf, we will only get a small reward by then but if we can capture them now then we can sell them before other's finding out," He said.

The other guards and disciple nodded in admiration

The senior brother was indeed senior brother he wasn't a guard for nothing… they thought. In most of the sects only outer disciples who have reached a good cultivation stage but have passed their prime become guards.

Rex waved his hand and the twenty Combat Bots appeared out of thin air and landed on the ground.

When Jiang Shuang looked at the Combat Bot he was exited for a second before he got depressed again when he saw their smaller size.

The outer disciple doesn't felt any kind of threat from the Combat Bots because they didn't have any momentum, temperament, or killing instinct. They didn't even felt any strong Qi fluctuation coming from the bits. One robust disciple smirked at then raised the big hammer in his hand.

"Leave these trashy puppets to me," He said as he swung his hammer horizontally, intending to take out all three bot in a single strike.

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