Psychic Inventor In Cultivation World

243 Chapter 242 : : The Battle Power Of Combat Bots

"Leave these trashy puppets to me," He said as he swung his hammer horizontally, intending to take out all three bot in a single strike.

When the three bots were just a few meters away from him their movements completely changed, it was like they just used nitro boosters which gave a huge boost to their speeds out of nowhere.

The bot on the left suddenly did a front flip very high in the air and started spinning very fast like a boomerang, the bot on the right did the same while the bot at the center bent its body backward and continued sliding using inertia.

The man swung the hammer but it didn't even touch the bots, the two were in the air while the one slide down to dodge it. Just when he finished swinging his hammer he noticed that the bot in the middle, which was sliding towards him was already beside him.

The bot grabbed his left leg then used its right hand to do a flip and stand up while breaking the man's leg in the process, the bot didn't care about it and threw the robust man towards the disciple.


The man was big and when he crashed into the disciple at such high speed, many of them could see tars in the daytime.

At the time when the disciples were recovering someone noticed that the other two bots have long closed the distance between them, if it was a living being then their murderous intent may have warned them in advance but what about combat bots? they don't possess any emotions they are just machines made for combat.

One disciple took out his long sword and struck it towards the bot, the bot slightly tilted its body to the left and swiftly dodged the attack then it clenched its fist and punched at the neck of the disciple, the disciple hasn't even finished his attack felt the bones supporting his neck crushed in one punch, then everything became dark for him and he died.

The bots are designed the strike at the weakest part of their target's body even if their target is very weak, which results in them finishing their enemy quickly without using much strength.

The bot on the right use different tactics, it clenched its fist then three long sharp blades came out of the knuckle area of each fist. Its speed was very fast and its movements were very accurate, it slaughters most of its enemy before they could even react.

Some had their throat sliced while the other felt theirs hear getting cut and the last few of them had their brain destroyed with one punch each.

In the whole fight, no one was even able to land their attack on the bots even a single time.

"This…" Jiang Shuang stared at the battlefield which can not only be called a slaughter field.

When the outer disciples died some of them used the signal talisman to inform the elders and inner disciples to save them but they die before the reinforcement arrived.

"Who dare to kill the people of Monster Hunting Sect?" One of the elders shouted.

Rex was too lazy to answer the question, he just waved his hands at all the Combat Bots to attack at the same time. On his order, all the bots moved, but they didn't rush blindly.

They used their basic formation, the tank type bots took the lead and stood up forming a wall of defense while the hunter type was behind them, ready to attack any time.

Cultivators at their stage can easily fly but their flying speed and proficiency are closely related to their cultivation stages so if they fly in groups in a fight like this then they will be like a bunch of ducks that fly blindly on the sound of a gunshot.

When the elders saw that their enemy didn't even put them in their eyes, they were furious.all of them took out their weapons and rushed at the tank type bots.

The tank type bots didn't move, just when the enemy's attacks were about to make contact with them, they raised their left hand and a rune-like circle shined on their wrist. Suddenly, a large inverted pentagon-shaped black shield appeared in their hand out of nowhere.

The bot's not only used the shield to defend but push their enemies rushing towards them. The elders were taken by surprise, they were rushing at high speed so they couldn't stop at this moment when the bits pushed them at the same time, they felt like a mortal who was blasted by a bulldozer.

They all either fell back or lost their balance, how could the tank type bots let go of such opportunity. They raised their right hand and another rune-like circle appeared and shined in their wrist, then a big one-sided ax appeared in their hand. The bot's slashed their ax at their opponents without a second of delay.

A few of them weren't able to resist at a time like this sot hey received a direct hit on their head or dantian and died. After landing one attack the tank type bots didn't rush but retreated, while they retreat to form a defense wall again, the hunter type bots rushed between the gaps and started their slaughter.


Rex heard a familiar sound when he looked down he saw that a young man actually managed to strike a direct hit on the tank type bot. The young man rejoiced but just in the next second his excitement died down because he saw that not even a scratch was left on the bot, the bots bodies were strong as spirit shields so how could they be harmed that easily.

The young man quickly retreated then raised his sword, a faint blue glow covered his sword as he slashed it towards the bot, when he did, an arch of blue light formed from the movement of the sword and flew towards the bot.

The bot didn't possess the element of surprise, he just raised its shield-like usual. A thin but long mark appeared on the shield.

'Sword Intent? so even Monster Hunting Sect had a genius. Well, comprehending a sword intent here in the middle realm is not as hard as in the lower realm so my Liu Wei is still way above to be compared to the likes of him,' Rex nodded his head in satisfaction.

When the young man saw that even with his small accomplishment sword intent mastery he was only able to live a scratch at most he was shocked. The combat bots weren't like him when the tank type bot saw that the man in front of him posses a much stronger threat to it than others. it sent the SOS signal to others bots, the combat bots weren't arrogant or egoistic they won't underestimate even a slight threat.

In only a few seconds two hunter type bots came and surrounded the youth. Suddenly an elder fighting a bot noticed the young man being surrounded by three bots.

"Second Elder and Third Elder you both go save Mu Chen if something happened to him then the Sect Mast....." The elder was just speaking but he saw that another hunter type bot rushed to the youth from behind and slashed his head in the siege with the other three bots. The bots don't waste time in talking or making a decision like them.

The elder seemed to lost his soul, panic appeared on his face when he saw the youth getting killed, in this panic he forgot one thing and that was.... he was doing the same mistake as the youth.

The elder soon noticed that he was surrounded by two hunter type bots, although he noticed that but it was already too late to escape and he died in a matter of few seconds.

"Everyone fly, these puppets cannot fly," One elder suddenly shouted.

When the words came out, the others noticed two and flew in the air. After seeing that the bots didn't follow behind they sighed in relief.

Jiang Shuang looked at Rex.

All the combat bots raised their arms pointing towards the people in flying in the sky

Suddenly a small mechanical section opened up from their wrist and a rectangular block with several small holes came out of it, the same things happened at their shoulder guards, it looked like a mini rocket launcher but the holes were too small for that.

At the same time one hunter type combat bot took out a small crystal ball from its storage array and threw it towards them, the ball shined and gave off a dazzling light like a flash grenade that temporarily blinded everyone. Everyone expected it to explode so they backed off to defend against it, a few elders even grabbed the neck of the disciples near them and used them as meat shields but to their surprise, no explosion occurred.

The ball only gave off a dazzling light that made them close their eyes for a second but they could still use spiritual sense to detect if someone was attacking them.

..Swish...Swish.....Swish.. x 7

Just at that time countless needles fired by the bots rushed at them with air piercing speed.

They could use spiritual sense to detect a few of them but it wasn't like their sense of vision they were so used to with.

In the end, the elders didn't take the needles as much of a threat and hardened their skin to defend against it but they soon realized that they were mistaken.

The needles easily pieced their hardened skin and dug deep in their flesh.

But no one panicked because the needles didn't do much harm to them. Just at this time one of the elders felt that the Qi inside his body was getting madly absorbed by the needle, he forcefully pulled out a needle from his body and observed it, when he did he deeply frowned.

"Everyone took out these needles from your body as fast as you could, the enemy had used Griston to make the...what...." The elder shouted while taking out the needles from his body to warn others but suddenly he lost control over his body and fell to the ground motionlessly.

Everyone noticed a faint grey fog was coming out of his body where the needles were pierced earlier.

"This... isn't this feels the same as the Four Eyed Desert Frog's poison that they used against you," Fred said to Aiden.

Aiden nodded.

Fred's voice was low but it was loud enough for the people around him to hear it.

Fred was right, Rex indeed used the same poison as them on the needle while making them using Griston and Kariston.

All the people from Monster Hunting Sect panicked they started to quickly force out the needles from their body but the poison was already spread inside their body so they started to fall one by one. The bots weren't idle they kept killing the fallen ones one by one, after being poisoned those people were like sitting ducks waiting to be killed so there was almost no resistance.

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