Psychic Inventor In Cultivation World

248 Chapter 246 : : Aeneas Cesyil

According to Fred, all these beastman were the prisoners of the Monster Hunter Sect, that hadn't been sold or killed yet.

Rex then asked about the big beastman beside Aiden.

"Senior he is Aeneas, Aiden found him locked in the deepest part of the prison. He is a lone survivor of his city, some people recognized his disguise when he was through a nearby city, at first he was able to escape with some minor injuries but he was unlucky and the Sect Master of Monster Hunter Sect got the knew of his whereabouts and successfully ambushed and caught him when he was still recuperating.

It all happened around last year, his strength was good so the Sect Master didn't sell him and wanted him to willingly sign a slave contract but he refused so he got tortured till today in hope of accepting the contract someday," Fred explained.

"What was the name of the city he lived in?" Rex asked.

"Huh? I didn't ask that, should I go ask him?" Fred asked. He didn't bother to focus on such a thing before because of the situation.

"No it's all right," Rex said.

While Rex and Fred were talking Aiden, and other beastman cut down the shakes hanging on the new beastman and Jiang Shuang used some potion to help them recover. After the shackles on the Aeneas was removed he began to recover his cultivation strength

'He told the whole story of him being caught but he didn't reveal anything important about his origin and his subspecies looks a little strange let's check it ' Rex thought while kept looking at Aeneas, he was a little curious about his overall strength and to check the authenticity of his words he decided to do a simple appraise on him.

'Appraisal: title, name \u0026 cultivation stage' (Rex)

[Title: Calamity Survivor, Ex Crown Prince, King's Prestige

Name: Aeneas Cesyil

Cultivation stage: Core Forming peak stage]

'What the… Ex-Crown Prince, I don't even need to read the description for that so he was lying, the one which got destroyed in not the city but the whole kingdom…. probably. That aside if he is a royal in beastman then his subspecies shouldn't be weak right?' Rex thought but didn't randomly approach him.

He isn't going to run away anyway so I can analyze him later on…. Rex thought

Different cultures in the cultivation world have different aspects and in Aiden, Fred, and Aeneas's culture people usually don't have any surnames. Only those with high status for example the people from a big family, noble family, and royal family have surnames.

"So are all these people also coming with us?" Rex asked without any change in tone.

"If Senior allows it then…" Fred was somewhat hesitant while speaking, he wanted them to come with him to Frozen Flame but they themselves were living in a city like a bother so how could he directly ask Rex to bring more of them there.

"Tell them the same condition I gave you, if they agree then they can come with us," Rex said.

Fred got excited when he heard that, he thanked Rex then turned and walked to other beastman.

He doesn't mind helping someone else in need but he would first check his own current capabilities before doing that, then the capabilities of the one he is helping then at last he would check what he would gain from it, if it is doing much harm and isn't long term solution to the person in problem then he won't take that action.

{Indeed, they are of no use in Frozen Flame right now…. but I am considering the future and after going through so much… they will be a lot better as a citizen than those useless people that just sit in a comfortable chair and complain all day about the city they live in instead of solving the problem on their own.

While talking both Rex and Jiang Shuang flew to the entrance gate of the sect to make sure no one attacks at this time.

Jiang Shuang nodded in understanding he was about to ask more but then he suddenly remembered something

"Senior I just remembered, we have caused such a ruckus here, the people from Black Scorpion Sect that are spread around the area would definitely come here to check it, we should leave this place as soon as possible," Jiang Shuang said in a slightly worried tone.

"Hehe come here to check it? they already arrived here long ago, and for how long are you going to hide there," Rex said while looking at a dried tree not too far away.

Jiang Shuang also looked at it but didn't found anything strange in it.

'So he is a shy type, don't worry I will make you talk' Rex muttered to himself then raised his hand towards the tree.

'Cursed Shot' (Rex)

Three tennis ball size black spheres appeared in front of Rex's hand and shot towards the tree, unlike Cursed Bomb, they focused on high speed rather than power.

When the attack was just about to hit the tree, the tree bark cracked then it burst open and a silhouette jumped out of it, after the figure came out of the tree it didn't even look at Rex and rushed in the opposite direction to escape. When the attack landed on the tree, it made three big pits on the tree and covered the whole tree in gloomy black fog, under the effect of the fog the tree lost its remaining vitality.

Soon enough crack started to appear all over it, the dried tree then broke into multiple pieces and fell to the ground like broken glass pieces.

"He is running away," Jiang Shuang hurriedly said.

According to him as long as Rex silenced the informer, the news won't be leaked for now.

"No let him go, I am going to the Black Scorpion Sect next so it's good if they get my basic introduction in advance," Rex said without giving a second look to him.

Rex had found the informer long ago because of Mini-Map and after using appraisal to check his title he found out that he was the informer agent of the Black Scorpion Sect.

The reason Rex let him go was because of wrong information, right now according to what the informer knew, Rex had easily killed a Golden Core Stage expert without any visible injuries so if such news goes to the ears of their Sect Master then it will put some pressure on them and Rex will have the upper hand in negotiations.

After half an hour…..

Rex and others were flying towards the Black Scorpion City. Fred and Jiang Shuang looked at each other then sighed, they could see the helplessness in each other's eyes, in their view they both were brothers traveling in the same boat. As for Aiden he still needed time to overcome hie turbulence in emotions.

Even when they all entered the Black Scorpion City they kept flying, they caught the attention of many ruffians and rogues in the city but no one attacked them because they were cautious, in their eyes, not just everyone dares fly in the city and when they noticed that Rex and the party were flying in the direction of the Black Scorpion Sect they guessed that a battle was about to broke out.

They all quietly followed them and waited for the fight broke out so that they will get the opportunity to rob them and get the favor of the Black Scorpion Sect at the same time.

When Rex arrived at the Black Scorpion Sect, the entrance was already blocked by 100s Elite Disciple standing before the entrance door.

Several Elders were standing in front of them, ready to attack anytime.

Rex was able to tell the rank of disciples and elders because of their dress code. They all were wearing the same black cloak with a scorpion tattoo at the center with a purple outline, although their cloak was the same but there was a badge on their chest which showed their rank, the Elite Disciples had a Silver badge while the Elders had Golden badge.

"I am not here to fight, call your Sect Leader I want to talk to him," Rex said in a cold tone.

All the elders looked at each other with some hesitation in their eyes but then an old man came flying and landed in front of them. The old man still had his QI surround his body ready to attack at a moment's notice, in his view one couldn't trust many in his business.

Unlike other peoples, the old man's body was emitting a faint green smoke and dark smoke at the same time which surprised Rex because he could tell that the dark smoke was from dark Qi and the green smoke was from poison Qi and the old man was housing both types of Qi without any contradiction which means he had dual-attribute spirit root.

"I am the Grand Elder of the Black Scorpion Sect speak what you want to talk about," The old man said in a hoarse voice.

'Appraisal: name \u0026 cultivation stage' (Rex)

[Appraisal: Sung Feng

Cultivation stage: Core Forming peak stage]

'Huh? core-forming peak stage and dual spirit root at the same time,… isn't he too strong for being the Grand Elder of such a sect, with his strength and dual spirit root he could easily get a high position in other big sects' Rex was a little confused.

[From what I could tell it won't be too long until he breakthrough to Golden Core Stage]

'Hmmm….' (Rex)

{Brother Rex, I have heard about him, he is known as Poison Feng. A few years ago he was only using Poison Qi and no one knew about his dual attribute Qi, it was only an until a life and death battle a few years ago that he revealed his dark attribute, he is very strong I heard when he was just Core Forming 1st stage he easily assassinates his target at Core Forming 4th stage.

'Just reached Core Forming 6th stage last year? I am beginning to doubt his network should I retreat? hmmm… its too late so many people have surrounded us from behind so it won't be easy to retreat and if I retreat now then it will leave a bad image,' Rex thought.

"Old man are you deaf? when I say I want to meet your Sect Leader I meant your Sect Master, do your sect lacks even that common sense?" Rex said in a bad tone.

Jiang Shuang almost choked when he heard that, he gave such a big evaluation of the old man so that Rex doesn't act reckless and remain low key but who knows his words were heard from one ear and thrown out from other.

"If it's like that then there isn't a need to talk anymore," The old man said as he moved he pointed his finger at Rex, suddenly a green smoke cloud made form his poison Qi flew towards Rex and covered him.

Rex didn't try to dodge the attack, he just used Telekinesis to push the people around a little away from him. Poison-type attacks were something he was least afraid of.

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