Psychic Inventor In Cultivation World

249 Chapter 247 : : The Ordinary Looking Sect Master

The cultivator that cultivates poison Qi can enhance their Poison Qi's lethality using other poisons and their Qi will also progress depending on the resources they used to enhance it.

Rex was surrounded by the green fog, the strange green fog containing poison Qi was soon got absorbed by his body when it came into contact with his skin.

Only someone who has reached the Golden Core stage can control their body to an extent to truly force out this type of Poison Qi out of their body.

[Alert! harmful substances detected…..]

[Reverse Engineer talent is active….]


The familiar notification began to appear again.

[It would take 04 seconds to fully counter the poison.]





"Old man you should seriously get a new perfume," Rex said while waving his hand in disgust.

Sung Feng was not angry at Rex's word but was surprised instead, he didn't delay and sued another technique.

Suddenly his body got enveloped in a black cloud and disappeared from everyone's vision. Rex thought that the black cloud will attack him but to his surprise, the black cloud soon disappeared too.

Rex checked his surroundings and even the Mini-Map but there were no traces of him.

Just at this moment, his Spider-Sense kicked in.

'Dash' (Rex)

Rex quickly switched his position to 10 meters away from his original position.


Suddenly the old man with a long saber in his hand appeared there, he stared at Rex with shock filled eyes but even when he was in shock his body didn't stop moving, he again disappeared in black smoke around him.

'What a troublesome technique,' Rex thought.

Rex got on full alert trying to predict the next move of Sung Feng but contrary to his expectation Sung Feng appeared a little far away from him and took back his saber like he had no in intention to fight him anymore.

"Sect Master wants to meet you," Sung Feng's tone carried a hint of disappointment but he didn't want to go over the Sect Master's order and continue fighting.

Rex just slightly nodded. If things could be simple like that then he wouldn't want to waste time-fighting an opponent that's full of tricks.

"You can't take anyone or your storage ring with you to meet the Sect Master," Sung Feng added.

Rex took out his storage ring and gave it to him but he asked to take Jiang Shuang with him, after asking the Sect Master Sung Feng agreed.

Sung Feng's calm expression finally changed, earlier only people who had noticed the look in his eyes could tell that he was shocked but now it was too obvious. He subconsciously touched the hilt of the long saber but after clearly thinking he switched to the hidden communication jade bracelet under his sleeve and sent the message regarding this to the Sect Master.

If the strength piece can't fit in the puzzle then I just have to use the wisdom piece…. was what he thought.

Rex and Jiang Shuang were accompanied inside the sect building by an Inner Elder, Sung Feng himself didn't accompany him not because he was underestimating him, he stayed behind to keep an eye on the people Rex brought with him.

The elder took them to the entrance door of an ordinary wooden house in the back area of the sect then stood outside.

Both of them entered the house then walked straight to the underground hall according to the path elder told them in advance.

Soon they reached the underground hall

The hall was small and… too ordinary, a four-legged wooden table was present as the center of the hall and a man was sitting on the side opposite to Rex.

Rex found the man very strange because just like the hall he also looked very ordinary, whether it was his clothes, face, or temperament they all were far too ordinary for someone who was a Sect Master but… this was what gave Rex goosebumps.

Because all these things about him were what made him a frighting assassin. His living style made him look like an ordinary mortal, if he was standing in a crown then no one would be able to even guess that this person was the head of a sect that specializes in assassination and if in that kind of situation he assassinates his target and leaves the place then who would be able to guess that he did it.

There was one more person in the hall standing behind the Sect Master, although he wasn't as simple looking as his Sect Master the old man standing behind also had formal clothes on him.

Rex didn't take the risk and appraised the Sect Master first then the old man too.

'Appraisal: name \u0026 cultivation stage' (Rex)

[Name: Sung Lee

Cultivation Base: Golden Core 8th stage]

[Name: Sung

Cultivation stage: Core Breaking 5th stage]

Rex blinked his eyes twice before giving Jiang Shuang a long stare.

Jiang Shuang didn't know what Rex mean so he smiled in response, unlike Rex when he saw that the Sect Master of such sect is so formal he slightly relaxed.

Rex again used 'Appraisal: title' to check if the old man was the sect master instead of an ordinary man but then he found that the ordinary man was the real the Sect Master while the old man being the Sect Ancestor.

'Little Rose you sure they can't check my cultivation base,' (Rex)

[They can't, they need to be two whole realms above you to see through you and the other way would be a special Pupil Art or a Special ability but considering they are normal humans and how rare a pupil art is, they shouldn't have it.]

'Hmmm... They also didn't react much so maybe.... sigh.. even if they could see through I can't go back now let's do what we came for,' Rex thought.

"How long does the fellow cultivator keep standing like that, you can also stare at us while sitting here," Sung Lee said in a calm tone.

Rex nodded then slowly walked to them and sat on the wooden chair beside the table.

Jiang Shuang did the same.

'Little Rose, there is one thing that's bothering me why is the Sect Ancestor of the sect also want to join my meeting with him? it reminds me of the same situation in Cold Heaven Sect but there I used spirit discs so it's understandable that they caught their Sect Master's attention who was at the Golden Core stage.

But none of my actions right here should be able to catch the attention of a Core Breaking Stage expert, just what is the world does he want from me?' (Rex)

[Maybe it's a coincidence]

'Hmm... I hope you are righ..wait that statue? no, if they wanted the statue then why would they ask me to take out the storage ring?' (Rex)

When Rex was still thinking the old man behind the Sect Master took out a tray filled with more than 10 teacups and placed on the table.

Jiang Shuang looked down only to see that all the cups contain a different colored tea and all of them giving unique kinds of fragrance but instead of contradicting each other, all those fragrances gave an alluring charm when combined.

The herbal tea actually didn't hide the smell of poison herbs, it was just that the smell of the poison herb in them is very fragrant and it also matched with some high-quality teas furthermore the poison herbs used to make them were all rare and many Alchemist wouldn't recognize even one of them but Rex, who have read the books on herbs given by Zakiya before he first made the recipe for the Elixir Of Life, it was all the basic knowledge.

"Please have some herbal tea, actually this is a traditi..." Sung Lee was just saying but before he finished speaking, he saw Rex picking up the cup of tea at the center of the plate then using a bamboo straw to drink it.

Normally, this would look funny but right now Sung Lee stared at Rex with a serious expression. All the tea in the tray were poisonous but the concentration of poison in them differs based on the quality of the poison herb and its amount, and the one Rex picked was the most poisonous tea in the tray.

After he drank the tea Rex put placed back the empty cut in the tray. Sung Lee silently looked at Rex like he was waiting for something.

"There is no use waiting, this level of poison can't do to me, to tell the truth, the herbs in my garden are more poisonous," Rex said in a prideful tone.

Jiang Shuang "..."

As someone who was in charge of making the garden around the castle... Jiang Shuang realized Rex's face was thinker than he thought.

"Don't take it as offense it's the traditional game I play with anyone who comes to meet me but it looks like there isn't any need to continue it anymore," Sung Lee waved his hand and the old man took back the tray.

"If Sect Master allows it then I would like to you alone," Rex said with a serious expression.

"Don't worry, he is a Senior Elder of my Sect he knows more about the sect than I do and I consult many important issues with him before making a decision so if the matter you want to discuss is related to the sect then it's important for him to be here," Sung Lee explained in a polite tone,

Sung Lee looked very talkative and friendly type of person in Jiang Shuang's eyes, he was even thinking of building connections after the meeting was over.

"I see your point but... I wasn't talking about him," Rex said in his same casual tone.

Sung Lee stared at Rex with a slightly surprised look in his eyes before he raised his hand then snapped his fingers.

...Swwooossh...Swiiiisshhh.. x 4

Suddenly several gusts of wind passed by the four people around the table, Jiang Shuang freaked out and almost fell from his chair.

So many people were hiding around him and he didn't found even one of them, thinking of this quite scared him.

"So what does fellow brother want to talk about?" Sung Lee asked.

Rex snapped his finger and a storage ring appeared out of thin air, he then thews the ring at Sung Lee.

Sung Lee caught the ring and checked it, the ring was filled with a lot of 9th tier weapon and a few low-grade spirit weapon. He was surprised to see all the high-quality weapon, as a profession that highly focused on keen senses he could see the high quality of the weapons at a glance but the surprise was mostly related to the fact that Rex took the ring out of nowhere rather than the content of ring itself.

"Is it for a killing contract or Information?" Sung Lee asked.

Sung Lee thoroughly understood that if Rex was willing to pay Spirit Weapon as a price then the target for assassination or information he wanted wasn't simple.

What he didn't know was, all these weapons were something he made to sharpen his Artifact Refining skills.

"Neither, The person I work for is now working with Myriad Auction House so we are going to transform our business a little and many people are going to interfere while we modify all the auction house branches in the cities around here so I want you to deal with those troubles with your methods.

It's fine if they could settle together or agree with money but if their greed is too much then... just do what you always do," Rex said without any change in his tone.

"Brother I believe you at the wrong address, even if the price is high we don't do this kind of mission," Sung Lee said in a polite tone as he placed the ring back on the table.

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