Psychic Inventor In Cultivation World

254 Chapter 252 : : The Mysterious Statue - 3

After spending some time with Lerna and making sure that his room has really been captured by a new resident, Rex left the room.

{Listen I want you to take Lucia to Corentis to purchase some clothes for both her and Lerna… no wait she will again make an excuse, come to think of it the citizen in here also need a place to buy clothes right? and I was also thinking of making a fashion street here.

When Jiang Shuang heard Rex admitting that he can't make something he felt an unknown joy and his long lost confidence rising up all of a sudden.

Transformable clothes are one of the handiest inventions for cultivators who can transform their bodies while in battle… for example beastman.

During their transformation their size changes resulting in the ripping off their clothes, Rex would off course want to see it with his own eyes in Lerna's case but that's only when he is the only audience in her show, he was definitely not one of those with extreme fetishes.

Transforming clothes are made from the silk of a special insect that is capable of transforming with the user, Rex also wanted this type of cloths because of his Bloodline Form and Battle Wings but it wasn't easy to buy them.

These types of clothes were no less expensive than a low-grade spirit tool and as the qualities and effects increase the price also keeps multiplying, Rex could still afford the price but the other main problem was that it wasn't easy to find a seller especially in Golden Bird Continent.

These type of clothes were usually custom made, Tang Xuan suggested that he can order a ready-made piece for him but the thing was if it wasn't suitable then Rex couldn't replace him and all the money will go down the drain, even if he reverse-engineered the cloths he still wouldn't be able to get the material to make it easily.

'I can't leave this place without making sure that it can defend against other forces on its own while making money when I am not here,' Rex thought then he flew out of the castle.

Rex flew to the southern area in the region.

A row of huge warehouses was located near the southern gate of Frozen Flame, these warehouses were made to store the processed metal ore, alloys, and the mechanical parts used in the manufacturing of Bots.

Rex flew to the one at the end and entered.

Inside the warehouse….

There were several cages placed inside the warehouse and all the prisoners caught by Rex were held inside, all the prisoners had handcuffs made of an alloy containing Griston metal that suppressed their strength and restrained them.

There were few combat bots patrolling around with long swords in their hands.

Some started to plead Rex while the others spoke of their status and money to let them go, there were also some who started to spout curses because they believed there was no way out for them.

Rex ignored all of them and walked to the cage containing the old man and three other guards, he only gave a brief look to the scared old man before he grabbed the bar and dragged the cage to the other section of the warehouse.

Every warehouse had multiple sections depending on the type of things that are stored in them, Rex dragged the cage to an empty section.

The old man kept whining to Rex about the money he had hidden in his house or the secret about the several illegal children of the noble, he said as long as Rex let him go he will reveal everything about Sir Kebel and also give all his money to him but Rex didn't even spare him a single glance all the way.

Rex then took out SB v1.0 and placed it on the ground in a position that it was facing the four people in the cage.

He was thinking of taking out the mysterious statue to test its power against the four people while himself escaping using Instant Transmission.

After thinking for a while Rex took out a black cloth and blindfolded himself just in case, he also decided on not using his Spiritual-Sense so as not to be affected by the statue in any way.

All the four people in the cage were wondering what Rex plan on doing, just at this time Rex quickly took out the statue and was about to use Instant Transmission but suddenly his vision blurred.

Rex felt his consciousness slowly fading away, his body started to feel lighter, he felt like he was drunk. When he looked around Rex discovered that he was standing in his own room.

Everything was the same as before the only different thing he saw was that the mysterious woman's statue from before was lying on his king-size bed.

When Rex looked at the statue, he wasn't able to avert his gaze away from it, it was like his eyes were glued on it and his heartbeat fastened without him knowing. It was then Rex noticed his consciousness that was drifting away.

It was hard for him to know if this was his imagination or an illusion but he saw a woman with the same appearance as that of the statue lying on the bed in the place of the statue, not only her appearance was same but she was also wearing the same Arabic dancer-like dress as the statue.

After he saw the woman his thought became less rational if before he was feeling drunk then now he felt like he was high on drugs, he wasn't able to think why was he here and what was he doing but then he saw the woman lying on the bed coquettishly smiling at him as she slightly raised her hand and signaled him to come closer to her.

Rex was subconsciously about to step forward but then he abruptly stopped.

"Who are you?" Rex seemed to regain some control over his fading consciousness when he asked that.

The woman looked amused when she saw that, she then used her hand to cover her lips behind the almost transparent veil and slightly giggled.

She didn't answer Rex's question but stretched her body while still lying on the bed like she just woke up from her sleep, every single one of her moves looked elegant and refined. Even Rex felt slightly inferior when he looked at the woman, he felt like she was someone out of his reach… someone he could only look at but had no right to touch, this was the feeling that was new to Rex… and it was very annoying… he knew that it was definitely because of the charming technique she was using but still he couldn't do anything to resist.

The woman then walked down the bed and stood in front of him.

She looked at Rex, straight in his eyes while standing before him. She then gently touched his right cheek with her soft jade-like hand as she gave him an alluring smile.

Rex felt the warmth from her hand, her smile made him feel slightly nervous and good at the same time but….. he felt empty inside. It was like the beautiful woman was lacking something from inside that made him feel a little distant from her.

"Why do you hesitate? come here I will let you feel the boundless heaven with me," The woman said in an alluring tone, her voice feels like the sweetest voice Rex has ever heard.

'I won't last long like that… if I can't resist her then... I just need to think of something that surpasses her value in my eyes,' Rex tried to close his eyes but he wasn't able to control his body like before so he put his imagination on work just like that and started daydreaming.

It wasn't possible for a normal cultivator to stimulate their imagination to an extent of daydreaming or imaging something real on the spot but it was not that hard for Rex, it was one of the benefits he got from his upgraded brain and B+ intelligence.

He imagined he was standing inside the control room of an unknown spaceship. The spaceship was highly advanced it was clear with one look that it had long surpassed the limit of technology Rex knew off.

"Captain baby, how long are you going to space out like that," A familiar voice came from the side.

Rex turned and saw Luo Ru standing on the side with a tablet-like device in her hand, she was wearing a light blue space suit which was thin as paper and when it clings to her skin it clearly showed her explosive figure.

"Give it up little sis, it's usual for him to space out like that," Another familiar voice came from the way behind Luo Ru.

Rex then noticed Wang Xiu Ying that came walking down the same way as Luo Ru, Xiu Ying was also wearing a dress similar to her, but it looked more revealing because of its cutting design that gave the glimpse of her forbidden reasons and the glasses she was wearing made her look like a hot secretory beside him.

"Aren't I right? Captain," Wang Xiu Ying said in an alluring tone while adjusting her glasses as she winked at Rex.

Rex didn't reply but looked at the way she walked while swaying her butt left and right like a model, he was trying to capture the image from every angle and store it deep in his mind.

"Young Master, we are closing in on the forbidden rock zone, should we start the warp engine just in case?" Lucia asked with an expressionless face as she turned her head to look at Rex. She was sitting on one of the main pilot seats, her dress was made from the same material as Luo Ru and Xiu Ying but its design resembled to that of the maid costume she was wearing when she met Rex for the first time.

Rex subconsciously nodded at her then looked at Lerna who was sitting on the neighbor pilot seat near her, she was munching on some kind of alien snack completely obliged to her duty.

"Little sisters start the warp engine," Lucia nodded and gave a command to the two girls managing the control system at the left side of the room.

"Y..Yes Big Sis," Ria almost chocked on her words as she replied then she turned a hand gear on her right to 180' clockwise. she was wearing a red simple dress with her hair tied in a ponytail on the right side of her hear.

Mia sitting beside didn't say anything but she used a hand signal to tell Lucia that she understood and also turned a hand gear on her left to 180' clockwise. she was wearing a dress similar to that of Ria but of red color, she also had a ponytail on her head but on the left side.

Ria sighed in relief when she saw the message on the big screen stating that the warp engine was active, she then turned to look at Rex and found out that he was staring back at her, she blushed uncontrollably as she hid her red face with both of her hands.

Mia on the side sighed when she saw that.

'Sis is still the same as ever,' She thought.

Rex slightly smiled when he thought that all his maidens were together with him in such a dreamy place, he didn't show much on the surface but he was really happy from inside, it felt like he was able to grasp two of his big dreams at the same time.

"Where is Aru?" Rex suddenly asked.

"Where can he be? after you gifted him that C-4 planet on his birthday he fools around all day thereafter instead of coming with us, he must be enjoying his time with his little brothers and sisters right now too," Luo Ru snorted.

Rex nodded but then he suddenly noticed the hidden information in between the lines.

"Little brothers and sisters? are they mine…" Rex asked in an anticipating tone.

Luo Ru opened her mouth to speak but then Rex suddenly felt extreme pain coming from his little brother resting between his two legs.

Rex grabbed his crotch in pain as he rolled down on the floor.

'Dammit, which shithead dare hurt my little brother…. Rose what are you doing? where are you?' (Rex)

[I thought you almost forgot about me.]

Rex saw the blurry figure of a woman made of light before everything started to become dark before his eyes.

'How can I forget you, buddy…. we are one… with each ..other,' Rex felt the world beside him cracking before he got pulled to a different space.

When he looked around he found himself in his room again, just when he was about to sigh in relief he saw the woman from before staring at him. This time she wasn't wearing a veil to cover her face… and she didn't seem to be in a good mood.

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