Psychic Inventor In Cultivation World

255 Chapter 253 : : The Mysterious Statue - 4

[I thought you almost forgot about me.]

Rex saw the blurry figure of a woman made of light before everything started to become dark before his eyes.

'How can I forget you, buddy…. we are one… with each ..other,' Rex felt the world beside him cracking before he got pulled to a different space.

When he looked around he found himself in his room again, he was about to sigh in relief when he saw the woman from before staring at him. This time she wasn't wearing a veil to cover her face… and she didn't seem to be in a good mood.

A few minutes earlier….

When Rex started his daydream….

The woman was closing her face to Rex as she gently rubbed her hand on his right cheek.

She was sure that Rex's legs would turn soft any second now but to her surprise even when her face was just a few centimeters away from his face he didn't respond.

The woman thought for a second before she walked behind Rex and wrapped both of her hands around his neck while pressing her body on his back.

If Rex was awake he could feel two soft lump of meat pressing on his back but alas… he was daydreaming.

"Hero do this little woman is not up to your liking, can't you give me a chance…" The woman whispered in his ear in a charming tone, but she still didn't get any response around this time either.

The woman got slightly annoyed, she then removed the veil from her face with one hand and removed Rex's robe with the other.

She then threw herself in Rex's embrace with a blushing red face, her body shivered slightly like a little rabbit who just got caught.

'This time, it's over…er..' She thought but when she looked at Rex he was still in his daze.

The woman felt that her pride in her beauty just got trampled on by him, she still didn't accept defeat.

She again smiled charmingly and slightly slid down her upper wear while closing in her lips near Rex's. Only when her lips were just a few centimeters away from him did she stop.

Her face then became expressionless and she gave him a long look before stepping back and readjusting her clothes.

After she was done with adjusting her clothes she pulled her right leg behind in an arch and aimed at Rex's little brother before giving him a good kick.


Rex was thrown backward and the pain from his brother woke him up, he started rolling on the floor as he groaned in pain. Fortunately, the space was illusory just like he thought and the pain disappeared with the snap of the woman's fingers.

Only they did he thought about taking a breather.

Until now Rex still didn't realize how the charming technique of the woman works, if it was a mind manipulation type technique then he wouldn't even need to worry about it... his ridiculously strong mental strength, B+ INT, Mind Arts were more than enough to take care of such thing.

At present….

"What did you just muttered?" The woman said asked a slightly dark face.

Rex got a cold feeling in his back when he saw her like that.

'Wait did she heard when I said shi…. I hope not' Rex gave her an honest and innocent look.

"Big Sister, the junior brother was just having a bad dream, it wasn't intentional," Rex said in an honest tone.

"Big Sister my a#$#, whatever you little s###…." The woman started cursing nonstop without any restraint the second she opened her mouth.

'How can such a beautiful and elegant woman use such vulgar language,' Rex wondered.

The woman was really angry at Rex, passing the trail was one thing, but to completely ignore her beautiful existence got on her nerves.

Rex was dissatisfied but he still didn't interject… 'A wise man knows when to to bow' was what he went with.

After he heard repetitive curses from her for a while, she finally came to the topic.

"…you barely passed the test so from now on you are the honorary disciple of this fairy," The woman said in a flat tone, she still seemed to be in quite a bad mood.

'What honorary disciple? I didn't even accept Zakiya's direct disciple offer and she thinks I will accept her offer,' Rex sneered inwardly.

Honorary disciple meant that he will be just her disciple in name and won't get many resources or any backing from her until he proves his value and loyalty, with Rex's temperament how could he be willing to compromise with such conditions.

Furthermore, he could see that she didn't see him as much even after he passed such a hard trial so how could his ego allow him to be under her wing, as for barely passing it... Even he could tell at a glance that she was just bluffing to vent off her anger.

"This senior, I am but a lowly person with such a low cultivation base I don't think I am even qualified to be senior's honorary discipl…" Rex bowed and respectfully tried to reject the offer but the woman interrupted him in the middle.

"You Don't Seem To Listen Clearly, I am not asking your opinion on whether you want to be my honorary disciple or not, I am telling you that you are my honorary disciple from now on," The woman said in a chilling tone as she raised her finger towards him and a stream of light was shot at his forehead.

Her actions were similar to that of Alfred, a new cultivation technique appeared in Rex's head but he wasn't happy because he faintly sensed some changes taking place in his Sea of Consciousness, he was sure that the woman in front of him did something to him.

Rex also got some other memories related to the statue but he chose to focus on the woman in front of him for now.

After the woman saw that Rex didn't try to resist or panicked, her expression softened a bit as she spoke in a gentler tone compared to before.

"You don't need to worry about it that much, right now you don't know but you just live in Middle Realm, there is a Higher Realm above it, by the time you got this inheritance your teacher has long been ascended to the Higher Realm," The woman said as she slightly frowned.

Rex's S acting skills came into play as he gave a shocked look like his world view just changed.

The woman was very satisfied with Rex's look of shock then admiration towards her, she then continued.

"I have checked the Qi emitting from your unconscious body outside, you possess highly pure Yang Qi which is very suitable for practicing the cultivation technique I gave you, the only problem is you're ugly," The woman nodded.

Rex usually traps the Yin Qi inside his Yin dantian and lets Yang Qi circulate outside to disguise himself and prove to others that Jack: The Reaper is a different person from him.

'Ugly? did I hear it wrong? or this woman is blind, I am no handsome that even heavens are jealous of me, so jealous that they used Thunder Tribulation and Qi Storm to vent their anger when I just smiled at the sky and this blind woman is calling my ugly,' Rex was cursing from inside but on the outside, he remained undisturbed.

"So where were we… yeah you are like an ugly duckling but don't worry, your teacher left a rare Cosmetic Pill with this statue, this statue should have sucked the vitality of many people that came to get the fake inheritance to further nurture the pill.

Disciple Cosmetic Pills are too rare and their recipe is long lost so use it carefully, once you use it you ugly ducli.. I mean your ugly duckling like appearance will disappear and you will transform into a beautiful swan," The woman said as she gave Rex a pitiful look like she was saying 'Don't give up hope even if you are ugly'.

'I really want to punch her in the face,' Rex thought when he saw the pitiful look in her eyes directed at him.

The woman wasn't bothered by Rex's look towards her, furthermore, she felt very content when thinking of how kind she is to have done such a big favor for her honorary disciple, now he won't have to be an ugly duckling anymore.

"Fake Inheritance?" Rex suddenly noticed this particular word in her sentence.

"It's not totally fake they did get a few of my cultivation technique and martial arts but they need to have more than just strength if they want this one, this statue sets a different level of trials for different persons depending on their strength, Qi purity, mental strength, control over their desire and even the fact if they are pure or not. This statue only one left with my direct inheritance technique.

There were also a few more instrument that contained one of my special technique, they can also give my direct inheritance to one person, but after the ruins were explored, they can only be used a limited number of time then the self destruct countdown will begin except this one all the other had already self-destructed, self-destruction doesn't mean that it will explode but the inheritance inside will permanently disappear.

This statue wasn't used by many to accept the trail because the physical desire is the weakness of many so you are the only one who got my direct inheritance technique and that's why the limit to its number of users wasn't reached so the countdown didn't begin.... you are really lucky to get it, it's one of my best techniques and the only best that is suitable for a male too," The woman explained.

Rex nodded in response. he already knew that all powerhouse has its own unique personality and the trail designed by them can be anything that suits their taste.

'Even virginity is considered, what was she thinking while making this trial, that aside I feel really bad for poor people who used their blood and sweat to explore the ruins and are probably celebrating thinking that they got the true inheritance' Rex thought.

"I thank teacher for her kindness which allowed me to receive such a precious pill, may I ask teacher if she is Fairy Ren," Rex asked carefully, he knew he couldn't act carelessly right now so he decided to play along.

"Hmm… this was what people used to call me, you can call me that too, by the way, what was your name again, tell me fast now that I decided on an inheritor this statue is losing it's remaining spirituality," The woman said when she noticed her figure flickering like an interrupted holographic image.

"Disciple name is… Jiang Shuang," Rex said with his utmost honesty.

"Brat, don't think that you are so smart, your Sea Of Consciousness didn't respond to that name I give you one more chance if you lie…." The woman snapped her finger and Rex felt a sudden headache.

He was sure that Fairy Ren didn't have the ability to detect lies like Zakiya but her cultivation base and life experience were higher than him so although he didn't understand how did she found out but he still didn't doubt her words when she threatened him.

"I am Rex Andrews," Rex said with a solemn face.

He was thinking about using the name 'Ye Tian' but in the end, he concluded it wasn't worth it to take such a risk.

"Good I remember it," The woman said with a smile then her figure turned into a blinding light together with the whole room.

When Rex opened his eyes again he found himself standing inside the warehouse. he then looked at the white statue.

The statue was beautiful as ever but the special charming feeling disappeared. But it wasn't in its normal state, the statue was covered in a faint green light but it also diminished and disappeared soon after a brief second, Rex then noticed a shining white pill in the hand of the statue.

The pill was shining like a polished pearl, it was pure white with three silver rings on it.

'So this is the rumored Cosmetic Pill that can cause the war between all the women in the continent,' Rex thought as he looked at the pill in his hand.

When Rex was just thinking about it, he inhaled a smell of rotten flesh coming from the side, he turned around and found four dried corpses with some rotten flesh lying inside the cage.

Most of the flesh on the corpses was dried but after seeing the outline of the pleasure-driven expression on their faces Rex could still guess that the four people were very satisfied and happy when they died.

Rex felt a chill running down his spine when he thought about that.

He quickly asked Rose to check his body condition and found out that he had lost around 30% of his total HP.

Rex took a deep breath to calm himself down and then focused on the cultivation technique he got from Fairy Ren, this technique really intrigued him.

From the memories, he had received from Fairy Ren he had basic knowledge about the technique, the name of the cultivation technique was True Tai-Chi Forbidden Yoga Art, it was a heaven rank top-grade cultivation technique Fairy Ren found in the inheritance ruins of Great Tai Chi Sect.

It was a well-known sect that was perished in history after going on war with the Temple Of War, after their demise many people searched for this technique that was used by the founder of the Great Tai-Chi Sect but no one ever got it, in the end, its name was lost in time.

The thing that made this cultivation technique very special is the fact that it had two very rare nature… the first one was, it was a Unisex sub-type cultivation technique, and the second, it was also an Auxiliary sub-type cultivation technique.

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