Psychic Inventor In Cultivation World

256 Chapter 254 : : True Tai-Chi Forbidden Yoga Ar

A Unisex sub-type cultivation technique and the second, it was also an Auxiliary sub-type cultivation technique.

A normal cultivation technique can be practiced by both male and female, after cultivating it will have the same type of effect on both the male and female.

But cultivation techniques with Unisex sub-type were different, when a male and a female practices the same cultivation technique of this sub-type they will have different results, for example, the Yin-Yang Great Balance Cultivation Technique Rex got from his mother and used as a base material to make his own cultivation technique was actually a Unisex sub-type technique.

If that technique was practiced by a male with an attribute-less Qi then it would help them gain a Yang type attribute that is most suitable for them… that is of course after they use something as a catalyst to gain it, while if a female uses it then it would do that same but with Yin type attribute.

True Tai-Chi Forbidden Yoga Art was also the same, if it is practiced by a male it will give their Qi a hard and strong nature like an unstoppable tsunami, while if it's practiced by a female it will give their Qi soft and fluid nature like flowing wind.

The other good thing was, it was an Auxiliary sub-type cultivation technique, it meant that this cultivation technique wasn't meant to be used as the main cultivation technique but a support type to strengthen the effect of the main-cultivation technique…. cultivating a cultivation technique with an Auxiliary sub-type can enhance the overall power of a person many times but the condition is their main cultivation technique should be compatible with it.

Furthermore, True Tai-Chi Forbidden Yoga Art wasn't limited to the Qi cultivation path, it can also be used with other paths that focus on body cultivation…. in simple words, Rex could have used it even if he was using a Body Forging Technique as his main cultivation technique.

True Tai-Chi Forbidden Yoga Art focused on balance so it was highly compatible with his Yin-Yang Sacred Lineage cultivation technique but…. he couldn't cultivate it.

The reason is that the insides of his body were a complete mess compared to a normal cultivator with a single danitan. If the meridian of a normal cultivator is defined as a simple road that had few turns before reaching its single destination then Rex's meridians were like two different roller coaster tracks intertwined with each other and reaching two different destination in the end.

So cultivating an Auxiliary Qi sub-type cultivation technique that was meant for a normal person's meridians wasn't easy…almost reaching a level where it can said to be impossible because he could not change his routes for channeling Qi while synchronizing both techniques at the same time.

Different kinds of cultivation techniques focus on different paths, for example, a body cultivator doesn't even need to have spirit roots for cultivating but of course, their cultivation process is more painful and harder compared to that of Qi cultivators.

'If I learn this technique then it can help me with controlling both my Yin and Yang attribute at the same time, and this technique say that I can also use my Qi to strengthen my body although the effects don't reach a top grade Body Forging Technique but it's definitely an excellent body strengthening technique,' (Rex)

There is no term as body strengthening technique, Rex called it that because it helps in strengthening the body using Qi but not to an extent that it can be called Body Forging Technique.

Rex was in a dilemma of what to do but then he suddenly got an idea.

'Rose during my first evolution you adjusted all my meridians and body structure to match the new fused cultivation technique to get the maximum output with the minimum input during cultivation… right? so what if we do it again, I mean why don't we fuse this technique with my Yin-Yang Sacred Lineage Cultivation Technique then modify my body according to the routes defined by the new technique itself,' Rex suggested.

[At that time your body was very weak, so by just using SE point I was able to modify your meridians and body structure without much effort but now it would be riskier and need more efforts to do it]

'It's possible right?' Rex's lips curled upwards.

[Just as they say there is only one layer of difference between a genius and a madman, it is indeed possible… if you want to take the risk, you need to prepare things that can provide nutrients to your body while cell molding, it's better to use high-grade herbs…

And remember there is a 78% chance that I may need to use your life essence or blood essence to succeed as for how much I will need I am not sure. It depends on the quality of the material you use to supply the nutrients if it is good enough then I may not need to use your blood essence at all.

The best way for nutrient supply would be to set up a medicinal bath, we could use the spare herbs we got from Zakiya to do that.]

'Actually its better if we directly use the Elixir of Life to make the bath,' Rex said.

[You sure, it's precious.]

'It is indeed precious but it can be made again, I gave 5 to Zakiya, I need to drink one myself and I had used 1/4 of one for Lerna, right? we will use that one's remaining Elixir with other herbs for creating the bath, we will still have three left after that, now check the conditions and try to fuse them,' Rex said.

[Got It]

[Considering the possibility…1%..21%..45%..72%…100%]

[Possibility considered successfully]

[Theoretically, it's possible]

[Running practical simulation...…..]

[Practically it's possible]

[Showing results….]

[Fusion synchronization rate: 09%

Fusion upgrade rate: 14%

Modification rate: 06%

Overall efficiency: 400% : : approximately]

[Would you like to upgrade Yin-Yang Sacred Lineage Cultivation Technique using True Tai-Chi Forbidden Yoga Art: Yes/No]

'This… it's lower than I thought… let's try it anyway,' Rex chose Yes.

[Permission granted]

[Starting the operation…..]

[Starting fusing..1%…24%…30%..!]

[Alert! fusion failed]

'Try again' Rex said with an expressionless face.

He knew that the chances for the operation to complete were low but to his surprise, he failed just at the start of the fusion.

After half an hour…..

[Retry x 24]

[Starting the operation…..]

[Starting fusing..1%…26%..30%..35%..!]

[Alert! fusion failed]

'Sigh… keep trying in the background, as long as we keep improving on the small mistakes we will succeed, as for the cost I have plenty of SE points at hand,' Rex said.


[Rex one more thing, there is a foreign seal in your Sea Of Consciousness.]

'I know, but I can't do anything about it, our current knowledge is not enough to remove it, I will later ask Zakiya for help when he would come out of seclusion,' Rex sighed, he had long discovered it because he already knew something is wrong when Fairy Ren talked with him in such a threatening tone but he was also sure that his current knowledge is not enough to deal with it.

Rex then took out the Cosmetic Pill from his Inventory.

A Cosmetic Pill cannot heal a person, it cannot strengthen their body, it cannot detox poison either but if it comes in the market then people would be willing to even trade several spirit rank high-grade pills for it without hesitation.

The only thing a cosmetic pill could do is soften the skin, gives it a glow, remove the wrinkles, burn the extra fat, tightens the saggy skin…. basically, it raises a person's beauty, but to a level where it can betray the appearance given by old age.

For example, if an 80-year-old mortal woman takes it she can easily restore her looks to the time when she was in her 30s, the effect is based on the age of a person while taking their total lifespan as a reference.

The cosmetic pill actually pushes its user to their peak-form-looks, not the young-looks, which means if an old person took it then they would look young but if a very young person took it then he/she will only look more beautiful and their looks would age slowly.

It can recover one's young-looks but except that it does nothing else.

A single person could use three Cosmetic Pills in their life so even if a person with very high cultivation uses it and the effect decreases, they can just use another one to make up for it.

'If one takes the Cosmetic Pills they can enhance their beauty is what they say… of course, a handsome person like me doesn't need it but it would be easier to reverse engineer it by eating it and if I can do mass production of such product later on when Frozen Flame have enough influence to support it…. hehe then I can make quite a fortune,' Rex thought then he threw the pill in his mouth and swallowed it in one go.

When he was still waiting for changes to happen to his body, Rex suddenly felt an intense itching sensation all over his body.

Before he could figure out what was happening, he saw that the skin all over his body including his face has dried up, cracks started to appear on it as it got torn on its own while shrinking, although it was painful but after what Rex has gone through during his second evolution, such level of pain was ignored by him.

'Is it really a Cosmetic pill? not something made by a true devil cultivator's technique? she didn't trick me, did she? no why would someone like her trick me but this….' Rex was slightly nervous about the changes happening in his body.

He wasn't worried that it can endanger his life because the Ultra-Healthy Body hasn't reacted to the pill.

Soon Rex noticed that the dried skin on his body had crumbled up like dried leaves and started to fell off of his body one by one, he felt like he was shedding his skin like that of a snake. Rex nervousness disappeared all of a sudden, when the dried skin fell he could see the crystal clear skin that was hiding behind it until now.

When all the dried skin fell off him, Rex subconsciously touched his face and found out that his cheeks felt extremely soft. He quickly took out a mirror and was shocked to see his own face in it, Rex was just above average when it came to looks…according to other's point of view at least, but after the pill showed it's the effect he felt like a very high-rank surgeon has performed a world-class surgery on him.

His skin didn't become much fair or had any change in color, but now it had a special glow to it like he was using some high-grade cosmetic body lotions and creams to make it look like that, his skin felt very soft and smooth on touch just like a young maiden's skin.

It was so soft that Rex was scared thinking that he had lost his Black Diamond Physique only after purposely hardening his skin and carefully checking it did he sighed in relief.

[The reverse engineering was a success, we got the formula for making it… actually, after I matched the ingredient needed for it with the better alternatives from the Platinum Edition Herbal Encyclopedia Zakiya gave us, I concluded that we can easily improve the recipe furthermore and we can also make its multiple variants by using alternative herbs then people can use them more than three-time if needed.]

'Good, it feels nice when I have someone to rely on… It would be better if I had more capable assistants like you, it's fine even if they barely meet the requirement uufff there is no use longing for something we don't have..let's go,' Rex again flew back to the castle.

He now had a lot of spirit cores to absorb and further increase his status and now that the Black Scorpion Sect had agreed to help Rex could expand the range of his business faster than before.

Higher Realm….

Small Heaven Garden....

A beautiful valley passing through the mountains whose peaks were piercing the clouds in the sky, all the visible land was covered by more than a thousand types of flowers and lush green grass. The pure water streams passing through the natural canals around this endless land made it look more mesmerizing.

The whole scenery was a work of art made by nature itself, the place gave a heart calming feeling just by looking at it.

At a certain place near one of the waterfalls in the valley, a meeting was going on.

A big table made of pure silver was placed around the flower bed and big throne-like chairs were placed around it with equal distance to each other.

More than half of the chairs were empty and the remaining ones were occupied only by women.

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