Psychic Inventor In Cultivation World

257 Chapter 255 : : Nightmare Butterfly

All the women sharing the table were peerless beauties that can make the heart of even the finest gentleman waver with just a faint smile.

But those who are fooled by their appearance and takes action shouldn't hope to live long, although they all looked rather beautiful young women but their age differ by a big margin and even the weakest of them could be called a strong powerhouse in the outside world.

One of these women looked very similar to the mysterious statue of Fairy Ren, Rex got his inheritance technique from.

But the woman looked more mature and beautiful contrast to the statue, she had a more refined temperament and alluring charm to her compared to what Rex witnessed in that dream zone.

The woman suddenly felt something and looked at the shining red pearl on her bracelet.

'Hmm… I almost forgot about this... looks like all the instrument finally self-destructed, I just remembered one of them had a Cosmetic Pill, I recklessly left it there to nurture and increase its grade, I wonder if that instrument had reached its limit if it is, then I should hurry and think of a way to retrieve the pill,' The woman thought as she touched the pearl and closed her eyes, completely ignoring the ongoing meeting.

The woman was Fairy Ren, in truth when she left her true inheritance in the middle realm in her early days, she set the conditions of the hidden trails so high that even she could not pass them if she played by rules… of course if it was her of that time. The reason she set the requirements that high was because she only wanted a disciple who had strong control over its emotions and knows how to resist even the finest temptations, she wanted to have a disciple without any weakness in her field of expertise.

She was actually expecting a girl to pass her trial because almost everyone knew that most of her techniques were meant for females that's why she even left a Cosmetic Pill to reward the one who passed her trial but as time passed she lost hope of someone passing her trial.

She had left a small part of her spiritual consciousness in the statue using a secret method she got from the Great Tai-Chi Sect Inheritance, when her cultivation base rose she became more familiar with these kinds of things and kept waiting but nothing happened only then did she realize that she was too reckless while setting such hard trails, she didn't actually expect someone to get her direct inheritance after such a long time.

Fairy Ren slowly opened her eyes after a brief moment, but now her eyes were filled with a mixture of shock and amazement. She just checked the last message from her instrument and saw what happened to Rex in that dream.

'My dreamworld had such a weakness?' She was quite surprised, she never saw someone countering her move like that.

'He wasn't able to figure out the difference between the law and the technique which means his knowledge and experience are still very limited. Nevertheless, this kid has potential but he's too weak, I will check his progression speed after few years if he is fast enough then I will consider bringing him here,' She decided.

After living in the higher realm for so long, she had seen the fall of many genius cultivators who were regarded as the child of heavens, there is no lack of people with high innate talent, special physique, rare spiritual root…, in the higher realm but only a few have the ability to survive between the moments of life \u0026 death and use the experience to grow up into a powerhouse.

"Nightmare Caterpillar how long are you going to space out?" An annoyed voice woke her up from her daze.

She turned to look at the white-haired woman who was staring back at her.

The noticeable thing was that a very young little girl was sitting on the nearest chair to the white-haired woman. She didn't understand a single thing all the women there were talking about, she was just curiously staring at everyone's faces with big eyes.

"Scheming Saintess do the people from your Sura Clan not know the difference between an Ugly Caterpillar and a Beautiful Butterfly," Fairy Ren asked while touching her chin like she was really thinking about it.

"It is exactly because we know the difference," Ye Ying replied almost directly.

Fairy Ren narrowed her eyes at her.

"Senior Sister isn't it better to discuss what we assembled here for, we can settle our grudges later on," A mature woman sitting near Ye Ying spoke to her.

She looked maturer than others in the meeting, she had long black hairs but when the sunlight fell on them, a small part of it got scattered in different colors sparkling on her smooth hair like glitters. There was one more noticeable thing about her which was the beautiful glistering tattoo of butterfly-wings just above her cleavage.

Both of these things were a sign of her being from the Fairy Clan.

Ye Ying slightly nodded.

The woman then looked at Fairy Ren.

"Nightmare Butterfly, you have been in contract with Fairy Clan for a long time so I hope you can give me some face," The woman said with a smile.

Fairy Ren just waved her hand indicating that she understood.

Ye Ying slightly nodded at the woman appreciating her actions, she wasn't afraid of trouble but had no intention of wasting her time in meaningless fights, she then took out two files and placed them on the table.

"After Black Rose Empress disappeared, the situation near Arkadiya Battlefield has kept worsening over the year, others weren't able to replace her position so the federation wants someone to take her place and manage the situation as fast as possible to minimize the losses and just sending one person won't make up for it that's why they want few elites from other regions to go and support the current team of warriors stationed there.

I am responsible for choosing three candidates from this region, I want Nightmare Butterfly, Junior Sister, and one more person to manage that battlefield.

You are allowed to refuse but then your total contribution in the Federation will fall and those who go will naturally be rewarded depending on your contribution, so who wants to fill the last place," Ye Ying said then looked at Fairy Ren.

In response, Fairy Ren just raised both of her hands indicating that she doesn't have any objections.

Everyone started to ponder over the matter.

"You sure, it's rewarded and not paid," A mischievous voice broke the silence.

Ye Ying turned to look at the petite woman sitting in front of her.

The woman was short and had a petite body, her face looked a little childish, all these features made her look adorably cute but it was only because of her racial traits when it came to raw physical strength she was the strongest almost all the woman present.

Ye Ying was just about to speak but the woman continued.

"Whatever I am free these days and my hands are becoming itchy so I will go," She said.

Ye Yin nodded and didn't say anything, every powerhouse has their own free will with their bonus pride and ego, even if their strength differs their background and status are more than enough to boost their pride and ego to catch up with others.

After the meeting was over, all the woman flew away without even waiting for a minute for fear of receiving more tasks, the only ones left were Ye Ying, the little girl, and the woman that addressed her as Senior Sister.

"These women…. just knows how to slack off," Ye Ying shook her head.

"Hehe… Senior Sister just worries too much, I think it's better if Senior Sister stays at home and take some rest," The woman said while giggling then she picked the little girl from her seat and gently hugged her.

The little girl was curiously staring at the butterfly tattoo slightly above the woman's chest as she struggled to have a firm grasp over the two big cushions she was pushed against.

"I can't just sit back and look while the people make the mess of the system here, that aside how is your little girl doing?" Ye Ying suddenly asked.

"You don't have to worry Senior Sister…" The woman said.

"Your cultivation base has already caught up to me and now we are not in the sect anymore so you don't need to call me senior sister …. at least when no one is around," Ye Ying instructed while collecting the files on the table, she doesn't get too friendly when others are around to not let them get over her head but she could still act a little soft with people she knew for a long time.

The woman pondered for a while before nodding, after knowing her for so long she knew that Ye Ying means what she says.

"My little angel is very close to completely awaken her bloodline, she got selected in her Sect as one of the candidates for attempting the entrance trial of Star Guardian Sect and she accepted. She is aiming for a single-digit rank like you, she really admires you …Sister Ye.

One more thing she already knows about having a fiance that is chosen by you but although she didn't reject, she never asked me about his appearance or his name even once, will it really be fine… isn't it better if she could meet with Little Tian before she joins the sect," The woman said with some worry.

Ye Ying did understand what she indirectly meant, after joining an Ancient Sect the disciple's freedom and status will increase with their ranks loosening the restraints of their clan and if at that time, the girl develops feeling for someone else then it will be troublesome and as a mother, she won't be able to convince her daughter to marry someone she never met instead of the one she developed feelings for.

"I also wanted that but… that brat has a temper," Ye Ying rubbed her forehead.

The woman got confused by her reply but she didn't ask more and focused on the little girl desperately trying to push herself away from her bosom.


Middle realm….

Myriad Beast Continent....

A few weeks ago in the Villvix Kingdom…..

In one of the rooms in Heavenly Cat Clan…..

An adult man who appeared to be in an extremely sick state was lying unconscious on the wooden bad.

His skin had become pale yellow while his face seems a little swollen and his whole body was hot like it was just taken out from an oven.

A woman with cat ears was sitting beside him while slowly emptying a certain potion in his mouth.

After Mira emptied the whole potion in his mouth she carefully stepped back and waited for the result.

A robust man and two women were also present in the room. Their appearance was totally the same as of any other human except their cat-like eyes.

One woman looked like she was in her 30s, her facial appearance was similar to Mira except that she looked more mature. Right now she was nervously looking at the man sleeping on the bed, she even had dried tears marks at the end of her long eyelashes.

The robust man on the other hand was expressionless, he didn't let his emotions show on his face. There were several long scars on his body that showed his battle achievement over the years, he seemed calm on the surface but he didn't blink his eyes for even once when Mira made the man drink the whole potion.

The last one was a girl with long snowy white hairs and milky white skin. she appeared to be of the same age as Mira, like Mira she also had cat-like ears and tail but they were of snow-white color as her hair but unlike her, she was wearing a long white dress whose bottom was touching the floor, she was looking at the man on the bad anxiously with both of her hands joined together like she was praying.

They were still waiting for the effects of the potion to show off, just at that time the man lying on the bed suddenly opened his eyes and sat up, Mira was shocked, the joy was about to fill her heart but just then the man started vomiting blood on the floor.


The empty glass bottle fell from Mira's hand and shattered on the floor as she backed off with a panic-stricken face.

"It… didn't work… but backfired?" The woman standing behind her anxiously said as she covered her lower face, it looked like she was on the verge of crying.

"No…. It worked," The man suddenly said as he looked at black blood on the floor, his tone was unusually unstable, it felt like it contain the emotions of surprise and joy together in it.

After the man stopped vomiting blood and was in an extremely weak condition, he suddenly felt an unknown warm current rising in his body. The warm current stimulated the blood in his body, under the effect of that stimulation his body started to go through visible changes.

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