Psychic Inventor In Cultivation World

258 Chapter 256 : : Heavenly Cat Clan

His yellow skin became rosy again and his face returned to normal but the changes didn't stop there, black fur covered his whole body and his body increased in size ripping off his clothes.

His teeth became sharp and his eyes cat-like eyes glowed. Two cat-like ears and a black tail also added to his Semi-Beast Transformation form's appearance.

The robust man was looking at him with visible shock on his face.

'He unlocked Semi-Beast Transformation form?' He thought.

The man then looked upwards and gave off a beastly roar.


After he calmed down his body shrank and his appearance changed back to his normal form, after taking control over his unstable breathing he noticed Mira standing on the side.

"Sis? you are here," The man squinted his eyes at her for a second before he opened his arms and leaped at her intending to hug her.

But Mira quickly raised her leg and kicked his stomach which threw him on the floor.

"Ouch…" The man fell to the ground although he was strong but he wasn't in his best condition right now.

"Wear some cloth," Mira scolded him in a bad tone, she was acting tough but was barely holding her self back.

The man then suddenly realized that he ripped off his clothes while transforming and now he was completing naked.

He quickly hugged his legs to not let his pure body be tainted as he subconsciously looked at other people.

His father wasn't bothered by it he was still looking at him in his eyes, when the man looked at him he slightly nodded.

His mother was also staring at him without any restraint as tears of joy filled her eyes, she wasn't bothered by him being naked in her eyes he still looked like a 2-year-old kid that needed her help to take a bath, she looked like she would jump at him any second now to hug him.

Unlike those two, the white-haired girl was covering her face with her delicate hands, but the gap between her fingers was more than enough to give her a clear view of the things in front of her.

Mira took out some clothes and threw them at him.

"You are shameless as always," Mira snorted.

The man quietly took the clothes without refusing he seem too used to it, just as he wore his pants and stood up he saw a shadow zooming in from above.

Before he could react his mother tightly hugged his neck, she intended to hug his head but he was much taller than her.

"You idiot son scared me to death," She said rubbing her head on his neck.

The man was embarrassed he looked at his father who was rubbing his temples not knowing what to do.

"Mother you spoil him too much… hey, you smelly bro keep some distance," Mira was just complaining but the man stretched his big arm and hugged her too.

"I am not going to leave that easily," He said with a smile.

Mira just pouted but didn't resist.

After few minutes….

Arnold was sitting at the dining table and was eating all the food on the table without any break.

Mira and her mother were also sitting beside him.

Mira was sitting on the right side, mocking him from time to time.

"Eat slowly, no one is snatching the food away from you," She said.

"You keep quiet, don't you see how much thinner my boy had become," The mother said with some emotion.

Mira's lips twitched when she looked at bulging muscles on his body. although he was poisoned and his health declined but after he unlocked the Semi-Beast Transformation his body went through a complete transformation letting him regain his fit body.

"Mother understands me the most, this sister must be fake," Arnold jested when he saw Mira's face darkening.

At the same time outside the dining room…

Arnold's father and the white-haired girl were chatting.

"It's a blessing in disguise for him to have unlocked Semi-Beast Transformation at such a young age, I will ask father to promote his status," The girl said.

"Then I will thank young miss in advance," The man said with an expressionless face.

"I am really ashamed to not be of much help just when he got hurt to protect me," The girl said with a somewhat guilty expression on her face.

"Protecting Young Miss is our duty, I believe he thinks the same, and everyone knows Young Miss had spent so much money to invite all those Alchemist to cure him but the poison was just so strong….," Speaking of the poison the man stopped midway.

"Do elder really believe that there is such a capable Alchemist in the Golden Bird Continent, if there is, should we take this chance and build some connections while thanking him," The girl suddenly asked.

"I did hear that the land of Golden Bird Continent is filled with hidden dragons and crouching tigers but… because of its current condition it's better if we don't go there, that silly girl already took a huge risk when she went there alone. Fortunately, she had connections with someone from Tang Family so she was able to secretly enter and leave that continent but it won't be wise to do it again now that the news might have already been leaked," The man shook his head.

The girl nodded in understanding.


Frozen Flame City…..

Rex was in his room rubbing the belly of the baby beast who was lying with his back against the bed.

Rex had already sacrificed all his free time in taking care of baby beast so that Lerna can complete the task given to her by accompanying Jiang Shuang to threate..cough negotiate with some people who don't want to back off.

Aru was seriously enjoying his time these days, right now he was taking a comfortable nap while Rex rubbed his belly.

Rex was also multi-talented, while rubbing his belly he was looking at the notification he got earlier this morning when he took care of all the corpses from Monster Hunting Sect.

[You have successfully extracted 72% of the target's life experience on Sword Intent]

[You have successfully comprehended 'River Splitting Sword Intent']

[River Splitting Sword Intent(Lvl Entry)\u003e\u003e\u003e River Splitting Sword Intent(Lvl Small Accomplishment)]

[River Splitting Sword Intent(Lvl Small Accomplishment : : Progress 43%)]

[You have successfully extracted 69% of the target's life experience on Dagger Intent]

[You have successfully comprehended 'Silver Light Dagger Intent']

[Silver Light Dagger Intent(Lvl Entry : : Progress 78%)]

[Intermediate Sword Mastery(Lvl 6)\u003e\u003e\u003eIntermediate Sword Mastery(Lvl 7)]

[Intermediate Sword Mastery(Lvl 7)\u003e\u003e\u003eIntermediate Sword Mastery(Lvl 8)]

[Intermediate Sword Mastery(Lvl 8)\u003e\u003e\u003eIntermediate..... ]

[Intermediate Spear Mastery(Lvl 4)\u003e\u003e\u003eIntermediate Spear Mastery(Lvl 5)]

[Intermediate Spear Mastery(Lvl 5)\u003e\u003e\u003eIntermediate Spear Mastery(Lvl 6)]

[Intermediate Spear Mastery(Lvl 6)\u003e\u003e\u003eIntermediate......]

[Intermediate Dagger Mastery(Lvl 5)\u003e\u003e\u003eIntermediate Dagger Mastery(Lvl 6)]

[Intermediate Dagger Mastery(Lvl 6)\u003e\u003e\u003eIntermediate Dagger Mastery(Lvl 7)]

[Intermediate Dagger Mastery(Lvl 7)\u003e\u003e\u003eIntermediate...…]

[Intermediate Fistfight Mastery(Lvl 4)\u003e\u003e\u003eIntermediate Fistfight Mastery(Lvl 5)]

[Intermediate Fistfight Mastery(Lvl 5)\u003e\u003e\u003eIntermediate Fistfight Mastery(Lvl 6)]

[Intermediate Fistfight Mastery(Lvl 6)\u003e\u003e\u003eIntermediate...…]

After using Mind Art's on bodies Rex had divided all the corpses into three sets.

The first set contained the dead bodies of those with attribute-less spirit roots and had no special physique or talent, this set consisted of around 65% of the total bodies.

The second set contained the dead bodies of those who had spirit root with an attribute or had a special physique, this set consisted of around 33% of the total bodies

The last set contained the bodies of those who had comprehended any type of Intent, and the people with a special profession like Alchemist and Inscription master, it consisted of the remaining 2% of the bodies.

The first set of corpses was turned into undead zombies without a doubt, Rex didn't turn the second set of people in zombies but took out their spirit root to make Energy Converter v2.0.

The Energy Converter 2.0 was slightly more efficient than Energy Converter v1.0, it's main specialty was that it uses attribute-based spirit roots instead of using attribute-less spirit roots to work hence the Spiritual Qi it refines also has an attribute, Rex didn't have any machine that could use attribute Qi as a power source but he already had an idea in his mind when he made it.

As for the third set, Rex used Mind Arts on them until the brain juice came out of their ears. He was tempted to turn the Alchemist and Inscription Master into special undead but he felt that he quickly needed to increase his knowledge for now.

There was one more dead body that was not counted in these three sets and it belonged to the late Sect Master of Monster Hunting Sect.

Rex didn't use mind Arts on him or tried to implant 'Fake Soul Seed' to turn him into undead because he was at the Golden Core stage.

The problem was not the high cultivation base but the changes that stage brings to a cultivator's Sea of Consciousness.

Both the Golden Core stage and the Core Breaking stage have a big impact on a cultivator's Sea of Consciousness.

The Sea of Consciousness of a cultivator is regarded as one of the most mysterious but important parts in the path of cultivation. It hides the deepest secret of a cultivator without the person himself knowing their location, cultivators can access their Sea of Consciousness and believes that it's entrance is present between their eyebrows but no one truly knows where does it exist.

Some say that it's a secret place inside one's head while the other believes that it's an independent spiritual space inside a cultivator's body that is born with them and also ends with them.

The connection between the Sea of Consciousness and the soul of a cultivator is unknown but usually, after the cultivator dies it completely shatters on its own.

At the Golden Core stage, one's Sea of Consciousness goes through big changes and starts to get more solidify from its usual vivid form, at this stage the Sea of Consciousness of the cultivator starts to share the will of the cultivator and acts like its alive, Golden Core stage build's the foundation for its upcoming transformation.

The problem Rex was facing is that at this stage there was a high chance that the Sea of Consciousness of the Sect Master will show rejection even at its end if he tries to implant the Fake Soul Seed in it and if it happened then he might suffer from a huge backlash at the very least as for the worst it could damage his own Sea of Consciousness.

He thought about creating a new soul seal that could counter or stop the rejection from the shattering Sea of Consciousness but then he realized that his knowledge on soul seas was not enough to do that so he decided to wait for Zakiya to come out of seclusion and give him the other two editions of the 'Basics of Soul Arrays \u0026 Soul Seals'.

'Golden Core Stage strengthens Sea of Consciousness to lay the foundation for the formation of the inner world' Rex thought.

The inner world or Spiritual world can be regarded as the next evolution stage of the Sea of Consciousness

Everyone has a different inner world depending on the techniques they cultivate, their nature, the law they comprehend, and most importantly their Dao.

A person doesn't have direct control over what inner world they would get but everyone hops to get the best one that suits their fighting style because every inner world can give different benefits to their possessors.

For example, some could use the spiritual power from their inner world to affect the Qi in their dantian making it go through a quantitative leap.

Some could enhance the destructive power behind their Qi.

There is also a saying that if someone has a strong foundation in their cultivation base then their inner world will be born with a special ability, Rex also heard that but unlike most, he knew that it was true.

Alfred was a master of crafting and refining, that's why he recorded all the things he knew about them in his memory orb, there was one thing that talked about this special ability.

There was a Legendary Dwarf Crafting Expert that was admired by many Artifact Refiners and got treated as their idol, he once revealed his secret and told about the special ability he got from his inner world.

The ability he got was All-Seeing-Eyes, he could summon the spiritual power from his Inner World: True-Metal-World into his eyes and see even the tiniest details in the objects while refining or crafting, which allow him to exponentially decrease the failure rate of his refining and allowed him to make things which were impossible to make in the eyes of others.

Many didn't believe his words and thought he was just using this as an excuse to hide his secret or the treasure he posses because one could steal a treasure or secret but what about ability? could it be stolen?

Others didn't believe it but the 12 Venerable of the Davalon were different they thoroughly researched the matter and after they got their hands over the personal diary left behind by him they found out that it was the truth.

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