Psychic Inventor In Cultivation World

259 Chapter 257 : : Extinction Ray Cannon-Second Generation

After making sure that the Aru was really asleep, Rex quietly walked out of the room without making any unnecessary noise.

Rex then headed to his workshop to complete the work he left behind earlier.

During the last few days, Jiang Shuang fully utilized the value of the professional 'negotiator' beside him and stabilized the position of Myriad Auction House in all the nearby cities. The working bots following him also did their work and installed the Signal Tower at the branches in all those cities.

Although he brought her with him, he didn't even dare order her to do something not just because of her status and her bad mood but her aura. She had been displaying a small part of the frightening aura of a Calamity Lord all this time.

Lerna wasn't doing it all because of her whim but it was something Rex told her to do, according to him this way she would be able to avoid the flies from approaching her, and this way it will be safer for both her and the flies.

And this had a very good effect on other people that came to negotiate or retaliate, many changed their way of talking and demands just after sensing the aura of the woman that came with Jiang Shuang for negotiations.

As for her identity, she was introduced as Lerna Andrews: The fourth Guardian of Frozen Flame.

Due to these acts, the popularity of the one behind the Frozen Flame Organization was rapidly increasing among the people who became the victim of the Evil Negotiator, some called him the Shameless Shadow Lord while others directly labeled him as Evil Demon of the East that is colluding with the Demons of Demonic Fiend Continent to infiltrate the continent.

The Golden Bird Continent is in the east direction to other continents mainly the Peaceful Heaven Continent that's why many people also referred to it as the Land of the East or Eastern Continent.

Rex was, of course, wasn't bothered by these rumors, by now he already had many addicted buyers of his products and the number of buyers that tend to use his products was increasing every second so he had no intention of going on 'Respected Customer' route anymore.

As long as the quality of my products surpassed others people will choose them no matter my reputation… and it's not my reputation but Shadow Lord's… he thought.

It was one of the reasons that he made so many different identities, Jack was a Cold-blooded-Killer while Ye Tian was like a Great Healer, as for Shadow Lord- this identity was something that does not need to have a physical appearance.

Aiden and others only knew it because Jiang Shuang told them on Rex's request, although Jiang Shuang was confused about why Rex let them learn that much and like always his question was dodge for the time being when asked.

Only people like Jiang Shuang and Lucia knew the whole truth behind fake identities. Jiang Shuang believed that Rex had fake identities so that others won't think that he was an Alchemist, Array Master, Artifact Refiner..etc at the same time and won't doubt his ridiculous talent either.

As for Lucia she never asked any unnecessary question that wasn't related to her work…. which was something Rex really liked about her.

Jiang Shuang still believed Rex's fake story so he thinks that Rex was a great powerhouse in his time who lost his cultivation base because of serious injuries and now recovering slowly… thinking of this he comforted himself that a normal person can't learn so many things at such a young age…. no matter what.

New Afternoon….

The backyard behind the castle….

Jiang Shuang was staring at the strange machines Rex just took out.

There were three machines with similar appearance, all three of them were big as an armored van with around 2-meter long barrel sticking out from their front. They didn't have tires but four mechanical limbs that had now penetrated the ground below them to firmly lock themselves in place.

Although the cannon had mechanical limbs, they were only meant for small movements to lock down on target and withstanding the impact that comes from firing the cannon, they weren't meant for long-distance movements or quick reactions like other bots.

All three of them looked somewhat like a combination of a rail gun attached to a carriage…. it was what Jiang Shuang saw.

From a normal earthling's perspective, they somewhat looked like anti-missile defense weapons, the main difference except their huge size being their complex structure, the four mechanical limb, and their hexagonal muzzle.

"Ta Da…. see my new invention…. well, it's not that new I used the old blueprints of Extinction Ray Cannon, Energy Converter and \u003cHeavenly Puppet Art\u003e knowledge to make them," Rex saw while rubbing his non-existent beard.

When Rex made the Extinction Ray Cannon in the lower realm for the first time, he had already decided to further study and upgrade it for a long time, and now when he saw that it was hard for Combat Bots to fight the flying enemies he decided that it was time to walk on the path of Weaponry again.

.. Clap...Clap...

Jiang Shuang clapped his hands with a poker face, by now he was already used to suddenly getting dragged out of his room by Rex out of nowhere to just show his every new invention regardless of what he was doing at that time.

Rex didn't mind his dead face look and further introduced his invention.

"All three of them are from Extinction Ray Cannon second generation series. The first one in line uses Fire attribute spiritual Qi as a power source to attack and burn down the enemies to ashes, hence I call it Flame Ray Cannon.

The second one uses the Ice attribute Qi and has the power to freeze it's target alive so I call it Freezing Ray Cannon.

The third one uses Dark Qi and has the power to corrode it's the target so…." (Rex)

"Let me guess it's called Dark Ray Cannon," Jiang Shuang said without any visible enthusiasm in his tone, how could he be happy when even after working for day and night, he was still the poorest one. Since he started working with Rex their organization was earning more and more money but with Rex, he was feeling that he was getting poorer and poorer.

Rex was still not bothered by his behavior and continued his explanation.

"They have a Mini Energy Converter installed in them so even if their Qi battery isn't charged we can still use spirit stones to power up them but it will take some time because of low energy conversion rate, but with 100% charged battery they can fire around 10 shots each," Rex said then he tapped on the black-watch-like bracelet on his right hand.

Suddenly a holographic screen with the logo of Frozen Flame at the center appeared above the bracelet.

After a brief moment, the screen switched to a new interface.

[Client serial no. R-1 logging in…..]

[Log in successfully]

[Time: 12.45

Weather: Clear 33'C

Friend List \u003c\u003e

News Feed \u003c\u003e

Applications \u003c\u003e

Blueprints \u003c\u003e

System Management \u003c\u003e

Others \u003c\u003e]

"What is this?" Jiang Shuang raised his eyebrow.

"Something that can let me manage some of the system features of Core Smart Brain from here," Rex said in a prideful tone.

"I see… then where is mine?" Jiang Shuang extended his hand expecting one for himself.

"Cough… it's just a test version, I will make one for you after checking its effect. After all, I can't let you become a test subject," Rex said with a straight face.

Jiang Shuang's face stiffened then he shook his head and again restored back his poker face.

Rex ignored him and chose the system management option then a new interface popped up.

[Total Power Management \u003c\u003e

Combat Bots Management \u003c\u003e

Working Bots Management \u003c\u003e

Database Management \u003c\u003e

Server-Client Management \u003c\u003e

Weapon System Management \u003c\u003e

City Defense System Management \u003c\u003e

Citizen Live Feed Mange…..]

Rex then chose the Weapon System Management\u003e\u003e Flame Ray Cannon v1.0 \u003e\u003e Manual Control Mode.

[Weaponry System Management:-

1. Flame Ray Cannon v1.0

2. Freezing Ray Cannon v1.0

3. Dark Ray Cannon v1.0]

[Flame Ray Cannon v1.0 :-

1. Auto-Pilot Mode

2. Manual Control Mode]

[Please input weapon's serial number: ___ ]

After Rex typed the serial number one more interface popped up.

The new interface that opened up showed the live video from the small camera that was connected to the cannon for aiming and target locking feature.

When Rex looked at the colorful video it reminded him of the time when Jiang Shuang first showed him the Image Capturing Orb that was capable of capturing a 3D image of it's surrounding, he was really shocked.

His bots and drones had always used live Black-White images capturing mechanism and the spiritual imprint mechanism recorded in the \u003cHeavenly Puppet Art\u003e to sense they're surrounding and react but when Rex was introduced to the Image Capturing Orb that was capable of storing and projecting a 3D image it opened new doors for him.

The Image Capturing Orb was a one-time use product which meant it can only capture one 3D image, after that, it can only be used to show that image nothing else but in Rex's hands its value was on a completely different level than in other's hands, it was a shame that such a thing wasn't made in Alfred's time or he would know about it from the start.

Rex then swiped his finger on the interface and aimed at the big metallic cube lying 100 meters away on the ground, he then zoomed in and locked on the target.

When Rex made changes on the screen, the barrel on the cannon also moved like a tank's top and aimed towards the metallic cube.

After the AI locked on to the target, Rex clicked on the fire button.

The cannon slight vibrated, visible Qi fluctuation started to appear near the muzzle a red light started to appear in the muzzle of the cannon.

The Qi fluctuation around the muzzle made it look like the void was turbulent, in the next second, the cannon suddenly fired a red beam of highly unstable energy and accurately struck the cube lying far away.

Jiang Shuang was surprised when he saw that the red beam because even when he was standing plenty distance away from the cannon he could still feel the rapid increase in temperature in the surrounding the moment the beam appeared.

When the beam traveled at its untraceable speed, it left its mark on the ground, the grass below its path had turned into ashes and soil had dried while some of the pebbles directly melted.


When the beam struck the cube it didn't give off any deafening explosion sound but a sizzling sound similar to the sound comes from the burning of the wood.

Soon the beam disappeared without a trace, the muzzle of the barrel was now emitting smoke giving off a metallic smell.

Jiang Shuang looked at the metallic cube with his mouth wide open. A big hole with almost one-meter diameter had appeared on the cube, molten metal was flowing out of the hole and he could see the scenery on the other side of the cube through the hole.

Rex smirked when he saw him like that, he then controlled the other two cannons to shoot at the cube not letting Jiang Shuang recover from the shock.

The light blue beam of energy was immediately shot soon after freezing the grass that was below its path into ice sculptures, when the beam landed on the cube it instantly froze the whole cube including the molten metal coming out of the hole.

The black beam soon followed thereafter but unlike the first two it didn't have much of effect, it only corroded the ice covering the cube, it's the main effect that could only be seen on a target that possessed vitality. One example of it was the lively grass below its a trajectory which was now turned into dried crumbled weed like form.

Jiang Shuang was more and more shocked, he didn't know how strong the cannon actually is but he was sure that it could instantly kill even the strongest bodyguard he hired until now in one shot.

"Although they are strong if they got in the enemy's hands and they could mass produce it and…." Jiang Shuang suddenly thought of it and started asking.

"It's useless, do you think the things I made can be copied just like that? furthermore, even if they take it, it's pretty much useless because they need an identity, enough authority, and password check before others could use them moreover if someone made five failed attempt in any of the check-ups in sequence then…it will go boom," Rex said while closing in his hand then opening his fingers like blooming lotus petals indicating the 'boom' in his words.

Jiang Shuang didn't know how to respond to that, he was thinking of using it just now but after knowing that it could self destruct if he inputs the wrong password five times, he pushed the idea at the back of his head.

"Young Master Ye and Master Jiang, what are you doing to the garden," Lucia came walking from behind.

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