Psychic Inventor In Cultivation World

265 Chapter 263 : : Beta-Test Is Over

"The second, Jiang Kai from now on you will be the Bank Manager in Corentis, you will be given a Four Star ID of Wrist Band series, Level 2 Access and Level 2 Security as the reward," Rex took out another gift box but this time the bracelet was of black color, same as him.

Jiang Kai walked to him and took the box then after respectfully bowing to Rex he peacefully returned to his original spot.

"The third, Stephan…" Rex said then looked at the scholars in front to see who was this Stephan, he was only hosting the award ceremony as for the rest it was taken care of by Jiang Shuang.

Just then the scholars standing in front made way for a figure stepping out. Rex looked at the person and found out that he was rather young.

Stephan was a tall young man, he had a long face with his shoulder-length hair tied into a ponytail behind the back of his head, his expression was calm and he had a foldable fan in his hand he was holding in front of his chest. Stephen elegantly walked to the front and stood before Rex.

"It's a pleasure to meet Master Rex in person, this meeting is more than enough for a reward," Stephen said with a smile.

[Woah! it's good, now we can give this ID Band to someone else, it will save us the trouble to make one more.]

'You really take everything literally don't you? he said it because he knows that I can't do that, but this guy is rather cunning he obtained highest marks in theory if it wasn't for his slightly low marks in practical then he would be the first one,' Rex thought.

Rex knew that unlike others Jiang Qing and Jiang Kai had an advantage, they had started to use the prototype models of the Mobile Smart Reception Set long before others.

"Hahaha.. no need to be so polite it is something you earned with your own skill so how can I take your rewards, Stephan I also want to give you the Bank Manager position but the third branch of Frozen Flame Bank has not been built yet so you have to wait until then, for now, you will be given a Four Star ID of Wrist Band series, Level 1 Access and Level 2 Security as the reward," Rex said then gave the prize to him.

The rest of the scholars were given a 2 star ID card and the same privileges as normal citizens.

After a short speech, the award ceremony was over and the scholars left the area, only Jiang Shuang and Rex were present in the hall.

"We have money, resources, and a lot of land under the range of system…almost all the preparation had already been made, so there is no need to lay low anymore. Did you send all those ID cards to the people on the list? it's been a few days so they should have received them right?" Rex said.

"Hmm… there were more than five hundred people on the list, although I sent the parcels containing ID cards to all of them, due to long-distance delivery issues some might not have received it by now,

"Hehe.. of course I know," Rex smirked then took out several big cuboidal boxes and placed them on the floor.

When Jiang Shuang looked at the content of the boxed, he sighed… all those boxes were filled with ID cards, he wasn't even in the mood to ask how Rex made so many of them in such a short period of time.

How could he know that the more Rex makes something the faster he gets at re-making them, it was the same with Combat Bots, it only took a reasonable time to make the first one as for the rest it looked more like he was a cloning machine rather than a living being.

"They are all 1 Star ID cards, we will only sell 1 Star ID cards, grades have no value if they can be bought easily, that's the reason the highest-ranking card we are sending is only 3 Star at most, and the mechanism of all the ID cards is same so if there comes a situation where we need to increase grades than we can do it from here, it's just like downloading and installing more software in them," Rex said.

Jiang Shuang nodded.

Rex had asked him to made a list of all the influential people that reside near the cities where the branch of Myriad Auction House is located.

Those influential people were clan leaders, clan supreme elders, sect leaders, the grand elder of sects, heads of certain organizations, and branch managers of other big organizations. The names of several famous Inn owners and hotel owners were also on the list, so Ariana who was the owner of Blue Hills Inn in Corentis also naturally had her name on the list.

People from all kinds of places used to attend auctions at Myriad Auction House, Jiang Shuang had also met many of them in parties and functions.

So he more or less knew most of them and even if he doesn't know some of them they themselves had at least heard about his Myriad Auction House Organization.

That's why they wouldn't directly refuse a gift from him and Rex was pretty much sure that as long as they accept it then no one in the right mind would through away the ID card after seeing its effect, most of the people who see its effect for the first time mistook it for a Spirit Tool so they wouldn't through it away even if they didn't found it much of a use.

"Now that most of the people had already received it, let's stop the beta-test and start the main thing," Rex said with a smile then accessed the device on his wrist.

Tang Xuan's shop...

Tang Xuan was sitting in his rocking chair with the ID card in his hand, these days whenever he was free and had nothing else to do he would chat with Adal using the ID card, it wasn't like he liked to talk with Adal too much but the ID card looked more interesting to him while chatting with Adal they both had even started to develop their own slangs.

Just at this time when he was recording a voice message he received a sudden alert notification.

[Alert! the system has released an update, do you wish to proceed with the update: Yes/No]

[Note: During the update, most of the ID card's functions will become unusable]

[New Features \u003c\u003e]

"What the…." Tang Xuan was taken by surprise, he then reopened the instruction manual file attached to the mail in News Feed and read through the information regarding it.

The instruction manual indeed mentioned the system update, it said that with every update the functions of the ID card will improve and there was also a chance that new features will be added to it.

Tang Xuan didn't directly choose Yes but checked New Features.

[New Features:-

1. Shop function will now be active.

2. Added App box function.

3. Added online shopping \u0026 home delivery feature.

4. Added cross-city chat server.

5. Added…]

Tang Xuan was dumbstruck after reading the mini-description of the newly added features, he thought that he read it wrong so he read it a few more times again before making sure that his eyes were not playing tricks on him. He then quickly chose Yes to start the update, he wanted to see if the mentioned features really work.

[Permission granted]

[Preparing data back-up…..]

[Back-Up complete]

[Starting update….]


[Calculating the time consumption during update….]

[It will take approximately 05 minutes for the update to complete]




Tang Xuan kept staring at the countdown without baiting an eye like his life depends on it.





[Installing update…..]

[Update successfully installed]

[Logging in…]

[Title: The Mysterious Shopkeeper

Grade: 4 Star

Balance: 0 $$

Profile: \u003c\u003e

News Feed: \u003c\u003e @

App Box \u003c\u003e

Shop: \u003c\u003e

Map: \u003c\u003e

Friends: \u003c\u003e ]

After the interface appeared Tang Xuan quickly opened the App Box but...

[App Box: N/A]

The App Box was empty, he got confused then he checked the News Feed again and there was a new mail with a new instruction manual attached to it, after looking through the manual he opened the Shop function.


Hot Deals \u003c\u003e @

Applications \u003c\u003e

Devices \u003c\u003e

Pills \u0026 Potions \u003c\u003e

Equipments \u003c\u003e

Techniques \u003c\u003e

Others \u003c\u003e]

Tang Xuan immediately clicked on the Applications category.


1. Theme Park

2. Voice Recorder

3. Emoji Keyboard

4. Sticker Maker

5. Online Chess

6. Frozen Flame Browser

7. Online Banking Bot

8. Frozen Flame Hub

9. Beast Encyclopedia

10. FF Investing Market

11. Ludo….]

A new window filled with lots of colorful icons representing different applications appeared.

'What is this?' Jiang Shuang randomly chose one icon.

[Frozen Flame Hub:-

Type: Social Utility

Mini-Description: A chatting app that allows people from different places to find and connect with each other.

Requirements: None

Price: 100 $$]

[Would you like to buy this app: Yes/No]

[Congratulation! due to the user possessing a 4 Star ID card, you will receive a discount]

[Calculating discount….]

[Discount calculated]

[Congratulation! you will be now provided a 5% discount on purchasing this app]

[Warning! the discount on the app is not permanent so if the user chose then the discount received next time may be 1% less than right now]

Tang Xuan wanted to try buying it but the second he chose Yes, an alert notification popped up.

[Insufficient balance! Please visit the nearby Frozen Flame Bank or Myriad Auction House's branch for raising your balance to the required amount and complete the purchase]

Tang Xuan sighed he knew he couldn't buy anything here at the moment, he was about to head out but then he saw a little fat blue bird came flying inside his room.

The little bird flew in circles in the room for a while before it landed on his shoulder, like usual Tang Xuan fed a small pill to the messenger bird and took out the ring on its leg.

'Why do this messaging method suddenly feel too old fashioned to me,' Tang Xuan thought as he switched glances between the chubby bird and the ID card lying on the table.

He then hurriedly took out the letter from the ring, the letter was written in a coded language but Tang Xuan was already very familiar with it, he could directly see the message even without decoding it on paper.

'Oh.. good they want to talk with Master Ye, looks like they took my words seriously this tim..wait this…' Tang Xuan read the letter again then shook his head, when he read the first half of the letter he was excited because it said that the Tang Family wants to talk with Rex but when he read the latter half he realized that what they meant by the talk was letting him tell Rex to go visit their main headquarters in Myriad Beast Continent and have a chat with one of the officials there.

Of course, the letter also asked him to change a few of the words to match Rex's liking, like \u003ctelling him to come\u003e into \u003cInviting him to come\u003e to make the approach more polite and respectful towards him.

"It's their choice, there is no need for me to pursue this matter anymore. I am not taking part in the main business anyway so its best to enjoy my time here," Tang Xuan thought then went outside to meet Adal and have a long chat.

He didn't even consider inviting Rex to go and meet Tang Family, earlier when Mira asked Rex to go the Villivix Kingdom with her, that is near the border of the Myriad Beast Continent he directly refused without even listening to the whole sentence so after knowing this if he still asks Rex to go and have a chat with just an official at the headquarters then he would just be asking to lose face in front of him.

Cold Heaven Sect….

Sect Master Mansion…..

In the bedroom, a woman was lying on the pink mattress of the oval bed with her bare back facing the ceiling. The skin of the woman was so white that it looked like her body was frozen in ice for a very long time and she was just released a few hours ago.

Ji Biyu, the Sect Master of Cold Heaven Sect was sitting beside her, Ji Biyu took out a small portion of the milky white cream from the Anti-Cold Cream box and put it on the woman's back, her back slightly shivered. Ji Biyu waited for a second then she started to gently massage the cream on the woman's back with her thin delicate fingers.

The woman was resting her chin on her folded hands as she fully enjoyed the massage done by her disciple.

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