Psychic Inventor In Cultivation World

266 Chapter 264 : : The Stockade Of Treasures

Ji Biyu, the Sect Master of Cold Heaven Sect was sitting beside her, Ji Biyu took out a small portion of the milky white cream from the Anti-Cold Cream box and put it on the woman's back, her back slightly shivered. Ji Biyu paused for a second then she started to gently massage the cream on the woman's back with her thin delicate fingers.

The woman was resting her chin on her folded hands as she fully enjoyed the massage done by her disciple.

"Aha~~ Aha~~" The woman gave out soft moans without restraint when she felt the warm sensation on her back.

Ji Biyu's lips twitched.

"Master show some restraint," Ji Biyu said but her focus was still on the massage.

"Disciple Ah~ what's there Fu~~ to be embarrassed about in front of your teacher, Ahhaa~~ disciple move your hand a little to the right," The woman turned her head and winked at Ji Biyu and spoke in a flirtatious tone.

"Master if you keep behaving like that then I will go send Little Mei to massage the cream, I have more important things to do," Ji Biyu said while massaging her back.

"Your sister? she doesn't know the words gentle and elegance, only my little disciple is allowed to touch my bare skin, oh now that the back massage is done it's time for…" The woman spoke as she turned her body around expecting a massage for her front but she only saw a flying blanket in her sight, the second she turned around.

The blanket was like a net thrown in the sea to catch fishes it covered her whole body in an instant, she struggled a bit and finally managed to free her head out without ripping the blanket.

"How rude, disciple is this how you treat your respected teacher?" The woman said with a pained face with her hand covering her mouth making her look really hurt.

"That's my question, is this how a respected teacher behaves in front of their disciple, that aside master what do you think we should do about the matter regarding Shadow Lord?" Ji Biyu suddenly asked.

The woman in front of her was Ji Baozhai, the only ancestor of the Cold Heaven Sect and her teacher.

"Haa? you are still worried about that? didn't I tell you I will take care of it, I just left the continent for a while and people seem to forget about me, that Frozen Flame is still a newbie organization that is wet behind the ears.

All we need to do is make some trouble from below the table and save them from above doing them a favor in the process, after they will see my strength then they will try to strengthen their ties with us, at that time we will just ask for that Alchemist and the problem is solved," Ji Baozhai said in a carefree tone.

Ji Biyu shook her head, she expected this type of answer long ago.

In the start when I got the information that Frozen Flame is now working with Myriad Auction House I knew that their expansion speed will increase but thinking that it would still take few decades I decided to lay low and take it slow, but then they suddenly started to expand at an astonishing speed it's like there were no hurdles in their path and no one stopped them.

By now they have even expanded to the nearby cities of Snow Jade City. I was curious about how they did it so I tried to find out the reason behind this, then I heard rumors that a very powerful woman is supporting them, some rumors even say that she is of monster race," Ji Biyu said with a serious expression.

Ji Baozhai heard her until the end with a serious expression but then she couldn't hold it back anymore and started laughing.

"Pfffffftt~ hahaha disciple do you know what you are talking about? a humanoid form monster race which resembles a human woman… Just say that she is a Calamity Lord beast, do you think a Calamity Lord stage expert is something you could meet while walking on the street? Do you think a newbie organization has the backing of such a powerhouse?

Even if I believe it because you said it, then tell me why an expert of this caliber would come out herself just to clear these small obstacles in their expansion? the way of doing things of such experts is different, if they really want to make a move then they will wipe out one or two cities to set an example for others especially when they are on this continent.

No matter how bored a Calamity Lord is, they won't do such petty things… you are still too young disciple leave these things to me," Ji Baozhai said with a grin.

For her, it was not every day that she can proof Ji Biyu's judgment wrong, even though she was stronger in terms of strength but in terms of negotiations, strategy, and sect management Ji Biyu surpassed her that's the reason why she handed over the Sect Master position to her that early…. it was the only reason except that she was careless enough not to bother herself with such a big responsibility.

Ji Biyu was about to retort but then she suddenly sensed something and took out the ID card in her storage ring, she injected some Qi in it then the familiar window opened up.

Just after the main window appeared, an urgent notification popped up.

[Alert! the system has released an update, do you wish to proceed with the update: Yes/No]

[Note: During the update, most of the ID card's functions will become unusable]

[New Features \u003c\u003e]

Ji Biyu was just looking through the content, that she suddenly felt a burning gaze directed at her she looked up only to see her master's eyes that were locked onto the ID card.

"Disciple let your master take a look~," Ji Baozhai said but she didn't wait for her to answer and leaped at her without carrying about the blanket covering her body.

Ji Biyu was already alert, he whole body turned into a cloud of fog at a moment's notice then appeared at another corner of the room.

"Master, this one's mine," Ji Biyu said after hiding the ID card behind her back.

"What do you mean by that, I have just wanted to take a look nothing else," Ji Baozhai lightly snorted.

Ji Biyu gave a hollow laugh, how could she don't know her teacher. It was a known fact that Ji Baozhai loves treasures or anything she regards as a treasure, once something catches her eyes then she won't sit idle until she gets that…. even her name Baozhai meant Stockade Of Treasures.

"Disciple how about I teach you a super amazing swift sword art I luckily got during my travel," Ji Baozhai said with a smile.

Ji Biyu's lips twitched, it wasn't hard to figure out how her master got so generous all of a sudden.

"Master give up, you can't use it even if I give it to you," Ji Biyu sighed and gave the card to her.

Her sister had already pastured her before to let her use this card too, Ji Biyu really dotted on her sister so in the end she helplessly lent her ID card to Ji Mei but later she found out that just as Rex said before she was the only one who could use it, it became completely useless in others' hands.

The reason she didn't give her ID card to Ji Baozhai earlier was because there was a high chance that she would want it even if she couldn't use it but now she didn't have any choice knowing that her master was no less stubborn than her sister.

Ji Baozhai excitedly caught the ID card and tried to use it the same way as her but… nothing happened.

Ji Biyu sighed in relief, although she wasn't too fond of the ID card but she had a feeling that this thing could prove to be very important in the future.

After a few unsuccessful tries, Ji Baozhai finally handed back the card to her to see what it does.

When Ji Biyu accessed the card again her reaction was the same as Tang Xuan, after checking the New Features she too chose Yes to update.

After the update was complete, Ji Baozhai who was full of curiosity quickly opened the shop, she didn't have a preference at the moment so she chose Hot Deals.

Suddenly a new page opened up, with an attractive poster displayed at the top.

[Best Deals of the Day:-

1. 6th-Grade Marrow Cleansing Potions x 20: 1,500 $$

2. 6th-Grade Body Strengthening Potions x 20: 1,600 $$

3. 4th-Grade Turmeric Bath Soap x 5: 300 $$

4. 5th-Grade Blue Lotus Hair Shampoo (Recommended For Women) x 7: 1200 $$]

"…" (Ji Biyu)

Several horses were running in her head, Ji Biyu was hoping to see new weapons, Arrays discs, or Frozen Flame brand pills in the \u003cHot Deals\u003e but the things that were displayed in front of her were product ads? and what was wrong with that ridiculous price, according to the manual's currency conversion rate one would need 30 low-grade spirit stone to buy even 5 useless soap, although as a Sect Master she didn't need to worry about money but that didn't mean she would meaninglessly waste it.

Unlike her Ji Baozhai had a serious expression on her face, she curiously chose the 4th option.

[5th-Grade Blue Lotus Hair Shampoo x 7:-

Type: External-Use-Product

Mini-Description: A special shampoo that is made after extracting the very essence of the blooming Blue Lotus, long use of this Blue Lotus Hair Shampoo can prevent dandruff and splitting of hair while providing necessary proteins to them at the same time resulting in long silky hair.

Requirement: Hair

Price: 1200 $$]

[Would you like to buy this product: Yes/No]

[Congratulation! due to the user possessing a 5 Star ID card, you will receive a discount]

[Calculating discount….]

[Discount calculated]

[Congratulation! you will be now provided a 7% discount on purchasing this item]

[Warning! the discount on the item is not permanent so if the user chose No then the discount received next time maybe 1% less than right now]

'Humph… trying to use such meager tactics to sell such useless products? only an idiot would buy it,' Ji Biyu inwardly snorted.

When she was still thinking Ji Baozhai chose Yes.

"…" (Ji Biyu)

[Insufficient balance! Please visit the nearby Frozen Flame Bank or Myriad Auction House's branch for raising your balance to the required amount and complete the purchase]

"Disciple, did the financial condition of the sect became worse when I wasn't here?" Ji Baozhai looked at the 0 $$ balance on the holographic window then asked.

Ji Biyu calmed her heart before speaking.

"Master the system of this ID card is not something I was familiar with until a while ago, it was only now that I know the way to recharge the balance," She helplessly explained, she wasn't helpless because of the zero balance but her master's actions.

"Hmmm… disciple I also want one card like that, and I am the sect ancestor so the grade of my card should naturally be higher, I don't want much, just a 7 Star or 8 Star card should be fine.

You have met that Alchemist from this organization before so do you have a way to contact them?" Ji Baozhai said.

Ji Biyu was about to refuse but thinking of something she closed all the holographic windows hovering above the ID card and went back to the main window.

[Title: Sect Master of Cold Heaven Sect

Grade: 5 Star

Balance: 0 $

Profile: \u003c\u003e

News Feed: \u003c\u003e

App Box \u003c\u003e

Shop: \u003c\u003e

Map: \u003c\u003e

Friends: \u003c\u003e

Customer Care: \u003c\u003e]

She then chose the last option… Customer Care.

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