Psychic Inventor In Cultivation World

267 Chapter 265 : : Negotiation

Ji Biyu was about to refuse but thinking of something she closed all the holographic windows hovering above the ID card and went back to the main window.

[Title: Sect Master of Cold Heaven Sect

Grade: 5 Star

Balance: 0 $

Profile: \u003c\u003e

News Feed: \u003c\u003e

App Box \u003c\u003e

Shop: \u003c\u003e

Map: \u003c\u003e

Friends: \u003c\u003e

Customer Care: \u003c\u003e]

She then chose the last option… Customer Care.

[Welcome to Customer Care service]

[Warning: We have to remind you that you should only use the customer care service when facing some serious issues regarding an online order, money transaction problem or any other problem related to Frozen Flame but if you are not facing any serious issue and is using the service out of curiosity or to have fun then you may have to face a serious penalty]

[Do you wish to proceed: Yes/No]

Ji Biyu chose Yes without a second thought.

[Welcome to customer care services, your comfort is our responsibility]

[Please select a suitable way to connect:-

1. Voice Call Chat.

2. Voice Message Chat.

3. Text Message Chat.]

After thinking for a moment Ji Biyu chose the third option after she made a choice a new window appeared followed by a message from the system.

[We are really sorry for causing an inconvenience to you, but rest easy now you will soon be connected to one of our Agents working 24/7, to help you resolve the problem]


On the other side, Rex who was strolling through the streets of Frozen Flame in his base form suddenly received a notification alert from his wrist band.

'Oh.. to think that cold woman would use Customer Care on the very first day of system update,' Rex was curious about her purpose of using Customer Care so he stopped the call that was going to be connected to the workers in the Bank and himself joined the chat.

On Ji Biyu's side…

[Thank you for waiting, you have been connected to the Service Agent: Victor Frankenstein]

((Good Afternoon Miss Ji, how may I help you)) (Victor Frankenstein)

Seeing that the question was direct and clear, Ji Biyu felt slightly relieved.

((I want to buy one more ID card with a grade above 5 Star, tell me its price and the procedure I need to follow to complete the purchase)) (Ji Biyu)

Ji Biyu didn't waste her time in chit chat and directly came to the point, she didn't lack money so she believed that even if the price of the card was a little high it was still fine to buy it without wasting time in negotiations.

Rex was silent for a while before replying.

((Miss Ji, I am sorry to inform you but it is not possible)) (Victor Frankenstein)

Ji Biyu slightly frowned.

"What the…. this kid doesn't know who he is talking to," Ji Baozhai on the other hand was furious.

"Calm down master let me talk first," Ji Biyu consoled her then again typed a message.

((Why it is not possible to buy an ID card? If it is about money then you are underestimating us)) (Ji Biyu)

((Miss Ji misunderstood my words, I would never underestimate the wealth and status of a 5 Star ID cardholder, the thing is the only ID cards that could be bought with money is 1 Star ID cards.

The ID cards of the higher grade than 1st Grade is not sold but gifted to the ones who had either made a big contribution to Frozen Flame, spent a lot of money on our products, are making big investments in our organization, or given out to people with high status in big events like before the first update.

And that only applies up to 4th grade ID cards, as for 5th grade ID cards they need the permission of a Guardian to be handed over, according to the information at my disposal Miss Ji received her 5 Star card from the Second Guardian: Miraculous Alchemist Ye Tian as a meeting gift.

Miss Ji may not be aware of it but the number of people outside Frozen Flame organization who have a 5 Star ID card is no more than 10, and Miss Ji is one of the only two Golden Core stage cultivators who possess a 5 Star ID card the rest are all above this stage)) (Victor Frankenstein)

Ji Biyu was silent.

"Do you think really he is speaking the truth?" Ji Baozhai said.

"Even if he lies, it won't change the fact that he has no intention of selling the card," Ji Biyu said.

"Hmm… let me talk," Ji Baozhai said.

Ji Biyu nodded.

((I want to talk to Shadow Lord)) (Ji Baozhai)

((Forgive my rudeness, but it's not possible)) (Victor Frankenstein)

((I am Ji Baozhai, the Sect Ancestor of Cold Heaven Sect now let me talk to your Shadow Lord)) (Ji Baozhai)

((It's my pleasure to talk to the Sect Ancestor of such a strong sect but according to the instructions I was given, it doesn't matter if you were the Azure Emperor I can still not bother Shadow Lord for such matters)) (Victor Frankenstein)

"Youuuu…." Ji Baozhai was so angry that she was about to throw the ID card in her hand at the wall but Ji Biyu stopped her at the last moment.

"Master he is just a worker at the bottom, why bother to get angry at him," Ji Biyu again consoled her, but inside she was getting more curious about Frozen Flame, she was wondering what does this organization have that it can even raise the courage of a puny worker to such an extent.

((You can at least let us talk to a Guardian)) (Ji Biyu)

((Yes I can, as the possessor of a 5 Star grade ID card Miss Ji have enough authority to make a request to chat with a Guardian, please wait a moment I will forward your request right now)) (Victor Frankenstein)

After few seconds…

((Miss Ji your request has been accepted by third Guardian: The Reaper Jack Andrews))

[The chat is being forwarded]

((Hello Pi it's nice to meet you or… whatever, can we come to the point? according to what I can see here you want an ID card of 5 Star Grade which is normally not easy, hmm… how about this I can provide you a 5 Star Grade ID card with my authority but in exchange I want permission to open up a Frozen Flame business branch in Snow Jade City.. how?)) (Jack)

"He is too greedy and rude, Master lets give up," Ji Biyu shook her head.

Until now only Cold Heaven Sect has the whole business control over Snow Jade City, there was not a single organization in the whole city that didn't belong to Cold Heaven Sect, furthermore, it was the place where the transmission array to enter their sect was located so they could not carelessly allow an unknown organization to build their branch there.

Ji Biyu didn't think that a 5th-Grade ID card had such worth but when she looked at Ji Baozhai she found out that she was pondering over it.

"Master, you are not seriously thinking of giving him the permission right?" Ji Biyu asked.

"Disciple you are not thinking things through, we can use this opportunity to our benefits," Ji Baozhai smirked then typed a message.

((We can allow you to open a branch here but we cannot allow your men to manage the business here, so we would only let you open a branch here on the condition that our sect's girls will be the ones to manage it)) (Ji Baozhai)

Ji Biyu looked at her in surprise, although she didn't believe that Jack will agree that easily but if he did then it will be just like putting the secrets of their organization in front of them.

((If you don't want men then we can send female workers but allowing your people to work at our branch seriously? the instruments we use are very expensive and complex to manage if they broke something then the loss will not just be of money but also the information regarding our customers that have been saved in them)) (Jack)

Ji Biyu saw this as an opportunity and typed the message herself.

((Then how about it you can send some women workers here and we will provide rest of the workers from here, it will be fine if they work together furthermore we can also guarantee your branch's safety in our city, how about it?)) (Ji Biyu)

'Hehe…. that's what I was waiting for, now both the foxes are caught in the trap,' Rex sneered inwardly.

How could he not guess what they were thinking, at this stage, there will be a lot of people who would be curious about his technology but can they really copy it?

If someone is really smart enough to successfully reverse engineer it and able to find a way to remake it then they will already be at a level that Array Circuit Tech won't catch their eye.

'I thought as a guardian he would be as cunning as that Alchemist Ye but looks like I was worried for nothing,' Ji Biyu sighed.

((Good, you seem like a smart person so how about the profit distribution)) (Jack)

Ji Biyu was about to reply but Ji Baozhai quickly typed the message.

((How about 7:3?)) (Ji Baozhai)

Ji Biyu was anxious for a second but when she saw that the distribution wasn't exaggerated she relaxed. She knew the character of her teacher when it comes to business the only word that can define her was…greedy

((You want 30% just for giving permission to open up a branch? it's a little too much)) (Jack)

((No you misunderstood 30% is yours, we want 70%)) (Ji Baozhai)

((…)) (Jack)

"…" (Ji Biyu)

((Should I send my family's property papers too?)) (Jack)

Ji Biyu was embarrassed.

Ji Baozhai got confused she was about to reply but Ji Biyu hurriedly stooped her.

((Ancestor was joking, please do not take it seriously as for the distribution how about we take 30% including our worker's salary?)) (Ji Biyu)

((I believe 10% is more than enough for you)) (Jack)

'Who was the one who said that money was not a problem for us, now why is she acting so stingy,' (Rex)

((It's the first time we allowed someone else to do business in our city, so you are going to make a big fortune anyway… 25% is a must)) (Ji Biyu)

((15% is my far as I can stretch it)) (Jack)

((20% this much shouldn't be a problem for a guardian like you right?)) (Ji Biyu)

((17% excluding the salary of your workers, leave it or take it)) (Jack)

((Deal)) (Ji Biyu)

((So 17% it is, your 5 Star ID card will be delivered to your sect by tomorrow noon, we will soon send our men for analyzing the construction site, and I will send some money to your account as an advance payment, now that the matter is over… goodbye)) (Jack)

[The chat has ended]

[Thank you for using Frozen Flame service, we hope you have a good night, stay safe and take care]

Ji Biyu was just about to close the window but she received a new notification.

[Jack Andrews had transferred 1,000,000 $$ to your account]

[Congratulations! due to the user having recharged a large amount of balance in the first try, you will be rewarded with a random gift]

[Randomizing gift…..]

[You have got free access to 'Frozen Flame Hub']

[Would you like to download and install the app: Yes/No]

Ji Biyu chose Yes.

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