After few minutes….

Ji Biyu was at the last step of finishing making her user account on Frozen Flame Hub.

[Please input your username: ____]

[Note: The username is the name that will be displayed to the public so it doesn't have to be your real name, you can use a fake name or you can also your titled name or nickname as your username]

Ji Biyu paused.

"What do you think master?" Ji Biyu asked.

Ji Baozhai stared at her, the very fact that her disciple was using something she didn't have in front of her was like teasing her and now her words were like gasoline in the fire.

"Didn't you receive a titled name after reaching the Golden Core stage? just use that one," Ji Baozhai said.

Most of the time titled names are given by other peoples to the user based on the user's characteristics and achievements.

Ji Biyu nodded and typed the name.

[Your username has been registered as \u003cMisty Fairy\u003e]

After the account was created, the app fully opened up but then she received another notification.

[Would you like to sync the \u003cFriends\u003e function with \u003cFrozen Flame Hub\u003e : Yes/No]

[Note: Synching will resulting in unlocking more features, for example, you will able to freely share your location with your friends and globally mention your relation on your more]

Ji Biyu didn't think much and directly chose Yes.

The main page of the app opened in a new window, with a mini window on the side which was due to the synchronization with the \u003cFriends\u003e function.

[Name: Misty Fairy

Friends: None]

The main window had a big interface with a lot of empty blocks that needed to be filled, those empty spaces needed the basic information about her, like her hobbies, gender, preferences, etc.

There was also a profile picture space on the upper left corner on the main window, but she had no way of taking pictures with an ID card, there was an option to take an emoji or sticker as her picture or buy an Animated Picture Designing app from the shop but she discarded it for now.

She tried to see how to add friends and found out that she could send friend requests to those who have already registered their account in Frozen Flame Hub, she could also use global chat to directly join in the chat without making friends, she curiously opened the global chat.

The Frozen Flame Hub friends function was similar to the one at the main interface but unlike the main Friends function on the main interface, one could not share their locations.

[Global Chat]

((Hey, Big Brother are you awake~)) (Death Blade Wielder)

((Huh? Master, you didn't go into seclusion yet… and wait, it's not our chat group… it's global chat)) (The Death's Envoy)

((You are right master but it's better to avoid such mistakes in the future, I have figured out all the functions of the app let me come help you)) (The Death's Envoy)

Ji Biyu was quietly reading the chat but Ji Baozhai suddenly approached her and typed a message.

((Sung Brat, is that you?)) (Misty Fairy)

((Misty Fairy you also got the card wait…Sung Brat? did your head finally froze after living in that snow valley for so long?)) (The Death's Envoy)

((I am not Misty Fairy but her Master, as for my head is frozen or not, we will discuss that topic when I visit your sect next time)) (Misty Fairy)

((Eh… It's a shame senior but I am going into seclusion today so I won't be able to welcome you in the sect)) (The Death's Envoy)

After that, the green dot representing The Death's Envoy online status turned dark.

((To think you old hag is now bullying young children)) (Death Blade Wielder)

((I just left for a while and even you are getting cocky, first tell me how to switch to private chat I want to ask you something)) (Misty Fairy)

Sung Suyin then told her the whole process of switching to private chat step by step.

A few minutes later…

[Private Chat]

((So what do you want to ask old hag?)) (Death Blade Wielder)

((If you call me old hag one more time, then I swear I will launch an all-out attack on your sect right now)) (Misty Fairy)

'Do this old hag still think we are weak and can be bullied, after Lady Lerna had channeled her Monster Qi through our bodies it did some damage but it also worked as a tonic and loosened our bottleneck, once our injuries are cured we will have a high chance to breakthrough,' (Sung Suyin)

((Just come to the topic already)) (Death Blade Wielder)

((Tell me, do the Frozen Flame have a very powerful woman as their backer?)) (Misty Fairy)

((So you want to buy information? find someone else our sect does not sell information on Frozen Flame)) (Death Blade Wielder)

'What? did he refused without hearing the price?' (Ji Baozhai)

((Looks like the rumors were true you really did get allied yourself with Frozen Flame, just tell me if that woman backing them is stronger than me, I will give you one of my sect quota for the selection of Inter Continental Fighting Tournament)) (Misty Fairy)

'Hehe… now I will see how would you refuse,' (Ji Baozhai)

'The quota is indeed alluring but life is more important,' (Sung Suyin)

((As I said before I cannot sell you information on Frozen Flame no matter the price)) (Death Blade Wielder)

((Just what's gotten into you, I am not asking for their weaponry secrets or overall strength but just a single thing and you are still acting so stubborn)) (Misty Fairy)

((Sigh… for our old friendship I will give you a piece of advice… don't mess with them, the woman you are seeing as their backer is just one of the Guardians working for them)) (Death Blade Wielder)

[Death Blade Wielder left the chat]

Ji Baozhai was stunned, although Sung Suyin didn't say anything directly but the meaning was clear… you are no match for them.


On the other side, Rex smiled when he saw their live chat then closed the window and continued his stroll.

'This Sung Suyin is no fool, he purposely acted in that way to show that he removed the future trouble for Frozen Flame while considering that someone from the organization could eye drop on the chat,' (Rex)

After closing the chat Rex looked at the blue sky and sighed.

'This Zakiya... did he went into eternal sleep of something? How long will it take for him to come out of the seclusion,' He thought.

Rex was just strolling when his eyes landed on the two familiar figures walking in his direction.

The one on the right was Ria walking with a kind and caring smile on her face, anyone who saw her greeted her politely, she seemed very popular among the citizens.

And the one on the left was Mia, she was the quiet type and had trouble choosing the right words, so she mostly only nodded when the people who greeted Ria also greeted her, unlike Ria, she didn't look much social.

When the two sisters arrived near Rex, Ria also politely greeted him and looked at him for a brief second before both of them walked past him.

'Huh? did my cute little green marshmallow forgot about me?' Rex thought but then he suddenly realized that he was in his base form and the twin sisters had never seen him like that.

Rex quickly used Instant-Transmission to go to a secluded area then transformed into his bloodline form, changed his clothes then came back to a narrow alley people wouldn't notice.

"Oh… if it isn't Ria, what a coincidence," Rex said after walking behind her.

[Coincidence my foot, you literally ran behind her]

"…" (Rex)

Ria turned around while keeping her composed look and kind smile but the second her eyes landed on Rex, she first got surprised then her cheeks turned light red as she subconsciously averted her gaze like she lost her iron forged self-confidence from just now.

"It's good to see you again…Rex'" She said while looked at Rex in the eyes from time then again avoiding her gaze.

'Why does she behave like that, it feels like I did something unspeakable perverted act against her,' Rex got confused.

[Want me to read her facial expressions?]

'Please do,' (Rex)

Mia looked at Rex then at her sister, she felt a little strange.

Rex then noticed that although Ria was still in half-snake form, his Spider-Sense made him feel that she was stronger than before but when Rex checked her cultivation base it was just one sub-stage higher than before, he was slightly suspicious so he searched for a ring or earring on her body that can act as cultivation base suppressing spirit tool but there was nothing like that on her body.

In the end, he concluded that it was probably because of an increase in her battle strength rather than cultivation base.

Rex wasn't able to think of the right topic so he first thought about complimenting her dress up but when he looked at the plain clothes she was wearing he gave that idea… too obvious praise may be taken as an insult in this situation.

"How's your injury?" Rex asked with a slightly embarrassed expression, he still remembered it was his fault that she got that injury on the head.

Although he saved her but he also saved all the beastman including her so why did she alone got hurt because of him… was what Rex thought.

"My injuries weren't deep so they were easily cured by the potions," Ria said.

"I wasn't able to properly apologize to you earlier, and in last month I was a little buy so I delayed it for so long, tell me what do you want if it is within my capabilities then I will give it to you," Rex said with a smile.

"No, it's all right and you also saved us so…" Ria was speaking but Rex interjected.

"I insist,' Rex said with a firm expression.

Ria looked at his face for a while before her face flushed red again and she looked down.

"What do your sister likes?" Rex asked Mia.

"Idiots," Mia said while staring at him.

"???" (Rex)

"She means it's an idiotic question, she won't give her answer to," Ria hurriedly explained.

Rex nodded.

'I really doubt if she meant that,' (Rex)

"Flowers… It's fine if you give flowers," Ria said after finally making her choice.

"Just flowers? you can ask anything you know, you don't need to worry about money the whole city comes under my control… if you want a big house then I can give you a whole bungalow and…." Rex was saying but Ria interjected this time.

"Just flowers is fine…" Ria looked slightly disappointed while saying this so Rex quickly shut up.

'Did I say something wrong?' (Rex)

[Nothing wrong, you just sounded like a rich second generation picking up a gold digger]

'You know it will be a lot more helpful if you tell these me these things when I am doing it not after I have already done it,' (Rex)

"Don't take my words that seriously, I am just not that good with expressing my feeling in words, you like flowers right? I know of a good place come with me," Rex said awkwardly then showed them the way.

Rex was not in a hurry so he walked in a slow pace while chatting with Ria, the only one who lacked patience at the moment was Mia who was staring at Rex from time to time but she only looked slightly annoyed but not angry, like she didn't care about him talking to her sister but dragging her along while making her feel out of place.

Rex was not in a hurry so he walked in a slow pace while chatting with Ria, the only one who lacked patience at the moment was Mia who was staring at Rex from time to time but she only looked slightly annoyed but not angry, like she didn't care about him talking to her sister but dragging her along while making her feel out of place.

[Rex after observing her facial expression and body language for so long, I finally reached a conclusion and the answer is actually very simple… I am 65% sure she had a crush on you]

Rex steps suddenly halted.

"Is something wrong?" Ria asked in a sweet tone.

"Nothing worth mentioning," Rex said with a smile then again started walking.

'You serious? I and crush?… I needed to spend months to make a good impression on my little crush naughty Ru, as for the Wild Xue Ying, she only admitted to like me when I told her about leaving the realm, as for others I still have a long way to go….and you are saying there is a golden fish that fell from the sky just like that?' (Rex)

[Get serious, It's just 65% accurate]

'Hugh.. 65%% now that you mention it, shouldn't it be at least 75%, 65% accuracy is the least you had analyzed until now,' Rex asked.

[That's the thing, a while later before she saw you her temperament seemed highly composed and firm which was almost like Lucia, but when she saw it brought a drastic change in her personality that's why I am only 65% sure this time]

'Hmmm…' Rex looked at Ria.

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