Psychic Inventor In Cultivation World

273 Chapter 271 : : Supreme Sword Palace

"No matter for what purpose you want it, it won't be easy for you to subdue them so I will suppress them to make it easy for you," Zakiya said then she slightly moved her fingers, Rex suddenly noticed that her blood-red eyes shined for a brief second then the five blood drops that were acting like tigers claiming their territory were now floating in their place behaving like obedient little cats.

Zakiya pointed her finger towards him and the five blood drops flew towards Rex, he first stored them in a small bottle which had sealing inscriptions on it then stored it in his Inventory.

Rex then also asked for the second and third edition of Basics of Soul Arrays \u0026 Soul Seals, Zakiya didn't go back on her words and handed him the other two editions.

After he got all the things he needed, Rex bid farewell to her and headed back to the castle.

It was almost midnight when he arrived in his room, normally he would just go to any room to sleep as he had no exact sleeping time he would normally sleep anytime he felt tired to restore his mental strength but now that Lerna keeps reading books with Aru in the daytime in his room he didn't like to disturb them.

Therefore he normally sleeps in any random room, but right now when he was tired he subconsciously came to his own ex-room without thinking too much.

Aru was quietly sleeping on the now extra-large bed made by Rex himself, Lerna was also sleeping beside him on the left side of the bed, hugging one of his head. She was wearing a brown colored nightgown that looked somewhat similar to a yukata.

Although he wanted to tease her, he was now already very tired and had no intention to go to any other room either, so he led on the right side of the bed and hugged one of Aru's head then went into a deep sleep in just a few seconds.

Lerna had long noticed him, even if she was asleep, it didn't mean she was tired, as a Calamity Lord she didn't need to sleep too much. When she saw that Rex didn't bother her and just slept, she decided not to kick him out as it might also wake her baby.

Next Morning…

When Rex woke up after being panted with Aru's saliva, the little guy spared no efforts and used all his big tongue to carefully lick every part of him until he woke up, Rex then sent a message to Jiang Shuang telling him that he will be in seclusion for a few days.

He then locked himself inside the bottom floor of Spirit Pagoda also known as Spirit Tower.

As for what it is?, it's an incomplete ten-story tower with six sides like a hexagon, it is being built above the Millennium Spirit Pond.

Rex had connected the 1st floor with the A grade batteries underground, which houses the highest quality Qi used in the whole Frozen Flame.

On the 2nd floor of the tower, Qi density is low compared to the first one…. with an increase in every floor the Qi density decreases.

People can use the money to stay in the tower for a limited amount of time, the higher floor they want to stay in, the expensive it will be. The first three floors are not accessible to the normal public because Rex decided to use them for his own people.

For example, Lerna and Aru only use the 1st floor moreover it is still used as their bathing place, Jiang Shuang doesn't have enough courage to bother the mother and son so he uses the 2nd floor.

One more thing that is important about the spirit tower is that from the 2nd floor, it doesn't have doors, windows, or stairs.

Every floor from 3rd floor have a mobile transmission array located inside to enter it, the environment inside the tower is balanced by arrays, there are also arrays that blocks the sound from inside-out or vice versa from the floor so that the one inside the tower won't get disturbed.

Every floor from the 2nd floor is divided into multiple rooms for many people to cultivate at the same time.

Rex went into seclusion on the first floor because he needed to absorb the blood he obtained from Zakiya before commencing evolution.

For better possibilities he decided to completely absorb the blood, Zakiya's blood was not something that can be compared to normal spirit beast's blood, so it didn't completely fuse or Rose wasn't able to help his body merge it in time later on…. and there were a lot more risks if he let it fuse normally during evolution so he decided to do it now.

Absorbing that blood was no less easy than drinking the Elixir Of Life that's why Rex went into seclusion after informing others not to disturb him in his seclusion, Aru obediently agreed so how could Lerna object.


Myriad Beast Continent...

The continents in the middle realm are all large, and Myriad Beast Continent can say to be the second-largest continent in the whole realm.

Too big that there is no force that was able to expand itself in the whole continent, all big sects have a lot of territory in their control so it was normal for many to have ambition like taking over the whole continent but soon after their ambition gets to their head and they put their plans in action, they start to realize how naïve their thoughts were.

Azure Emperor was also used as an example among those big sects, an example of a person who tried to eat more than he could chew.

In reality, every continent still had unclaimed land manly known as uncharted lands that are not under any one organization's control, for example, Misty Maze Forest was one such land.

Although no one had ever been able to rule a whole continent but there are organizations that took over a big portion of land, built their own ruling system, and started ruling it. These were mostly the big sects who once dreamed of taking over the whole continents but gave up or had to decrease their pace with time.

These sects were the true overlords ruling the land, Great Tai-Chi Sect was once such sect but then it decided to take a big step towards its goal and tried to engulf another such sect which was the Temple Of War.

But there is nothing certain in this world, instead of engulfing the Temple Of War, it got engulfed instead.

Aside from them, there are also other sects who were at the same level as them but only prefer to watch things on the sidelines.

One of them was the Supreme Sword Palace.

If the Temple Of War was known for its overly strong body cultivators then Supreme Sword Palace was known for its overly sharp sword cultivators.

Supreme Sword Palace…

A middle-aged man was walking through a long dark corridor.

He was a tall man wearing a long white robe, his face was expressionless and eyes were sharp as a sword, with every step he slowly increased his walking pace seemly in a hurry to reach his destination.

Soon the man reached the end of the corridor, the corridor was connected to a small room at its end, the whole room was only lightened by a few candles on the candlestick placed at one of the corners.

There was a transmission array on the floor in the center of the room and an old man was sitting on a short square mat, he was sitting in a meditative position near the array, when the man entered the room, the old man slowly opened his eyes and looked at him.

The man looked at the old man's face with a slight surprise in his eyes but when he noticed the old man looking at him, he quickly bowed and spoke.

"Current Sect Master Lu Renjiro greets Guardian Elder," The man bowed and spoke.

The old man nodded then spoke in a hoarse voice.

"You can address me as Elder Jirou, the elder previously taking care of this place is my elder sister she has gained some insight so she went into seclusion, before leaving she asked me to take care of this place in her place, she also told me about the matter regarding Supreme Ancestor," The old man said.

Renjiro slightly nodded.

Although he was Sect Master but it didn't mean that he was the strongest in the whole sect, the one in front of him was a guardian elder.

A Guardian Elder position is no less than any ancestor, they are one of the strongest forces present inside a great sect but they don't participate in any sect activity or battles.

They might not make a move even if the Sect Master himself is killed and no one will hold them accountable, they can be considered people who had stopped meddling in such business a long time ago and only put efforts to breakthrough and increase their low blood essence or life essence, someone like a Guardian Elder will only make a move when the question of their whole Sect's survival.

Guardian Elder status is more like a watchman for the sect so the ancestors in long seclusion do not have to come out of seclusion when the sect is attacked and preserve their almost depleted blood essence.

"The matter is regarding Supreme Ancestor that's why I ask, you sure?" The old man said after closing his eyes.

"Yes," Renjiro said.

The old man didn't speak and just waved his hand, the array in the center of the room started to shine.

Renjiro took a deep breath then walked to the center of the array.

"He might appear friendly and carefree but don't let it get to your head…" The old man's words echoed in Renjiro's ears before his figure disappeared from the room.

After feeling the change in surroundings, Renjiro opened his eyes he was standing inside a big hall, the hall was lightened by many shining crystals embedded in the walls.

Renjiro was standing at one side of the hall, a big stone egg-like instrument was present at the other side of the hall.

The oval-shaped stone had many strange inscriptions on its surface, 1/4th of its part was buried inside the ground, and was connected to the arrays on the floor.

Renjiro walked near the instrument then he took out a silver pendant from around his neck. The pendant looked very normal except the almost transparent green cylindrical jade attached to it.

He put the pendent on the array then stepped back.

When the pendant touched the array, the array shined then a white light covered the pendant, it was like this triggered a chain reaction and the inscriptions on the stone started to shine.

The stone then emitted a dim radiance, Renjiro quietly stood there and waited.

After more than 10 minutes has passed, the stone suddenly shone brightly then the projection of a person appeared above it.

Renjiro was curious about his looks, but he quickly bowed his head and recited the lines he had prepared before coming here.

"I Lu Renjiro, the current Sect Master of Supreme Sword Palace greets Supreme Ancestor, it's my pleasure to have a talk with…." Renjiro started reading the script in his head.

"Haa? what are you doing, stop there, your name is Renjiro I get it okay, there is no need to be that formal…" The voice of an energetic young man sounded in Renjiro's ears.

He abruptly stopped.

Did I dialed the wrong number?… he thought then raised his head to look above.

What greeted him was the sight of a tall man smiling at him, the man wasn't there it was only an illusionary projection, one could see through.

The man was wearing a long yellow robe, he had short black hair, long eyebrows, and a pointed chin. His appearance was not outstanding but even just the projection of man carried a majestic presence.

'The appearance is exactly the same as the elders described… did he not aged at all after so many years? just what realm had he reached?' Renjiro thought.

"You listening?" The man looked at Renjiro was in a daze.

Renjiro snapped out of his day daze and immediately nodded.

He might not have met the supreme ancestor before but his tales were something every person in the whole sect knew about.

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