Psychic Inventor In Cultivation World

274 Chapter 272 : : Supreme Ancestor

"Good, so how's the progress?" The man asked.

"Supreme Ancestor as you…" Renjiro said.

"It's too long just call me Ancestor Ye or Elder Ye is fine too," The man lazily said.

Renjiro was about to subconsciously nod and agree but then he remembered what the Guardian Elder who let him in and the one who handled this matter to him warned him about.

"I don't dare do that, it will be too disrespectful to Supreme Ancestor," Renjiro said.

"Those old farts said something, didn't they? Sigh.. whatever just tell me what you got," The man sighed then said.

"As per Supreme Ancestor's orders, we collected information of any young male human with white hairs and red eyes, who joined a sect or any other organization in the last one year, even after using all over connections and buying information we were only able to cover the Myriad Beast Continent until now.

We found 4 people with these traits but they don't have the ridicu…no amazing innate talent mentioned in the files, we will not start to check the information on him in other continents, starting from Peaceful Heaven Continent," Renjiro said.

The man didn't reply and remained silent.

'As long as he isn't in Demonic Beast Continent, he should be fine,' The man thought.

The environment of the Demonic Beast Continent is not suitable for a normal human with a low cultivation base to live for a long time, the Demonic Qi in the surrounding can influence their mind and body making them go crazy if they can't control it.

"Give me the information on those four people, and continue searching," The man said.

Renjiro nodded he took out a thin book then showed the whole information about them to the man.

After a brief conversation, the man disappeared after saying a short goodbye.

Renjiro sighed then quickly left the room.

He was having a hard time believing that the man he just met was really one of the founders who joined forces together with other ancestors to built the sect, according to what he knew that person's understanding of the sword had reached a level others had yet to touch but he was too…carefree and when other decided to make him the Sect Master he directly refused saying it was a lot of trouble and only chose the position of a Guardian Elder so as not to make a move until its necessary.

But this was not why Renjiro was so nervous when facing him, it was that man's temperament, according to one of the most famous tales of that man, once an Evil Faction Sect's inner disciples teamed up with an elder and ambushed two genius core disciples of Supreme Sword Sect without any previous hatred, losing such genius disciples would surely result in a decrease in the future strength of the Sect.

The inner disciple clearly teamed up with an elder but they didn't admit and even protected them from any punishment, anyone could see that it was well planned, but they still couldn't do anything because that Sect was the part of the Dark Spirit Alliance, an alliance consists consist of several Evil Faction Sects.

Just at that time, the news reached the ears of that man… The Supreme Ancestor, and after few days a piece of new shocking news spread in the whole Myriad Beast Continent, the Dark Spirit Alliance was no more.

In one night all the higher-ups of the alliance were brutally slaughtered, not a single one of the strong powerhouse in the whole alliance was left alive.

When the people asked what happened? from the outer disciples of those sects that escaped, the reply they got from them sounded too fake to the ears, the words they used to describe their experience with the fear-filled eyes were like this…

The whole sky was filled with countless swords, then they all rained on their sect at the same time, destroying all the obstacles in their way, killing any life that blocked their path. The elders that were unfathomable in their eyes couldn't even resist in front of those swords for even a few seconds before they died, no one was able to escape from those lightning-fast swords resulting in a one-sided slaughter.

As for them, maybe they were too weak to caught the eyes of the expert behind the scene.

It was the time, that everyone in the Supreme Sword Sect realized what level had their Supreme Ancestor had reached, as for his temperament that made him do that, they were already very familiar with it, he won't get angry even when someone casually insults him but once he is angry… then someone will likely die.

Renjiro also remembered the words of the first sect master that is passed down like quotes in the sect, at that time when the Supreme Ancestor returned, all his clothes were dyed red in blood, Sect Master looked at his bloody state and asked him 'Was there really a need to go that far?' the reply he got was 'I give people more chances then they deserve but once I'm done…I'm Done' then he left.

Supreme Ancestor was not a person who liked the ways of Evil Factions, but he tried to change everything with force because then the things won't change but might backfire and brought dangers to his own people so he held back but he couldn't hold back if they come to his door to seek death.

'I wonder why do Supreme Ancestor want to find that man? he didn't look angry, just what did that man do that made the Supreme Ancestor so interested in him. Hugh… It's not the time to think about these things,' Renjirou shook his head then again increased his pace to go to his room.

As a Sect Master, he needs to take care of a lot of things, if it was not the Supreme Ancestor who gave him this task then he wouldn't have put so much effort to find a single person.

On the other side…

Somewhere in the higher realm…

The man in the projection earlier was sitting on a chair, he was tapping the right armrest with his finger as he kept thinking about something.

'Would Ying's strategy really work? anyone in the right mind would just disguise themselves or remain underground when they know someone is searching for them and they don't want to get caught. I don't know what she is thinking, her strategies are always unpredictable like this but if she thought about it then it should work,' The man thought.

When he was still thinking, a sword got condensed out of thin air beside him.

The blade of the sword was of bright red color with a very dark rune-like pattern all over it, its hilt looked like it was made of gold.

The sword gave off an ancient artifact like feeling, it was hovering in mid-air with his blade facing the right shoulder of the man.

The Sword then moved and stroked his shoulder with its hilt.

"You again came out on your own? learn some manners," The man looked at it.

The sword trembled then started to spin vertically at a fast pace showing its anger.

"Sigh… don't act like a spoiled kid, once I am done retrieving that brat you will have a lot of opponents to face," The man said while looking at the crazily spinning sword.

The sword immediately stopped spinning, then its blade emitted a dim radiance.

"Good, now that you understand, go inside and waiii….hey," The man was still speaking but the sword turned around flew out of the room at lightning speed.


'This troublemaker…' The main thought.

The man too quickly flew outside and started chasing it.


Frozen Flame City….

It has been a few days since Rex went into seclusion, Shuang Jiang handled the business in Rex's place and everything was going smoothly.

Lucia was quite satisfied with Ria and Mia's working efficiency so she accepted finally them as assistants.

The number of ID card users was increasing every minute, anyone who used them once couldn't stop using them they were all addicted to it.

Most of the people ordered too many things they didn't even need just to check the delivery function.

The delivery cost always depend on the product and the grade of the card, only those who had 5 Star Grade card don't have to pay the delivery fee.

Jiang Shuang was happily enjoying this peaceful moment, he didn't need to worry about someone interfering in the expansion of the business, Lerna's presence was enough to solve such problems. Compared to earlier when he had to put so many efforts in negotiating or give precious expensive gifts to the rulers of other territories just to get permission to open a branch, things this time were very smooth.

Just when he was enjoying this moment, his Smart Band vibrated.

When he checked it, he found it was a message from City Lord Adal.

((We are facing a serious problem, one of my informers sent me a piece of information that a small army of armed soldiers sent by that Noble Kebel has been approaching Corentis, they will arrive here in a few hours)) (Adal Meyer)

Jiang Shuang frowned, he remembered Kebel was the Noble under whom the people that came for robbing the money from Adal… or Frozen Flame's money used in the development of Corentis to be more precise.

"What happened, father?" Jiang Qing who was sitting near him noticed the wrong look on his face and asked.

Jiang Qing now also lived on the second floor of the Castle like Ria and Mia, like them she was also not aware of Ye Tian and Rex being the same person.

Jiang Shuang told the situation to her.

"If the situation is like that then we don't have a choice but to fight, we can't ask Master Rex to come out of the seclusion for something like this, father you are working with the Shadow Lord so can't you contact him?" Jiang Qing said.

She didn't mention Ye Tian because before Rex went into seclusion, Jiang Shuang had already made an excuse to hide that identity saying Ye Tian went on a secret trip to get a rare herb.

As for Lerna, she only hears what Rex said, Jiang Shuang cannot move her. If it was related to the expansion of the organization then she will help because Rex asked her too but if Jiang Shuang asked her to deal with the people attacking Corentis she will refuse, he didn't dare to trick her with words as Rex already told him that if she is really angry then he himself isn't sure if he could save him.

Moreover, like others, Jiang Qing was really curious about the Shadow Lord who she has never seen until now.

Jiang Shuang bitterly smiled and shook his head.

Jiang Qing was slightly disappointed but she understood that Shadow Lord had no intention to take action for such a thing.

"Then we can only ask Senior Aeneas and others to help us solve this matter, I think they would be happy to help," Jiang Qing said.

"Actually there might be another way," Jiang Shuang took out a small book Rex gave him before leaving, the name of the book was….

\u003cOne Hundred \u0026 One Ways To Deal With Unexpected Situations Regarding Frozen Flame\u003e

- By Rex Andrews

"…" (Jiang Qing)

Jiang Shuang quickly flipped through the pages and finally found a method to deal with an unexpected situation like this but he wasn't sure if it would work.

After thinking for a while he decided to use it anyway, he told Jiang Qing that they needed to go to the city gate of Corentis to use this method, Jiang Qing nodded but she suggested that even if the method is good its better to take Aiden and other fighter beastman with them in case of emergency, Jiang Shuang agreed with her without much thought.

It doesn't take them a long time to gather a group of a strong beast-man fighter, Jiang Shuang then provided them with appropriate weapons Rex made… or the practice products made by Rex to be more accurate then took them all with him to the city gate of Corentis.

Adal Meyer was already present there with around 60 guards stationed near the gate, actually, there was a time when the city lord of Corentis used to have hundreds of trained guards under its command but now it was already amazing for 60 guards to follow Adal and not leave the declining city.

Only a few of the guards were young man, others were all middle-aged or old ones, they were the people who had swore their loyalty to the Meyer Family and wants to repay the favor they had received until now by working for them their whole life, but not everyone is the same.

The other young guards believed that there is no need to show such loyalty and it was just a normal business deal they took the money and worked for them, they chose to ignore the treatment, status, and resources they received under Meyer Family's rule and go work for other organizations to secure their future hoping that they would gain the same treatment everywhere and even if not, it was better then spending the rest of their lives working under someone who had already spent almost all his resources in trying to restore a dying city.

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