Psychic Inventor In Cultivation World

275 Chapter 273 : : City Defense System

When Adal saw Jiang Shuang and other beast coming towards them he got slightly relieved but when he noticed that Rex was not with them he again got a little worried, in his understanding Rex was really strong if he was here then the trouble won't appear as big as right now.

Adel exchanged short greetings with Jiang Shuang and Jiang Qing, he had met both of them so many times when they were helping in the development of the city, he even had few meals with them so there was no need for introductions.

As for the beastman, they were not easy to approach because of their hatred towards humans and he didn't have time to extinguish the flame of hatred at the moment.

"My Lord, the enemy is approaching," One old guard came flying from the city wall and said.

Adal nodded then flew on top of the city wall with other guards, few Archers were stationed there in advance. In Golden Bird Continent, professional Archers were rare to find as there weren't many sects or organizations that trained their people in Archery or even had Archery Techniques in their possession.

Jiang Shuang looked at the dust cloud rising in the distance, several dot size figures were moving before the dust cloud.

"They are more than 400 in numbers alone, they all are wearing proper battle armors, the breeds of the horses they are riding is also high," Fred said after looking in the distance.

Jiang Shuang nodded, he was already aware of Fred's inborn enhanced sense of vision that made his sense of vision more than 5 times stronger compared to other normal cultivators.

"It's time to test it," Jiang Shuang muttered to himself then accessed his Smart Band.

Adal didn't focus on him and started to give a speech to his men to increase their confidence.

Aeneas stretched his arms and looked at Aiden, Aiden slightly nodded, it was time for him to show what he had gained from the training.

All the beastman were excited, they finally got a chance to show their value moreover this time they were fighting like a free man rather than to escape the feeling of fighting on equal terms with the enemy rather than a prey against a predator was something they longed for.

Aeneas then looked at the approaching enemy with hatred filled eyes, he didn't have even a little bit mercy for the fighters of the enemy, they may be the heroic fighters in the eyes of their own people but for him… he knew how these fighters treated his own people.

The bigger the army one had, the harder it will be to fulfill their needs whether it's mental or physical, when the army of Azure Emperor passed through the peaceful cities housing the beastman, their resources were plundered by these fighters, and the men were turned into slaves that can be used as cannon fodders or meat shields in the next battle… this one was just one of the many unspeakable acts that were still deeply rooted in Aeneas's memory.

Just at this time Jiang Shuang finally reached the last step after following tall the steps mentioned in the book.

[Please make sure if you want to activate the City Defense System: Confirm/Cancel]

Jiang Shuang chose to confirm.

[City Defense System activated]

[Releasing Scouting Bots…..]

Suddenly several small array patterns on the city wall shined, they were all present near the highest point of the city wall and were arranged in a row.

When Jiang Shuang noticed those array patterns he got a familiar feeling, he felt like he had seen these arrays before, after thinking for a brief moment he finally remembered that they were similar to the storage arrays Rex also put on the Combat Bots to store weapons.

When the array shined, they all shot out a few metallic balls each, after the mechanic balls were released they trembled then their shell opened and four mechanical limbs each having a ring with a propeller inside attached to them.

The propellers started spinning with a buzzing sound then the scouting bots flew towards the direction of the enemy.

All the bots had a camera with high zooming efficiency attached to them, the camera was capable of locking down the enemy from far away like how an eagle locks on the target on the ground while flying five kilometers above in the sky.

The AI in the bots can recognize enemy, weapon type, or battle style and send this information to the system, then the system will develop its battle plan according to it before sending the Combat Bots in the battle.

The scouting bots attracted the attention of all the people present on the wall, they all looked at Jiang Shuang for an explanation.

In response he just shrugged his shoulders, he himself had no idea what would happen after the City Defense System was activated.

At that time, a new window opened up above his smart band.

[Please input any confirmed details about the enemy, if you have any_____]

Jiang Shuang looked at Adal.

"According to my information, the commanding general of the team is at Core Forming peak stage but he has a spirit armor and spirit spear with him, with that he could even exchange blows with Golden Core 1st stage expert, they also have two other generals at Core Forming stage cultivator in their team.

They have around five Heaven Venerable, eight Earth Venerable, and the rest are all Human Venerable," Adal said.

When the words came out Aeneas and others slightly frowned.

"From this setup, it is probably the strongest force of a noble like him, but why would he send out his strongest force just because we killed a few of his men, its doesn't suit their personality to care about their people so much," Van, the lizard woman said all of a sudden.

Jiang Shuang nodded in agreement but he also inputs the data in the window at the same time.

"It's not as simple as retaliation for that, the rumors about Lady Lerna has probably reached his ears, he might not have believed it but he may have suspected that someone else is trying to take over the territory around here, those people fear to claim this territory because of the King Of Forest but now that they saw someone else claiming the land without any effort he probably wants to claim back this land," Adal said.

Others nodded.

Everyone was aware of the inexhaustible natural resources present in the Misty Maze Forest, it was something even Azure Emperor would want but he had long paid the price for the greed, and the lesson that other people have only seen but not experienced has an expiry date over it.

Corentis was the nearest city to the forest so it was an already made trading spot, it was like a free doc for ships so why would they want to claim empty land and build a new city when they can snatch others' handwork directly.

Just after a few seconds Jiang Shuang input the details, several notifications started to pop up.

[Level 1 Threat Confirmed]

[Battle Plan is set]

[Deploying defenders....]

Suddenly the whole city wall got covered by arrays that revealed themselves all of a sudden, all of them were storage arrays. The attacking arrays Rex set weren't meant to get activated for a Level 1 Threat.

When the light dimmed and disappeared, Adal saw hundreds of Combat Bots of different sizes and shapes standing with their backs against the wall.

The most common was the Hunter and Tanker type, other then them there were also those that were twice as big as them and had 4 hands, few of them were not of humanoid shape at all.

There was one combat bot whose lower body was similar to that of a horse, it had four mechanical limbs as legs making it look like a centaur.

It was the first of its series, the Centaur Series Combat Bot. The Centaur series was the part of the non-humanoid type Combat Bots Rex decided to make after seeing the battle style of Demi-Humans.

The Centaur series bot was holding a long lance in its right hand and a big shield in its left hand.

There were also those that have nothing like a human in them, some looked resembled a cheetah then others were like a panther, there were also bigger Combat Bots resembling elephants and rhinos.

Everyone was dumbfounded especially those beastman who had seen the battle powers of these combat bots before, when everyone looked at Jiang Shuang for an explanation they found that he looked as dumbfounded as them.

Jiang Shuang suddenly noticed the three armored mini-truck-with-four-limbs-like devices… the products of Extinction Ray Cannons series slowly walking behind the bots then forming a line and digging their four legs deep in the ground.

Before anyone could think more the three Cannons raised their barrel in the direction of the approaching enemy, then a glow of red, blue, and black light began to come out of the three barrels respectively.

Everyone was confused, then the sound from the Jiang Shuang's smart band woke them up but the words drowned them in cold water.

[All three Core Forming stage targets are locked]

[Preparing to fire….3..2..1]

Lucky for Combat Bots, that the Core Forming Experts didn't bother to hide their cultivation base, they were thinking it would help them in putting psychological pressure on the enemy. There were many types of talisman that could sense the cultivation base of a cultivator just by the pressure they emit.. it was only possible when they don't have a way to hide it like... right now, Rex made full use of that method.

And coupled with their high-end armor and position in the whole group, the AI easily labeled them as main targets with the Core Forming stage cultivation base.

Before Jiang Shuang could even say a word all three Cannons shot their targets in the distance.

The people on the tower could barely see the three main generals running their carriages in front of others, but in just next second the three colorful rays covered those three figures.

Just like the people on the tower those three targets can also only see their blurry shape from far away, a machine doesn't have any killing intent so they couldn't sense the danger looming their heads, nor did they had Spider-Sense like Rex which will alert them in advance.

A ray was not like a bullet, a cultivator could dodge, the attack might not be fast as the speed of light but it wasn't something a cultivator at their stage could hope to evade without seeing the trajectory.

..zzzzZZZZZZzzzzzzz... x 3

The three rays made a buzzing sound for a few seconds before they disappeared and went into a few seconds cooldown state.

The people on the tower couldn't clearly see what was happening there but they do know someone who could so they looked at Fred who had his eyes opened wide to their limits.

"What happened," Aeneas placed his big hand on his shoulder waking him from his daze.

Fred snapped out of it and looked at others who were looking at him to know what happened.

"There is...Nothing.." Fred spoke while still trying to confirm if he was dreaming.

"Nothing?" Aeneas was confused.

"There is nothing left, the red light turned the left general into ashes without leaving anything behind, not just that general but even the fighters behind him perished, the blue one turned everyone around the middle general including him into ice statues and the third one… I couldn't see what happened but there are a lot of dried bodies lying there, their is no moment so they also likely died," Fred said as he kept looking at the three cannons with some lingering fear in his eyes.

When others heard it they didn't know how to react, in truth, the fighters following the general were in a more confused state them, they literally had no idea what just happened, all of a sudden a blinding light came out nowhere but when it disappeared their three leading generals had already left this world for the afterlife.

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