Psychic Inventor In Cultivation World

277 Chapter 275 : : Do Or Die

[Rex, there is one thing I want to warn you about in advance, I wasn't able to completely trace all the advancing routes of this option because of Zakiya's strong bloodline and the difference in our real cultivation base so the result I showed you is only around 85% accurate of the usual, her bloodline had somewhat strong beast instinct nature that's why one of the requirement is Strong Mental Strength]

'It's all right, there is nothing truly 100% in this world, and when did we haven't taken a risk when doing evolution, every time we had unexpected factors involved, it won't change this time either, I have decided I will take this option… the previous one is good but it's only best when I would have been planning to follow the Lesser Elixirior Human route and would be planning on choosing a species related to that in the future evolution.

Compared to that, this evolution shortens the difference between me and a Divine beast which will at least result in a very long lifespan, this species goes on higher life form route I want to go on and who knows I might also get a form like her in the future if I follow this path,' Rex said.

Rex took a bath, changed his cloth, and headed out, he was planning to find a good spot and complete his evolution as soon as possible.

The ground floor of the Spirit Tower was connected to the castle because its base was literally present in the castle area, others who would enter the above floors of the tower in the future would be using the mobile transmission array for it so they won't actually have to step foot in the castle area to enter it.

Rex slowly roamed through the first floor then headed to the second floor using stairs, sitting in the room for 9 days was quite boring for him so he decided to enjoy his short walk before leaving the city.

Just when he arrived at the end of the stairs, he saw Ria walking in front of him, she was wearing a top similar to the dress of Lucia and a long skirt, her back was facing Rex at the moment.

Rex noticed that her hair was not braided or tied in two long intertwined ponytails like usual either, they looked slightly wet like she just came out of the bath.

After Jiang Shuang's continuous persuasion, Rex did make a big bath in the basement and stopped calling the Millennium Pond a bathing house, in front of others, the rooms on the second floor had private bathrooms but compared to the big one in the basement they didn't look that attractive.

While walking Ria took out a hairbrush and started coming to her long hairs from the side.

"Want me to help?" Rex approached her from behind.

She turned around and looked at him in surprise.

"Rex… you are back?" Ria said with a mixture of surprise and joy visible on her face.

When she asked Lucia earlier, she got told that Rex went in seclusion, as for where he went and when he will come back? Lucia said she don't know either.

Ria looked like she didn't hear the answer she wanted to, but when at Rex took the brush from her hand, it took her by surprise.

"You don't need to.." She hurriedly said with a blushed face and tried to retrieve the brush but how could Rex let her do that, instead of letting her grab the brush he gently gripped her palm then moved his face closer to her.

"Am I still feel that distant to you," Rex said with a smile as he took a step forward.

Ria tried to take a step back with a blushing face but she just discovered that her back was already facing the wall. she didn't dare look Rex in his eyes and turned her head down.

Rex slammed his hand on the wall, placed the brush in the inventory then lightly held her chin turning her face towards his, his face was very close to her's, the distance between their lips can be measured in a single-digit millimeter value.

'What do you say Rose, advance or retreat?' Rex nervously asked.

[Both causes won't increase your strength, just do it if you like it, then you can focus on other things without thinking about it all day]

'But… isn't it a little too sudden, and forced? what if she got angry?' Rex asked again.

[Seriously? you people have some strange chain of thoughts, you are not eating her lips of snatching out her tongue, she is just going to burn some calories nothing else, if she doesn't like it then can't she just go and wash her mouth?… you can also gift her a new toothpaste to wash her mouth, you know? that way even if she doesn't like it she won't feel angry because she can clean her mouth with the free toothpaste, how?]

Rex was speechless.

He had no idea how to reply to that, kissing a girl then giving toothpaste to help them clean their mouth, which is actually used to clean teeth instead of mouth… wait that's not the point. Moreover, the words sounded very genuine like the one who said them really meant it, only someone like Rose could do that.

Several seconds passed just like that, Ria couldn't take more of this embarrassment she slowly moved her chin away from Rex's hand then swiftly moved her body making an escape without even showing her face.

Rex felt a little embarrassed when he looked at her fading back.

[Don't worry, according to my calculations with this pace it would only take few decades if not a few centuries to get her, by the way, you don't mind a few green hats do you?]

Rex felt several arrows of sarcasm piercing his heart from all around.

'Dammit, then its do or die,' Rex looked at the directions Ria was going in then disappeared from his place.

When Ria made sure that she was quite a distance away from Rex, she sighed, her expression had already changed, instead of blushing and acting shy, she wore a mischievous smile with her cheeks still being little red showing her excitement.

'For some reason, it really feels good…' She was just thinking about what happened just now but suddenly she got a strange feeling… like something inside her alerted her about something approaching.

The look in her eyes changed, she mobilized a very strange power inside her right hand, she was just about to get serious and switch to her real battle state but then she forcible relaxed her body again all of a sudden.

It seemed like a long process but it all happened in a brief second.

In next moment, Rex appeared beside her, grabbed her right hand, and pulled her in his embrace, his body was moving like someone just gave him a shot of adrenaline.

Before Ria realized what was happening, Rex held the back of her head and planted his lips on hers.

[Tch.. x 3 taking advantage of a girl you met just while ago, I didn't know you were that type of person]

When Rex heard that he almost choked on the kiss, in the end, he decided to completely ignore Rose and focus on the work at hand… at lips.

Ria seemed to still be in a daze, from the start to now it took her a while to realize what was happening, Rex expected her to freak out or grow nervous but contrary to his expectation she didn't respond at all like her ping was high and response got delayed, letting him kiss her.

'She tastes a little sweet and….sour?' Rex thought, he might not be that experienced but his first kiss was with Lu Ruo who was a normal human girl, he didn't know much about a normal human girl much less someone of a different race.

When he was still thinking, Ria pushed him all of a sudden, Rex was not surprised he even thought that she already delayed it for so long, he only wished that she doesn't get angry but when he looked at her, he found her staring deep into his eyes with her mouth slightly open like she was still a little confused.

"You like me?" She asked, but her tone sounded a lot strange compared to her usual self.

Rex found it rather confusing but he still nodded.

Do all girls behave like that after the kiss? were all those movies fake?…. he thought.

[This girl always provides me with new data on psychology]

"Why?" Ria asked again without any change in her tone.

Rex got confused then he started pondering over her question.

When Ria saw that he was thinking, her expression slightly change, she looked disappointed and a little angry.

"You need to think that much to decide why you like me?" Ria said as she turned her face down and stepped back.

"Huh? no actually I have yet to find a reason to dislike you so I can't think of any particular thing I like about you, after all, to me everything about you looks ideal in a way," Rex said in a very natural tone.

Ria again raised her head and looked at him with a strange expression.

'Did I say something wrong?' Rex thought.

[Where did you read this pickup line]

'What do you mean by that? it just came to my head… and isn't it true?' Rex thought.

[Oh.. a natural? I see]

'I really wasn't flirting though,' Rex grunted inwardly.

Ria then smiled all of a sudden then she placed both of her hands on Rex's cheeks, one hand on each. When Rex looked at her in confusion thinking what she was intending to do, she pulled his face closer then kissed him.

Rex was dazzled, he wondered if he was having a wet dream but no matter the case he won't let such opportunity go.

When he was still thinking, Ria moved her tongue inside his mouth, with her rough movement Rex could easily guess that he was more experienced than her.

'Rose… is it normal?' Rex asked with some hesitation.

[If I say it isn't, then would you pull back?]

'Er…no,' Rex said without hesitation.

[Then just enjoy the prize what is the use of thinking about the process?]

While kissing Ria moved her hand from his cheeks to the back of his hair then pressed her body on him, Rex was starting to doubt if someone had disguised as Ria to take advantage of his inexperienced pure body.

After continuously kissing for around one minute Rex used his right hand that was resting on her waist to shift her to his left, then he broke the kiss and licked her neck, he also started to quietly move his left hand that was on her tummy to her chest, after taking a glimpse of her red face he slid his left hand in her top, her body trembled for a second as she placed her hand on Rex's hand from above the cloth to stop him.

But Rex was already on his do or die road, he again kissed her blocking her from saying anything he felt like he was not far away from becoming a true man today but…

[Rex time out]

Rex quickly took out his hand, broke the kiss then released her from his embrace with a reluctant look on his face.

"Sigh… see you later my cute little marshmallow," Rex said in a gentle tone giving a quick peck on her lips, then disappeared from his place.

Ria looked at him in surprise, then she understood the meaning in the next second, she quickly adjusted her clothes and took out a hanker chief to wipe the disoriented lipstick on her face.

She then turned right only to see Mia rushing in her directions with a slightly worried look.

When she saw Ria standing alone, she decreased her pace then she looked around after making sure that no one else was there, she spoke.

Mia nodded with some hesitation.

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