Psychic Inventor In Cultivation World

278 Chapter 275.5 : : Finding A Buddy

At first, Mia didn't stop her but suddenly she seems to remember something so she followed her and spoke.

{Don't let greed and anger take over your reasoning, if you are willing to expose yourself for some free opportunities then forget about ever becoming a powerhouse.

Ria looked at her down head and secretly sighed.

{You don't need to think about becoming stronger all the time, this place is not as bad as you think it is, in fact, it's a good place something that is not easy to find, you should try to enjoy your time here, it will be helpful in developing your state of mind for future, for starters you can try to have a fluent conversation with someone aside from me, there are a lot of people here who won't always think of taking your place.

Mia nodded.

Mia was confused as to why she postponed the plan all of a sudden but she didn't ask anything because she had a feeling that she will get scolded no matter what she said right now.

After she left, Mia deeply sighed then looked at the sky through a glass window near the wall.

'It's not like I don't want to hold a good conversation…. but I can't, it's not easy to talk to others,' Mia looked at the white clouds floating in the blue sky.

Mia wasn't acting when she isn't able to have a long fluent conversation with others, it was like a defect she had since her earliest memory, just like phobia it always got in her way of holding a good conversation, in the start, it was same even when she talked with her twin sister but Ria was different from the others, with just a few of her words she could discern the whole sentence and could tell what she wanted to say.

The only person Mia was truly comfortable with was her sister, in time she was able to speak fluently with her but the things with others didn't change.

Even if she tries to practice talking with another person to improve herself, not many will be able to cop up with her for long, and it's not like she can find someone similar to her easily and practice with them.

Mia kept looking at the sky aimlessly, for who knows how long, Mia suddenly felt that several pairs of eyes were looking at her without bothering to hide their presence, she turned around and looked at the corner wall at the end of the corridor.

She saw that five similar-looking whiteheads were popping out from the corner like flowers from a vase and were staring at her, Baby Aru standing behind the wall seemed pretty sure about his hiding skills, or maybe he just felt that the wall in front of the unfamiliar girl near the window was stronger than his Monster King stage body.

Baby Aru only spent time with Lerna and Rex, after them the person he was most familiar with was Lucia who treated him just like a little young master from Rex's family but she always acted seriously so Baby Aru was a little uncomfortable when approaching her and asking to play.

This led Baby Aru to search for a new companion but whenever he tried to step out of the castle there will be a doting mother with Calamity Lord cultivation stage who will be following him outside, scaring away everyone in his way.

Fortunately, lately, he sensed the presence of three new people on the second floor so after making a decision, he finally made a decision to approach them and quietly slid out of the room when his mother was lost in the world of books.

Lucia had briefly told both the sisters about the people that live in the castle, so Mia knew that this beast is actually just a newborn baby with high intelligence, but he is the child of the rumored woman powerhouse who is likely one of the strongest in Frozen Flame so his own cultivation base is also high.

Mia wasn't that cautious to Aru, he was an intelligent beast and she had seen a lot intelligent beast with a non-human appearance like him so she knew he won't attack her all of a sudden, and because he was just a baby he wasn't capable of discerning between fake smiles or serious face so she didn't care to act in any way in from of him, she just turned around and again started to stare at the sky.

When Baby Aru saw that she didn't overreact he slightly nodded his head in satisfaction like saying… girl you passed the test, he then slowly walked to her then looked in the direction she was looking, he only saw the clouds in the sky.

Baby Aru's unique common sense came into play…

He gently placed his claw at the wall near the window and put some Monster Qi in it.

An array pattern shined on the wall then the reinforced glass window retracted inside the wall on its own.

The cool air from the atmosphere came in, the second the window was opened, Mia quickly took out a hairband and tied her long fluttering hair in a single ponytail, she then looked at the Baby Aru who was staring at her with some interest.

She had a bad feeling about it.

"Whaat…you want?" She asked.

Baby Aru didn't say anything, his long tail suddenly moved, the tail wrapped itself around Mia's waist and threw her on his back, Mia didn't have legs but a tail which made it easy for the baby beast to hold her tightly cutting her escape routes, he then climbed on the opened window.

'Don't tell me he…' Mia just regained her balance by gripping the outwards scales on his back that she began to realize what Baby Aru was thinking.

Baby Aru jumped out of the window then unfolded his big strong wings, the second he flapped his wings his trajectory changed towards the sky, his flight's aim was the clouds in the sky.

Normal cultivators can't fly in the sky above Misty Maze Forest because of the deadly winds but Baby Aru was a Monster King with wings, such winds were useless against him.

Earlier when he saw Mia looking at the sky, he believed that she wanted to fly above the clouds in the sky but because of her weak cultivation base she couldn't do that, so to increase the favorability between them he decided to help her realize her wish.

Moreover, he was very fast when it came to flying, even faster than Rex.

"AHHhhhahhaaaa..." Mia screamed while clutching the scales on his back, with her low cultivation base she never flew at such a height especially in Misty Maze Forest and the main problem was the speed at which Baby Aru was flying, at the moment she was experiencing what a normal human who had ridden a roller coaster for the first time would feel.

When Baby Aru heard her scream, his eyes shined he realized that his new companion was enjoying it so much that she was even screaming excitedly so he again flapped his wings increasing his speed again.

Mia started to feel dizzy, the world in her front of her started to spin, she didn't know what this guy was thinking and the frustrating part was she could do absolutely nothing about it, she just reached out her hand to his shoulder area then tightly hugged his middle neck and closed her eyes.

After a few minutes Mia felt that everything became quiet, the wind wasn't that deadly as before, she could also sense that Little Aru was not flapping his wings and was flying at a constant speed without any turns. Mia slowly opened her eyes, and as soon as she did, a look of surprise flashed through her eyes.

She saw boundless blue sky above her, when she looked down she realized that Little Aru was flying above the clouds, rather than clouds it seemed like an endless river made of soft white cotton.

There were no birds or any cultivator flying anywhere, Mia discovered that she actually liked this place, she then looked at the Little Aru who turned his leftmost head around with his mouth open letting his tongue flutter in the wind, Mia found this little beast with a silly look on his face quite adorable.

He isn't a bad choice to practice to talk, right?… she thought.

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