Psychic Inventor In Cultivation World

279 Chapter 276 : : The Third Evolution

After leaving the castle reluctantly, Rex flew towards the core zone of Misty Maze Forest.

'It's alright… it's not too late for a gentleman to make love after 2 weeks,' Rex sighed then continued.

'By the way, Rose, what about the fusion of True Tai-Chi Forbidden Yoga Art and my Yin-Yang Sacred Lineage Cultivation Technique?' Rex asked.

Several days ago, when he started the fusion he failed miserably on the first try so Rex let Rose keep trying while slowly improving and making changes using the information obtained from the previous failures to complete the fusion then upgrade and modify it for his body, but in the background.

The fusion failed so many times that Rex turned off notifications for it, after all, no matter if it succeeds or fails he won't be able to use it before evolution, in the worst cause that it didn't succeed even when it was time to go through evolution then he would try to gain enlighten and solve the problem once if it still fails then he would have no choice but to leave it.

Later when Rex went into seclusion, Rose automatically switched off all the notification to not distract him, now that the evolution is just near the corner its time for him to check it.

[After 1,245,601 tries, encountering 1,245,599 failures and spending 18,564 SE points I succeeded twice. The first result didn't look that favorable to you so as your previous orders I continued the operation and the second result I got is more suitable for your body]

Rex's heart arched when he realized how many SE points had he lost.

Normally, SE points are consumed depending on the time consumed during the research and the failed trials shouldn't actually cost that much because most of those were failed just when the process began, but Rex wanted the good results as fast as possible so he spent extra points putting the same operation in all the operation blocks to increase the speed.

[Actually Rex, I found a better way, I already discarded the first result as for the second before modification is B1 after modification it is B2, the reason B1 is more favorable because it can synchronize with your Black Diamond Physique to maintain the attribute balance in your body but now that you decided to choose that new race option that will provide your body with Innate Darkness and Shadow Immunity the balance might crumble.

But the good news is, if I remodify B1 so that it can synchronize with your both your race and physique that support similar attribute then the result might be better than before, although you can only see the result after the evolution, the result will vary depending on the race after all]

'If it's better then do it, and remember if you really need to use my Blood essence then keep all the records, I want to see how much I need to earn back in the future,' Rex agreed without any problem.

'So what is its name?' Rex curiously asked.

[Its name is \u003cBlack \u0026 White Forbidden Lineage Art\u003e,]

Rex raised his eyebrow.

Is Rose also developing a common-sense similar to Baby Aru?… Rex thought.

[I chose this name based on the characteristics of the cultivation technique, this technique is about maintaining the balance between two opposite force, manipulate it, and also use it to strengthen the user's body, moreover, after evolution, you will be the only person that will be able to use it, for others it's a forbidden technique that is less useful than the lowest rank Yellow Grade technique,]

Rex nodded in satisfaction, then he realized that he was flying for a long time and still haven't found a good place for going through his evolution, in the past he had come to the core zone several times but he was still not very familiar with it, in the end, he decided to ask Zakiya instead of flying aimlessly.

After around a minute he finally got a reply.

She felt like she was being treated as a private butler no.. at least the butler gets a pay, but Rex is taking too much advantage of her, she had already paid him for the cure and she actually paid more than enough. 5 Elixir Of Life, a full set of precious herbs that can be used to make ten more of them that includes many herbs that do not even grow in the middle realm, she let him read a platinum edition herbal encyclopedia that other Alchemist can kill for, all three editions of Basics of Soul Arrays \u0026 Soul Seals, she also gave him pointers to clear his doubt when making soul seals and most importantly a promise to back him up in upper realm…. just what else he wants?

As for being grateful for saving her life, she is but… is it really the first time when her life was in such a danger? she had seen such time more than she could count before reaching her peak stage, that's why she could remain that calm even when facing life-threatening situations.

She had been saved before but she had also saved others, her point of view is way above a mortal.

But even then, she did so many things for Rex but that guy just doesn't seem grateful to her at all, instead of accepting her as his teacher he rejected her offer without thinking.

Rex ignored her lazy tone and replied.

Rex didn't hesitate to lie, after doing few small experiments he had found out that Zakiya's ability doesn't work when he uses Friend List or Qi transmission message to converse, even divine abilities have limitations.

Zakiya then also told him about the illusory array she used to hide that place, she had built many hidden bases in the whole core zone of the forest, normally she would remove all the formation she added for defense or offense in those bases when she left those places to erase her traces but if she really liked one then she would put a normal high-grade illusory array disk that exists in the middle realm there without making any changes in it.

Rex nodded in satisfaction, he was about to turn but then he abruptly stopped and looked around.

Zakiya didn't say east or west but… his left.

Rex said as he flew towards his left.

Rex almost fell off from the sky when he heard her words, he then took out a mirror and look at his reflection in it.

He saw that there were disoriented lipstick marks around his lips, it looked just like a girl who was doing makeup while driving her car, and suddenly encountered a pit on the road.

'Little Rose,… about this lipstick…' (Rex)

[I can't teach you how to use lipstick, it's better to learn from Zakiya]

'…' (Rex)

Fortunately, I didn't meet anyone on my way here…. Rex thought, he didn't want Lerna or Jiang Shuang to see him like that or it would become his dark past in the future.

Rex shook his head then increased his pace towards the waterfall Zakiya told him about.

After half a day, he finally reached the place.

The waterfall was too big from what he imagined, all the area below him was covered in water, except water there were several ice rocks of different shapes and sizes that lay unmoved in the flowing water. The water was very clear, it didn't seem to have any visible impurities, one could even see the ground at the bottom, as for how it was a waterfall... there was a long crack in the ground and the water was falling inside it.

The crack was pitch black because of the darkness inside, even after Rex used Spiritual-Sense he could still not sense its bottom, when the water fell inside of the crack Rex couldn't hear the sound of the water hitting the ground at all, the crack felt like the entrance to the abyss.

The whole waterfall and the crack reminded Rex of the Angel Fall on earth.

He wasn't worried about any hidden danger in the abyssal crack, Zakiya won't decide on a place without exploring it and if she explored it then what type of danger could be left inside?

Rex followed Zakiya's previous instruction and soon found a hidden cave on one of the cliff-like inner sides of the abyssal crack, it was around a hundred meters below the surface level, the falling water was perfectly hiding the small entrance of the cave.

When Rex entered the cave he realized that it was more like an underground tunnel leading further inside, after walking for around 100 meters Rex finally made it to the area Zakiya told him about.

The tunnel led him to a big spacious place, the place was big enough for 100 people to share it, there was even a small pond on the side, the area didn't have any time of light so Rex still had to use his Spiritual-Sense to check the place.

Seeing that the place is so big Rex sighed in relief, he knew that the place would be strong if someone life Zakiya lived here but he was a little hesitant thinking of the strange phenomenon that occurs because of the discharge of energy from his body, the phenomenon could prove to be very dangerous if he evolves in a small place that collapse because of it during his evolution but now that this place is so big he felt slightly relieved.

After adding some defensive formation just to be safe, after making all the necessary preparation Rex got ready for the evolution, he wasn't worried about something like lack of energy this time, his Exp and remaining SE points were more than enough to take care of such thing, Rex took out the bodies of the two beasts then started the evolutions.

[Commencing evolution…..]

Just when the notification appeared, Rex felt his body becoming several times more sensitive, he felt like he could no sense the excited condition of all the cells in his body… he knew that it was just an illusory feeling but it still took over his head, he realized that his head was dizzy right now before Rex lost his consciousness he saw a lot of colorless jelly-like liquid coming out of from the skin all over his body then trapping the two beasts body with his own, and turning into a transparent cocoon.

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