Psychic Inventor In Cultivation World

286 Chapter 282 : : Battle Plan

Soon After Rex left the room, he went to the underground workshop, his legs were walking in the direction of Ria's room but in the end, he rebelled against them and used Instant Transmission.

Knowing that the current level of Combat Bots won't be able to do much to Zakiya, he decided to make new variations of Extinction Ray Cannon. To save time Rex made few clones and let them do this work while he started to make strategies for tomorrow.

'Rose you have traced back her DNA signature so were there any skills or abilities added in the Skill \u0026 Ability Shop?' Rex asked.

[As a matter of fact, a lot of amazing abilities are added to the list and I am still researching to find more of the. Those abilities are really something, there is one Shadow Switch which lets you switch places with your shadow at the time of life-threatening danger, then there is Shadows Call which…]

Hearing these words Rex was not happy in the slightest, he shook his head and asked again.

'Looks like I wasn't clear with my words, let me ask again, was there any skill or ability we earned from Zakiya's DNA signature that is compatible with me, do I meet the necessary requirement to learn them?' Rex asked with a poker face.

[About that...]

'I knew it, you bastard was just raising my hopes up so that I will fall from higher heights,' Rex quickly took out his dairy \u003cRose Has Thorns\u003e and wrote down this incident.

[Acquiring Divine Abilities is not as easy as the other ones, although I did acquire some weak abilities but they cannot be considered Divine abilities and aren't much use in battles, some lets you grow shining black hairs all over your body while others can allow you to make your teeth sharper like a beast… even the best one can only make you grow sharp nails but seeing that we have Remould such ability is of no use to us,]

Rex sighed.

His new race had some similar abilities to what Zakiya had because of one of her parents, but the Divine abilities she has was because of her other parent, the race difference between that divine beast and Rex's was big that's why he was not able to meet the requirement to install their abilities in himself.

'I understand, just show me her basic profile,' Rex said.

Whenever a new DNA signature is added to DNA Codex, the basic profile of the subject is also created once their DNA is successfully traced back.

[Nine-Tailed Blood Fox(Divine Being):-

Description: A hybrid variant born from the mating between a male parent of pure-blooded Blood Race and a female parent of the pure-blooded Nine-Tailed Fox race, due to the low fertility between the two races because of racial differences the chances of giving birth to a child are low, much less giving birth to a powerful variant such as this one.

With every tail, the creature can gain one strong divine ability just like a Nine-Tailed Fox, just like them if it wants to gain more divine abilities than nine, then it would need more effort.

Weakness: It has no apparent weakness, it's most fatal weakness is Light Element which will deal 3-10% more damage than others,]

[Bonus Remark: Good Luck! you really need it at the moment,]

Rex didn't know whether to laugh or cry.

'It's alright Rex, this profile is for when she can use her beast form and according to the rules she would be in humanoid while fighting, and it's just a theoretical number have 3-10% weakness, it's more than enough to decided the battle, but we need to change the plan,' Rex thought.

"Fake-Rex No. 1, put down the cannon's blueprint this instant," Rex said.

The clone obediently followed his command.

'I will make some changes in the cannon's blueprint, I need to increase its output in exchange for its durability. Hmmm… actually it's fine if it becomes a one-time use glass cannon I can just make more of that, I can't worry about money when dealing with Zakiya, furthermore once I win, that walking treasure box will become mine anyway,' Rex thought.

Later, Rex again checked the Skill \u0026 Ability Shop because he also gained other skills and abilities when he took the DNA signatures of the beasts Zakiya showed him.

After working until midnight, Rex slept in the workshop for a few hours then went to check up on the Undead Zombies before the sunrise.

When Rex checked those zombies he got good news and a bad, the good one was that two zombies finally reached the max level and the bad news was that although they become stronger and looked more monstrous but they didn't evolve or advance as he thought.

Rex's first plan was to use these zombies in the battle against her but when he saw that their strong point was actually Ying type Qi….and mostly Dark Qi he gave up on his first plan, their strength was already low if he used them then they will only become a hindrance in the battle and who knows if Zakiya sees it as evil method and gets angry.

Rex was thinking about turning the Sect Master of Monster Hunter Sect into a zombie but he didn't have enough time to create a seal capable of countering the auto defensive properties of a Golden Core stage's Sea Of Consciousness.

'I have yet to check the second form of Battle-Wings,' Rex thought and in the next second two pairs of big red wings appeared on his back, the first pair was a little bigger than the second pair giving them a devilish charm.

'Battle-Wings: Second Form'

Suddenly the shape of the four wings started to change they shriveled and transformed taking four thick tentacle-like shapes. The four tentacles were all same in size and length they didn't look hard or straight, in appearance, they looked like they were made of fresh flesh, the thin blood veins visible on them were making a tree root-like pattern all over them.

All tentacles looked like they were around 2-3 meters long and were as thick as an adult's thigh. When the tentacles appeared Rex closed his eyes and took a deep breath, he found out that the tentacles were sensitive as his skin, he could feel the wind touching them… all of a sudden he noticed that he could even absorb air using them, he could breath using them.

Understanding what he was thinking Rose answered his doubt.

[These four are your new limbs with the same importance as your hands, you can use them to inhale, exhale or even intake fluids. They are connected to your body so even if you use them to drink the juice you can do it, they will absorb it like how sponge absorbs water.. how tree roots absorb water from the ground would be a better example, the interesting part is you can even taste what you are ingesting just like when you use your tongue.

And this is not their main use, whether they intake anything or not depends on you, they might not look like it but with a thought, they can become tough as a spirit rank low-grade weapon and this is not their true length it's a mutated trait from Hundred Forms Flesh Eater which is working with Node-Network. They are just what you think they are, now try giving them an order,]

Rex looked at a big rock around 15 meters away from him, with just a thought the upper right tentacle moved and shot towards the rock, it didn't move like a whip but like a charging lance with its sharp end facing the target.

…Swooosshh… Boom…

It created a sonic boom just before reaching the rock then retracted before even a second passed.

Rex looked at the rock in surprise, the big rock was still there like before but there was a big circular hole in its center allowing one to see the tree with a similar hole behind the stone.

Rex was genuinely surprised, the rock now had a few faint cracks starting from the center hole but it was still lying in the same place as before the attack, which showed how fast the attack was. In truth, even Rex wasn't sure if he could stop the attack in time after he gave the command.

'Amazing, I haven't even used Remould in combination and they are still so strong and fast. I am pretty sure that reacting in time aside, Jiang Shuang, Lucia, or even Fred with his enhanced vision would only be able to see a blurry image at most,' Rex touched his chin.

[So you are not bothered by this inhuman appearance, I thought you wouldn't want the girls to see it,]

'Little Rose, have I ever judged any of them because of appearance or race? If they can freak out or dislike me just because of these then it only means I made the wrong choice and we don't have any future together.

That aside this trait can increase my winning chances against Zakiya by a big margin but I need more practice, hmmm… Lerna is the strongest in the city right now and she also has a lot of battle experience she gained throughout her life if I can convince her to practice with me….' Rex thought and quickly used the Smart Band and connected it to another portable Smart Device in his room.

In the room...

Lerna was reading the book in her hands, she raised her head and looked at the small cylindrical speaker like device placed on the small table in the corner.

She then waved her hand at the Litle Aru sleeping on the bed, suddenly a thin spherical water shield appeared out of nowhere and covered the bed, this water shield wasn't meant for defending but to block the sound from outside so as not to disturb Little Aru in his sleep.

"What do you want right now, it isn't even morning yet," Lerna asked while reading the book.

Rex explained his reason, asking her to help him get some of her battle experience.

Lerna patiently heard what Rex was saying until the end then not-so-politely… rejected him.

Rex sighed, he had long expected this so now he had no choice but to use his trump card.

Although Rex sounded helpless he was sneering inwardly, he knew her weakness better than anyone that's why he was already sure that there was no way she would reject his offer.

Rex then raised his eyebrow because he didn't hear any response from the other side.

There was still no response, but before he could ask again he suddenly felt a majestic presence above him, the sky was still cloudy so although he couldn't see what was above them but he already knew who it was.

A big claw pierced the clouds from above and ripped it apart revealing the whole body, a gigantic green dragon-like creature came flying towards Rex.

Rex helplessly looked at the seven-headed creature in the sky but then he was shocked again.

'Seven headed not six? Don't tell when she meant that she had received extra benefits she meant that… did Elixir Of Life had so good effect on her, hmm... it was made to strengthen a divine beast's inner body so maybe a spirit beast like Lerna was able to gain more benefits from it than I expected,' Rex thought.

Lerna's appearance didn't change much in size or shape, the main difference was her new seventh head and the scales on her body that were greener than before, Rex didn't know if it was his delusion but he could see that her green scales were emitting a dim green radiance.

"Let's Start The Battle…" Lerna said with a roar as she fully released the aura of her Calamity Lord stage.

Rex's face was dark.

Start the battle your sister, why do you need to get so excited over a few books… he thought.

He then quickly explained his intentions clearly to her so as not to receive any meaningless injury. Lerna agreed and after confirming that he was not lying earlier about the books she went to the castle to take humanoid form again and change her clothes.

Rex didn't want to practice with her in beast form but in humanoid form, soon after Lerna came back and they started to practice.

After practicing until it was almost noon, Rex rested for a while until he received the message from Zakiya containing the location of the duel.

Rex revised all his battle plans starting from Plan A to Plan H once more then headed towards the location for the duel.

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