Psychic Inventor In Cultivation World

287 Chapter 283 : : The Duel Begins

Rex was flying towards the location while checking the surroundings to see what advantage he could get from the terrain.

In the morning he had practiced a lot with Lerna, although he wasn't able to get much battle experience in a few hours but now he was more familiar with his new abilities. He also got to know new things about himself both good and bad.

The thing that hurt him most was the debuff of Calm Mind, the up-gradation of bloodline had affected his base temperament he was likely to get angrier than before, earlier most of the time he was acting to get surprised or shocked in front of others because of his personality and wasn't much serious but now things were a little different.

Thankfully the debuff was temporary and didn't work in base form. Originally Calm Mind's passive mode was capable of suppressing 45% of his excited emotions and defend against mental attack to a certain extent, now whenever he changes into his bloodline form - the 45% suppression is decreased to 30%, furthermore if Rex goes in the bloodthirsty state then it will decrease to 15%, luckily the debuff didn't affect its mental attack countering feature.

One has to know that Rex original temperament was the result of both the temperament of his last life and the time he lived as Ye Tian, Ye Tian was a hot-headed, in a life-threatening situation he does make the decision that can save his life but most of the time he acts reckless, for example when he sees someone in problem like the time when Qi Yu and others were beating up the new outer disciple forcing them to do indecent things or for money, he jumped in without thinking or making any problem, as a result, he got beaten up instead while the one who was getting beaten up earlier escaped without giving him a second look.

If it wasn't a life-threatening and hopeless situation he will take reckless actions because of low control over his emotions that's why even the 45% suppression of emotion didn't have an exaggerated effect on Rex.

Rex sighed, he decided to seriously practice the mediation technique once he gets it, it might be able to remove this debuff in the new future.

Rex didn't directly go to the duel location in a straight path but took a roundabout path to prepare for executing the plan.

'Status,' He looked at his recalculated status

[Title: Genius, Weapon Master

Name: Rex Andrews

HP: 1179 P / 1179 P | reg 14 P/s

Yin Qi: 1350 P / 1350 P | reg 18 P/s

Yang Qi: 1350P / 1350 P | reg 18 P/s

Spirit Qi: 98 P / 98 P | reg 3 P/s

Qi Cultivation stage: Core Forming peak stage

Soul Cultivation stage: Soul Core Forming peak stage

STR: B (21%) WIS: C (04%)

AGI: B (62%) INT: B+ (63%)

VIT: C (23%) END: C+ (67%)

DEF: B+ (72%) SPT: E+


Status Points: 0

SE Points: 45k

Talent: Reverse Engineering, Gene Coding

Basic Skills \u003c\u003e

Bloodline Ability \u003c\u003e

Psychic Ability \u003c\u003e

Physique Ability \u003c\u003e

Exceptional Ability \u003c\u003e]

Rex's SPT was still stuck at E+ because he wasn't able to level up until now so the lesser m spirit purifying effect of his soul cultivation technique didn't show any effect either.

Half an hour later, Rex arrived at the desired location. He was surprised when he saw the flat open ground in front, Rex was standing on flat ground there were no trees or any rocks in miles, he bent and touched the ground.

'Did she used arrays to strengthen the ground?' Rex thought, he had checked and found out that the ground was several times harder than before. He didn't think that Zakiya would make so much preparation for a single duel.

From the look of it, the array led was at least of spirit grade.

Rich people sure have it easy, he thought.

"So you are finally here," Zakiya's voice woke him from his daze.

Rex looked at Zakiya, she wasn't wearing a flashy black dress like before, although she was wearing a black dress but it looked like more like a diving suit rather than something one would wear for battle.

The suit covered almost her whole body, she was wearing fingerless gloves to cover her hands, and black shoes without any high heal, her hairs were tied in a knot behind her head.

'If she just wears a mask too then it would look like she is cosplaying cat woman,' Rex thought with his eyes glued on her suit.

The black suit didn't reveal much skin but it made her look more alluring than when she was wearing that fashionable black dress.

Rex was wondering if all women in the higher realm wear such dress to fight, if they do then he would love to challenge every single woman he met to a duel after going to the higher realm.

"How do I look," Zakiya asked while readjusting her gloves.

"Hot," Rex blurted out.

"..." (Zakiya)

[Rex, I thought of a good titled name for you. How about Court Death Emperor?]

"On another thought let's start the duel," Zakiya said with the corners of her lips curled upwards.

"Wait... I want to ask one thing, do everyone higher realm wears such dress when they battle," Rex asked with gleaming eyes.

Zakiya could easily guess what he was thinking, now she was wondering if her hypothesis from earlier was wrong and he is a womanizer.

"It's not a formal dress, it's a mandatory innerwear warrior wears before equipping their battle suit and now you would ask what is a battle suit right? A battle suit is just a tailored made armor for a user, it has inscriptions, array formations, and several different things on it to increase the battle power of the user.

No one wears such thing for battle, the problem is I don't have a set of clothes suitable for normal battles, I am not using any weapon so there is no way I would fight in those fashionable dresses and if I use any of my battle suits then it would be too unfair for you, so I only had this choice left.

Although this dress also has defensive formations on it but I deactivated them, the only specialty it now has is that it can restore itself if it gets damaged, I don't think it will hinder our battle," Zakiya explained.

Rex nodded with a little disappointed look on his face.

'When I was on earth I heard of a matter that can heal itself if it gets damaged, that matter is used in making satellites because of its self-restoration properties but these guys are using something like that to make clothes... or maybe its because of some formation,' Rex thought.

At this time Zakiya took an orange pill out of nowhere and threw it at Rex, he subconsciously raised his hand and caught it.

"It's called Fake Death Pill, in case you are seriously injured in battle, it can help you keep your life, in simple words if you receive a life-threatening injury like if your heart gets damaged or your limbs get cut making you lose a lot of blood then it can save you, although it won't heal your injuries but it will put you in a fake coma and keep your brain active and you soul entrapped for quite a while giving others a chance to save you.

After use, it's effect will last for the next three days," Zakiya said with a smile yet not a smile.

Rex got a little nervous seeing her smile, he felt like she was planning to go all out, he then swallowed it.

'If she gave me this pill then she should have also used something like that on herself, she may underestimate me but I doubt that she would act so reckless that she doesn't prepare herself for such an outcome after already getting poisoned once, knowing that she has used something like that I don't need to worry about holding back,' Rex thought.

Reverse Engineering was put to work, but Rex ignored it for now.

"Let's begin the duel," Zakiya said as her face became expressionless, she then kicked the ground and jumped backward making the appropriate distance between her and Rex.

Rex didn't say anything and dashed towards her at his max speed.


His legs turned into metal and sharp curved spikes came out of the soles of his shoes increasing his grip on the ground, he also used Telekinesis and Aerokinesis to increase his speed.

There was a reason why he ran instead of flying, it was because by making use of the strengthened ground and his abilities he could run faster than flying.

Zakiya didn't remain standing there she bent her upper body forwards then dashed towards him at her full speed.

Even when they both were using the same cultivation base and Rex was using many abilities as buffs, Zakiya still caught up to his speed just based on her physical strength of Core Forming peak stage. A divine beast's lineage was nothing to sneer at.


When they were just about 20 meters away from each other Rex's figure turned blurry and appeared in front of her in the next moment.

'Holy Fist'

Rex's fist turned into black metal then golden Yang Qi swirled around it, he then punched, targeting her neck.

Zakiya used both of her hand to cover her vitals and defend, as promised she didn't use any high tier technique she knew off.

Rex barraged her with continuous punches not giving her any chance to counter.

Zakiya was getting pushed back, the trails left behind by her shoes were not on the ground but they were in a straight line showing that she didn't take even a single step back.

Just then he raised his hand high above his head.


Psychic energy covered his fist not from just outside but inside, it was like the life energy flowing inside him, it didn't make any change to the hand at molecular strength but suddenly his fist became heavy... it was being attracted to the ground.. not ground it felt like it was attracted to the planet. Just like how opposite poles of a magnet are attracted to each other his fist was now attracted to the ground becoming thrice as heavy as before.

Rex then landed his punch on her, he was sure that it was enough to break her defense.

When the punch landed Zakiya was pushed back a few meters in one go, before Rex could scream in joy and attack again he suddenly realized it a bad idea because the second Zakiya was pushed back she changed her instance and kicked the ground, did a backflip taking an offensive instance.

She was not taken by surprise but managed to use his attack in her favor, her expression changed she slightly curled her lips then waved her hand back-forth provokingly asking him to come.

'Hehe...' Rex gave a chilling laugh then dashed towards her.

'Atmokinesis+Hydrokinesis' Rex activated these two skills after looking at the cloudy sky for a brief second.

He then raised his palm towards Zakiya and attached her.

'Yin-Yang Palm Strike'

An illusory palm appeared from his hand and mover towards her, there was a Yin-Yang symbol in its center with golden and black color instead of white and black.

Yin-Yang Palm strike was a skill Rex made using the Angry Elephant Palm Technique he got from his Ye Ying long ago.

It uses both his Yin and Yang Qi to be executed, its speed is slow but by merging Yin and Yang Qi the illusory palm acts like unstable dynamite that can blow up on any impact.

Rex was willing to reveal all his cards even Yin and Yang, because by what Zakiya said before she already knew too many things about him, whether she lost or won she might have or will find these things anyway... the only way was to never use them again which was impossible and useless to do.

He had used 100P Ying and 100P Yang Qi in the attack so it contained very high destructive power.

Zakiya felt some threat from the attack so she wanted to dodge but then she noticed that several frozen tentacles came out of the ground and wrapped themselves around her legs.

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