Psychic Inventor In Cultivation World

292 Chapter 288 : : Ancient Teleportation Portal

"No of course not, there is one more category that is an exception from all these… The Ancient Clans, they are the clans that exist for a very long period hence carries an ancient legacy with them, What really makes a clan strong is not their population of just a few strong individuals it's the legacy they carry with them.

Now don't ask more about these things you will know about them at the right time, as for your mother she is not a Saintess from the elemental branch but the General branch that explains why you have such a strong physique, the strong point of the General Sura branch is their strong physique after all," Zakiya said.

Specializes in strong physique? then muscles… Saintess of muscle heads?

When Rex heard her words his expression was a little weird, he was imagining how Ye Ying would look. A woman with inflated muscles was standing on a cliff at the seashore, a huge wave was coming towards her… she clenched a punch, blue veins on her hand became visible, she then punched, shattering the wave with a single blow.

Rex shook his head and snapped out of it.

[Your father seems to have a muscle fetish]

Zakiya gave Rex a thoughtful look.

'Strange… when did that scheming Saintess became that careless to throw a gem in the dustbin, even if she wanted to train him there are a few secret realms under her Clan's control it would be better to through him there but she let him stay in the lower realm where the spiritual Qi is so thin… even if it was really that sword maniac who did it, it was still not hard for her to retrieve him, just what is she thinking?' Zakiya thought.

"Teacher, there was one thing I wanted to ask you, do you know of any way to bring people from the lower realm to a higher realm together without them reaching the cultivation base limit?" Rex asked at this time.

"Hmm… There are a few, the first is for you to reach pinnacle mastery in Space Law but it's too hard, the second is to use an ancient teleportation portal but I doubt if the lower realm has an active one so you need to first get one and put it there, as for how you can go there…" Zakiya took out a purple-colored scroll and threw it to Rex.

"It's a teleportation scroll whose location is already set to lower realm, I had two like them in case of emergency, one for the middle realm and one for the lower realm. I used the one for the middle realm to escape when I was in danger and now that I am cured I don't need to keep escape again so you can have it.

Rex opened the scroll and saw a complicated circular pattern drawn on it, he also felt a familiarity with it… the familiarity was of space law, he had comprehended space law and after making so many transmission platform his understanding of the law had increased, he was just a little away from reaching Small Accomplishment in Space Law.

"No matter how I see it, this ancient teleportation portal is not something one could find while walking on the streets, finding it aside if someone has something like that then they won't willingly give it to me so I need to snatch it right? I don't even know how it looks like," Rex sighed.

Zakiya pondered for a moment then she waved her hand and a sculpture-like thing came out of thin air.

Rex looked at it and discovered what it was, the base part of this things was a big circular platform, with a half-oval shaped door-like ring made of irregular pale yellow crystal present in its center, two silver metallic pillars were supporting the door-ring from both sides.

There were countless inscriptions carved all over the irregular pale yellow crystal that were interconnected to each other, Rex also noticed that there were faint cracks on the crystal at the moment.

"It is teleportation portal I acquired from a tomb, I was going to use it to escape in the start but before it could fully activate those bastards damaged it, and there are not many people who would have enough knowledge to repair this thing even if the damage is just that much, you can check it out if you want. This is how a teleportation portal looks like, you would need to acquire two of them. Actually, only one that can send people to the middle realm is also fine but then it would just randomly throw them anywhere in the middle realm," Zakiya said.

Rex kept staring at the inscription on the teleportation portal and asked.

"What are they, they look similar to the inscriptions, an inscription master uses," Rex asked curiously.

"They are inscriptions but not the same as the one inscription master of current era uses, every inscription here have its meaning together they define a whole different story and this is exactly what we call ancient language, people from that era used these types of inscriptions not only to make things but to also define the whole process of how the things work. But they made it so tricky that even when everything is in front of us we can still not understand it," Zakiya said.

Rex was confused.

"Isn't it just a language, what is so difficult about it? with enough efforts it shouldn't be that hard to decide it," Rex said, he didn't understand why cultivators weren't able to decode it they had sharp memories and could research these things for thousands of years so why weren't they able to decode it?

Zakiya smiled at his question, she also thought the same thing at the start, everyone has this same question when they first come in contact with an ancient language.

She randomly pointed at one inscription symbol and said.

"Draw what you see on the ground," She said.

Rex didn't argue, he picked up a stone then drew it on the ground, the inscription looked like he had written A, W, and 7 on top of each other.

Just when he finished Zakiya also drew a symbol near the one Rex's, this one looked like someone wrote Z, X, and ^ on top of each other.

"This is what you see, and this is what I see," Zakiya said.

Rex raised his eyebrow, there was nothing same between the two symbols. He finally realized why people weren't able to research it together, if two people looked at the same symbol then what they would see will be different from each other.

The thing was Rex still underestimated the difficulty of Ancient Language, and Zakiya's next word proved it.

"After 24 hours when you will look at this symbol again, it would be different from what you see now, furthermore when you see the new symbol you will instantly forget about the old one," She said.

Rex's face stiffened.

"That's the tricky thing about the Ancient Language, you cannot take others' help while understanding it and you will only have 24 hours to comprehend everything if not you will forget all of it and would have to start again, if you were good enough then you may get some insight that's all.

Whether a great array expert sees it or a normal person doesn't make a difference, those people had various ways of doing the same thing so the method they have used might not follow the same route as ours," Zakiya explained.

'Should we try?' (Rex)

[It's not like we gonna lose anything anyway, I never tried to decode ancient language so I wanna try it too,]

'Hehe... so little Rose has also started to develop wishes… let's try it then,' Rex thought then walked closer to it and placed its hand on the inscription carvings on the crystal gate.

His Spiritual-Sense fully covered the whole teleportation portal.

Rex started analyzing the whole things, not just the language but the material used to make it too, he had reverse engineering so as long as he could get enough information, it won't be hard to remake its blueprint.

He closed his eyes and devoured all the data obtained, countless inscriptions flooded in his memory… the information he got was way more complex than he expected.

'Calm Mind'

Rex again used Calm Mind, it was the second time he had used Calm Mind on the same day, he was tired but his thirst for knowledge overpowered his fatigue.

He then sat cross-legged and meditated, he was trying to comprehend the content while decoding their hidden meaning with the help of Rose.

Zakiya smiled faintly and shook her head, she was happy that Rex is also very interest in crafting like her but was reckless as her when she was too young.

'He reminds of my early days when I stepped in the world of arrays, artifact… sigh if I had met him sooner then but now is… Huh?' Zakiya was thinking how beautiful the day was but then a transparent white hollow that appeared behind Rex's head caught her attention.

[Required condition met]

[You have achieved sudden enlightenment]

Zakiya blinked her eyes for a few times then her face turned somewhat dark, she just remembered how many times he had achieved sudden enlightenment in the last few months.

Unlike her, the world in Rex's vision had turned bright, everything that appeared complex before had now become easy, the unsolvable puzzle now had revealed a straight path to victory.

Zakiya switched glances between Rex and the teleportation portal then after taking a deep breath she took out a black-red sofa and sat on it.

The difficulty of training needs to increase again… she thought.

After about two hours, Rex opened his eyes, stood up, and lazily stretched his arms, he looked a little tired.

"Did you understood anything?" Zakiya asked. She looked a little excited this time, the few people that are capable of repairing such things obtained the knowledge to do so precisely because of sudden insights or enlightenment so there was a chance that Rex could have gained something good.

"Hu.. not much, I only understood the meaning of the main inscription that are placed to distribute the energy supply and guide it to the whole body, moreover it is trickier then it looks the inscriptions on the outside is only for fundamental things like strengthening, energy consumption maintenance, distribution.. etc, it should have an inner layer inside that is responsible for the main work of teleportation, and yeah, the details like coordinated setting and connection establishment is also there.

The material used to make it is also a little more complicated in inner structure, The person who made it has made full use of all the things inside it, I have to say I am impressed, but the problem is the material made to make this crystal is pure and it had silk thread-like wires inside so after it broke the connection between those threads also cut off, it's almost impossible to repair it with the things I currently have.

Although my gains aren't that much but I think that if I keep studying it and got enlightenment two ore three more times then I am sure I can repair it. Actually, I don't think there is any need to repair it, it's better to make a new one, the new one might now have the same potential as this one but it will take fewer efforts and is more than enough to just teleport between two realms... I mean lower realm and middle realm.

Teacher do you think I can borrow it for a while, I will be sure to return it as soon I can fully study it, Huh? teacher are you listening," Rex asked when he noticed Zakiya staring at him with a poker face.

"Take it and go, we will start your training tomorrow," Zakiya said while maintaining her poker face.

"Okie~," Rex said then he quickly put the teleportation portal inside his inventory and disappeared for fear of Zakiya changing her mind.

Even after he left Zakiya kept sitting there for quite a while she then stood up, took back the sofa, then she stretched her leg towards the sky making a 180' angle with her other leg, and smashed her foot on the ground.


The second she kicked the ground, a black shockwave appeared from that place and destroyed everything in its way. The shock wave advanced to 5 miles in all directions until Zakiya snapped her finger and it disappeared.

If someone saw the condition of this place right now, then they would think that a meteor had fallen here not too long ago.

"That felt better," Zakiya muttered to herself, her body then turned into a shadow and disappeared from its place.

She had decided that after she goes back to the clan, she will collect all the books on motivation like… Patience is the Key, Handwork Beats Talent, Keep Going \u0026 Don't Look Back… etc from her library and will throw them into the dustbin.

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