Psychic Inventor In Cultivation World

293 Chapter 289 : : Sweet Dreams

After Rex arrived at Frozen Flame city, he directly went to the ground floor of Spirit Tower to take a long refreshing bath.

Today's gains made him happy, although he lost the duel but he didn't feel it was that bad, after all as long as he surpasses her she can't keep him, on the other hand, Zakiya let him have the damaged teleportation portal that may become the key factor to bring Wang Cang and others to the middle realm.

It was almost night, Rex washed his body and changed his clothes. The clothes he wore this time were similar to the ones he used to wear on earth, they consisted of a full-sleeved white shirt and a black narrow pant with a black leather belt.

[What are you thinking?]

Rose asked, seeing that Rex was so quiet all this time.

'Hmmm.. nothing too serious, you remember Zakiya said that my fath- sword maniac stole his sword right? Don't you think it's quite interesting?' Rex said.

[What's interesting about it?]

'Zakiya had been here for at least a few decades and she said it happened a long time ago, I don't know how much she meant by a Long Time ago but it should really be long for someone like me… I probably haven't even been born at that time, therefore that sword maniac shouldn't have been strong as his current self but even so, he stole her sword and managed to escape alive.

I have witnessed the power of Shadow Law, so how was he able to escape after stealing her sword? that's what I found interesting, maybe Shadow Law has a weakness we don't know of, I was wondering what it is? why I haven't been able to find it,' Rex said.

[If you put it like that then it makes sense,]

'Well, it's no use thinking over this matter anymore. I will ask her directly at right time,' Rex thought then he came out of the spirit tower and headed towards the third floor.

He didn't use Instant Transmission, because he was not interested in accumulating more mental fatigue before getting good sleep.

When Rex was walking through the corridor on the second floor, he suddenly saw Ria walking in front, he was a little shocked when he saw her, the reason being she was walking with her legs… her two slender legs.

Rex always saw her with her tail, he didn't know that she finally became strong enough to take a fully humanoid form, Demi-Humans are different from Monster Race especially the snake race. They are born with a snake tail as their lower body but once they reach an appropriate cultivation stage they could then turn their tails into legs, that stage might vary from person to person but it's Earth Venerable stage at most.

Although Ria just advanced to the Human Venerable middle stage, she was lucky enough to transform her tail into legs.

Rex smiled, he then disappeared from his place and appeared behind her in the next moment.

"Need some help?" Rex said as he reached out his lips closer to her ear.

Ria was startled, just when she lost her balance and was about to fly, Rex grabbed her waist from behind and supported her while also tightly holding her, not letting her go.

She sighed with a faint blush on her face, she already knew who it was the second she heard the familiar voice. Ria turned to look at Rex's face but was again startled by the change in his appearance, his skin looked a lot more glossy and a little tanned compared to before.

Rex could guess what was she thinking so he spoke before she even asked.

"Just a little side effect from a certain defective pill I made with the help of Ye Tian," Rex said with a faint smile.

Ria slightly nodded, Rex then moved his left hand to her ass cheek to grab a feel and slightly squeezed.

"Congratulation on gaining legs," Rex whispered in her ear while tightening his grip.

Ria blushed uncontrollably as she grabbed his waist while trying to break away from him.

Rex then bent his body a little then picked her up in a princess carry and started walking.

"Put me down, where are you taking me?" Ria asked while looking him in the eyes with an annoyed look but her red cheeks gave it away.

Ria wasn't as reserved as before in front of Rex, Rex himself was surprised by this change because from what he knew Ria acted just as before in front of everyone else so when he saw that she was so reserved in front of him, he inwardly felt that he was indeed special to her.

He wasn't worried about Ria even plotting or trying to do anything to him, after all, the difference in their strength was too much and it's going to increase again when he starts his continuously leveling up spree. Furthermore, in Rex's view, she wasn't a bad person because she never made a move first or tried to seduce him on her own accord nor did she ever asked for anything from him or tried to use him, he was the one to take the lead and unprofessional kiss proved that she wasn't the type to use her body to achieve some hidden purpose either.

"Where am I taking you? hehe… of course, it's to your room, as for why you might ask, it's to complete our unfinished business from before," Rex said with a meaningful look.

"Huh? my room no wait…" Ria lamented but before she could complete her sentence Rex had used Instant Transmission.

Ria and Mia were like two sides of a single coin, they both didn't remain too far from each other for a long time, they themselves didn't know how long it has been since they had spent more than 24 hours before seeing each other. As obvious it was when they came to live in the castle, they both shared the same room.

When Rex appeared in her room with Ria in his hands, he saw that just in front, a girl with a red snake tail was sitting on the bed with a book in her hand as she stared at Rex.

Mia first looked at Rex in eyes then at Ria he was carrying in his hands, Ria burred her red face in his chest. She was so embarrassed that she just wanted to find a hole and bury her head in it, being carried in a princess carry and watched by her sister at the same time was something she was not prepared for.

What would happen to her pride now? What face would she use to reprimand her sister?

There was one more matter that surprised her, until now Ria thought that whenever Rex disappeared he used a special movement technique but now that she felt the effect of Instant Transmission first hand she realized that things weren't that simple, but she put this matter to the side. For now, she was very curious as to what excuse will Rex make to Mia at the moment. In fact, Ria wasn't much worried about her sister asking questions, later on, she was more interested in Rex's reaction.

Rex wasn't worried about revealing Instant Transmission, because he felt that there was no need to do that, his mastery of space law was increasing, soon he would be able to use it as an excuse.

Mia was taken by surprise which left her a little dumbfounded at the start, she hadn't thought that her sister was already willing to go that far with Rex which left her confused but before she could respond Rex pointed his finger at her and winked at the confused Mia.

'Hallukinesis: Sweet Dreams' (Rex)

Mia felt her eyelids getting heavy, before she knew it she went into a deep sleep and her most loving dream started to play in front of her.

"Now we don't need to worry about someone disturbing our moment," Rex sweet voice echoed in her ears.

Ria suddenly reacted and looked at the sleeping Mia, her mood dropped and she slightly frowned.

"Don't worry, I just used a trick that would put her to sleep full of sweet dreams. It's nothing serious, I also used it on myself to relax so don't think about it being dangerous, she is in a normal deep sleep if you sprinkle som- a bucket filled with cold water on her face she will quickly wake up," Rex explained as fast as he could, he didn't want to ruin her mood over such a small matter.

Ria first looked at her sister's chest which was going up and down with her slow breathing, only then she nodded and her mood became a little better.

Rex smiled then carried her to the bed and led on the right side with her. The sisters were sharing the same room so Lucia had provided them with a big king size bed, she had made sure that the sister preferred one big bed instead of two before doing it.

"You care a lot about your sister don't you?" Rex asked with a smile as he rested his head on his hand and looked at her in the eyes.

Ria nodded with a poker face, showing that she was still angry about what Rex did to her sister without her consent.

"No wonder this little girl makes me so jealous," Rex said as he reached out his hand stroking her hair then finally resting it on her cheek.

Ria lightly smiled, her mood looked better than before.

Rex didn't wait any longer, he held her head from behind and kissed her on the lips. Ria didn't resist and allowed his tongue to enter her mouth, when she met him earlier she already guessed that she will end up in this situation, the fact that she came along without putting up any serious resistant was already a green ticket for him.

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