Psychic Inventor In Cultivation World

300 Chapter 294 : : Realms or Planets?

"Rex you lived in the lower realm then came to the middle realm so you think you know a lot about these two but in fact, you know nothing. The place you live on right now is called a planet, can you even guess what is its shape?" Zakiya said with a serious expression.

Rex raised his eyebrow.

"Isn't it round? Not a perfect sphere though," Rex said with a straight face, he was wondering why she was asking such a funny question at this time.

"See you still think that it's flat or have four corner- wait what did you just say?" Zakiya looked at Rex with wide eyes.

Rex was at a loss for words.

Even when he didn't say anything, Zakiya was surprised. After all, it wasn't common knowledge among people in the cultivation world. Rex was able to see the shape of Lower Realm when he was ascending but a normal cultivator would faint at a time like this and won't see anything, after seeing it he knew it was a planet just like earth.

"How do you know so much? What else do you know?" Zakiya asked hastily.

"The planets rotate on their axis as they revolve around the sun in a predefined path called orbits, resulting in the phenomenon of day and night. The moons revolve around the planets just like how the planets around the sun. All these together make the solar system which is a part of the galaxy in this vast universe," Rex said with a poker face. His words were from a language on earth but the language he was currently speaking transformed them in an away that anyone could understand.

Zakiya opened her big eyes and stared at him in surprise.

Rex's lips twitched. He felt that his intelligence was being questioned here.

The bluebird on the side looked at the two of them with contempt in its eyes. It didn't fully understand what they were talking about but it could understand still a few words and knew that they were saying that the things they live on are round and not 'flat'.

The bird looked at them like it was looking at two idiots, it thought- 'this place is round? round my claw, are they blind? Can't they see the ground is flat all around and I fly so high if it was round I would have seen it.'

"Did you get to know this because of inheritance or the memory inheritance of your last life- no it should be your ancestor's life?" Zakiya asked after calming herself down.

"Something like that," Rex said.

"Hmmm…. looks like I still underestimated this memory inheritance, the one who made this inheritance must have reached a very high level of cultivation base and probably had immense knowledge about the world," Zakiya muttered to herself.

"It's good that you understand, so Rex do you also know about planet grading?" Zakiya asked.

"I don't and teacher I am also confused about the Lower realm and Middle Realm. People say that they are two different realms but to me, it seems like they are just two different planets," Rex asked in confusion, this was bothering him for a long while now.

"Let me explain from the start. According to the knowledge passed down in federation, the planets are graded in two ways which are levels and stars, Level starting from 1, 2, 3, and so on represents the size of the planet while Stars starting from 1 star, 2 stars, 3 stars and so on represent the quality which is decided by the resources present there.

For reference, Lower Realm is a Level 1 \u0026 Star 1 Planet, Middle Realm is a Level 3 \u0026 Star 2 planet and the Higher Realm is a Level 6 \u0026 Star 5 planet," Zakiya explained.

Rex was shocked. If what she said was true then Higher Ream was too big and its quality was very high, he had seen the difference between Star 1 and Star 2 when he came to Middle Realm from Lower Realm so he was very curious how Star 5 would look like.

"What is the highest rank of Level or Stars?" Rex asked suddenly.

"The grading system is not that profound so no one thought about that after all universe is filled with mysteries but the highest Star planet I heard of is Higher Realm," Zakiya said.

Rex nodded.

"Now comes your question, why does Lower Ream and Middle Realm are called that. The thing is, a supreme being from the past had cast a barrier on all these three planets separating them from the vast universe, those barriers weren't mean to restrict us but to protect us from alien dangers.

When the people got isolated from the words and saw some genius ascending, they began to think that they are in a lower plane and are actually ascending to a higher plane, resulting in them calling it lower realm, middle realm, and higher realm. Most higher realm people were also like that but old ancestors of Ancient Sects knew of it long ago and they revealed it later letting all the people on the planet know that they were just frog in the well who were thinking that they have reached heavens.

But the barriers are not eternal, once they are past a certain time limit or the overall power of the residents of the planet increases, meaning once they will become strong enough to walk unhindered around the galaxy the barrier will disappear. That's how the barrier of higher realm disappeared, but by that time the people of the higher realm had already attained great strength and didn't need to fear the creatures from outer space," Zakiya said.

Rex nodded, he had already guessed most of it but hearing it from her mouth still surprised him.

The bluebird looked at Zakiya then at Rex and shook his head thinking- they have lost it.

"This much information is fine for now, Rex from now on I want you to walk the path of Blood Cultivator instead of a Soul Cultivator. Let me tell you what a Blood Cultivator path is, you know about Body Cultivator right? they forge their body like a weapon, whether its bones, muscles skin, flesh they forge them all strengthening them in the direction of toughness. As a result, a body cultivator has more Strength, Defense, and Endurance than normal cultivators.

Blood cultivation is a little different from it, as the name suggests it starts from forging blood then all the flesh in your body. Unlike body cultivation, it doesn't toughen the body that much but increases the elasticity, durability, and resistance against elemental attacks while increasing your affinity with the attribute Qi you normally use.

But these are not what gives the blood cultivation its true value, a normal cultivator can only store Qi in their dantian and a little in their meridians but a blood cultivator can store Qi in their blood, their blood becomes capable of storing Qi hence increasing the overall Qi capacity of a cultivator.

Having more Qi than your enemy can give you way big of an advantage in battle by letting you use techniques that require an abundant amount of Qi to be used furthermore, the Vitality and especially the Endurance of a Blood cultivator are even higher than a body cultivator. So what do you think about changing your cultivation path?" Zakiya said.

[Excellent! Rex this is what we need if what she said is correct. I mean if we can really store Qi in blood then we won't have to worry about the balance of Yin and Yang being broken because of lack of one type of Qi,]

'What's the hurry, let's talk some more. Whether I become a blood cultivator or not, in either way I won't gonna stop being a Soul Cultivator,' Rex thought.

"Teacher, I understand what you are saying, this blood cultivation is really good but as you said people don't practice it these days so there should be a serious drawback in it right?" Rex asked.

"You are sharp at times, the thing is blood cultivation requires more resources to cultivate than even body cultivation, if it was just that then it wasn't a problem. But there is a shortcut to solve this problem and many people in the past weren't able to hold back and used it, the shortcut was… using other's blood to cultivate.

They began to refine other people blood to increase their cultivation base doing this left a lot of impurities in their body, they thought that this was the only problem and it can be solved by using some cleansing pills but later they realized that their thirst for blood was no less than people of blood race in the bloodthirsty state, the only difference was they permanently lost their rationality. they changed into hungry beasts in humanoid shape that only wanted to drink blood.

Later they were killed by others and this cultivation path looked like a loss to others, many people see it as a taboo nowadays but blood cultivation was never about using others' blood, it was bout forging your own. Don't worry about you being mistaken as a bloodthirsty blood cultivator, a blood cultivator who had only used herbs and pills to cultivate has many differences than those that used others' blood to cultivate.

The one who uses others' blood poses an impure Qi of dirty red color, anyone could tell the difference at a glance. After all, it is a trait that they couldn't hide once they started walking down that path," Zakiya explained.

"By the way, teacher does that mean you have never drunk someone's blood?" Rex asked.

"Me? Why would I do that? that's disgusting," Zakiya said.

"What's the use of being a vampire when you don't drink blood? Even if you weren't a blood cultivator you could still…" Rex said.

"What's a vampire?" Zakiya raised her eyebrow.

Rex shook his head, the traits of the blood race clearly matched that of a vampire but she hasn't even heard of this word before.

"Teacher, I get that you want me to become a blood cultivator, but even walking down the path of a body cultivator takes a lot of resources and time much less a blood cultivator, from what you said a blood cultivator requires more resources than a usual body cultivator so even if I start cultivating now, just how long I would need to reach my current level," Rex said.

Although cultivating through the same stages the third time would be easy because of his high cultivation stage in other paths and experience but it takes time. Moreover, Rex could increase his Qi Cultivation using Exp, his Soul Cultivation using SE Points but he wasn't sure if it would work on Blood Cultivation too.

"Don't worry about that, I had thought of it long ago that's why I needed to go through so many life and death situation, now your body is more refined and of conscious nature than before and with the help of this it should be fine," Zakiya said as she took a long black cuboid box out of thin air then opened it.

The box was divided into five square sections from inside. Rex saw that the first two sections had two orange pills and the rest were empty.

The two pills were mostly the same in appearance except the first had one white ring on it while the pill in the second section had two white rings on it.

"These are Blood Tempering pill, the first is 1 Star grade and the second is 2 Star grade, don't worry about the grading system and just listen." She said when she noticed the glimmer in his eyes.

"I had used the rest three pills of higher grade long ago and these two are not that useful to me, but to you, they are a treasure. Your cultivation base in blood cultivation is zero if you took them and start cultivating then your cultivation base will skyrocket.

If your overall cultivation base was low you would have exploded after taking them but your body is already strong and I can help you digest its effect. But still, you can only take the first pill, for now, you should only take the second one when you have reached at least Sky Body Forging stage in Qi cultivation," Zakiya said.

Rex's eyes shined, he extended his hand to get the box but Zakiya flickered her fingers and it disappeared.

"I will come to you tonight to help you help you absorb it, before that you can forget about touching it," Zakiya said. She wasn't sure if Rex could stop himself from eating it until she arrives.

Rex reluctantly nodded then climbed on the blue bird's back.

"See you tonight teacher," Rex waved at her then tapped the blue bird's head.

The bluebird greeted its teeth then flapped its wings and flew away.

It soon reached a height of more than 2 miles in the air, it was a monster emperor taking itself as the ruler of skies it won't fly at low altitude even if it was being used as a mount.

The bird ignored him.

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