Psychic Inventor In Cultivation World

301 Chapter 245 : : Just Entry?

'Rose…' (Rex)

[I know…]


[Race: Thunder Eagle

Cultivation stage: Monster Emperor early stage

Elemental Affinity: Thunder and Ice]

The bluebird was trembling, not because of fear but it was seriously angry at his words. If not for the strength difference it wanted to swallow him alive.

[A male Thunder Eagle and a female Thunder Eagle has a big difference in appearance. This one is a female Thunder Eagle so it looks more like a blue dove than an eagle,]

The bird wanted to cover her ears using her wings but she couldn't do that at the moment.

[Aren't you teasing this poor bird a lot? Do you like birds?]

'It's nothing like that, this one is just too pleasing to the eyes. See hi- her reaction, she is pissed off.. hehe,' Rex thought.

The bird didn't respond.

For the poor little bird, every single one of those names was like a sharp arrow that mercilessly pierced her delicate little heart when they reached her ears.

Seeing that the bird was not responding, Rex got bored, he stayed quiet and enjoyed the scenery around him.

Soon they arrived at Frozen Flame, the bird was hesitant to proceed further but with Rex on her back, she had no choice but to advance.

Rex brought her in front of the balcony of his room.

He could see Lerna - The book worm, reading a book inside.

A Rex-Clone was sitting in the corner of the room with a small table in front of him, he was writing a book… more like copying one from his memories for Lerna to read. Rex first thought about copying data to Smart Brain from his consciousness then let her read it using Smart Band but Lerna refused to read from it she said she likes to read from books more compared to those devices.

When Lerna sensed Rex, she looked at him in a bad mood. She picked up a book from the table and was about to throw it at him but thinking of something she placed it back on the table then picked up an empty glass and threw at him.

Rex catches it with his hand and gave her a helpless look.

Since last month he wasn't able to visit Lerna for a long time and wasn't aware of what transpired but when he finally came to her she was very angry at him and didn't even let him get close to her. At first, he thought if she knew about his sacred activities with Ria but thinking of the arrays blocking sound and vision he didn't believe she would know that…. Moreover, he wasn't sure if she would get angry because of something like that even if she knew it.

"My sweet honey at least tell me what you are angry at?" Rex asked.

"Hmph! I am not angry and do I need a reason to get angry?" Lerna said in a bad tone.

"…" (Rex)

The bluebird regretted her decision to come here, just now she lost all her hope of escaping, even if she kept flying for days A Calamity Lord like Lerna can mark her without knowing it and chase her down from hundreds of miles away.

"Do you think you can win my favor by giving me a bluebird? I am not that naïve," Lerna snorted.

Rex was speechless. When did he even think about gifting her the bird but he was relieved by her words, he predicted that some good gift should be enough to calm her down.

He then looked down at the bird which was now trembling in fear as she looked at Rex with pleading eyes.

Rex wanted to laugh but he held back and gently patted her head.

The bird felt slightly relieved after hearing his word but his next words poured a bucked filled with cold water on her.

She shook her head, she could see that this human loved scaring her but she was in no mood to get angry at him she just wanted to fly away from Lerna as quickly as she can.

"Okay, my queen this humble one will bring you something better next time. For now let this rich, honest, handsome husband of yours take his leave," Rex said. He didn't even need to tell the bird what to do, she quickly flapped her wings and flew away with him.

'Deceitful human! does he think I don't know where is he going,' Zakiya thought then she took out two books from the last shelf.

The title of those books were \u003cCheating Men Must Die\u003e and \u003cProtecting Prince From Poisonous Concubine\u003e.

Lerna's eyes glimmer slightly as she looked at the hidden treasures she found a few days ago. Then after making sure no one was looking she stepped into the world of books again albeit a dramatic one.

If Rex knew what type of books was Jiang Shuang letting her buy, he might hang Jiang Shuang upside down in the basement and strike his butt for three days and three nights with an oiled stick.

Lerna was using online delivery without any Balance Limit and the number of books she bought was too much for Jiang Shuang to take account of because he was already too busy managing the online business right now.

Rex flew to the balcony of another room at the corner side of the castle. This room belonged to Jiang Shuang, at present, he was resting on a rocking chair as he looked through the documents in his hands.

When he noticed the movement at the balcony, he raised his head and looked at the giant bird flying outside. He almost jumped out of his chair in fright but when he saw Rex sitting on it, he relaxed.

"Brother Jiang, what do you think about my Bluey?" Rex said.

"It's a... Thunder Eagle? And a female at that?" Jiang Shuang gasped in surprise.

The bluebird disdainfully looked at him.

"Oh, you know about her," Rex got curious after seeing his reaction.

Jiang Shuang looked at Rex in surprise, from his words he could tell that Rex didn't know much about a Female Thunder Eagle.

"Brother, how were you able to catch her? Thunder Eagles, especially females are one of the fastest in the flying bird category but because of their cautious nature, it's very hard to catch them.

A female Thunder Eagle only comes out to hunt at dusk and dawn, which makes them almost impossible to find at day time and because of their enhanced vision they can lock on to their prey from miles away, coupled with their speed it's not easy to catch them," Jiang Shuang explained.

The bird's face was dark. She was quietly sleeping in one of her hidden nest but then she smelled an alluring aroma that instantly made her feel hungry resulting in her locking onto Rex.

What does it have to do with fate? You baited me right into the trap... she thought.

Jiang Shuang gave the bluebird a thoughtful look then spoke.

"In terms of fighting power, male Thunder Eagles are superior and in terms of speed female Thunder Eagles are superior but there is one more thing that makes female Thunder Eagles more coveted by people, mostly fairies. They have an innate melodious voice that is very pleasing to the ears, it is said that even their angry cries sound like a beautiful song," Jiang Shuang added.

The bluebird tightly shut her beak, not willing to open it, no matter what.

"Brother Rex don't try it, she may have surrendered after seeing that she can't escape from you but these female Thunder Eagles are very moody. They take their voice as their pride, so they don't sing until they feel like it and if you force her then it would have a bad impact on your future relationship especially if you want to take her as a companion pet," Jiang Shuang said.

Hearing his words Rex gave reluctantly gave up for now.

When the bluebird understood what Jiang Shuang was trying to say, her gaze softened a little.

There was finally someone who could use his head, she thought.

"By the way brother Rex, have you signed a pet contract with her yet?" Jiang Shuang asked.

The bluebird's favorability of Jiang Shuang dropped to the bottom.

"There is no need for that. I think as long our Little Blue here doesn't want to be on Lerna's dining table, she won't try to escape," Rex said. He also repeated this message using Telepathy, telling her that the woman she met a while ago was Lerna.

The bluebird felt that the world wasn't colorful anymore.

There was a reason why Rex didn't use a pet contract, using a pet contract would mean the bird will lose her spirit, thinking that she had become a slave... Rex wasn't satisfied with her current strength so he wanted her to grow stronger that's why if he used a contract then it will be a great blow to her confidence.

Instead, without a contract, she will try to become stronger as fast as she can to escape. As for her really escaping Rex already thought of various ways to leave a mark on her, in case, she really escapes, for example - he was thinking of making a soul seal similar to the one Fairy Ren used on him in the dreamland. A seal that can let the seal maker easily track down the target without them knowing it.

"Come to think of it, It's been more than a month since I gave you the Tai-Chi Forbidden Yoga Art so what's your progress?" Rex asked all of a sudden.

After Zakiya had removed the seals from his Sea Of Consciousness, Rex had given him a different version of Tai-Chi Forbidden Yoga Art he had specially modified for him.

Even when Jiang Shuang was a Heaven Venerable, he was at most average in all Heaven Venerable. He had benefitted a lot from the spirit tower and finally came in the category of fairly good Heaven Venerable but Rex wasn't satisfied by that, he also wanted to reward him for his handwork so he modified the original Tai-Chi Forbidden Yoga Art and gave it to him to improve his overall quality by a notch.

He wasn't planning to deploy him on a battlefield or anything, he just wanted him to live a long life while managing the organization. He was a partner Rex didn't want to lose. If it was Jiang Shuang from before there wasn't much hope for him to reach the Core Forming stage because of his unstable cultivation base build up on pills but now the things were different... he had a cheat, the cheat wasn't Tai-Chi Forbidden Yoga Art but Rex Andrews.

Of course, he himself knew it pretty well, that's why he was much grateful to Rex now and stopped arguing about him using too much money.

"I have already reached Entry Level," Jiang Shuang said in a prideful tone.

He himself was surprised by how fast his mastery of the technique increased, he felt like it was a tailored-made technique for him. But when he realized that it was a secret technique from the Great Tai-Chi Sect which was an overlord in the past he clearly knew that he was not talented enough to master it so fast that's when he remembered Rex's words - 'I have modified it for you'. Only then he realized that the modification didn't consist of some minor changes but a version upgrade.

Modifying the secret technique of an overlord sect to such a level, and so quickly at that, was it even possible?

If someone had told him this before then he would have just laughed it off but the fact was in front of him. He started to believe the fake story of 'Rex being a super powerhouse who lost his cultivation base' more and more.

Just when he was thinking all that, Rex spoke in a disgruntled tone.

"What! just Entry Level? Were you fooling around these days? I thought your mastery would have already reached Pinnacle by now and you were most likely preparing to tackle the bottleneck of Return To Nature state," Rex said with a disdainful expression.

"..." (Jiang Shuang)


Even Rose has nothing to say at this time.

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