Psychic Inventor In Cultivation World

311 Chapter 305 : : Checkmate!

'As I thought, these things are too rare. He should have channels to get them but the problem was of transporting those things to Corentis. He wouldn't dare take such a risk. According to the prices of that material if other sect knew that such things are being transported then they will attack and snatch them without hesitation so his behavior is understandable,' Rex thought then after calculating the inns and outs of the situation he contacted Tang Xuan immediately.

((Brother Tang, are you busy?)) Rex sent a message.

((It's been a while since Brother Ye contacted me on his own accord, so how can I be busy,)) Tang Quan sent the reply just after receiving the message.

((Hehe, what can I do? I'm just that busy these days. That aside, I wanted to talk about an important matter with you. Two of our Guardians are going to Myriad Beast Continent to buy some things and settles some matter, I wonder if you can provide me with basic details about the organizations there and their record meaning if they are trustworthy or not. It would be great if you can arrange a guide too, I will pay you handsomely for this,)) Rex said.

Tang Xuan never said that he has contacts in Myriad Beast Continent but Rex knew he had contacts there because of Mira, the girl from Heavenly Cat Clan. If Tang Xuan didn't have channels in that continent then it was not logical for him to know that much.

Tang Xuan's eyes shined. It was a heaven send opportunity for him, if the Tang family is stubborn then it's alright he won't force it, he could form personal ties with him and from what Rex said there will be two Guardians although he has only met one so far and only heard rumors about Lerna. He has already realized that all Guardians are either unfathomable powerhouse or peerless experts in their field of work.

((May I ask, when are they planning to head out?)) Tang Xuan said.

((Around fifteen days later, so is that much time enough for you to arrange a guide?)) Rex said.

((Hehe… arrange a guide? There is no need for that. I haven't been to Myriad Beast Continent for a while now so how about I go there with those two? Actually, this old man's home continent is Myriad Beast Continent, I know all the ways of that place. If you don't mind then…)) Tang Xuan said.

((Then I will have to bother Brother Tang,)) Rex quickly agreed.

He was planning on going to Myriad Beast Continent for the first time and didn't plan to stick along with Black Scorpion Sect after reaching his destination that's why he wanted a guide to freely roam the area.

Next day - an even day….

Rex and Zakiya were battling in an open area strengthened by an array-like before.

This time the fight didn't include any special or divine ability, it was just simple close combat with or without weapons.

Rex was using the two sabers in his hand to defend against her continuous barrage of punches.


Rex backed off and looked at the blade of the saber that was no covered in cracks.

"You are not suited for sabers either," Zakiya shook her head.

"It's the sixth weapon, is it really necessary to choose the main weapon teacher? Can't I just use anyone depending on the time of need?" Although Rex said this his body didn't stop moving, he took out a short lance then dashed towards her.

"No! the main weapon is very important, you will know it's value when you ascent to higher realm and wield a Treasure Artifact, a main weapon is like an extra limb of its user. Hmm… I think it's the right time to tell you some other important things too.

Rex you have comprehended several laws but from now on you need to focus on the law you like the most until you reach Return To Nature state in it, I recommend you choose Shadow Law, the benefits of choosing it are huge," Zakiya said while using her bare hand to deflect his attacks by changing their direction of advancing using appropriate force.

"Why? Is it because of that special law ability I can get after reaching Return To Nature state in law and further research it?" Rex asked while attacking.

"No, the cultivation stages above Sky Body Formation stage all have a certain requirement to breakthrough just like trials. One of them requires one to thoroughly understand the law and turn your body into a Law Body. You remember how I can split my body into two, one with fox race form and the other with blood race form? Although it's because of an evolved bloodline ability but my bloodline ability evolved in that directions because I had Shadow Law Body.

Every action you take today will forge your tomorrow, Law Body will also have an impact on the Soul Entity you will awaken in the future. Although you may choose the not-to-awaken route but it will still have an impact on your future," Zakiya said. She could guess what he was going to ask next so she flickered her fingers and the black fan appeared in her hand, she then threw it in front and it turned into a big Eel like a monster.

Rex was taken back, he remembered this monster. It was the one who subdued him in his bloodthirsty state, at that time he was really curious but didn't ask as knowing too much may harm him. As her disciple, he could ask about such things at the right place and the right time to get his answer.

Rex observed the monster, when he looked into his two red eyes he felt that the monster had some wisdom but not too high.

"A Soul Entity is the true nature of the soul a cultivator forges throughout their life, for now, you only need to know that much," Zakiya said.

"Does it have intelligence?" Rex subconsciously asked.

"Hehe… after being with me for so long she has developed sentiments," Zakiya said with a smile. She was proud of it, it wasn't easy for a Soul Entity to develop sentiments, one needs to treat them like a normal living being, open their hearts to them, love them, synchronize with them…. it was not an easy thing to let the Soul Entity develop sentiment.

Zakiya then waved her finger at the monster, she turned into a stream of light then sucked into her body in an instant.

Rex was too curious about the Soul Entity but he suppressed it knowing that Zakiya won't tell him after she has refused once.

Rex trained with her for the next two hours while also thinking about the Soul Entity from before.

Zakiya was telling him the details about Shadow Law and the path he needs to follow to comprehend it, he was also listening to her at the same time, this was the benefit of having a mind which could multitask and a body that could learn by instincts.

After the training was over, Zakiya gave him a deep look before speaking.

"I have made you try several weapons but your response is the same with every single one of them, the conclusion I reached is… not a single of them suits you enough to be your main weapon," Zakiya said.

Rex slightly nodded. He always changed his weapons depending on the situation, he wasn't actually attached to them, for him the weaponry was just a tool for either killing or protecting, nothing else.

"And the reason for that is… that you already have your greatest weapon," Zakiya said as she sighed.

Rex gave her a questioning look.

She pointed at him then said.

"Your body is your greatest weapon, I am not saying it as praise, my words have a literal meaning. Your body is less like a living creature and more like a weapon designed for killing. When someone awakens their divine ability, they are mostly random, although the abilities that awaken closely depends on the awakener but they won't know if they will be defensive, offensive, auxiliary, concile… etc type.

On the other hand, all the abilities you possess are almost perfect for battle whether it's those fleshy tentacles that are hard as a spirit weapon or the ability that lets you convert your body parts into metal and even lets you change the shape of it.

Your stamina is very high, but you don't pant that much even when you are exhausted, you can merge with the shadows to conceal yourself, you can instantly teleport. Once properly forged, you are the worst enemy anyone would want to face on the battlefield sigh… after thinking a little I have decided, although I can't help you grow your abilities in a short period I had found the way you need to proceed on from now on and it's… hand to hand combat," Zakiya said with a serious expression.

Rex agreed without much thinking. Her words felt right to him, the power of his traits grows with him that's why with a trait he could turn his hands, feet, fleshy tentacles into his weapon so what's there a need to focus on training a different weapon? He practiced sword because of 12 Overlord Slashes. If he had got a powerful spear technique instead then he would be focusing on the spear, this doesn't make much difference for him.

"Teacher there is one thing, I wanted to talk about… I want to learn about crafting techniques of the higher realm, whether they are array techniques or inscription techniques," Rex said out of nowhere.

Zakiya looked at him in surprise then smiled.

"You tried to study the training uniform right?" She asked.

Rex nodded.

It wasn't hard for her to guess why Rex wanted to learn the crafting techniques urgently, when he was also researching the Ancient Teleportation Portal because whether it was higher realm crafting techniques or middle realm's they cannot help one in anything to do with Ancient Teleportation Portal so the only explanation was that he tried to study the training uniform she gave him.

"I can teach you, but that will be after training time, don't think that you can escape training in the name of crafting," Zakiya said.

Rex shrugged his shoulders, if he wasn't afraid of the beating he would directly ask - Teacher, when are you going to decrease the weight on the middle realm and go back to your cave in the higher realm?

At midnight, Rex headed back to the castle.

'The matter of that young master from Alchemist Association can wait, I will first make all the preparations for leaving then take care of him before leaving,' Rex thought.

Laster Rex collected information about the normal travel routes between Golden Bird Continent and Myriad Beast Continent, he was surprised to find that they are not separated by oceans like he thought but by a vast desert that can only be crossed using flying Sky Ships or the mortality rate would be 95% for anyone below Golden Core stage.

As for the ones at the Golden Core stage or above although they can mostly survive, the question was not just of survival but crossing the desert.

After thinking that much, Rex made a decision, the Project Armored Vehicle came into action.

Three days later….

In the workshop….

Rex sat on the sofa as he smugly looked at Ria sitting on the side.

Ria was wearing a two-piece dress, her upper wear only covered her chest and had strings behind revealing her back, her lower wear was a short skirt that revealed most of her thighs, she had both of her legs tightly shut. she had long see-through-socks covering but revealing everything at the same time, last but not least she had a black band like thing with shining spikes growing out, on her neck.

The dress was dark black, her overall dress-up was revealing and she looked like she was cosplaying popstar.

Right now, her full focus was on the chessboard on the table near her, after some hesitation, she lifted a pawn and made it advance two-block.

Rex smirked he picked his queen then put it in the row in front of the King.

"CheckMate! hehe, so Little Green what do you want to wear next? I have a whole set of dresses here," Rex said with a kind and gentle smile.

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