Psychic Inventor In Cultivation World

312 Chapter 306 : : A Tournamen

"CheckMate! hehe so Little Green what do you want to wear next? I have a whole set o dresses here," Rex said with a kind and gentle smile.

"You are cheating," Ria snorted.


"Everything is in front of you so how can I cheat, now you can't go back on your words. I played your game too right? after I lost that coin toss didn't I go with your Empress Dongfeng route?" Rex said with an honest expression.

[You sure? So you don't want me to predict all the possible outcomes after her every move, from now on? And would you also suppress your INT somehow to make it fair?]

'You just keep quiet, I am just giving her a lesson that she shouldn't gamble blindly, there can be cheaters everywhere,' Rex said in a serious tone.


'When did you learn to do this?' Rex said.


"…" (Rex)

"If you aren't cheating then how can you win five out of five matches?" Ria said. She didn't like to lose, especially in a game that tested the player's strategy-making ability.

"Little Green it's just my love for you that lets me win," Rex said as he grabbed her hand and pulled her in his arms.

Ria pouted, she didn't believe that she would lose in such a game.

"What was its name again?" Ria asked.

"Oh, it's called Frozen Flame Chess. Once when Shadow Lord was bored after cultivating for 400 years straight and was resting, he suddenly received enlightenment and made this game," Rex said in an honest tone.

[Why not just say 4000 years?]

Rex ignored the comment.

Ria nodded, taking his words seriously. She had taken interest in the game, she believed that this game is suited to her.

"Hehe… If you like it, then how about we organize a Chess Tournament these days?" Rex said.

Ria's eyes shined.

"But others don't even know about this game?" Ria suddenly said, when Rex showed this game to her she was really surprised.

"Hehe you don't need to worry about that, I would just release its application version on the main server. Just after that, I will also release the notification of a chess tournament scheduled a few days from now on. As long as the winning prize is high enough it will attract a lot of attention and can also help in raising the popularity of the organization," Rex said.

Ria was shocked, after hearing that it can also have an application version and when she thought that Rex was going through all these efforts for her, she was slightly moved.

She wrapped her hands around his neck out of nowhere and passionately kissed him.

Rex touched his chin, he was wondering if he should organize new competitions every day.

But contrary to his expectation her mood dropped as she spoke.

"You are leaving the continent? How long will it take for you to come back?" She asked.

"Even if I chose the shortest route it will still take me 15 days to go there and another 15 to come back adding to the time I might spend there… two months is the minimum, are you not coming with me?" Rex asked.

Ria shook her head.

Rex was silent for a few seconds then he spoke.

"Well, it's just two months my dear, let me tell you something. I was also preparing a gift for you for a while now, it will be finished before I leave for the trip and I am sure you would like it," Rex said with a smile.

Ria slightly smiled but her mood didn't look any better.

Rex didn't know how to respond to that, every time he spent time with her he would come to know new things about her for example… like how she was really moody, if she is in the right mood she might like the thing she usually hates and vice versa. Rex even thought that if that day she was not in the right mood then... they might not have gone much far that day and they wouldn't together like this at all. But then again, there are no 'if' in this world.

"Getting sad over such a thing, has my girl finally fallen so deep for me? Oh, wait I know just the thing to change your mood, come with me let me show you something good," Rex chuckled then brought her to the newly made garage near his workshop.

In the center of the garage, a white cloth was covering something big, its shape resembled to that of a heavy car but the size was of a mini truck.

Rex walked forward and removed the cloth covering it.

After the cloth was removed, blue metallic beauty came into view.

It was a big blue vehicle similar to the desert mobile on earth but its size was literally big as a monster truck, it had three pairs of big tires. The first pair was at the front and the remaining four were behind.

Although it was big, the vehicle had streamlined body, curved stylish headlights, with a flame mask symbol on Frozen Flame on its bonnet, it's overall appearance was similar to racing cars used in drift race that is if it's size and tires are not taken into account.

The vehicle didn't use petrol or diesel but easily available spirit stones, in fact, making it was simpler than making those Extinction Ray Cannons… as long as all the gadgets installed into it are not taken into account.

"It's the first auto-mobile I made since this city is made, it's max theoretical speed reaches 550 km/h although I wanted to make it faster but… it would be useless without the right track so I focused on other aspects like turning rate, quick acceleration, lesser engine overheat rate…er you understand right?" Rex turned to Ria who was giving him a blank look.

Rex deeply sighed… then he opened the main interface of his Smart Band and pressed a few buttons. Ria raised her head to see what was he doing but suddenly the vehicle in front made strange noise which was somewhat… pleasing to the ears.

….Tink… Tink…Vrooommmm...

The front door of the car automatically opened.

The interior of the car was now visible to Ria.

There were only four similarities in the control mechanism of this car to the ones of the earth, the first was the steering wheel, the second one was the hand gear, the third was the accelerator and the fourth was the brake. Except that there was only a smooth black screen just like LCD in place of the speedometer, fuel meters… etc.

"Let me introduce you again, this is my Desert Queen FF001," Rex said then pulled her inside the car, shut the door, and tapped the black glass beside the steering wheel.

Several interfaces appeared on the black screen, and a few semi-transparent ones also appeared on the main glass responsible for allowing the driver to see the way in front.

Ria was quite surprised by the development, it was not only that, after the door of the car was closed she felt like she lost contact with the outside world.

She curiously tried to expand her Spiritual-Sense outside of the car but failed, Rex noticed it and smiled.

"Little Green, this device is from Armored Car series, it's the main specialty is to protect the ones inside, not just their physical body but also their information so not only you cannot expand Spiritual-Sense outside but outsiders too can not probe the things inside. If you want to know about the things outside, many features in it can let you do so," Rex said with a smile.

"You made this iron carriage?" Ria gave him an admiration look.

"Haha… of course, I made this car… wait did you just call it... A carriage?" Rex didn't know whether to laugh or cry, it took him a whole day of continuous work after acquiring blueprint and raw materials to finally be able to make it then another night to check the min errors and finally turn it into a useful prototype that can be put to a real test without worrying about any hidden dangers.

But now the first person he showed the car to called it an iron carriage?

Rex took a deep breath, then spoke.

"Little Queen, run a quick system check-up," Rex said.

Ria thought he was calling her but then new windows appeared on the screen.

[Starting quick check-up...]

[Running practical simulation…..]

[System check-up is finished]

[All functions are working properly]

"Little Green, it's a car- no... it's a Caarrrr, now let me show what it can do. Little Queen lock on Mia's location and shows me the best route possible," Rex said.

[Scanning database…..]

[Target found]

[Name: Mia

Titled Name: Little Red Marshmellow

Profession: Assistant Head Maid

Cultivation stage: Human Venerable early stage]


[Live location found….]

[Sorting routes…..]

[Shortest route found…..]

Then a map of Frozen Flame city appeared on the glass. There were two dots on the map, one was blue that represent their location and the other was red that represent Mia's location. As soon as the map appeared, it formed a route then an arrow showing direction appeared on the screen.

Ria finally showed a surprised look.

"You can use the ID Cards to track citizens?" Ria gasped in shock.

"Little Green do you think I am that dumb? You should have already figured it out long ago, or you wouldn't be so hesitant to fill your whole profile," Rex said with a sneer.

Ria pouted and didn't speak.

When it comes to steali- no collecting data and using it for benefits, he was one of the richest men when dealing with virtual \u0026 digital tech on earth.

He already made a graph to represent the people starting from the ones who directly fill everything before thinking or the ones who are always cautious \u0026 hesitant in filling the ID card profile feature. Big companies use such data to manipulate their customers without them even knowing it this is the dark side of the business world.

The thing is, even if they know it this won't change anything.

Rex didn't talk more he slightly pressed on the accelerator, the second the car moved the main metal door of the garage trembled then retracted to the side, leaving way for the car to proceed.

Rex switched the gear and pressed the accelerator and brake at the same time. The engine gave off a roar then he released the brake and the car shot out of the garage like an arrow.


The opening of the garage was on the backside of the castle garden so there wasn't anyone to stare at the speeding car at the moment.

"Hahaha…. this feeling… it's nice," Rex laughed then changed the gear.

Ria was also looking around in surprise, she never saw a carriage running without a beast pulling it. Although she was surprised she noted down every action Rex took while driving like she was eager to try.

The current location of Mia was at a free open area of the Frozen Flame city, a lot of parts of the whole region haven't been coming into use yet so it was a free area anyone could venture in.

Some beastman had even started to use some free land after removing the obstacles to cultivate wild herbs and fruit trees.

Although it was called a free area, it was because there were no monster beast and the poisonous plants and herbs had been removed. But there were still many harmless trees growing around in the area.

"Watch out," Ria suddenly called out when she saw a tree zooming in front.

"No need," Rex said while still driving straight, at his current speed if he tried to turn it will only break the balance of the vehicle and there was no need to turn either.

Just when the tree was just a few meters away from the car, an illusory shadow of tortoise appeared around the car and the tree was crushed without any resistance, it's leaves didn't even touch the surface of the car.

[One day your name will definitely go down in history with the title \u003cSupreme Deforestation Sovereign\u003e,]

"…" (Rex)

"Array or Inscriptions?" Ria muttered to herself.

Earlier, she wasn't able to tell if the shield appeared earlier was because of arrays or inscriptions.

"It's Array Circuit Tech baby," Rex laughed.

Ria was confused but didn't ask, although she was curious she didn't forget her promise.

There were occasionally some stubborn trees that would crash into the innocent car driven by the law-abiding driver as a result they all turned into firewood without any exception.

When they were close enough to Mia, the screen zoomed and after seeing the content Rex almost hit the break and crashed his head on the steering wheel.

On the screen, there were three figures Little Blue - the female Thunder Eagle Rex caught earlier, Little Aru, and Mia.

Little Blue and Little Aru were staring at each other with seriousness flashing in their eyes.

Mia was quietly sitting on a stone near them as she switched glances between the two, acting as a bystander.

Little Blue coughed a few times seemingly clearing her throat she then looked at the sky, opened her beak, and gave melodies cry in a rhythm like she was singing.

Although Rex couldn't hear anything but actions speaks louder than words.

Just after her, Little Aru also coughed through his five throats, looked at the sky, then took a deep breath and gave off an earth-shattering roar. Making the bird bit on her tongue and Mia to tightly cover her ears.

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