Psychic Inventor In Cultivation World

313 Chapter 307 : : A Clan

..Rooooaaarrrr…. x 5

His cry felt like five dragons were screaming in agony at the same time.

The instant Little Aru roared even Rex and Ria, who were sitting in the car shut their ears tight using their hands.

[Auto-Drive activated]

The second Rex removed his hands from the steering wheel the auto-drive feature activated, he would very much like to explain it to Ria but at the moment he was deeply sufferings. Rex had heightened hearing senses, although he normally suppressed them like Lerna but they were still above normal, that's why even when his cultivation base was higher than Ria, he was suffering more than her.

[Alert! a Lvl 2 Sound attack detected]

[Activating advanced sound barrier...]

The intensity of sound waves significantly decreased.

Rex immediately hit the break with his legs, he wanted to turn the steering wheel and escape as quickly as possible but seeing that Mia and the Little Blue were almost near their mind break he made a tough decision.

He moved his leg and used his toe to open the door lock, the second the door opened the intensity of sound increased again. At that time the world turned almost dark for him, Rex saw Wang Cang and others waving at him from afar.

Little Aru quickly stopped then looked at Rex in surprise, he dashed towards Rex and supported his drunken body.

Rex sighed in relief.

'So that's how it feels to touch the death's door and come back, Damn if I had recorded this voice to make sonic bombs and had used it in the duel with Zakiya then I might have won,' Rex thought.

[At least, now we know that we have such weakness. I thought that we have developed some resistance against almost all types of attacks, to think we neglected sound attacks,]

Rex first looked at Ria who was tapping her ears to check if her sense of hearing was still there and was relieved, he then checked Mia who was using the rock to support her wobbly body, and the bluebird who looked half-dead.

Rex gave a piercing gaze to the bird, his eyes were bloodshot. He had the urge to go and kick the head of this stupid bird.

He didn't know why everyone around him was so keen on seeking death these days, at first it was Jiang Shuang and now it was this stupid bird who even dragged the innocent bystanders into her courting death domain.

Little Blue was also quite miserable. Although her cultivation base was higher than Little Aru, she was the closest to him and was completely unaware of calamity standing in front of her.

She tried to teach him how to sing, but it was likely that she herself wouldn't be able to sing for quite a while.

"Aoo…" Little Aru looked worriedly looked at Rex, not understanding what happened to him.

Is father injured? No, there is no sign of injuries, just which despicable fellow harmed him under my nose… Little Aru thought as he vigilantly looked all around to find the culprit.

After being with him for so long, Rex now understood Little Aru without even the use of Telepathy so he could guess what he was thinking. Rex stood up, stretched his body then patted his head assuring him that he was fine.

Seeing that he was fine Little Aru's worry's disappeared, then his eyes suddenly shined in glimmer he suddenly spoke something in his language.

Ria looked at them from afar she didn't understand his meaning but Rex did, Little Aru was asking that how was his song?

The first question that rose in Rex's mind was - You call that a song? you sure it wasn't Zeref's Lullaby?

But after seeing his expectant look in his eyes Rex wasn't able to bring out these words from his mouth. he forced a smile and praised him.

"Little Aru is a great learner, I didn't know that you could compose such melody on your first try," Rex put some weight on his heart as he said that.

Little Aru's eyes shined more brightly, he didn't speak more but coughed through his throats a few times before he looked at the blue sky.

Rex's eyes turned wide, his sixth sense and Spider-Sense rang like crazy, the words reverberating in his head were - The End Is Near.

"No, baby you are not allowed to sing.. ever again," Rex hastily said as he used his two hands to close his two mouth, he regretted that why God hasn't given him five hands instead.

Little Aru stopped and gave him a questioning look.

After knowing that father liked his voice so much, he decided to make corrections and sing again to make him happier but father actually stopped him, why?

"About that… Yeah, why don't you let Uncle Jiang listen to it later on? He might not look like it but he is a very famous singer, he will point out your mistakes that will help you in improving this melody. For now, see what I brought here, this is a car and you know it can do that…." Rex threw the pot at Jiang Shuang without hesitation and quickly used his Secret Distraction Technique which is one of the three lost ancient techniques recorded in Topic Change Formula.

Pain should be shared between brothers, isn't that true?

Rex's distractions technique worked and Little Aru forgot about singing as he looked at the shining blue beauty behind him.

[Moral: Don't play with fire, you might get burned]

Rex was not in any mood to focus on the comment and helped Ria to step out of the car.

After Ria came out, she rushed to support Mia whose head was still dizzy.

Rex also followed behind, he peeked at the Little Blue who was still playing dead on the ground to escape the punishment from him.

Her body slightly twitched but she still didn't open her eyes and kept laying in the ground

Mia was surprised to see her sister at a time like this but there was something that surprised her way more than that.

She analyzed Ria from head to toe then gave strange glances to her, when she looked at Rex she looked a little angry.

Ria was confused but when she looked down on her two-piece cosplaying dress that had seductive nature embedded in it, she instantly understood everything. Her cheeks were in a shade of red as she narrowed her eyes at Rex.

"I forget… about that," Rex smiled bitterly.

In fact, he had planned it, after they arrived near her sister he would remind her about the clothes while also acting surprised. Then she wouldn't have any choice but to change clothes in the car, he didn't have a weird taste but he liked teasing her, her expression when she is pushed in a situation like that were priceless.

Ria could also guess in and out after looking at his face, if it was before she would have believed it but the more time she spent with him the more she came to knew that judging his intelligence with his nature was foolishness… like other beastman she knows that the Frozen Flame City's City Lord is Rex and all the main policies and subdivisions like Frozen Flame Bank also comes under his observation.

Other people only sees him as a wise and kind man, who is using many ways to help them but Ria could see the profits he is making by those policies… whether it is money, trust, men power or blind faith… he was gaining everything by doing that. At the start, she thought Rex was a kind businessman who won't be able to survive if Shadow Lord wasn't supporting him from behind but with time she began to realize Guardians are not mud walls that needs Shadow Lord's support but iron pillars that could support him.

"Why are you being angry Little Red, I was just letting her try the dresses the merchants sent as samples for selling, nothing else. If you want, you can also try som- never mind, forget what I just said," Rex was almost lost in the flow when he felt the snake glare directed at him from the side and quickly applied breaks.

"Now you two come with me, let's enjoy the ride. I will have to leave for work after half an hour so we can't waste time," Rex said as he grabbed Mia's hand and pulled her into the car.

Ria didn't stop, she wanted Rex to get close to her and become familiar so that she could freely speak to another person besides her too. But of course, she kept an eye on him so he doesn't push her down when she isn't looking. She was clearly aware of her personality and she liked Rex that's why she believed he also has loose screws and unpredictable nature that needed to be restrained at times.

The car was big enough for four of them to sit, Rex and Ria were at the front like before, Mia was in the second row and the last row seats were turned straight for Little Aru as he was more comfortable in this way.

Rex glanced at the Little Blue who was still playing dead and shook his head before closing the door.

The white bracelet she was wearing is no joke, he knew about her current condition more than herself so what was the use of trying to deceive him?

Rex hit on the accelerator, the car turned, and dashed back on the way it came.


Few minutes after the car left, the bluebird stood up, stretched her back and looked in the direction Little Aru left. She had decided as long as she is in the territory of Frozen Flame she would never pretend again.

Rex didn't have much time so he only drove the car around the empty area taking a long route back to the castle.

Mia curiously looked around checking the insides of the car.

"You… made it?" Mia said.

She wasn't meeting Rex for the first time, Rex had approached her many times in the last few days but she could easily guess why the guy had become so cozy all of a sudden. It was probably her sister who told him to be friendly and polite with her. Although she knew that but after she interacted with him too many times she started to get more familiar with him… it was just a normal psychological behavior she cannot remove even if she wants to.

"Of course I made it," Rex said in a prideful tone.

"Where did you… the idea of making this Iron Carriage, did you get… in an inheritance?" Mia asked hastily, she choked on her words but it was lesser than normal times.

"I made it, okay, and it's not Iron Carriage it's Desert Queen FF001," Rex said with a dark face.

Ria on the side chuckled when she saw him like that.

Mia rolled her eyes.

It was an Iron Carriage so it's an Iron Carriage, this wouldn't change just because you gave it a name…. She thought.

No one asked anything else, Mia and Little Aru had glued their faces on windows, Ria was leaning on the chair comfortably, she seemed like she was lost in thought.

"Marshmallow sisters what are your future plans?' Rex suddenly asked.

Ria and Mia looked at him.

"What do you mean?" Ria asked.

"After a while, we are thinking of making our clan. Are you two interesting in joining?" Rex said.

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