Psychic Inventor In Cultivation World

314 Chapter 308 : : One Solution To All Problems

Rex was planning to make a clan, after he brought Wang Clan and others to the middle realm, with their strength it won't be easy for them to get good treatment when facing the people of the middle realm so the best way to solve this problem was to give them a powerful background. There are too many people that work with Frozen Flame so using that identity won't prove that they have high status but being part of a clan made by Shadow Lord will.

Mia kept quiet and only looked at Ria.

"What is the name of the Clan? Requirements?" Ria asked with a smile.

"We haven't decided on a name yet, as for requirement, just be loyal and follow the clan rules nothing else," Rex said.

"Hmm… pretty simple, we will think about it," Ria said after a moment of thinking.

Rex didn't pursue it. He knew Ria's nature, whether she liked the option or not she won't reply on the spot, no matter the temptation.

"By the way, what do you think we should name it?" Rex asked to keep the conversation going.

"Wouldn't it…. Frozen Flame Clan?" Mia spoke from behind.

"Hmm… No, there are a lot of people that work in the organization but not everyone can be part of the clan, so giving it the same name might create contradictions between people in the future because everyone can use the name while only a few are part of the clan," Rex said.

"Well, it would be a clan founded by Shadow Lord so won't it be better to just call it Shadow Clan?" Ria thoughtfully said.

Rex looked at her for a moment before nodding.

At the start, he took the name Shadow Lord as his titled name because it was the name he used when playing the first game he launched. Coincidently he gave the name Shadow Clan to the Clan when he was testing the Clan \u0026 Guild function. He was not sure if he should name the clan that casually so he was hesitant to directly name it Shadow Clan and decided to take suggestions before concluding but to think someone else suggested the same thing.

"Good suggestion, In fact, I had thought of the same name, it's simple but can easily define the background of the clan. If others agree to it then we will choose this name," Rex said.

Ria smiled and slightly nodded.

The castle was not far so even after choosing the long route they still arrived early.

After saying goodbye to the snake sisters, Rex looked at Little Aru who was quietly sleeping on the back seats. Right now, he looked like the most harmless creature to mankind but only Rex knew what this walking nuclear bomb can do.

He first took Little Aru to his room using Instant Transmission then went to a different room to meditate.

All these problems have only one solution, that is to reach Core Breaking Stage, my working proficiency will increase, the enhance effect of my bloodline would be strengthened, I will get an inner world, I can start using Gene Coding talent, and I can also continue researching of Ancient Teleportation Portal for better results' Rex thought.

[After becoming a blood cultivator, the recovery rate of your body has increased by several folds so it's not a problem to try to breakthrough but it isn't easy to breakthrough to the Core Breaking stage. My help won't be that high this time as the inner world will be shaped based on you,]

Rex nodded in agreement. He decided to rest for the whole night and restore his body to peak state before trying to breakthrough the next day.

On the other side…

Both Ria and Mia were lying on the bed. Ria was looking at the ceiling.

Mia was quietly observing her, she knew her sister well that's why she could tell that she was probably thinking about the Beast God Temple and Clan matter Rex talked about.

Ria didn't hide the matter of Beast God Temple from her, Mia wasn't surprised that she refused his invitation because it was useless to agree for them.

Mia nodded then closed her eyes trying the sleep. Ria peeked at her from the corner of her eyes and sighed, she extended her head flicked her ear lightly.

{This place is not getting destroyed or something, anyone related to Rex here has a mysterious background and excellent innate talent. If they keep going with their current speed then they can make a bright future for themselves, at that time, if you are strong enough then we can come back here…

"Hmm…" Mia hummed with her eyes closed to show she listened.

She always believed her sister and also knew the meaning behind those sentences, they weren't aimed at just her but herself too. They were directed at both of them.

Next Morning….

The first floor of Spirit Tower…..

Rex was depressed. Earlier he told Zakiya that he won't be training today because he is going to breakthrough, and as a teacher shouldn't she need to give him something to help him? But to his surprise, she only gave him this Shielding Array to protect himself in case someone try to interrupt him during the breakthrough.

It was worse than the array she used when helping him to stabilize his Blood cultivation base.

As for why she didn't help him to breakthrough? It's because she didn't want to take the risk of influencing his inner world.

What made it worse was her reason for not helping was reasonable, if she interfered than then the inner world he is going to get might be influenced and he might get a different one than the one he was going to get.

Zakiya told him that the inner world is very important, it shouldn't be influenced by others. She also told him about the special ability that could be born with the inner world.

According to what she said… the special ability is something a cultivator get's when their inner world is near perfection and can achieve more than 90% synchronization with the cultivator. As for what type of synchronization? It's the connection between the soul and the sea of consciousness that is going to deepen.

From birth, the soul and body of a person are deeply attached but a mortal cannot feel their soul, making use of it aside. When a cultivator becomes stronger the attachment becomes stronger too but they can still not feel their soul or make use of it. It's only until the Soul Strengthening stage where they open their Sea Of Consciousness and can feel their soul-awakening and gaining their… Spiritual-Sense.

If the body is the vessel, the soul is the driver then the sea of consciousness is something that helps in forming the connection.. a bridge between the two, its entrance is said to be at the forehead, between the eyebrows like a third eye.

If the synchronization rate is too low then one can forget about breaking through to the Sky Body Formation stage which is true sublimation between body, soul, and sea of consciousness.

So if Zakiya influenced his inner world then the one he would get would definitely have less compatibility and synchronization compared to the one he would give original art, and because of the decrease in Synchronization rate, it will significantly decrease his chances of acquiring that inner world ability.

He first activated the array disk, it formed a transparent black bubble of ten-meter radius with him as the center, isolating him from all the possible distractions from the outside world.

Rex took a deep breath, closed his eyes, then switched his cultivation to active mode and slowly increased the Qi circulation speed in his body, doing a warmup.

Until he cultivated to Golden Core peak stage Rex always called Lucia to help her cultivate and she, fortunately, reached Golden Core 2nd stage which greatly shocked her too, though she was still expressionless. But this time Rex didn't call her because he cannot afford to get distracted at such time.

Earlier Rex had also used Calm Mind and Fast Clock to think of several possibilities and make preparations. Only after that, his confidence is high enough would he decide to breakthrough.

'Mini-Status' (Rex)

[Name: Rex Andrews

HP: 1350 P / 1350 P | reg 16 P/s

Yin Qi: 1600 P / 1600 P | reg 21 P/s

Yang Qi: 1600P / 1600 P | reg 21 P/s

Spirit Qi: 124 P /124 P | reg 5 P/s

Qi Cultivation stage: Golden Core peak stage

Blood cultivation stage: Earthly Blood early stage

Soul Cultivation stage: Soul Core 5th stage

STR: A (23%) WIS: C (04%)

AGI: B (91%) INT: B+ (63%)

VIT: B (36%) END: B+ (77%)

DEF: A (30%) SPT: D


Status Points: 56]

After becoming a blood cultivator, his END and VIT grew by leaps and bounds, even his STR increased by a big margin. Rex only reached the Earthly Blood stage but the benefits are already huge, he couldn't use Exp or SE points to increase his blood cultivation base or he would have focused on increasing it up to the Golden Core stage instead of breaking through to Core Breaking stage in Qi cultivation.

Rex only got 56 SE Points, it was because their value has changed. Whenever his cultivation base rises his status and other variables are recalculated, for example, if before Rex would have got 0.7 Status Point from absorbing Monster King spirit core than now he would only get 0.2, the amount of energy he could extract didn't decrease, and actually increased but its value is re-calculated based on how much impact they can have on current Rex.

If it wasn't like that then he would have just opened a farmhouse of Monster King beasts and keep increasing his status slowly, there won't be a need to use the spirit core of Calamity Lord's and above but it wasn't like that.. the value is always recalculated.

'My constitution is already quite strong so add all these points in INT,' Rex said.

[Allocating points….]

Rex's current INT upper limit was high that's why he only felt a slight headache when allocating all his points in INT this time.

[You awakened a new Psychic Ability 'Transformation']

Rex didn't check the ability first but his status.

[Name: Rex Andrews

HP: 1350 P / 1350 P | reg 16 P/s

Yin Qi: 1600 P / 1600 P | reg 21 P/s

Yang Qi: 1600P / 1600 P | reg 21 P/s

Spirit Qi: 124 P /124 P | reg 5 P/s

Qi Cultivation stage: Golden Core peak stage

Blood cultivation stage: Earthly Blood early stage

Soul Cultivation stage: Soul Core 5th stage

STR: A (23%) WIS: C (04%)

AGI: B (91%) INT: B+ (99%)

VIT: B (36%) END: B+ (77%)

DEF: A (30%) SPT: D


Status Points: 0]

'Hehe to think I would be just 1% away from advancing INT to next grade sigh…' Rex thought then he checked his newly gained ability.


Type: Physique

Grade: Ungraded

Description: It allows the user to disguise as someone else, regardless of their race, age, and gender as long as it is within the limited parameters. The higher the strength of the user, the lesser will be the chance of being exposed. The strength of the user won't experience any changes after using the ability.

Cooldown: None

Cost: None]

Rex looked at the vague description, he would have tested it on the spot but didn't want to have any kind of distraction that can fail his breakthrough so he put the matter aside for now.

'Begin,' Rex muttered then closed his eyes and focused on the Black-Gold core in his dantian.

A stream of Life Energy entered his dantian and engulfed the core, under Rex's control the core trembled then its surface layer started to rapidly turn into highly concentrated Qi then filled his dantiant to the brim in a matter of few seconds.

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