Psychic Inventor In Cultivation World

336 Chapter 330 : : Vrusallon

"Brothers, it seems like my comrades have troubled you all. How about it, as compensation, you all get one burg- I mean spicy bun for free, the bill is on me," Rex said with a smile.

Everyone's eyes shined.

They were hesitating to make a move because of the expensive-looking clothes of Lerna which showed she wasn't from a normal family and her undetectable cultivation base, now that Rex offered such a gift how could they refuse?

"Hehe, Brother I will take you up on your word," One of three men that were sitting on the ground stood up and laughed.

Others followed the suit soon after.

"Looks like the brother here today is generous so how can I refuse the offer,"

"I will thank fellow Daoist in advance,"

After seeing that the matter was settled by just money, Rex heaved a sigh of relief. He then turned to the old chef.

The old chef just nodded in return, if all the customers have already agreed then what problem could he have?

"Please pack ten- no twenty servings of this spicy bun," Rex said to the chef.

Both Lerna and Jiang Qing started staring at him.

His words meant that they were not going to eat right now.

Rex knew if Lerna was going to eat the burger at the moment then she would have to remove the veil, and by chance, if someone saw her appearance then as long as they would have enough brain they could predict that she is either a direct descendent of a Calamity Lord or a Calamity Lord herself, he didn't have high expectations for the people around him but he would still choose to remain cautious in a foreign land.

Except for her hair and eye colour, the only noticeable thing she had as a non-human race was her body being slightly bigger than a mature tall human woman. Hair/eye colour can be changed because of bloodline or special cultivation technique but after the three facts combined with her display of strength then it might raise unwanted attention.

The main problem was if her identity was revealed, then there would be a lot of old monster in the monster race who would run to her to woo her and if that didn't work then they might use force, it was not because of her beautiful appearance but her strong bloodline, simply put they would want to create a new generation together with her. Just as Lerna said earlier, the beast in the wild focuses on strength and bloodline potential when choosing their mating partner, it was the same for most people of the monster race, after all, in a way they were just spirit beasts with higher intelligence and nothing else.

All these things were not absolute, they were the possibilities Rex had predicted.

Since the time his INT reached A grade he found himself subconsciously thinking about a lot of things even when he doing other works, for example when he was watching the old chef make burgers, a part of him was thinking what information Tang Xuan had sent to Tang Family.

'Just with A grade INT, I feel like I have one more separate conscious except Rose to clear my doubts, I wonder what would happen if I increase it to beyond A? Or increase WIS to A instead? INT is like a quantity leap which allows me to ponder over multiple things at the same time, while WIS is like a quality leap that focuses on my thinking speed….' Rex was thinking but was soon interrupted by Lerna.

Lerna silently looked at Mr. Black who was intently observing the old chef's every movement, Lerna too had eaten his cooking and knew that he was able to copy Lucia's soup to around 85% originality.

Rex chuckled and agreed.

The hamburger was just the starting, Rex started to buy food in bulk at every store.

Tang Xuan was wondering what would they do with so much food, they can't eat so much in one go… right?

After buying from every single stall, Rex finally stopped. He had brought a lot of money with himself and he still had the check of 1,000,000 high-grade spirit stone he got from Lee Jae Rin in Alchemist City so money was not an issue.

"Why is there no elf or dwarf here?" Rex said after searching through the whole market.

"Huh? Was Master Rex searching for Dwarves and Elves? You won't find them here in this time of year," Tang Xuan said.

"Why?" Rex immediately asked.

"Master Rex didn't I tell you before, it's the trading season. Different tribes have a different specialty, some excel at refining artifacts while some at cultivating herbs, so in this time of year, a trading fair is organized in the capital city of Davalon. The fair is quite big, even people from overlord sects like Temple of War would come to buy resources in stock for their sect, that city is also our next destination because from there we can directly head to the Beast God Temple," Tang Xuan said.

Rex nodded, he finally understood the reason for why there was no elf here, the elves are called the children of the forest, they are born with a high affinity of the wood element from birth so who could be more suited for cultivating herbs then them? In that kind of trade fair if there was someone who could make as much as or more profit than dwarves that it was elves.

He didn't delay and headed towards the transmission array. It was still time until noon and they had nothing else to do, hence they had no reason to stay in Willow Wisp city anymore.

The transmission array of Willow Wisp City same as the one in Snow Jade City of Cold Heaven Sect, one needed to put the right amount of spirit stones in right place to use it.

It was guarded by a group of city guards but it was open for public use as long as one pay the fee, although it was expensive but it saved time so Rex didn't have any problem in paying up.

After using the array, Rex and the team disappeared from the Willow Wisp City and appeared in... Vrusallon City.

Vrusallon City is the capital city also known as the trading city of Davalon, The city has several transmission arrays which connect it to different cities that can provide goods that aren't found here, one of them was Willow Wisp City.

There is a saying in Davalon, if you can't find something in Vrusallon City then you cannot find it in the whole of Davalon.

The saying of course doesn't have a literal meaning but it precisely defines the reputation of Vrusallon City.

When Rex appeared in the city and checked his surrounding, he was seriously surprised.

Alfred had once shown him the illusion of the city he lived and Rex took it as the reference since then but the city around him had long surpassed that level.

The tower-y buildings were tall and big enough to block the sunlight from falling on the ground. Light lamps were being used to brighten the way on the streets, all those lamps were without a doubt spirit tools.

The place where Rex and the others appeared, the transmission array, was present at the junction of three roads and no one was there to guard it. It seems to have an automatic energy filling system like Rex's to refill spirit stones when it was used. It seemed like the dwarfs here were either fully confident about the security of the city or just didn't care if something like this got damaged or stolen.

If it was just that, then Rex could take it, but when he looked up, he saw a flying island in the sky, above the center of the city.

Thick green vines were protruding out from below the island, their other end was attached to the ground but those lush green wines didn't look strong enough to hold the whole island, from their position alone it felt like those vines were not there to make the island float but make it stay at the same place in case something happens.

The scenery alone made him completely ignore the pedestrians on the streets.

'Incredible,' Rex thought. It was not easy to make him acknowledge someone else's work in creativity and inventing but this time, he was impressed.

Lerna also looked at the sight in surprise.

Jiang Qing's eyes were bulging out.

Tang Xuan just smiled, he still remembered how he felt when he saw this scene for the first time but Rex's calmness really surprised him. He realized that Lerna too didn't look that surprised.

The thing was, Lerna was living in Rex's castle, so after she saw too many surprising things there, her base scale for measurement was above others.

"That floating island looks good, you should also make one at... home," Lerna said, she was thinking if her baby would love something like that.

Rex was pleased when he heard her call it home.

"Hehe... I will make something even better. In the next decade, Frozen Flame will show the world its true might," Rex said in a prideful tone.

Jiang Qing heard it and her heart thumped, she was wondering what Rex would turn the city into. If it was someone else who had said this she would just laugh it off, but he was the man who turned an area in Misty Maze Forest into a paradise in less than a year, Frozen Flame City without a doubt had become the most peaceful and beautiful city for her.

Tang Xuan on the side heard his words and lightly chuckles. Surpassing the Dwarfs in crafting? Can you be more realistic?

Although he thought that, he didn't say it, out of respect. He was not the only one, anyone who hasn't seen Rex's work and achievements with their own eyes would think the same way as he did.

People like Tang Xuan still haven't understood the real potential or working of ID cards and were seeing them as just advanced sound transmission and illusion technique fusion. That's why like others he thinks that if a talented Artifact Refiner Dwarf wants to, then they can surely make something like that.

[If a city in the Middle Realm has reached this level then what about Higher Realm?]

Rose's question sent a jolt of current in Rex's whole body, he slightly trembled, not in shock, surprise, or fear but excitement... pure excitement.

Tang Xuan let them enjoy the scenery for a while then spoke.

"Actually, the real Vrusallon is not on the surface," Tang Xuan said.

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