Psychic Inventor In Cultivation World

337 Chapter 331 : : Unexpected Even

Rex looked at him, he had heard about this before, from old times dwarves had lived more under the land than the surface. Making an underground city was no big feat for them when they had even established underground kingdoms before.

"The original Vrusallon city was made underground but that one had strict requirements for the outsiders who enter it like providing full identity verification and get their storage ring checked before entering Vrushallon city because they weren't allowed to carry weapons inside, this affected the trade of the city. Identity check was still fine but no cultivator would like their storage ring checked that's why later another version of Vrushallon city was made on the surface for everyone.

At present, If someone wants to enter the underground city, they would have their identity proof, pay 100 high-grade spirit stone and get their storage ring checked before entering the city if they are below Golden Core stage, if they are above or at Golden Core stage then they can get away with just identity check-up," Tang Xuan explained.

Rex nodded, he was just about to speak when he felt a slight tremor coming from the ground, soon the unnoticeable tremor turned into a ground-shaking phenomenon.

"Earthquake?" Rex uttered out.

Tang Xuan shook his head. Normally, the place dwarves chose to make an underground city posses land as hard as rocks to avoid situations like a landslide and has a very low chance of something of this sort happening, and even if it happens, countless hidden arrays are strengthening the ground and can directly counter vibration before they reach the surface so there was no way an earthquake could happen here.

"A Meteor!?!!" Jiang Qing shouted with her eyes wide open.

Rex turned and followed in her line of sight.

Just as Jiang Qing said, he saw a ball of fire falling from the sky but unlike a meteor, it didn't have a black tail made of smoke behind it rather it was like a crimson red shooting star, from its trajectory Rex could tell that the thing was actually very farther than it appeared to be, it was miles away from the city and was just passing from a distance. Even when it was just passing by from far away, the power radiating from it made the whole city trembled.

Rex then saw a creature from another direction flying towards it, the creature had two dragon-like wings, a mouth, a long scaled tail, overall that creature had the appearance similar to a wyern but with two hands.

Moreover, that wyern was holding two long red sabers in both of his hands as he flew towards the meteor. Rex guessed that he was not a wild beast but someone from the monster race but then his expression changed…

Rex ignored his words and sent a Telepathic message to Lerna.

Rex could see far more than what Tang Xuan who couldn't sense the cultivation base of that wyern see. Rex thought for a moment then entered his virtual world.

'Rose, show me the image of that meteor, zoom it to the limit, clear the flames and other obstacles around it as much as you can and reconstruct the image,' Rex said.

The scenery around him changed and the meter appeared just a few meters away from him in a holographic form.

[Zooming in….]

[Analyzing pixel pattern…]

[Reconstructing image….]

[Clearing minor external factors…]

Several notifications appeared and disappeared in a few seconds then the image in front of him got cleared to some extent.

'An island? And a Pyramid?' Rex blurted out in confusion.

He saw that the thing wasn't a meteor, it was an island covered in an oval-shaped pale golden energy shield which had a raging fire around it because of the resistance of the atmospheric layer towards it. The pale golden shield was somewhat transparent so he could see a big pyramid-like building inside it.

"There are more people following it," Jiang Qing suddenly said.

Rex came out of the inner world and looked towards the disappearing meteor again.

He saw more than a hundred figured dressed in white robes, riding broad swords, dashing towards the meteor.

"It's Supreme Sword Sect! They made a move too, then Temple of God should also move, just what is special about that meteor, is meteoric rocks becoming that expensive that it could make such sects fight for it," Tang Xuan said. He thought that because he wasn't able to sense the terrifying cultivation base of the people chasing that meteor.

Different figures from different directions came and started chasing it. If that was not enough, Rex and others also saw a big skyship flying towards the meteor.

This ship was made of pure brownish wood with no colour on it instead it was mostly covered in beautiful flowery vines all around, the flowers had a unique luster and fragrance to them. This was an Elven Ship, it was a special kind of sheep only built by elves as all the things that are used to make it are from the forest under their control.

"Change of plans, I believe that this incident will affect the masses around soon and can cause chaos, we need to finish what we came for quickly so we will divide the work among us. You four will go to the Beast God Temple so that Lerna could get her inheritance as soon as possible, and I will go to the underground Vrushallon city for buying all the material I need.

After you are done with the inheritance matter, come back to this city and choose a non-high-profile inn to stay and wait for me, you are not allowed to freely roam around in any circumstances," Rex said.

The pyramid of course caught Rex's interest, if he was alone he would have already chased it but thinking about the two women he brought with him and remembering Zakiya's advice to not give in to greed when the odds are against him, he decided to temporarily give up and wait patiently. He thought about it and realized that even if that pyramid was filled with treasures, no force would be able to devour it alone and a fight would likely break out which could last for days, weeks, or even months so there was no need to hurry.

They all nodded. Tang Xuan was slightly hesitant, now that he saw so many people chasing that meteor he was curious to go and have a look too, Rex noticed his hesitation, he patted his shoulder and said.

"You had helped us quite a bit in our trip, after Lerna receives her inheritance and our trip ends you can choose any spirit rank low-grade weapon you like from my collection," Rex's words brightened Tang Xuan's mood in an instant.

Lerna snorted in dissatisfaction, she didn't like to be ordered around. Rex knew she understood his meaning so he didn't repeat it.

Tang Xuan let them to another transmission array near the center of the city, unlike the one from before this array was protected by a guard, it was a big man with two horns on his head.

After paying the price, Lerna and others used the array and left the city.

Rex took a deep breath and headed in the direction of the underground city entrance described by Tang Xuan.

On the other side...

Lerna and others appeared in an open ground.

The area around them looked like some garden, the smell of flowers permitted the air, colorful butterflies were flying around them.

"It's the Green Heaven Garden that surrounds the Beat God Temple, the Beast God Temple is only 3 miles away from here. I and Miss Jiang can accompany Lady Lerna until we reach the temple after that Lady Lerna would have to proceed on her own because except monster race no one can enter the temple or it will trigger the hidden traps, the traps inside can even kill a Core Breaking expert easily," Tang Xuan said with a serious expression. His spirit weapon was on the line, he couldn't let any mishap happen under his watch.

Jiang Qing nodded while Lerna completely ignored him.

She raised her hand and took off her veil, Lerna inhaled deeply as she observed her surrounding. She never liked wearing something so annoying, she was forced to wear it because of Rex.

Tang Xuan on the side glued his eyes on her face, although her expression was cold, her face was just too beautiful for him to avert his gaze from her.

When the cultivation of a person increases, their body gets refined, again and again, bringing out their hidden beauty in the process. With enough cultivation base, even an ugly duckling can turn into an elegant swan.

Lerna felt Tang Xuan's gaze and looked coldly at him, Tang Xuan felt his scalp tingling, he remembered that with this woman's temperament she won't hesitate to kill him if the kind and understanding Master Rex wasn't around so he quickly averted his gaze in fear.

At this time, Mr. Black stepped forward and spoke.

"Lady Lerna, according to Master Rex's instructions, you are not allowed to remove your veil in open, please wear it again," Mr. Black said.

Tang Xuan raised his eyebrow and looked at Mr. Black, thinking if this guy doesn't love his life.

But he did understand now that why Rex told her to wear a veil, it was to avoid unwanted attention.

Jiang Qing wanted to say the same thing as Mr. Black but she knew her words will be treated as air so she didn't speak.

Lerna ignored him, she knew that he was a puppet so conversing with him was idiotic in her view.

Just at this time, Lerna looked in front and saw three silhouettes flying in their direction.

All three were men, they were wearing pale blue expensive-looking clothes with a black wyern like the logo on their left chest. But unlike the other two, the one in front had a silver-colored belt on his waist.

"Haha… Congratulations to Young Master Hei on becoming a Silver Deacon at such a young age," The men on the left said.

"It is not that outstanding, you two can also do it if you try a little harder," Young Master Hai said with a smile trying to be modest but the smile on his face told that he was quite happy to hear it.

"Young Master Hai is just too kind and modest, I always knew that for a genius like Young Master Hei even reaching Earth Venerable peak stage is nothing noteworthy, Young Master Hei is bound to reach Core Breaking stage shortly and become a big figure in the whole Relion Family," The man on the right also showed his bootlicking skills.

Young Master Hei smiled, he was about to speak when his eyes landed on Lerna in the distance, he was shocked, he stooped abruptly and intently stared at her.

Whether it was body or face, her appearance made his mind go blank, with only her face visible, she still looked like the most beautiful woman he saw in his life. The two men beside him were the same.

Their eyes were fixed on her face, they were about to move their line of sight and carefully observe her whole body when a man in black walked in front of Lerna and blocked their vision.

"According to the rules, any stranger is not allowed to stare at Lady Lerna for more than three seconds, lustful creatures please restrain yourself to keep your life intact," Mr. Black said in a flat tone. He was just acting how he was designed to act in such situations.

Mr. Black's words brought the three men to reality.

'Lustful creatures?' Young Master Hei's face darkened, he was called a lustful creature just now, and it happened in front of the most beautiful woman who stole his heart at first sight.

The two men on the sides noticed his expression and reacted, although they found the woman very beautiful but they also knew with Young Master Hei here they cannot have her so they decided to get the maximum benefits they could earn, which was by making way for Young Master Hei.

"What Insolence! You called our pure gentlemen Young Master Hei who doesn't spare a glance to even the most beautiful fairies in Relion Family a lustful creature? Are you blind?" The right man stepped forwards and said, he purposely extended the words 'Relion Family' to show their status.

"This beautiful fairy, you shouldn't associate yourself with such a person, why don't you let us- I mean Young Master Hei accompany you, with him around you can get to almost everywhere in this place," The left man wasn't willing to left behind either.

Young Master Hei waited for them to finished their sentence and was about to reprimand them and show his modest nature but just at this time Mr. Black spoke...

Earlier, when the two men were speaking, Mr. Black's line of sight was flooding with several notifications.

[Observing the opponent's body language…]

[Analyzing the disoriented words meaning….]

[Required conditions met.]

[Switching to Shit-Talk Mode]

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