Psychic Inventor In Cultivation World

338 Chapter 332 : : Identity Verification

In fact, not everyone would have the same reaction as them, as those who had gone through blood baths have a more clear understanding of the world and control over their mind but these three were just like their peers in the family who had yet to go and see the world outside their comfort zone.

At present...

[Switching to Shit-Talk Mode]

Mr. Black had already opened the files saved for a situation like that, these files were made after modifying and upgrading the mixture of the sacred words every people from the opposition said when Frozen Flame was expanding into other cities, barging into the territories of other forces.

"Young Master my @$$!!! You are just a D*** lover hanging around a lim... Beep~ Beep~ Beep~ Did your Beep~ parents only teach you how to serve this @$$ faced Beep~ Beep~ was it from your stallion grandfather? Beep~ Beep~ Beep~ go and do a DNA test you Beep~ purposeless creatures... Beep~ you useless population machines... Beep~ Beep~ even Beep~ goblins are smarter then you Beep~ … " Mr. Black started firing curses in a row like a machine gun with no intention of stopping, he looked like an expert trained to curse for years. In only a matter of seconds, he cursed the two men's eight generations of ancestors in more than ten ways.

Tang Xuan's jaw dropped, Lerna was still trying to figure out the meaning behind the words and Jiang Qing blushed in embarrassment.

Both of the men were dumbfounded, they looked at each other, then opened and closed their mouths several times trying to say something but failed to utter a word.

Young Master Hei who understood the meaning of the few lines became furious, the raging flames of anger inside him were surging like a tsunami, he wanted to kill Mr. Black on the spot, he was about to shout but then Mr. Black who was observing his expression all along took out two handguns and shot at them.

Jiang Qing was shocked, the second she saw the guns, she thought Mr. Black was about to kill them, she wanted to stop him but it was too late.

...Swoosshh... x 2

Two air perching sound came, the two men beside Young Master Hei got caught by surprise and failed to react in time.

In Jiang Qing's view, they were good as dead, but then she noticed that what shot out from the guns were not rays of light.

Both the bullets struck their target at untraceable speed. Upon striking, an orange fog cloud covered the three men.

In the shocked eyes of Tang Xuan, Mr. Black walked to the three unconscious men and carried them several meters away from the transmission array, he then led them on the ground in a row, placed their two hands behind their heads, and finally put black sun goggle on their faces, covering their eyes.

Mr. Black then came back and stood beside Lerna like nothing happened.

Jiang Qing looked at the three men lying on the grass looking like they were sunbathing, her expression was weird. She didn't know what that orange fog was but even after it showed its effects she couldn't tell the difference, she could feel that the three men were alive and were breathing normally.

"What.. did you do? If Relion Family finds out then..." Tang Xuan was shocked, he knew that this incident could bring trouble to him.

"Nothing much, they have been affected by C45 gas, which is made after fusing the Four Eyed Desert Frog Poison and the failed Cosmetic Pills serial number 34, they won't wake up for the next three days and three nights. C45 is not that dangerous, at most it could result in some side effects like the falling of hair, falling of teeth, drying of the skin, and rapid aging of looks," Mr. Black said in a calm tone.

Tang Xuan was at loss for words.

Falling of teeth and hair? Drying of skin and rapid aging of looks? You call this not much? Would it be any better than death for them? He thought.

"Elder Tang, it is not wise to argue right now when it has already happened, if everything is good we should be able to take the inheritance and leave before anyone finds out anything about this and even if they found out I don't think that even Relion Family would be arrogant enough to pursue this matter knowing that these three were the ones who were courting death by behaving like that in front of a Calamity Lord," Jiang Qing said.

Tang Xuan heard her words and calmed down, indeed just as she said, why would Relion Family pursue this matter when Lerna is a Calamity, Lord. Furthermore, they might just kill these three to get on the good side of Lerna. The only reason Lerna was hiding her identity was because of Rex so if the trouble comes all she had to do was reveal her cultivation base and the problem will be solved.

While they were talking, Lerna was looking at the three men lying unconscious far away in slight confusion. She could see that they came over because of her beauty, but why? Why did they foolishly approach her without thinking just because she was beautiful? Was it worth it?

Lerna's mindset was not of someone who lived in human society all along, to her, strength had way more important than beauty.

If before, she had to choose between a strong partner and a beautiful partner then without a doubt she will choose the former. The concept of taking care of others and liking someone else was introduced to her after she started living in the castle at Frozen Flame so she was still not very familiar with the ways things work.

If she was aware of it then she wouldn't have removed the veil, earlier she felt Rex was purposely making her wear it because he liked it and was trying to annoy her, she didn't actually believe that beauty can attract trouble. This incident somewhat surprised her. At the same time, a thought appeared in her mind.

'Was it because of my looks that he...' The thought struck deep in her heart and a feeling of mixed emotions rose inside, she then shook her head and decided to focus on the matter at hand.

She thought about it and put back the veil on her face before proceeding further.

Mr. Black was about to use the 'You won't get to read books if you don't do as I say' threat Rex thought of for a situation like this but when he saw her wearing it, he didn't speak.

Jiang Qing and Tang Xuan looked at each other for a second then followed behind her.

On the other side...

Rex was standing in front of a giant igloo made of pale green crystals similar to jade.

The igloo had a small tunnel-like entrance and two robust dwarf guards were guarding it, both of them were clad in silver metallic armor from head to toe, the one on the left held a two-handed ax and the other one was holding a broad sword.

If it was some other time, he would have loved to go to them and share some wine but the time was very precious to him right now.

His inner mind was screaming at him to go and explore that pyramid.

Rex walked to the entry gate of the crystal igloo, the ax-wielding dwarf guard noticed him and stepped forwards.

"Please show me, your identity proof," The guard said.

Rex took out the black card he received from Alfred's inheritance and showed it to him.

"Will this do?" Rex said.

The guard took a careful look at the card then shook his head.

"I don't recognize it, hence it cannot be used as identity proof, if you have anything else please show me, your sect token would do too," The guard said.

Rex sighed, he wasn't surprised. Jiang Shuang had already said most people don't even know about this grade of the card, the guard must be new to not know about it, moreover, the people who possess these types of card are all high profile big shots whose names were all on the VIP list and are taken care of the second they show up, they travel in luxurious carriages and have a lot of guards and maids serving them. All these things are completely different considering Rex's current situation.

"Sigh... Can you call someone from your higher-ups?" Rex said.

"I would have but because of an unexpected event, everyone is busy and cannot show themselves just for identity verification, you should leave and come another time if you know someone from above and want to use it as an identity verification," The guard said.

Rex touched his chin. Suddenly his eyes gleamed, he pointed at the sky and shouted.

"See There, A Fried Spicy Phoenix!" Rex shouted in shock.

The guards subconsciously looked towards the sky. Rex's hand moved at lightning speed and struck on the back of his head.


..Pu Tong...

The guard lost consciousness and fell to the ground.

The other guard who was idle until now got dazed by this sudden development.

"What are you thinking about, call the reinforcements quick," Rex reminded him.

The guard was momentarily stunned, but then he quickly took out a jade stone and crushed it while vigilantly looking at Rex.

Soon, several silhouettes flew out from the distance and landed near Rex, circling around him to cut his escape route.

Rex observed the guards, everyone was wearing silver metal armours like the two guards except an old short-haired dwarf who was wearing black armour.

Rex waved the card at him as he spoke.

"Recognize it? Or I need to wait for the next wave?" Rex said lazily.

The dwarf was annoyed he was about to shout, but then his eyes landed on the black card Rex was waving, he was stunned.

"That... What is that?" Thee Dwarf asked in a hoarse tone. He wanted to confirm if his eyes were not deceiving him.

"Huh? Don't tell me that the 12 Venerable are no longer respected in this kingdom, you can't even recognize their card," Rex said in a surprised tone.

When the dwarves around heard his words, they instantly became furious, all the dwarves respected the 12 venerable from the bottom of their hearts so how could they take it when some random stranger on the road was insulting them.

"Brat watch your words,"

"Are you looking for death? Don't you know where are you standing right now?"

"Do you think you can get away with it after insulting..."

"Shut Up!"

The dwarves were all angry and were about to attack when their leader in black armor shouted and they all became quiet instantly.

The old dwarf walked to Rex, he again looked at the card and spoke.

"Have you verified it?" He asked in an uncertain tone.

"Verify? It can be verified?" Rex asked in confusion.

The dwarf stared at Rex then after making sure that Rex doesn't seem to be lying he pointed at the crystal igloo and spoke.

"Inject some Qi in the card and touch that monument with it," He said.

'What? Does that mean the ID problem could have been solved just by doing that? That Alfred didn't tell me this, then again maybe this method didn't exist at that time at all,' Rex thought.

He wasn't willing to waste time, so he did what the old dwarf said. He injected his Yang Qi in the card then touched the crystal igloo with it.

Suddenly, the part where the card and igloo came in contact with started shining like lights were embedded inside it, the light inside the crystal igloo moved like a fish in the water and flew to the upper part of the igloo.

After reaching the top, it got divided into several parts that moved in a set pattern, forming a symbol of two red hammers crossing each other, the symbol was the same as the one Rex had seen on Alfred's inheritance box.

The old was utterly shocked, the card was real or not was one thing and which venerable did the card represented was another.

He was not the only one, the other dwarfs were also dumbfound looking at the symbol projected above the igloo.

"Venerable Wolford?"

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