Psychic Inventor In Cultivation World

342 Chapter 336 : : Shopping

Zed could easily tell that with this much money Rex could easily win the lottery and the money will return to him, he was simply exchanging the three items for the blue carriage. It was not the first time that he was doing a lottery like that so such loss could be recovered in time, the good part is that he gained that blue carriage in exchange for them.

Rex then had a brief conversation with him to explain that what is a Caaarrrrr, he also gave the key and book to Zed telling him how to drive it and use spirit stones as fuel.

"It was a good deal, Mr. Rex," Zed said with a smile.

"I know, by the way, how long will it take for the material I ordered to arrive," Rex asked, now that he had achieved his purpose he wanted to hurry and leave.

"So you already ordered something, Hmmm… You also work here right? Go tell the one managing Mr. Rex's order to hurry, tell them it's an order from me," Zed said to the female worker standing beside Rex.

The girl was startled then nervously rushed towards the inner door.

"Calm down little lass, you are doing pretty good," Rex said with a chuckle.

Rex's words made her more nervous but she was grateful, she wasn't an idiot and could tell how much it will help her.

As expected, Zed looked at the girl and slightly nodded.

It was obvious to everyone that this girl doesn't need to worry about her low status anymore.

"Mr. Rex, why don't we go to my house and have some tea as we talk?" Zed asked.

"As I said, I'm in a little hurry right now and yeah, I wonder if I can get some discount with this," Rex said as he took out Alfred's card and showed it to him.

Olaf on the side wanted to stop but he couldn't.

The people around looked at the black card in confusion while Zed sucked in a breath of cold air.

He knew every cardholder in the current generation but now, a new one appeared?

Zed then turned to Olaf, with one look he understood most of the things.

No wonder he was following him… He thought.

Olaf's face was stiff. He remained quiet.

Rex raised his eyebrow, it was the first time he was hearing about the inheritor candidate matter, he looked at Olaf from the corner of his eyes. Olaf had a guilty expression plastered on his face but didn't say anything, he thought about slowly telling Rex this matter after building up some relationship but the cat was already out of the basket.

Rex looked at Zed, a while ago even when he revealed the car, Zed still called him Mr. Rex but now he directly addressed him as Master Rex.

This time Olaf didn't dare hide anything and told the whole story.

Furthermore, Olaf also told him that because of him sending a message regarding this matter to the higher-ups, many people including the Royal Family should already be aware of it.

Zed stood quietly on the side, from the way Rex was behaving earlier and his reaction right now, Zed concluded that Rex didn't know the real importance of the card and this Olaf didn't tell him much either so right now they were probably discussing.

After telling all these things, Olaf expected Rex to get angry or getting excited about gaining such a thing but contrary to his expectation Rex was calm as always.

'Alfred's crafting technique? It might have a little use but it isn't worth me going through all the trouble of going to Royal Family then passing those tests,' Rex thought.

The inheriting technique didn't catch his attention that much, if it was before he would be interested in getting such a thing but now that he had learned to refine artifacts this much cannot make him put so many efforts.

Right now his focus was on that pyramid on that island. He had a basic idea of what it was but he couldn't make himself believe that it was true.

When everyone was still confused about what Rex and Zed were talking about, the two girls from earlier came back, and the timid one was holding a toolkit-size black box in her hand.

The material Rex ordered was too much for even a high-grade storage ring to hold so he also ordered a storage box, the box was not just to hide the inventory but it was also study material for him.

Rex took the box from the girl and smiled at Zed, Zed took the bill from the girl and made an appropriate discount before handling it to Rex, he couldn't force him to answer if Rex didn't wish to speak.

Rex gave him the spirit stones according to the price, he then walked to Olaf's side and smiled at Zed.

Zed's opened his eyes wide, his breathing surged, he failed to maintain his calm demeanor.

"Eh... Master Rex wait, there is something I want to talk… What?" Zed was just awakened by Rex's words and was about to stop him but suddenly both Rex and Olaf disappeared in front of his eyes.

"Sp… Space Law?" He muttered to himself.

The onlookers were shocked, then some of them took out a sound transmission talisman from their storage ring while heading out from the shop. They didn't hear the conversation between Rex and Zed but a person who comprehended Space Law was always worth recruiting.

Rex left quickly because now that he knew the importance of the card, he was sure that Zed wouldn't let him go without trying a few times to recruit him as for revealing Space Law, from what Olaf said, the news will spread soon, he could minimize it if he hid the card but then what was the use of having the card?

Green Heaven Garden…

Some time ago…

After walking for half an hour, Lerna and others three arrived in front of a gigantic fortress-like building, from the design and material alone the building looked like a fortress in ancient times.

The whole building only had one stone door, which was around five-meter tall and 2 meters wide in size. Except for a closed eye that was carved on both the side of the gate, there was nothing unusual about it.

"This is as far as we could go, only Lady Lerna could advance any further," Tang Xuan said.

Lerna didn't reply to him, she moved to the gate and lightly pushed it with her hand.


The door slowly opened, a cool gust of wind flew out, making her veil sway a little. Lerna remained unfazed and stepped inside.

As soon as she entered, the door closed on its own.

Outside Jiang Qing saw Lerna entering the temple and became a little anxious.

There were no guards outside the door because from what Tang Xuan said, no non-human could enter the temple and walk out unscathed, and if a single unusual thing happened here then Relion Family would know and will cut off all route to leave this place.

Tang Xuan sat on the ground cross-legged and started cultivating, the spiritual Qi around here was better in quality than outside so cultivating here was beneficial for him even if it was only a little, it was still better than just keep standing there and do nothing.

"Elder Tang, how much time do you think she will take to come out?" Jiang Qing asked after a while.

"It is uncertain, it depends on person to person that how much time will it take for them to receive the inheritance, there are people who only take 2 hours while there are also those who take more than a whole day but the thing is I never heard of a Calamity Lord entering the temple for inheritance so I'm not sure… Huh?" Tang Xuan was still saying when he heard the sound of the door moving, he turned around and saw Lerna coming out.

Tang Xuan choked on his words in the mid-sentence.

"Lady Lerna, is something wrong? Did you not find the inheritance?" Jiang Qing asked in confusion.

"I received it, let's go back," Lerna said while walking past them.

Jiang Qing and Tang Xuan both looked at each other, they had the same thought in their mind.

It was an inheritance place and not a candy store, how the hell did you come out just after entering?

They had several doubts and were also curious about what she got and what did she exchanged it for but they didn't dare ask and quietly followed behind.

When they arrived at the transmission array, they saw three men sunbathing with black goggles covering their eyes on the side and felt relieved.

They used the transmission array and left the place.

Underground Vrusallon city…

Nature Wings Dressing Shop…

Rex carefully observed the mannequin of a woman in front of him while circling it.

The black mannequin was wearing a one-piece white gown, the cloth used in making the gown was special and without a doubt was of high quality, but the cloth was clinging to the mannequin showing all its curves furthermore it was very thin and one could barely see the surface colour of the mannequin wearing it.

[No matter how I look at it, even if it's transformable clothing this thing is not something someone could wear while walking on the streets.]

'It's best if she can wear it in her room though,' (Rex)

[What excuse you gonna give this time.]

'Hehehe… I just need to say that it's innerwear,' Rex grinned.

[Looks like 'Lesser Regeneration' is going to advance one of these days.]

Olaf on the side gave strange looks to Rex.

After leaving the tower, he asked for forgiveness and Rex easily let the matter slide, Rex then asked him to take him to the best transformable clothing shop, the working girl from earlier had crossed the clothing items on the bill meaning that they don't have them in stock, he could use his new status to ask Zed to bring him some transformable clothes but to do that he would have to do a long chat with him.

"Heehee... Looks like you are buying clothes for your wife," The woman standing beside the counter said in a meaningful tone.

Rex raised his head and looked at the woman in front of him, He felt a little envious when looking at her.

The woman was blonde, she had long hairs and green eyes, coupled with her pointed ears, anyone could tell that she was an elf.

Her beautiful face and hourglass figure was a combination that could summon the evil spirit hidden within any man's heart but when Lisa told Rex that this temporary shop actually belongs to her husband and she is just giving him a helping hand, his evil spirit instantly committed suicide.

This shop was one of the temporary shops built by an elf merchant who joined the trading fare. In terms of quality, this was expensive but the best shop in terms of clothing.

"Yeah, she is a cold one, any recommendations Madam Lisa?" Rex asked.

"Hmm… I need some precise details about her appearance if not her real form if you want a recommendation," Lisa said.

"If it's just that then…" Rex used the smart band and presented some pictures of Lerna he had taken earlier.

Lisa was surprised at first but then Rex again repeated the well-written explanation of his products.

Olaf on the side was wondering if Rex was doing it on purpose.

"I understand, her size is bigger than I thought, transformable clothes can auto-adjust their size according to the wearer but a woman needs to consider much more than just that, especially when she is of snake kin, I had attended to customers from snake kin before so I know how picky they are in terms of clothing," Lisa said. After some thought, she used a sound transmission talisman to contact her husband and asked him to send a different set of clothes.

Rex didn't tell her Lerna's real race instead he presented her as a demi-human of snake subspecies who has achieved full beast transformation.

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