Psychic Inventor In Cultivation World

343 Chapter 337 : : It Wasn't On The Lis

It was not just because of aesthetic reasons but the vast difference in lifespan, humans have supremacy in cultivation talent but their lifespan is less than demi-humans much less someone from the monster race who has a few times more lifespan compared to demi-humans.

If he had mentioned Lerna's race, then according to Lisa, although they both were young for now but later even when Rex grows old and perishes with time, Lerna would still be young and have to bear the pain of losing him, that's why such type of love stories are not supported by many.

But these type of things had long been left behind by Rex, at most he could be defined as a variant human but if his lifeform level is taken into account, he is very close to becoming a true divine beast albeit his abilities has already surpassed one.

"Until the goods arrive why don't we choose a dress for you," Lisa said to Rex.

Rex nodded. He also wished to buy clothes, he didn't try to buy clothes for Ria because she had just gotten control over her semi beast form and had a long way to go before she could achieve full transformation. Moreover, if his plan succeeds he could leave behind a long-distance teleportation platform here that he could use to come here anytime with Ria later on.

"To choose a suitable dress, I first have to know what type of transformation you go through," Lisa said while observing Rex's body from head to toe.

"Well, something like this," Rex said as he took off his coat and loosened his shirt, four blood-red wings grew out from his back, this startled both Lisa and Olaf.

Rex didn't hesitate to reveal his wings.

There were quite a lot of bird-type subspecies of demi-humans so even if he reveals the wings he will only be seen as a little special person, of course, if he reveals the other form of Battle-Wings then it will be a completely different story.

"How do you like my beautiful wings," Rex said with a smug face.

Lisa raised her eyebrows.

Beautiful? Scary might be a more accurate word… She thought but she didn't say it, how can she act rude to her customers? Even if those wings would have looked like rotten tree bark she wouldn't say it.

Olaf was confused, he expected Rex to be a human but seeing his wings, he believed Rex to be a demi-human.

Because of the effect of Black Pendent, both Lisa and Olaf couldn't see through him or tell that he isn't a demi-human.

"They are indeed beautiful… in their way, lucky for you, we also have transformable clothes that suit this form, wait a minute," Lisa said then started browsing the space boxes arranged in the shelves near the counter.

'These blind people cannot see the beauty of my wings,' Rex thought as he looked at Lisa's bu- back and Olaf's face.

He had learned a lot from Rose's face reading and could guess what those two were thinking with a glance.

"Found it," Lisa said, she opened the space box and took out two mannequins wearing a different set of clothing and placed them in front of Rex.

Both the mannequin were of men, both of them were wearing a full set of clothes.

The first one wore a tight-fitting sleeveless jacket and narrow black jeans together with black leather shoes.

The second wore a full-sleeved blood-red coat reaching his knees and tight black jeans together with shiny black boots.

"Both of them come in full sets, so which one would you like?" Lisa asked with a smile when she saw the bright eyes of Rex.

"Is it a question you should ask? Just pack them both," Rex said.

Lisa nodded. She was very pleased right now, after all, it was not every day someone buys that many transformable clothes because they are very expensive.

'I could use both of them when acting like two different people,' Rex thought.

"How's it going?"

The voice of a man reverberated in the room.

Rex raised his head and looked at the door.

A tall man with long pointed ears and silver hair reaching his waist was standing at the door, he was carrying a box in each of his hand.

'Silver hair and long pointed ears, a high elf? No wonder,' Rex thought when he looked at the man.

Lisa smiled and gave him quick hug before helping him to carry the boxes inside.

High elves are like born nobles in elves, their innate aptitude for cultivation and bloodline is higher compared to others, if it was on earth they will be treated as walking idols or actors, everyone wishes to be close to them, meaning a male high elf like him would be a walking fanny magnet for normal females elves.

Rex won't be surprised if the man was literally a noble in his kingdom. The treatment and living style of an aristocrat varies from kingdom to kingdom. In the elven kingdom, it won't be surprising for a noble to work as a merchant. From what Rex knows, in the elven kingdom, a noble status is only a rank that represents the privileges and not the territory, elves don't have a territory claiming system as they believe forest belongs to everyone until they try to harm it.

Lisa opened the boxes and started browsing through the dresses inside. The high elf man looked at Rex and smiled.

"I'm Gordan, it's a pleasure to meet you two," Gordan said in a polite tone.

Rex introduced himself and started chatting with him.

Gordan was like a walking information bank for him, especially since he was a merchant.

Just as Rex expected, Gordan was Noble's son but because he liked traveling and had a talent for business, he became a merchant and founded Fairy Wings Dressing Store, from what he said 30% of all the clothes made in his city are from Fairy Wings Dressing Store, this might not be the best clothing store but have quite a name for itself when it comes to transformable clothing.

Gordan had opened several shops here and arranged his trusted men as the shopkeepers, he didn't bring many men with him because their security here was guaranteed by the Royal Family of Davalon, so in case he really needed to do something he will do it himself.

According to elven beliefs, if there is something they could do themselves and still ask or tell others to do it then they are treated as a disgrace.

Such beliefs are the reason for Elves being able to match most developed kingdoms like Davalon while most of their population still living like tribals in the forest.

"This is the one I was talking about," Lisa interrupted their conversation as she took out three mannequins and placed them on the floor.

All the three mannequins were of women, they were shaped like a tall and mature woman which closely resembled Lerna's figure.

All three were wearing a white dress, the white cloth looked soft, it was even shining into seven different colors when the light fell on it, It reminded Rex of high-quality pure silk cloth.

Although all three mannequins were wearing a white dress, their designs were different.

The first one had a blouse covering her chest and lagging for the bottom, it was similar to what Fairy Ren's statue was wearing, a dress similar to Arabic dancers.

The second was wearing a long frock, starting from below its bare sounders and long enough touching the ground, in a way it looked like a wedding dress with a Mexican touch.

The third was a simple type, it was a combination of a loose T-shirt and knee-length skirt.

"Pack all three," Rex didn't push his neurons to the limit in trying to understand a women's psychology and do the impossible by trying to figure out which one was better, instead of doing that he ordered all three of them.

Gordan was slightly surprised while Lisa dragged the mannequins to another room to pack the dress.

It took her less than half an hour to pack all five dresses including that gown and come back with the bill.

"So the payment will be in spirit stones or vitality stones?" Lisa asked.

Humans normally only trade in spirit stones but demi-humans also use vitality stones to make the trade that's why she asked.

"Spirit stones is fine," Rex said as he almost emptied his whole pocket and came back to being broke.

Before leaving, he didn't forget to take out two ID cards and give them to the couple, the cards might not be useful for now but in the future, it won't be the same.

Gordan also gave him his business card.

"Master Rex, where should we go next?" Olaf said. He had started calling him Master Rex since the time he revealed everything.

Rex didn't reply immediately but thought

'Hmm... I cannot get those three items until tomorrow, but should I stay here until then? No, Lerna and others can come back to the upper city anytime, I cannot trust Lerna and Jiang Qing with Mr. Black alone, Tang Xuan is already on the suspicious list. It's better to go and check for myself, I can also handover the clothes to Lerna so if the situation really arrives she could use her full strength without any worry,' Rex thought and decided to head back to the upper city.

The trip back to the surface was very smooth, no unexpected hurdle stopped them.

As soon as he arrived in the upper Vrusallon city, his sound transmission talisman activated, Jiang Qing informed him that nothing was wrong and told him the address of the inn they were staying in.

Rex arrived at the place, it was less like an inn and more like a five-star hotel. The rooms they were staying in were on the 6th floor.

All of them were in different rooms, Tang Xuan wanted to talk but Rex told him that he wanted to rest for now so he had no choice but to comply.

Rex then told Olaf that he could now leave but he disagreed, he decided to live in the inn and accompany him, Rex didn't peruse him more and headed to Lerna's room.

When he opened the door, he saw Lerna sitting on the bed with a book in her hand like usual.

The room was big as a hall, one of his sides was made of a reinforced one side see-through glass, half of which was covered by a beautifully painted canvas.

The oval-shaped bed in the middle was big enough for orcs to do wrestling.

A fragrant essence was burning in the corner of the room, making the air feel refreshing.

There were many more things inside the room but Rex wasn't in the mood to observe them all, he leaped on the bed, buried his face into the soft mattress, and crawled until he was almost bumping into Lerna.

He then closed his eyes and became motionless like he went into a deep sleep.

"How was your day?" Lerna asked without turning her head.

Normally, she wouldn't take the initiative to talk but since leaving the castle she was feeling somewhat bored. At the castle, there was that little boy of her that she needs to keep an eye on all day, but since leaving the castle all she did was read and get worried about his well-being. It was the reason why she barged into Rex's rooms since the first day of their trip.

"Hmmm....." (Rex)

"Did you get the things you wanted?" Lerna looked at him and asked.

"Hmm..." (Rex)

"Did you buy the cultivation technique for Aru?" Lerna held back her urge to hit him on the head and asked.

"Hm... Huh?" Rex raised his head.

'Rose, did we buy it?' (Rex)

[We didn't.]

'Why?' (Rex)

[It wasn't on the list.]

Rex was at a loss, he slowly turned his head towards Lerna who was narrowing her eyes at him.


She closed the book in her hands with a jolt and put it on the side, she seemed like someone who had finally found an excuse to cause trouble.

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