Psychic Inventor In Cultivation World

347 Chapter 341 : : Canopy King

But now that he had seen two experts at the same level as him lurking around in the kingdom, he decided to do a thorough checkup, he was also curious about the Frozen Flame the organization Rex belonged to but there was one more important matter at hand, the news of the floating island had also reached his ear so he had sent many people for investigation it was now time to go and see the results.

"After the construction of Wine Pool \u0026 Fountain is complete, I will surely invite you as a chief guest, why don't you come and live in the royal guest mansion until then? This way you can use your chance to comprehend the inheritance technique whenever you want," Vortos asked one final time before leaving.

Rex shook his head. He didn't tell Vortos that he will be leaving soon or else Vortos wouldn't have let him go that easily. Before leaving he returned the card to Rex, according to him even if Rex himself doesn't want it he could give it to his descendants, Rex accepted it and didn't forget to mention Olaf in the conversation, Vortos naturally understood the meaning, giving a promotion was no big deal for him.

After he left, Rex called Jiang Qing and Tang Xuan to his room.

"Today, I will be going to leave this place and chase after that meteor with Lerna and Little Jiang, Elder Tang I'm thankful for your help until now as promised you can go and ask for a Spirit rank Low-grade weapon from my collection at Myriad Auction House in Corentis when you go back.

You already know about the friction that occurred between Relion Family and me, it has nothing to do with you so you don't need to take responsibility, I don't know what is special about that meteor but a bloody battle between powerhouses will likely break out when I go there.

I have no intention of forcing you to go with me, and I know that taking you there might involve the organization behind you in this matter, so if you like you can head back alone, stay here or go to Sect Master Sung and stay with him while you are here, I won't stop you," Rex said to Tang Xuan with a serious expression.

When Jiang Qing was telling him the address of the inn they were staying at she was also anxious about Mr. Black's action and told him about the whole incident but Rex didn't care about such a thing even a bit.

Right now he was just using this excuse to scare away Tang Xuan. Tang Xuan might be his business comrade but he could tell that the relationship between them was built on benefits and the lie from back then confirmed it. Sometimes a lie is all it takes to change the status of a person in our heart.

He had no intention to babysit someone and share his benefits while making them believe in him.

Wang Cang believed in him without knowing anything, it moved his heart.

Jiang Shuang had the guts to sign the soul contract, betting his life and future on the line, which got his approval.

Whether it was Aiden, Fred, Aiden... etc they all had a specialty in them that made them unique from the masses, most of them considered others' wellbeing above their own, they knew how to return the favour at times.

But what about Tang Xuan? It was just business.

If you don't want to stay, I will give you the reason to leave... He thought.

Tang Xuan hesitated for a moment before sighing. He really didn't want to go against Relion Family and bring trouble to his Tang Family but he also wanted to have good relations with Rex. Of course, if he knew about the card then things might be a little different.

"It was a pleasure to be of help to Master Rex, I haven't been to Tang Family so I will head there instead, if Master Rex has time later then please visit our Tang Family, we are a famous merchant family that operates over a wide area in the whole Myriad Beast Continent and..." Tang Xuan told a long tail about Tang Family before handling a visiting card containing the information about Tang Family and a VIP token that could be used when doing business with Tang Family.

Rex listened to the whole thing 'intently' and even had an excited expression on his face in the end he sighed and said in a helpless tone.

"Elder Tang, I'm telling you if it wasn't for my research on meteoric rocks then I would have given priority to Tang Family and have gone to visit Patriarch Tang, but sigh..." Rex said.

Tang Xuan was relieved seeing that Rex didn't have any bad feelings towards Tang Family, he then bid farewell to them and left.

Soon after, Rex quietly left the city with Lerna and Jiang Qing without alerting Olaf.

Several hours later...

Glistening Spring Wildland, in terms of size, it is the largest forest in the Myriad Beast Continent. The weather here is extremely hot but the whole forest is still covered in greenery. Most of the area in this forest is covered in grass, weeds, shrubs, and especially mountains, with trees only occupying a small part.

From one point of view, this forest is easier to travel because of no dense trees obstructing their way but it is not that simple, many shrubs and plants here are poisonous enough to kill a Golden Core stage expert within 6 hours of touch. The specialty of Glistening Spring Wildland is poison, although it is not as dangerous as Misty Maze Forest most of its area is still counted as a forbidden zone.

The Kingdom of Davalon is built on the edge of this forest.

Right now, a giant white truck with a strange body frame was dashing through the outer region of Glistening Spring Wildland.

The truck was huge in size, instead of tires it had tracks and driving crawler belt like a war tank but the crawler belt doesn't seem to be made of metal instead of black rubber-like material. The tracks and driving crawler belts were divided into three segments on both left and right sides to move more freely.

The truck had folded mechanical arms on top at the front and back roof, an oval-shaped transparent green shield was covering its whole body, several scouting bots were flying in the air around it to check the location and discover any hidden dangers.

The truck was moving like a wild mammoth that crushed any obstacle blocking its path into pieces, it moved almost unhindered in the forest as it made its way forwards, moreover, the truck had the aura of a Calamity Lord around it that prevented any strong beast to even have a thought of approaching it.

Mr. Black was sitting on the driver's seat of the truck. The vehicle was on auto-drive so he was literally just sitting on the driver seat.

The inner section of the truck was divided into four spacious cuboidal shaped rooms. All of the rooms had a spacial array implanted in them making them way bigger than one would expect them to be when looking from outside. The four rooms were divided into two floors, two rooms on each, all having a unique interior theme used in decorating them. For example, one had a mini pool inside with rubber fishes floating in it, Rex couldn't carry living fishes in his inventory so he had to do with rubber fishes.

The second had beautiful and fragrant flower beds installed in them, the third had a library font and the last was a normal room with a theme resembling a five-star hotel on earth.

Rex made this room very simple to match his taste, he thought this way he could enjoy his time in peace without anyone disturbing him but... He was wrong.

He retracted his gaze from the digital window and looked at the two women playing chess on his bed. He was feeling complicated inside.

[I wonder what would Zed and Olaf think if they saw the Canopy King,]

'Who cares, I already gave them the Desert Queen, from the price they gave me I can tell they are not ready for this baby,' Rex said.

Jiang Qing on the bed, sighed deeply.

Earlier when Lerna was getting bored, Rex played chess with her to appease her boredom but even after several games Lerna didn't win a single match, hence Rex was thrown aside and now Jiang Qing was 'willingly' playing chess with her after she got stared at by a Calamity Lord for a few minutes that seemed like a century.

Lerna moved her queen and finished the game, winning three consecutive matches in a row, as a result, her mood was restored to the peak.

"How long will it take, until we reach it?" Lerna turned to Rex and asked.

Seeing that she was not interested in playing anymore, Jiang Qing was relieved.

"Not sure, I calculated the location based on its trajectory and speed but there are also external factors, if I am right then even with this speed it should take at least 3 days, but nothing is accurate who knows if the island doesn't fall and continues to float in the air? Or it starts to fly again at the time when it was about to fall? Its trajectory might also change," Rex said.

Lerna nodded.

"Master Rex I'm going to sleep so I will take my leave here," Jiang Qing said in a polite tone.

Rex smiled, he took out a small glass bottle containing several orange pills and gave it to her.

"I had bought some high-grade Body Cleansing Pills when strolling through the market, use them well, they can help you cleanse your body from hidden impurities, which will greatly help you in cultivation," He said as he handed the bottle to her.

Jiang Qing took it with sparkling eyes and left the two of them alone in the room.

"Do you think it will be dangerous?" Lerna asked after Jiang Qing left the room.

"Hmm... Probably, but not sure how dangerous, we will first observe things from the side then will move accordingly. If the situation looks too dangerous we will back off for now and I will either seek Zakiya's help or breakthrough to the Sky Body Formation stage before coming back.

That aside, if I'm right we will be able to find a good cultivation technique for you after this trip," Rex said with a smirk.

The island will likely attract many people, and many of them would be monster race cultivators from big sects like Temple Of War who will likely have precious cultivation techniques with them, even if they die as long as their brain is in one piece this is all he needed to extract them.

At that time, Rex could choose one good technique for her and use the knowledge obtained from the rest to upgrade and modify it according to her body. Although he can also upgrade cultivation techniques for others with enough knowledge but the upgrade would not be too extreme because unlike him, their body's inner structure cannot be altered according to their will during evolution.

Lerna didn't ask more, she now had unconditional trust in him and believed his words without any doubt or suspicion.

Time flew quickly and three days passed without any unexpected event. On the morning of the fourth day, Rex finally saw what he was looking for.

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