Psychic Inventor In Cultivation World

348 Chapter 342 : : Mysterious Pyramid

The Long-Range Teleportation Platform was a subsidiary project he started working on when he was trying to make a new Ancient Teleportation Portal, it's an intermediate point between the Ancient Teleportation Portal and Mobile Transmission Array Platform he made before. Unlike the Mobile Teleportation Array Platform its range was very long, the Ancient Teleportation Portal was capable of teleporting people from one planet to another and the Long-Range Teleportation Platform was made using the same technology is enough to define how long its range was.

For Rex, the best thing that happened in thee three days was his soul increased in quality after tempering and now its grade advanced to C+ grade from D+, the change was quite big even if it was a 9th-grade spirit pill, the special soul cultivation played a big role in letting him absorb most of its effect.

A Soul Tempering Pill can be used a total of three times before it completely loses its effect, the second time's effect would be just around half the previous ones and the same goes for the third time, and the lower the grade of the soul the higher will be its effect, so the second and third might not have much effect on him but Rex still wanted to try them. As for where to get them, there was no need to worry about it because now he had the recipe of the pill, but he decided to first use the memory orb later on before attempting to refine it moreover he didn't have the required herb to refine the pill either so Rex gave up on that for now.

After three days, Mr. Black informed him about the sight in front and he saw what he was looking for.

Far away in the forest, a tower made of light was piercing the sky. The tower felt like a GPS mark to him because even if someone didn't know a thing about the island or pyramid, as long as they were close enough, it could catch their attention.

"Advance," Rex said to Mr. Black.

Mr. Black took control and drove the truck towards the light tower.

Suddenly, Rex's eyelids flickered, his Spider-Sense reacted, he felt like someone just stared at him.

"There are more than one Calamity Lords ahead, they are probing us," Lerna frowned. She and Jiang Qing were also present, after all this was something for which they had to postpone their plans, leave the city, and come here.

"Hmm… Leave some traces to let them know your cultivation base but try to make it look less intentional as possible," Rex said.

Lerna nodded then after a few seconds her expression became strange.

"They are probing you more than me," Lerna said while looking at him.

Rex was tongue-tied.

He had a feeling this might happen but he could do nothing about it. At the moment, he looked just like any other mortal in those experts' eyes and if they really believe it then they should just go and use spirit tofu to commit.

It was the Black Pendant that stopped their spiritual sense from probing his body, no matter how many efforts they put they won't be able to probe him. It was a 4th grade Treasure Artifact for a reason, if its ability can prove to be ineffective against those Calamity Lords then Zakiya would likely end her Artifact Refiner currier.

"Well, let them try. The unknown is feared more than the strongest anyway," Rex said then continued the advance.

Soon after the canopy King arrived at a wide-open area without any plants or trees, there wasn't even a blade of grass on the ground, on closer look they only saw some dry ash flying in the air.

Rex looked in front, the island with the gigantic pyramid on top of it was floating just above the ground.

But this alone emitted so much pressure that it made a big hemispheric hole in the ground, moreover, there was still that light barrier around it but right now the light barrier was almost as transparent as glass, letting the onlookers see the pyramid inside.

Rex didn't focus much on the island or the barrier, his eyes started scanning the gigantic pyramid the second he saw it.

The pyramid was different from the ones he had seen on earth, it was wholly made of dark orange stones, several strange inscriptions were covering its surface, not leaving even a meter of free space. There was not a single door or window on the whole pyramid, the pyramid had a strange atmosphere around it especially the big vertical eye enclosed inside an inverted triangle symbol near its peak, it had alluring hypnosis like effect to it.

When Jiang Qing looked at it she was lost in a daze, only when Lerna shook her shoulder did she came to herself.

'This pattern, this method, and the power that could prevent Sky Body Formation experts from entering, there is no doubt about it, this is an Inheritance Tomb but why here? Shouldn't inheritance tombs only exist in the Higher Realm?' Rex thought.

"Master Rex, they are eyeing us," Jiang Qing whispered in a low voice.

Rex heard her words and retracted his gaze from the pyramid, he then looked around and saw the other people staring at their side.

The pyramid had without a doubt attracted a lot of forces in the continent and there were still those that were on their way here.

Rex saw many groups of people wearing different dress codes and occupying a place to set up their temporary base in the surrounding. The bases on the ground were not the only thing, many skyships were floating in the sky, the cultivators on them were observing everything that was happening down below.

All the groups had a significant distance from each other and the island itself, the distance from the island represented their status and power. The stronger forces occupied large space and set their camps near the island while the weaker forces stayed at faraway places, if the stronger forces were taken as wolves that were present to hunt the prey then weaker ones were only there to get tiny pieces of meat stuck in the bones.

Rex vividly inspected his surroundings and recognized the various forces behind those groups.

Group of people wearing black robes, faint black smoke oozing out of their bodies, giving the feeling of sinister aura and intense killing intent to others around… Abyssal Chasm Sect.

Group of people wearing purple-blue robes having a tough and sturdy body that didn't seem like it could be easily moved… Temple Of War.

Group of people wearing long white robes, their bodies emitting sharp sword aura, all of them having a sword hanging on their waist… Supreme Sword Sect.

There were too many groups and Rex didn't recognizance most of them, he was still observing other groups when he felt some malicious gazes directed at him.

The closest group was of cultivators from Yellow Sand Sect, they all were wearing a light yellow robe and being led by an old man with white hairs, from their preparation it looked like it wasn't long since they came here. Right now they were staring at Rex with hostility filling their eyes.

Rex observed their surrounding and noticed that the ground around them had traces of dried blood, he shook his head. He was at the outermost edge of the open area around the island, so the group here were the weakest.

When he arrived here, the Yellow Sand Sect had taken this place as their territory meaning that had either pushed away or eradicated the group previously, the former was unlikely as many here didn't want the others to go out and spread the information as a form of revenge. Although they could bully and extort the weak, they could only behave like that in front of those weaker than them, if a group of people from a big force had come instead of Rex then they would have quietly moved away but seeing four people coming out in a strange carriage was nothing scary to them.

Rex didn't wish to waste his time with them so he signaled Mr. Black to take the shot.

"If they retreat after one kill, then let them go if not, then I only need storage rings, rest can be thrown away," Rex said. He had no intention of being mistakes as someone by evil forces so he did not think about collecting their corpses in front of everyone.

Rex then ignored the group and their mockery filled gazes after he commanded Mr. Black.

"Master Rex, it is reacting," Jiang Qing took out a sound transmission talisman and said in an excited tone.

Rex's lips curled into a smile, it was the sound transmission talisman he had given to Sung Lee, it reacted which meant that they were also close.

'This tomb attracted so many forces so how can it not attract a sect expertise in trading information,' He thought

Just at this time, the sound of explosions and ray gunshots sounded but Rex didn't pay it any heed and contacted Sung Lee, the reply came soon after.

Rex looked at Mr. Black coming back with a cloth pouch filled with storage rings in his hands and signaled him to get in. Sung Lee had told him their coordinates, so Rex headed towards them.

Everyone saw the demise of the group from Yellow Earth Sect but didn't react and only watched from afar, burning the faces of Rex and Jiang Qing in their memory, Mr. Black's mask, and Lerna's veil hid their faces.

Soon they reached the place.

On the way, many other groups saw them but they weren't reckless like Yellow Sand Sect and quietly observed, they were waiting for someone to take a shot first, if the opponent was weak they could snatch the benefits and if it was a little strong then they could save their efforts.

But they kept waiting and no one took the shot, and when they saw the truck approaching a strong group base, they retracted their gazes and gave up the idea.

Rex saw the skyships of Black Scorpion Sect and Cold Heaven Sect stationed close to each other, several tents were built around the too ships that were housing the elite disciples and elders.

He wasn't surprised by the two sects setting their bases so close to each other, they both were the sects from Golden Bird Continent so it was inevitable to experience rejection from the sects of Myriad Beast Continent, it won't be strange if they allied and found a random excuse to attack them right now, that's why they set their base near to prevent any ambush.

The Canopy King entered their range, disciples from Black Scorpion Sect made way for the truck, Sung Lee had informed them about Rex coming in, although they were surprised to see the strange truck but the symbol of Frozen Flame on its sides was clearly visible to them.

When Rex arrived near Black Scorpion Sect's ship he saw Sung Lee and his two sect ancestors looking at him with sparkling eyes. Rex's lips twitched, he felt like he was a little girl throwing herself in the den of the three wolves to be taken advantage of, he knew it but he still came because working in a group can save a lot of efforts before entering a tomb.

And these people can give him an idea of the current situation around here.

Sung Lee led them in the ship just after arriving. Rex organized a small meeting in a room with the trio, as for Jiang Qing and Lerna they went into their previous rooms without saying a word, the former was too weak to join the meeting while the latter was uninterested.

"You people, didn't you go to take care of Green Mantis Sect, why are you here?" Rex asked, even though he knew the answer he still asked so that if they somehow already know about it and hid it then he could find out by their facial movements.

"We were planning to do that at first, but the flying meteor made us change our plan, and the Green Mantis Sect in now here anyway so the plan we made and the traps we set to attack their sect became totally useless," Sung Lee said with a bitter smile.

Everything was unexpected in life, they made multiple plans to settle their score with Green Mantis Sect and checked several times to not leave behind any loophole but who knew that one unexpected event made all their plan useless. Moreover, because of this, they have revealed themselves and now it won't be hard for Green Mantis Sect to guess their motive.

Rex nodded, according to the analysis report, he wasn't lying...

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