Psychic Inventor In Cultivation World

349 Chapter 343 : : So Do They Also Have A Ship?

Sung Lee was momentarily startled by the way of asking, but then he hurriedly reacted.

"No Master Rex you clearly misunderstood, I did send two men to track you and inform you after we confirmed that, it wasn't just a meteor but you are too fast, if I'm right you had probably headed towards the meteor before my men found you," Sung Lee explained.

[Likely not lying,]

'Hmm… They were after the Green Mantis Sect which is in another kingdom, if I'm right they saw the meteor before it arrived in the Davalon but they weren't chasing it when we saw it so my guess is they waited until they confirmed that it wasn't meteor before following tracks left behind by other forces while chasing it, our traveling speed was fast so his men were probably searching in Willow Wisp City when we were already in Vrusallon City,' Rex guessed.

"Hmm… I just casually asked, don't take it seriously, so what's the situation right now," Rex asked with a kind smile.

Sung Lee forced a smile, it didn't matter if Rex was speaking the truth or spouting bullshit, right now he had to acknowledge even the bluntest lie.

This time, Sung Suyin spoke.

"It's been quite a while since the island had stopped at this place but no one was able to enter it, the barrier around it looks weak at first sight but even the all-out attack of a Calamity Lord didn't leave a single scar on it furthermore the barrier doesn't just take the attack, previously after it was attacked for a limited number of times, it attacked back and at that time, those who had stayed in 5-mile range perished without leaving behind their bones," Sung Suyin said with a solemn face.

"Eh… Then what about that Relion Family's Wyvern... I mean dragon, did he die?" Rex asked in an uncertain tone, because if it was really the case then Beast God Temple would soon likely be in chaos.

"No, he was too cautious, although we weren't here when he moved but we heard that he only attacked twice, his first attack was to break the barrier but when it didn't do any damage he used more strength in his second strange, and when the two attacks didn't do any damage, instead of attacking again he retreated far away and just observed.

At that time, he might have looked like a coward but it was the right decision, the Grand Elder of Blood Spear Sect took the lead after him and kept attacking with his group and after around 100 rounds of attack was dealt, a soundless shockwave only made of light covered them and their bodies turned into ashes and flew away with the wind," Sung Suyin said.

"We were thinking what to do when Master Rex came," Sung Huang stroked his beard as he spoke.

"Hmm… I recommend that we wait, for now even if we somehow entered the island, we cannot easily take away the treasures inside under the gazes of so many peoples anyway," Rex said in a casual tone.

Sung Suyin and Sung Huang looked at each other and nodded.

"Master Rex there was one more matter," Sung Lee thought about something and spoke.

"Is it about Cold Heaven Sect? So you two are really in an alliance," Rex raised his eyebrow. Black Scorpion Sect was in a temporary alliance with him so them allying with others without telling him is considered rude behavior, he didn't mind it but acting that way was still necessary to keep them in check.

"No, we are just setting up our base together to watch each other's backs from the neighboring groups nothing else, if I'm right Cold Heaven Sect will more likely form their alliance with the sects they were going to do mock battles with," Sung Lee retorted.

Forming an alliance was not an easy matter, Cold Heaven Sect knew about their relationship with Rex but according to them Rex wasn't here and even if he was, forming an alliance required a solid basis, normally it would be a transaction in the form of gifts to show their willingness and from their behavior earlier, Rex might ask them to form a contract which wasn't a favorable thing.

Moreover what if Rex took all the good things they found inside for himself? It was a common thing powerhouses would do, whether they were righteous or evil, benefits can move both, and killing to siege the treasure was the main problem.

When one side is way stronger than the other then it's more like subordination than alliance, and they weren't willing to be subordinated.

Compared to that, they prefer to ally with the sects they had known for a very long time, and those sects are more than one, whereas Black Scorpion Sect only had their elite disciples and elders with them.

Sung Lee couldn't think like them, one of the reasons was that he had received a precious gift from Rex so he couldn't show such pettiness and the other was their temporary alliance with Rex.

"The problem I'm referring to is Green Mantis Sect, Master Rex just like us, Green Mantis Sect also do assassination business but unlike us, they don't have principles, what I want to say is, they know their specialty is assassination and not frontal offense so they will likely try to ally with a strong force. If they do find a strong force that is willing to take them in then there is a high chance that they will try to take care of us," Sung Lee said in a serious tone.

Rex slightly nodded, suddenly his eyes lit up and he spoke.

"Hey, in a way Green Mantis Sect can prove to be a threat to you, so they should be around the same level as you," Rex said.

"Yes, so?" Sung Lee asked in confusion.

"So do they also have a skyship?" Rex asked without hiding the eagerness in his eyes.

Sung Lee's lips twitched. Sung Suyin and Sung Huang were also at a loss.

Since they arrived here, they were trying to avoid Green Mantis Sect but now they had a feeling that it will be the opposite.

"Yes, they do and its order made ship known for its precise turning rate that makes its hard to chase it," Sung Huang quickly said with a straight face.

Rex gave the old man a long look, who was so excitedly trying to kill with a borrowed knife.

'Humph, his face is thick,' Rex snorted inwardly.

[He is still a pebble compared to a mountain like you,]

'Hehe... You finally understand my greatness,' Rex lightly laughed.

[In terms of thickness,]

Rex's face instantly turned dark.

"Okay then, it's decided we will stay quiet for now, I'm going into closed-door cultivation, keep giving me intel on current events in every 48 hours and if something big happens then inform me immediately. One more thing, don't bother Lady Lerna in any way, she has short temper, if she goes on a rampage then with damage we might also earn hatred from all sides which is not a good thing right now," Rex said.

All three of them agreed.

For the next several days, Rex focused on refining the Long-Range Teleportation Platform and prototype of Ancient Teleportation Portal.

Sung Lee kept giving him intel from time to time.

The outside situation had changed for the better.

More and more new forces came and tried to set their bases as close as possible to the island, as a result, fights broke out and the causalities dyed the ground red. In the end, big forces couldn't take it anymore and calmed the situation down, they kicked out anyone who tried to fight, of course it was after taking their supplies and resources as a 'punishment' which also saved them the efforts to go back to the sect and refill their stocks.

Storage rings had limited space so no one would carry food in large quantities, the vegetation and beast found in Glistering Spring Wildland were mostly poisonous. To those who walked the path of body cultivation, this was a huge problem if they wanted to be in top shape all the time.

Many cunning small forces saw this as a business opportunity as well as the ticket to escape the clutches of big forces, they opened stalls to sell the goods, and soon a small street market was formed.

As time passed, the news spread, and people from Davalon and neighboring kingdom started to come and have a look out of curiosity.

Rex's emotions were somewhat complicated when he read this in the report.

The Inheritance Tomb was now being treated as a tourist spot by the common folks… He thought.

Sung Lee was doubtful at first as to why big sects were seizing this place but then he soon realized it, they were intending to use the cultivators from weak forces as cannon fodders. Even a Calamity Lord failed to break just the outermost barrier of the island so the dangers inside were not something they could casually underestimate.

This whole time, the forces close to the island kept experimenting, trying to find a way to enter the barrier but there were no results.

After 8 days, something unexpected happened.

A disciple from Temple Of War at Human Venerable peak stage accidentally managed to enter the barrier.

This shocked the masses, they had already tried it two days ago but they failed and now it happened.

The group leader then tried to send another disciple at the same cultivation stage and she too succeeded.

After a few more experiments, it was proved that the barrier was now letting in those below Earth's Venerable stage.

All forces whether big or small mobilized all their disciples at the Human Venerable stage to send them in. This was the golden day for Human Venerable stage disciples.

Sung Lee urgently sent the report to Rex and discussed if they should disciple from their sect here, they didn't bring the disciple at Heaven Venerable stage with them so they could do nothing but watch. Rex rejected their idea and told them to patiently wait.

If Rex really wanted to send someone right now then he would have tried to send Mr. Black instead.

When this happened, some cultivators tried to outsmart the barrier using spirit tool to seal their cultivation base and enter but failed.

Rex laughed when he heard this, if those people really managed to outsmart a tomb-like that then what face would cultivators from the Higher Realm have.

Two days after that, another news spread, cultivators below Heaven Venerable Realm could enter the barrier.

Sung Lee was about to mobilize his sect's elite disciples to go in and inspect but Rex stopped him, after some thinking Sung Lee decided to believe him.

Two days later, everyone below Core Forming Realm was able to enter the barrier.

But the news didn't make the cultivators below Heaven Venerable realm happy because although they managed to enter the barrier, they failed to find a way to enter the pyramid so the advantage they had was mostly taken. The high-grade spirit herbs on the island were common as flowers in a garden and there was not a single beast on the whole island this had made them somewhat happy but now even that benefit was taken by Core Forming stage experts.

Two days later, the barrier allowed all the cultivators below the Golden Core stage to enter or exit freely.

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