Psychic Inventor In Cultivation World

362 Chapter 356 : : The Five Forbidden Laws

"Let it out," Rex said with a smile yet not a smile, frankly speaking, as the artifact spirit of the tomb, Luna had the means to take care of them on the spot but she didn't have free will or permission to do that.

"Master doesn't get angry, Luna was told to bring high bloodline holder and wise talented challengers to the last trial as quickly as possible, Luna sensed both Master's bloodline and was surprised. Second Half-Master had the thinner bloodline of one of the Sacred Divine Beasts, The Unkillable Hydra and First Half-Master's bloodline was unknown but so pure that Luna felt she made a mistake," Luna said with her head down.

"And why do that? Come to think of it what was the way to pass the last trial, I failed to find any good way," Rex asked immediately. Hiding his bloodline from a tomb was unavoidable, his 4 Star Black Pendant cannot keep up with an artifact spirit in her domain.

"About that… It wasn't… Made to... Pass," Luna said in a very low tone.

Rex's eyes widened. He grabbed her chubby cheeks then pinched them.

"Ouch… Ahh... Master… It is hurting…, Luna says sorry," Luna flapped her wings like a butterfly caught up in a spider web.

'An artifact spirit is more realistic than I reckoned, it's way above a simple AI,' Rex thought then let go of her.

Her eyes became teary as she rubbed her swollen cheeks.

"Even though Luna did nothing wrong, Luna is still getting bullied," She muttered under her breath.

"Did you say something?" Rex raised his eyebrows.

"Er… No nothing," Luna fiercely shook her head.

"Now explain everything, from the start," Rex said, he realized that asking from the middle would make things more complicated, he understood Luna's meaning, according to her, when they entered the last trial they weren't meant to pass it but die there. But now that she wasn't attacking them it meant there was more to the situation than meets the eyes.

"Leave it to Luna, Luna will explain everything properly," She patted her chest and said with a smug face.

Rex didn't have much hope in this peculiar artifact spirit anymore but he didn't have much of a choice except trusting here. He took a long sofa, a paper bag filled with egg rolls he had brought around a week ago, and completed his preparation for the flashback after resting his head on Lerna's lap.

"You can start now," Rex waved his hand.

Luna's lips twitched but she still started explaining.

He wanted to create an immortal body for himself without worrying about falling into the true devil faction category. As the name suggests Ancient Chimera Sect was dedicated to the study of chimeras, whether it was making them or destroying them, this was why it caught his attention. Crimson Sun Monarch finally got his hands on the tomb, Yin Corpse Sect desired it too but they didn't even know where it was much less snatching it.

Later, Crimson Sun Monarch went into seclusion inside the tomb, he started his research that kept going for decades and even centuries, he experimented, he failed, then he experimented again. He not only completely digested all the knowledge left behind in the broken tomb on chimeras but he also created his own methods. He lived in shadows for a long time slowly gaining strength, his strength skyrocketed and when he made his debut again, he started to be known as Crimson Sun Emperor instead of Crimson Sun Monarch.

At that time, even Yin Corpse Sect could not move carelessly against him. they had to also remain careful of the federa.." Luna said with a serious expression,

"Little Luna, can you fast forward it a little? I don't mind if you skip it to the climax," Rex interrupted her and said, he wasn't interested in an evil cultivator's biography, if she had mentioned something about his research methods then Rex might have gotten curious but what good his deeds do to him.

Luna lightly snorted and continued.

"Yin Corpse Sect waited patiently, and finally got the opportunity to ambush him. On that day although Crimson Sun Emperor managed to escape alive, he received severe injuries. He had no choice but to take a risk and sneaked into the region of Saintess Kassandra, one of the five publicly recognized Divine Doctors of the whole Higher Realm.

The reason he chose her was not that she was nearest but because she was the most defenseless, Saintess Kassandra never joined any faction, the profit she made from treating others was also very low. Her behaviour in treating patients without any greed was what got her the title of Saintes.

Crimson Sun Emperor didn't lack any method to sneak or escape, he planned to kidnap her from her place and flee as soon as possible but just after finding her room he lost control over his body due to poison and fainted, he thought it was his end. but after three days he woke and found himself lying in her room.

Crimson Sun Emperor was shocked, he didn't understand what does the woman wanted with him? Was it the inheritance of the Ancient Chimera Sect? Or she struck a deal with Yin Corpse Sect. Although he was confused, he was still vigilant so he quietly fled from the place but after he gathered information outside, he was stunned. He found out that no one knew about him being at her place or getting treated, they were thinking that he had likely died.

He tried to forget this incident and live low key but his mind didn't let him, he wasn't used to such treatment, in the end, Crimson Sun Emperor again went to her place and asked why she treated her. At his question, Saintess Kissandra just smiled and said that she was a doctor and he was her patient so why would she need a reason to treat him? Crimson Sun Emperor was disappointed, it wasn't the answer he was looking for.

He quietly left her place that day but after a few months he came to her again with new injuries, Saintess Kissandra treated him without any problem, but it didn't end there the same thing happened soon after. Saintess Kissandra didn't doubt him at first but after a few times she realized that his injuries were self-harmed when she asked him why he was doing this, he directly denied doing it. On her continuous pestering, Crimson Sun Emperor sighed and proposed to her for marriage, after a moment of silence Saintess Kissandra accepted his feelings but rejected his proposal.

Crimson Sun Emperor wasn't surprised, the reason was obvious too, if the news got out then the only thing waited for both of them was suffering. It was the first time, Crimson Sun Emperor regretted being an evil faction follower and having such big fame. He gained strength but failed to win his only love.

But instead of giving up, he decided to change his ways, he didn't stop there and started secretly meeting her from time to time. Saintess Kissandra was reluctant but helpless, there was one thing that surprised her, Crimson Sun Emperor wished to trade her knowledge for his knowledge, her treasures for his treasures. He was intending to learn the art of healing instead of killing. Saintess Kissandra didn't refuse and taught him from the very foundation, with time their trust against each other increased, and their actions became much more intimate.

Crimson Sun Emperor started to bring Saintess Kissandra to his research hideout... The tomb, Saintess Kissandra helped him modify it and they researched together. After years they discovered something, they realized that if their techniques are mixed then it can create a completely new way of healing. They drew closer to each other and in that time they made a mistake, Saintess Kissandra got pregnant," Luna stretched her cheeks and said trying to make a solemn face.

Rex gave her a bored look, he wanted to speak when he felt Lerna holding his hand, he looked up and saw her slightly anxious face she looked like she was hearing some very touching romantic story.

'Seriously? That Crimson Sun Emperor wasted hundreds of years in coaxing a woman, he loved. Humph… Immature brat, he should learn from me, I got my lineage kid at my first meeting with my love,' Rex snorted.

"Crimson Sun Emperor couldn't think of a way to save the baby when Saintess Kissandra wanted to keep it. If she could give birth in 9 months then there was still a solution but it wasn't that easy for cultivators of their stage. Crimson Sun Emperor kept thinking about a good plan, unlike him Saintess Kissandra knew that they could die because of this, at that time she remembered that she didn't have a disciple whom she could pass on her legacy.

Every Divine Doctor had their own unique ways of treating, she was the same. She turned the research tomb into a new inheritance tomb, the inheritance wasn't hers alone but also Crimson Sun Emperor's. After she finished doing that, she stopped visiting the tomb, as expected the news about her getting pregnant leaked.

The news spread like a wildfire, everyone was curious as to who was the father of the child but not many disrespected her because she had the fame of a kind and honest healer. Nevertheless, this wasn't the same for everyone, especially the forces behind other Divine Doctors, normally if Saintess Kissandra who never had a disciple or organization behind her, goes old, she had to build an inheritance tomb, and an inheritance of a doctor would favour a doctor meaning the people from their faction had very high chances of inheriting her secret techniques.

But now that she is going to have a child, they can forget about the inheritance tomb, the news shook them and they hurriedly started their investigation. All these years, Crimson Sun Emperor didn't consider such a situation when meeting her so the clues of him being alive and meeting her were revealed.

Many factions teamed up including Yin Corpse Sect and didn't give up the opportunity to tarnish her reputation. Some even tried to use this chance to snatch the inheritance and finish her off but the federation intervened. They took her under their protection in the name of arrest, although the federation doesn't interface in personal grudges but they didn't want to see the fall of a Divine Doctor. The other factions were reluctant but no one wanted to go against the federation, so they directed their anger at Crimson Sun Emperor, his hideout, the tomb was found out with everyone's cooperation.

Crimson Sun Emperor was angry, unlike Saintess Kissandra he could see the greed and motive of these forces, but instead of revenge he gave priority to a different matter, he wanted to save the child and Saintess Kassandra who suffered because of him. Although the federation may be able to keep her alive but her freedom was taken away from her, and he hasn't even seen his child's face before its life was fallen into others' hands.

At that time Crimson Sun Emperor knew he was about to get attacked, he also knew that sooner or later they would figure out that Saintess Kissandra and his inheritance are here, that's why he turned the tomb into a honey trap to lure the geniuses of those factions and use their blood to strengthen his strongest creation… The Leech.

The Leech was then divided into five parts and weakened under restrictions, First-Master had just defeated the first segment of Leech. Which was unexpected.

Crimson Sun Emperor wanted to kill all the people that desired Saintess Kissandra's inheritance but he also loved her so he made a way for the inheritor and weakened the Leech, although the Leech was weakened it was still not something that anyone could defeat. According to him, only an evildoer who has managed to comprehend one of the Five Forbidden Laws can defeat the Leech… Or so he said," Luna said as she stared at Rex.

The muscles on Rex's face twitched.

"Now I'm at fault here? And Five Forbidden Laws my ass, if I knew even one of the Five Forbidden Laws then like hell I would come here to get this inheritance," Rex snorted.

There are many kinds of laws in this world, theoretically speaking the number of laws in the universe is unlimited.

But the known laws are categorized by people based on their difficulty and power.

Laws like Time Law, Space Law, and even the Shadow Law Zakiya comprehended for the first time can only come in the special law category.

This alone tells the difficulty of comprehending forbidden laws, they are called forbidden laws because if someone manages to comprehend them they will have to face Celestial tribulation even when it isn't the first time. They are called forbidden laws because Heavenly Dao doesn't want a mortal who could die once their lifespan is over to wield such laws.

All the laws that are ranked as forbidden ones are those that don't have a match against any other law and can only be faced with another forbidden law.

The Five Forbidden Laws are ranked as follows...

The fifth law... The Law Of Chaos.

The fourth law... The Law Of Void.

The third law... The Law Of Self.

The second law... The Law Of Destruction.

And at last,

The first law... The Law Of Creation.

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