Psychic Inventor In Cultivation World

363 Chapter 357 : : Forced Mission

The fifth law… The Law Of Chaos.

The fourth law… The Law Of Void.

The third law… The Law Of Self.

The second law… The Law Of Destruction.

And at last,

The first law… The Law Of Creation.

Law Of Chaos, the law that can give its user the power to control and disorder everything in the universe, throwing them in chaos regardless of the fact if it is physical or spiritual, dead or living, real or illusory… etc.

Law Of Void, a law that allows the user to have complete control over time and space, if someone is able to comprehend this law even to Small Accomplishments then teleporting between planets of the same galaxy would be easy as walking in the park.

Law Of Self, one of the most mysterious laws in the universe, people have almost to no accurate information about it. It is believed that the Law Of Self is related to the law that exists in every living being. The way they are born, they age and they die, this is the doing of Law Of Self. If someone can comprehend it then they can control themselves and wield a power unique to them. Controlling themselves in the sense that they can even control their own aging process achieving pseudo immortality on reaching complete mastery.

Law Of Destruction, there isn't a need to use many words to define this law, the simplest explanation would be… The law has the power to destroy anything in the universe and turning it into nothing.

Law Of Creation, a law that is the complete opposite of Law Of Destruction in nature… It's a law that lets the user wield the power to create anything out of nothing, even if it's life.

At first glance, Law Of Creation and Law Of Destruction may seem similar to Rex's Atomize but they aren't even worth comparing, making something using another thing by changing its atomic structure cannot be called creating out of nothing or destroying it to nothingness.

Luna innocently looked at the floor to avoid Rex's gaze.

"The challengers need to have comprehended one of the Five Forbidden Laws to clear this damn tomb? There is a limit to how delusional Crimson Sun Emperor can be, what is so special about this tomb? It's isn't even an Ancient Tomb now or do you think it has some Ancient Artifact humph," Rex's snorted.

Luna's eyes lit up.

"Yes, Luna says, the tomb does have an Ancient Artifact," She said with bright eyes.

"…" (Rex)

'I just blindly shot an arrow into the sky, how the fukk did I manage to hunt an sSs+ class Boss Monster?' He thought.

Although Rex was shocked but he kept his serious face.

"So what if it has an Ancient Artifact? Not every Ancient Artifact is so good, and how can they even compare with the Five Forbidden Laws," Rex said in a bad tone.

Luna's big round eyes became teary and she lowered her head.

Rex looked at her and bitterly laughed, he then turned to Luna and spoke.

"Little Luna tell my innocent lady how old are you?" He said in a polite tone.

Luna raised her head, her eyes shined, she felt she can easily answer this question. She raised both of her hands and started counting her fingers.

Lerna's heart almost melted at her cute reaction. She was about to reprimand Rex when Luna spoke.

"Luna is only 456 years old," She said in a sweet tone.

Lerna was stunned.

Rex chuckled and gently patted Luna's head.

"Once born, artifact spirits are almost immortal, until their core artifact is destroyed they keep on living so don't decide her age just by her appearance, she said that Crimson Sun Emperor found the broken tomb of Ancient Chimera Sect which meant that the mechanism array was still there even if it was broken, it won't be a surprise if the core artifact in the tomb's mechanism already had sentiments at that time and she was born after the time Crimson Sun Emperor repaired it.

And yeah, don't get confused, the age she said is from the time that artifact's sentiment turned into an artifact spirit.

But her appearance is that of a girl, so I believe she is either born before Crimson Sun Emperor found the tomb or after Saintess Kissandra shared the ownership and started to modify it," Rex said.

[Or maybe that guy was a reincarnated criminal, FBI is searching for?]

Rex's lips twitched.

Luna nodded.

"Luna was born when Crimson Sun Emperor and Saintess Kissandra modified the tomb and shared the ownership, that's why Luna can never have a single owner, Luna can only have two Masters," Luna said in a cheerful tone.

"I get it, so continue where we left. That Crimson Sun Emperor made this test to kill almost all the challengers so why are we safe and sound here? You can't possibly decide for yourself until he gave you such command," Rex asked with a serious expression.

"Oh, so Luna was saying, there was another reason why Crimson Sun Emperor made the test so tough it was because what he wanted cannot be done by any of the genius raised into a safe zone. He himself grew on his own that's why he was aware of the fact that how much courage and strength is needed to complete this task. Both of you are Luna's Half Master, First Half-Master, and Second Half-Master but you are not complete Masters.

After Crimson Sun Emperor finished making the trap in a hurry, he used one of the three last remaining Grand Teleportation Spell to teleport the tomb into space. If the tomb was left in Higher Realm then there was a chance that someday people would found out about his trap and would try to destroy the tomb from outside together so he teleported it into space towards the location of the Middle Realm.

Just as he planned, the gravitational force of the Middle Realm pulled the tomb in and now the tomb is here. Unlike the Higher Realm where some strong powerhouses had ways to destroy the tomb, they couldn't do anything in the Middle Realm because they have to seal their cultivation base they come here. As for the tomb, its walls and mechanism will be the same as before, the power of arrays might decrease but its most basic defense has become its strongest point here. So they will have no choice but to explore and try to clear the tomb to get the treasures," Luna said.

"I see, it was a smart move, but there is something I am confused about, why Middle Realm and not Lower Realm? In Lower Realm the tomb will become more powerful or maybe that so-called Grand Teleportation Scroll's teleportation range wasn't enough to teleport it there," Rex asked.

Rex didn't ask why Crimson Sun Emperor didn't directly teleport it into Middle Realm instead of outside it because he knew that one cannot teleport anything to a place they haven't visited before, this is the rule of teleportation scroll that doesn't have predefined coordinates like the one that belonged to Zakiya, but the advantage is that this type of teleportation scroll can be used to teleport anywhere as long as it is in range and the user has visited that place.

Grand Teleportation Scrolls are an ancient product, although their value is lower because of one-time expenditure use but they are just as rare as Ancient Teleportation Portal and they are not used to teleport just one person but the whole Sky Ships, army, and even monuments.

"No, the range wasn't the problem, the thing is Crimson Sun Emperor had heard that the current Sword Emperor was from Middle Realm, and the Lightening Ryujin Saint is also from Middle Realm so he believed that compared to Lower Realm where the best cultivators could do was just fly, the tomb had more chances to find an Evil Doer in the Middle Realm," Luna explained.

"So that's how it was, by the way, you said we are half masters so how can we become… Wait don't tell me, Yess- I mean Shit!" Rex said as he looked at Lerna with a 'helpless' expression.

"What do you mean?" Lerna asked with a confused expression.

"Oh, my sweet Lerna don't you understand? She probably means we need to become one in body and soul to be accepted as true Masters," Rex said with a firm expression and placed both of his hands on her cheeks.

Lerna was stunned, she didn't understand the meaning behind his words but as he held her face and pulled her closer she felt her heartbeat rising. In normal circumstances, Rex would have received a punch in the stomach and slammed into the wall but right now she felt completely powerless, her Calamity Lord strength seemed to have disappeared without a trace.

"Er... No, Master… You misunderstood-" Luna covered her face with both of her hands and said while looking at them through the wide gap between her fingers.

"She… She is saying something," Lerna said with a red face as she pushed back Rex and increased the distance he had shortened before. Doing something like that in front of the child-like Luna was just too much for her.

'Tch, let's solve the matter at hand first,' Rex thought and held back.

Luna removed her hands covering her face with a slightly disappointed look then spoke.

"Luna says there are two ways for both Half-Masters to become Luna's complete Masters. Both Half-Masters has to sign a contract, once the contract is signed both of you will become Luna's complete Masters and gain access to everything Luna has to offer," Luna said as she folded her hands in front of her chest.

Rex raised his brows.

"You just said everything you have to offer, did you mean the whole tomb… And not just his legacy?" Rex asked in a slightly shocked tone.

Until now he thought that this tomb is slightly different, so the artifact spirit will let them have one of the eight precious treasures around, as a result, they have to inherit Crimson Sun Emperor's legacy or Saintess Kissandra's legacy but they were definitely not the only ones. After they leave and once someone manages to somehow clear the tomb than they too will earn the treasures.

[Woah! Isn't it your lucky day? You got eight big treasures in one shot, I say the trip was worth it,]

Luna's words didn't make him happy instead Rex frowned deeply.

'Don't be an idiot Rose, no one in this world is so generous as to give so many treasures that easily especially someone who was once a genius of an evil faction. He wanted an evildoer who can clear this tomb and now he is offering the whole tomb, the thing Crimson Sun Emperor wants me to do isn't simple.

If he wants something like going against the federation that it's a pipe dream, I don't know much about the federation but from what Zakiya had once said, the Federation is like the brain of Higher Realm while Star Guardian Sect is like the heart.

If we try to go against anyone of them just because of these treasures then it isn't worth it, federation is something that can maintain the power balance between Ancient Sects. Going against them at our current strength is like using an egg to break the rock,' Rex said solemnly.

"What is in the contract?" Rex asked with a serious expression.

"Once the contract is signed, according to the contract you have to complete one of the two requests. The first request is for you to build a near-perfect humanoid body that has at least the same potential as a divine beast after inheriting Crimson Sun Emperor's knowledge from the tomb. The period to complete it is 100 years.

The second way is to help Saintess Kissandra regain her freedom, save her child, and protect both of them for the next five hundred years, during this time you have to take care of their every need and guarantee their safety for the future when his son/daughter is married," Luna said with a brilliant smile.

"He is still alive?" Lerna was surprised.

"Just asking, if I refuse, can me and my innocent wife leave this tomb?" Rex asked as soon as she finished.

Luna was speechless.

She then shook her head.

"According to the orders Luna was given, if the winner challenger refuses to sign the contract then Luna has to imprison and keep them until they agree. Don't worry Luna will fully take care of all your needs but Luna won't let you leave, Luna can't do anything because Luna is only following orders so don't hate Luna, okay?" Luna said with an innocent look.

[Sudden Mission Alert!]

[Main Mission:-

Type: Forced

Grade: SS+

Description: Your greed and curiosity have turned you into a prisoner. It's time to make up for your needs, go and accept the mission you ask why? Because you don't have a choice.

Competition Conditions: Fulfill the contract.

Reward: A Tomb with an Artifact Spirit together with the Enemies of Crimson Sun Emperor.

Penalty: Extreme Soul Damage or Death.

Remark: You dug your own doom]

[Would you like to accept the mission: Yes]

'Fukk You!' Rex screamed inwardly.

The Crimson Sun Emperor wants him to do something in 100 years that he wasn't able to do in his lifetime. As for the second option, even the federation used the excuse of arresting to protect Saintess Kissandra and who knows if they have kept her baby alive.

Rex liked to help people in need and if Saintess Kissandra was the same type of person Luna said she was and if she was from the Middle Realm, he would have tried to save her without the request but with a time limit and enough operation, everything got messed up.

His plan to stay in the Middle Realm and enjoy his life to the limit for hundreds of years without ascending has turned into nothing. He was worried about assassins from the upper realm but once he achieves success in his current researches like Project Life or gets the Leech then what type of assassins can hurt him in the Middle Realm?

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