Psychic Inventor In Cultivation World

364 Chapter 358 : : Fate Sharing Ring

'If I wait then the teacher would probably come to help me, but she too cannot use her full strength to save me. Furthermore, what if this Crimson Sun Emperor also gave Luna orders like kill the winning challenger if the tomb is in danger or something like that,' Rex thought.

Rex didn't think that Zakiya can easily break the contract this time, can someone like Crimson Sun Emperor who did so deep planning leave such a loophole? The contract probably wasn't that simple.

"Where is Crimson Sun Emperor right now? And what is his current state?" Rex asked.

"Luna was told to not bring anyone near him until they become Luna's Masters, but Luna can tell you what is his condition. Crimson Sun Emperor received severe injuries when fighting enemies teleporting the tomb away, in the end, he had to resort to using the Forbidden Chimera Transformation Art of Ancient Chimera Sect to hold them back and escape.

All Forbidden Techniques comes with a price, the Forbidden Chimera Transformation Art destroyed his physical body from the core, after he succeeded in escaping, he sealed himself inside the Ice Blood Coffin, his soul is resting inside that treasure artifact right now.

Once you create a new body using the knowledge of Chimera Sect, he will have one chance to take over the soulless body and seize it, even if he fails the contract will be completed and you would be free," Luna said.

"You said that as long as I fulfill one request the contract will be completed, then what if I complete the second request, complete the contract and kill the Crimson Sun Emperor," Rex asked.

"Before Crimson Sun Emperor sealed himself into Ice Blood Coffin he told Luna that if someday somebody asks this question then answer it like this, if you help me achieve my goal and make up for my mistakes then I won't mind even if you throw away my corpse into the deepest part of the abyss," Luna said.

'So the love for their child can even turn a demon into a human, then again even evil faction has heroes and righteous faction villains,' Rex thought.

"I want to see these treasures first before making a decision," Rex sighed and said.

Luna smiled like a blooming flower, she flapped her shining white wings and flew to the closest pillar on the left.

"Leave it to Luna, let's start with this one," Luna said while patting her chest.

The stone stand inside the light pillar had the golden flower enigma meaning it was Saintess Kissandra's inheritance. A book with a golden cover and a flower enigma carved onto its surface was floating above the stand.

'She was probably a homeroom teacher on earth before getting reborn here,' Rex thought.

Luna moved to another pillar. This one had a small pill with a Yin-Yang pattern made of white and black colour.

"This is 6th Star lost Yin-Yang Reversal Pill, it can be used by anyone regardless of cultivation base, race, or age. Whether a newborn baby uses it or a hunch back old man, once used they will advance or return to the peak period of their life depending on their race," Luna said.

When the word 'lost' is added to a pill then it means that its recipe or things needed to make it are extinct or lost and it cannot be made again.

'It increases lifespan or decreases it?' Rex asked.

"It doesn't affect the user's lifespan in any way, it just turns them to peak youth stage of their race. It transforms their vitality, increasing their battle power, for instance, an old person has trouble moving and had less stamina but after taking it they will return to their peak period," Luna said.

'What a strange but useful pill, one can directly turn the old and young into soldier like materials, with its help raising an army of youth out of old men isn't a problem, moreover, it can be used on anyone. This Saintes Kissandra had quite good things with her no wonder other people chased her like wolves,' Rex thought.

Luna moved to the third pillar, an apple size golden juicy fruit was floating inside it.

"This is 7 Star Enlightenment Bodhi Fruit, once consumed the user would have 70% chance to gain enlightenment, the effect lasts for three days, the number and type of enlightenment depend on that user's comprehension ability," Luna said.

'Trash,' Rex thought.

[Complete Trash,]

Luna arrived near the last pillar on the left side, this time she seeped pretty excited she had a prideful look on her face as she pointed at the platinum ring floating inside the light pillar.

"This is the Ancient Artifact I was talking about, the «Fate Sharing Ring». It was the treasure Crimson Sun Emperor found when he explored this tomb for the first time, yes it's the treasure of the Ancient Chimera Sect. But after discovering the note and gaining some information about the ring he realized that it wasn't useful for him, later when he fell in love with Saintess Kissandra he gifted her this ring but due to circumstances she too didn't use it and decided to add it into her inheritances," Luna said.

Rex curiously looked at the ring inside.

Ancient Artifacts, just as the name says they are like the Treasure Artifacts of the lost era.

The name may seem similar but there are various differences between Ancient Artifacts and Treasure Artifacts.

In Treasure Artifacts, if the host dies then the artifact gets destroyed with them and if they want to leave it for someone else to inherit then they can separate it from their body but doing so will result in the degradation of the Treasure Artifact to their initial grade, the same grade they had when they were refined for the first time.

In Ancient Artifact, once the artifact accepts its host, it will be eternally connected to its host until their death. One Ancient Artifact cannot have two owners, their powers are also mysterious and most importantly Ancient Artifacts doesn't have a grading system like Treasure Artifacts.

Their strength depends on the user and the user alone. If the user is weak they are weak and if the user is strong they are strong.

"I have limited information on «Fate Sharing Ring», according to what I know as the name says you can share anything with your fated, trusted, and loving companion.

The thing and amount you can share depends on your trust with your partner and the strength of the artifact, the user of the artifact can decide if the sharing is temporary or permanent," Luna said.

Rex tilted his head in confusion, it was a very vague explanation but he still didn't ask more because it's almost impossible to predict the accurate effect of an Ancient Artifact before equipping it. After all, the effects can change depending on the host it gets.

Luna then flew to the other side and introduced the long silver blade floating inside the light pillar.

"This is 6 Star Treasure Artifact known as Nirvana Sun Blade, it was the main weapon of Crimson Sun Emperor, this blade's true strength can only be shown when the user is a flame wielder, it is an enhance type weapon that enhances the power of your flame," Luna said the excitedly flew to the next pillar without waiting for Rex to respond.

She had already switched to her salesmen mode.

The second light pillar had a golden scroll floating inside it.

"This is the Brilliant Sun God Scripture, the main cultivation technique of Crimson Sun Emperor, it's a special cultivation technique that can help you acquire Brilliant Sun Body on reaching Return To Nature state," Luna said then flew to the next light pillar.

A book similar to the «Book Of Cure» was floating inside it but its cover was made of dark purple material and a skull was carved onto its surface, the skull was not of a human, it looked mostly human-like but there was a vertical eye slot at the forehead.

"This is «Forbidden Legacy Of Godly Chimera», the treasure of the Ancient Chimera Sect that stores several secret techniques of the sect related to the study of chimeras," Luna said, she then flew to the last pillar.

A cuboid-shaped black wooden box was floating in the air, when Luna pointed her finger at it, the box opened and revealed the content, it had three fist-size blood red oval stone-like things together with a metallic sheet scroll inside it.

"Ta~ Da~ Last but not the least, Sacred Blood Baby Seed Formula with three Sacred Blood Baby Seeds," Luna said in a cheerful tone.

Rex slightly frowned.

He had heard about something similar, known as Blood Baby Seed in the Middle Realm.

Blood Baby Seed is mainly used for making clones but the method of making them is highly orthodox, just one Blood Baby Seed requires the blood of masses to refine. In the past, some evil cultivators even provoked the war between two kingdoms and used the blood of soldiers who died on the battlefield to refine it.

In evil path, using Blood Baby Seed is the best cloning method for anyone, because even if the refiner doesn't have much talent they can still refine a clone with 50% strength and lower intellectual abilities, but refining it is a long process and its lifespan would only be 30% that of user moreover the user had to severe a part of their soul and give it to the clone to complete refining which is not something many would like to do.

Furthermore, although the memory and taste of the clone can be controlled while refining, it will only absorb a part of the host's personality when the soul part is installed into it. The biggest problem is that the resources it needs to cultivate are twice the host.

"Is it the same as Sacred Blood Baby Seed?" Rex asked.

"No, Sacred Blood Baby Seed refining formula is something Crimson Sun Emperor made after combining his knowledge from Forbidden Legacy Of Godly Chimera, Yin Corpse Sect and the healing techniques from Saintess Kissandra.

It's an upgraded version of Sacred Blood Baby Seed, the clone produced will have 90% of the host's strength, it's thinking and decision-making capabilities will be far superior to the normal clone and its lifespan would be around 70% of the host. It's the biggest plus point is still it's intelligence because just like the host it's intelligence can grow," Luna said with a prideful expression.

Rex's raised his eyebrow.

"If it was that awesome then why didn't Crimson Sun Emperor used a few like that when battle his enemies," Rex said.

Luna's face instantly fell.

"Ahem... The formula is still being perfected, right now it has some flaws," She said with an embarrassed look.

"Oh, what kind of flaws?" Rex asked in amusement.

"Well, after refining each clone the host would lose 2 sub-stages, and the resources the clones need to cultivate are thrice as the host. Crimson Sun Emperor couldn't afford to lose his strength at such a critical moment, he had once stopped making it in the middle when he decided to change his path, later he restarted his research to improve the recipe so that he can make a clone of Saintess Kissandra against her wishes and save her but he was out of time," Luna said.

Rex nodded he wasn't surprised that such a good thing had weakness like that and for him that weakness wasn't much, actually he would have been really excited after getting so many treasures but for now he was worried about the contract, the biggest problem about the contract were the enemies of Crimson Sun Emperor that may come looking for the tomb in the future.

He turned and looked at Lerna who was taking her time in observing all the treasures slowly.

"Luna is it fine if I give you my answer later on, I'm a little tired because of the journey here, I would like to rest for today and take my time in making a decision," Rex said with a smile.

"Leave it to Luna," Luna said, she snapped her fingers, in the next second both of them disappeared from their place together with her.

When they appeared again, Rex realized they were in a big room, in fact, big would be an understatement as the room even had a private pool with ornamental fishes swimming inside it.

All the walls of the room were covered in long white curtains, the bed was twice as big compared to any king-size bed, a pleasant fragrance capable of making the residents drunk was mixed in the air.

The mini pool in front of the bed had a faint layer of steam above it, showing that the water inside was hot, but even so, the fishes swimming inside didn't seem uncomfortable with it.

"Thanks, Luna," Rex nodded in satisfaction, the room was up to his liking.

"Fu~ Fu~ Fu~ Of course, Luna is always the best, now Luna would be leaving to check the condition of the tomb and manage it, once Half-Masters make the decision, you can call Luna," Luna said in a haughty tone then her body shined and disintegrates into small specks of light that disappeared into the void.

Rex then looked at Lerna who was curiously looking at the fishes in the pond and his lips curled upwards.

Lerna raised her head, for some reason she felt her heart getting restless.

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