[Rex why did you buy Lesser-Regeneration when i can heal you way faster than it]

'i already checked how your so called healing works,,,there are three reason for me buying Lesser-Regeneration

firstly i checked how your healing works… you do not heal the injury but you actually reconstruct the whole body part which is injured..you view my body as an model whose broken part can be replaced by new one… in my case you stimulate my body cells to divide and regenerate at a very high speed using SE Points

although you can recover my injury like that but it comes with consuming the extra nutrients in my body and i have those extra nutrients because i usually eat food unlike other cultivators it means if i do not eat food than this ability will consume vitality instead of nutrients…and even if i can recover vitality why should i waste it casually

and the second reason is that its too eye catching i should use it as a last straw…

as for third reason.. it uses SE Points..we do not lack SE Points but just depending on them is not a good thing and lesser regeneration uses Qi to work it might be very weak for now but skills can be advanced so we shouldn't doubt its potential'(Rex)

[you are too cautious]

'sigh..although your computing power even surpasses Quantum Computer but still you are just like a newborn child..pure and innocent… but its good that you are like that..'(Rex)

[i do not posses any emotions though..that's why i only imitate yours]

'don't worry someday i will give you a good upgrade….this is not Earth there are countless things which we don't know off…..here even becoming a Immortal is possible….than modifying you further shouldn't be that hard'(Rex)


Rex didn't talk anymore and focused on the road ahead


Higher Realm....

General Branch of Sura Clan….

In a certain big hall a woman was sitting on a king size bad…

she had milky white skin her body looked like it was carved out of jade her figure was in a perfect proportion, she had long silky white hairs and black eyes….she was wearing a white gown which covered most of her body but it did not hide her charm instead it increased her charm in a different way

her temperament made her look like a goddess that descended in the mortal world

but on a closer look one would notice her big belly which was a sign of pregnancy

her hand was on her belly she was gently rubbing it with a faint smile on her face

"Saintess….. Lord, Young Master and Young Miss is coming here"a voice came out of nowhere

"hmm.. let them in..by the way how much he lose today"she ask with her attention still on her belly

"not much…today for some reason the Lord gave up easily and only lose 100000 top grade spirit stone and 1000 elemental crystals"

"oh.. really did he placed all money on one bet than lose it so he gave up today"the lady asked in surprise

"eh..no actually he baited ten times and lose ten times in a row hence making a new losing streak"

the lady *facepalmed

'how could he suck that much at gambling…and even more when he likes it so much…'she thought

"you can now leave"she said

after she said that.. a gust of wind passed by her like someone just ran past her

after a while three people entered the hall

the first one was a mature man he had a well built body with black hairs he had eyes sharp as a swords the aura he carried around him had a hint of dominance and suppression

but the second his eyes fell on the lady that aura disappeared without a trace and he plastered a smile on his face

soon a man younger than him followed behind his facial features were similar to the man he followed behind except the fact that he carried a iron sword on his back

sword cultivators normally carry sword on their back even if they have storage ring because it helps them increase their familiarity with the sword

after these two.. a girl entered the hall…she looked similar to the lady..she also has long white hairs and milky white skin…but she had very cold temperament unlike the lady on the bed

but the other three did not get bothered with her temperament like they were used to it

"ohh…. so how much you lose today"the lady asked in a soft voice while looking towards the man

although the tone was soft but the man's body trembled for a second but he regained his composure in another second

"honey.. what are you talking about….didn't i told you i don't gamble any more"the man said with an resolute face

the lady shook her head sideways

"that aside….did you find him"she asked

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